Unit test Bug Tracking - unit-testing

During the process of building software applications, you would start testing what you have built in stages even before it is complete and you could start seeing issues/bugs. How do you track them, Do you use your regular bug tracking tool to add them as issues(waste of time - since it is a work in progress), just have them in your head to fix later, or have a simple text list.
What would be an efficient way to make sure that whatever you have found is eventually fixed as development progresses? Are there any tiny tools to do that?

What I usually do is the following:
Gauge the size of the bug/issue
If it's too big, create an issue in the bug tracker.
If it's small enough, write a failing unit test and then come back to it after I've finished the original functionality.

I've found that the simplest and most efficient way to track tasks of all types (todos, work items, bugs, etc ...) is to use a single system. Typically a bug tracking system. This allows you to see all of the work remaining on your project in a single place.
Having multiple tracking systems almost always results in lost data. People eventually pick different systems, don't tell people about the system they are on, lose the piece of paper which has the list of work items, etc ...
Most bug tracking systems allow you to categorize your bugs so it's easy to distinguish the type of work remaining as well.

Make sure you CI tools such as CruiseControl.NET run unit tests as part of the build. This will cause the build shown as broken when unit test fails and the person who last checked in will be responsible for fixing it.


Automated testing in RPG (or other ILE languages)

we have quite a lot of RPG-programs here, and we do a lot of automated testing, but we are not very good yet in combining those two. Are there good ways to do automated testing on RPG programs -- or on any other ILE programs for that matter?
I am aware of a project named RPGUnit, but that has it's last update in 2007. However, it seems it is still used, since RPG Next Gen is currently putting some work in including it.
What's you experience with those? Is there something else, that I am missing, like some great sofware tool google fails to find?
I'm interested in unit testing as well as integration testing of complete projects. Anything that integrates with tools like jenkins is welcome. If it involves IBM's Rational Developer or System i Navigator, that's okay, too.
We are in an early phase of creating new testing plans for our RPG development process, and I don't want it, to head in the wrong direction right from the start.
You probably already know how broad a subject 'testing' can be. IBM have a product called Rational Function Tester (I haven't used it) http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/tester/functional/ I myself use RPGUnit. No, it hasn't been updated recently but it still has all the pieces needed for testing subprocedures in the same way one would test Java methods.
Frankly, that's the easy part. The hard part is creating a test database and keeping it current enough to be representative of the production database. Rodin have some database tooling but I haven't the budget for those, so I roll my own more or less by hand. I use many SQL statements in a CL program to extract production data so I can maintain referential integrity. Then I use some more SQL to add my exceptional test cases - those relationships which aren't present in the production data but need to be tested for. Then I make a complete copy of the test database as a reference point. Then I run my test cases, which will update the test database. I've written a home grown CMPPFM utility that will allow me to compare the reference database against the now modified test database. This will show changes, but it still needs a lot of manual labour to review the comparisons to ensure that the proper rows got the proper updates. I haven't gone the extra mile to automate that yet. One big caveat is there are some columns you don't care about, like a change timestamp.
We went with RPGUNIT, and found it a good base to work from, but ended up extending it a lot to tie in with our Change Management system, and the way we work. I've written about the things we tried here: http://www.littlebluemonkey.com/blog/my-rpg-unit-test-journey

How can I guarantee all unit tests pass before committing?

We've had problems recently where developers commit code to SVN that doesn't pass unit tests, fails to compile on all platforms, or even fails to compile on their own platform. While this is all picked up by our CI server (Cruise Control), and we've instituted processes to try to stop it from happening, we'd really like to be able to stop the rogue commits from happening in the first place.
Based on a few other questions around here, it seems to be a Bad Idea™ to force this as a pre-commit hook on the server side mostly due to the length of time required to build + run the tests. I did some Googling and found this (all devs use TortoiseSVN):
Which would solve at least two of the problems (it wouldn't build on Unix), but it doesn't reject the commit if it fails. So my questions:
Is there a way to make a pre-commit hook in TortoiseSVN cause the commit to fail?
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do in general?
There is absolutely no reason why your pre-commit hook can't run the Unit tests! All your pre-commit hook has to do is:
Checkout the code to a working directory
Compile everything
Run all the unit tests
Then fail the hook if the unit tests fail.
It's completely possible to do. And, afterwords, everyone in your development shop will hate your guts.
Remember that in a pre-commit hook, the entire hook has to complete before it can allow the commit to take place and control can be returned to the user.
How long does it take to do a build and run through the unit tests? 10 minutes? Imagine doing a commit and sitting there for 10 minutes waiting for your commit to take place. That's the reason why you're told not to do it.
Your continuous integration server is a great place to do your unit testing. I prefer Hudson or Jenkins over CruiseControl. They're easier to setup, and their webpage are more user friendly. Even better they have a variety of plugins that can help.
Developers don't like it to be known that they broke the build. Imagine if everyone in your group got an email stating you committed bad code. Wouldn't you make sure your code was good before you committed it?
Hudson/Jenkins have some nice graphs that show you the results of the unit testing, so you can see from the webpage what tests passed and failed, so it's very clear exactly what happened. (CruiseControl's webpage is harder for the average eye to parse, so these things aren't as obvious).
One of my favorite Hudson/Jenkins plugin is the Continuous Integration Game. In this plugin, users are given points for good builds, fixing unit tests, and creating more passed unit tests. They lose points for bad builds and breaking unit tests. There's a scoreboard that shows all the developer's points.
I was surprised how seriously developers took to it. Once they realized that their CI game scores were public, they became very competitive. They would complain when the build server itself failed for some odd reason, and they lost 10 points for a bad build. However, the number of failed unit tests dropped way, way down, and the number of unit tests that were written soared.
There are two approaches:
In my experience, #1 can only get you so far.
So the solution is probably tools. In your case, the obstacle is Subversion. Replace it with a DVCS like Mercurial or Git. That will allow every developer to work on their own branch without the merge nightmares of Subversion.
Every once in a while, a developer will mark a feature or branch as "complete". That is the time to merge the feature branch into the main branch. Push that into a "staging" repository which your CI server watches. The CI server can then pull the last commit(s), compile and test them and only if this passes, push them to the main repository.
So the loop is: main repo -> developer -> staging -> main.
There are many answers here which give you the details. Start here: Mercurial workflow for ~15 developers - Should we use named branches?
[EDIT] So you say you don't have the time to solve the major problems in your development process ... I'll let you guess how that sounds to anyone... ;-)
Anyway ... Use hg convert to get a Mercurial repo out of your Subversion tree. If you have a standard setup, that shouldn't take much of your time (it will just need a lot of time on your computer but it's automatic).
Clone that repo to get a work repo. The process works like this:
Develop in your second clone. Create feature branches for that.
If you need changes from someone, convert into the first clone. Pull from that into your second clone (that way, you always have a "clean" copy from subversion just in case you mess up).
Now merge the Subversion branch (default) and your feature branch. That should work much better than with Subversion.
When the merge is OK (all the tests run for you), create a patch from a diff between the two branches.
Apply the patch to a local checkout from Subversion. It should apply without problems. If it doesn't, you can clean your local checkout and repeat. No chance to lose work here.
Commit the changes in subversion, convert them back into repo #1 and pull into repo #2.
This sounds like a lot of work but within a week, you'll come up with a script or two to do most of the work.
When you notice someone broke the build (tests aren't running for you anymore), undo the merge (hg clean -C) and continue to work on your working feature branch.
When your colleagues complain that someone broke the build, tell them that you don't have a problem. When people start to notice that your productivity is much better despite all the hoops that you've got to jump, mention "it would be much more simple if we would scratch SVN".
The best thing to do is to work to improve the culture of your team, so that each developer feels enough of a commitment to the process that they'd be ashamed to check in without making sure it works properly, in whatever ways you've all agreed.

Why should one use a build system over that which is included as part of an IDE?

I've heard more than one person say that if your build process is clicking the build button, than your build process is broken. Frequently this is accompanied with advice to use things like make, cmake, nmake, MSBuild, etc. What exactly do these tools offer that justifies manually maintaining a separate configuration file?
EDIT: I'm most interested in answers that would apply to a single developer working on a ~20k line C++ project, but I'm interested in the general case as well.
EDIT2: It doesn't look like there's one good answer to this question, so I've gone ahead and made it CW. In response to those talking about Continuous Integration, yes, I understand completely when you have many developers on a project having CI is nice. However, that's an advantage of CI, not of maintaining separate build scripts. They are orthogonal: For example, Team Foundation Build is a CI solution that uses Visual Studio's project files as it's configuration.
Aside from continuous integration needs which everyone else has already addressed, you may also simply want to automate some other aspects of your build process. Maybe it's something as simple as incrementing a version number on a production build, or running your unit tests, or resetting and verifying your test environment, or running FxCop or a custom script that automates a code review for corporate standards compliance. A build script is just a way to automate something in addition to your simple code compile. However, most of these sorts of things can also be accomplished via pre-compile/post-compile actions that nearly every modern IDE allows you to set up.
Truthfully, unless you have lots of developers committing to your source control system, or have lots of systems or applications relying on shared libraries and need to do CI, using a build script is probably overkill compared to simpler alternatives. But if you are in one of those aforementioned situations, a dedicated build server that pulls from source control and does automated builds should be an essential part of your team's arsenal, and the easiest way to set one up is to use make, MSBuild, Ant, etc.
One reason for using a build system that I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned is flexibility. In the past, I also used my IDE's built-in build system to compile my code. I ran into a big problem, however, when the IDE I was using was discontinued. My ability to compile my code was tied to my IDE, so I was forced to re-do my entire build system. The second time around, though, I didn't make the same mistake. I implemented my build system via makefiles so that I could switch compilers and IDEs at will without needing to re-implement the build system yet again.
I encountered a similar problem at work. We had an in-house utility that was built as a Visual Studio project. It's a fairly simple utility and hasn't needed updating for years, but we recently found a rare bug that needed fixing. To our dismay, we found out that the utility was built using a version of Visual Studio that was 5-6 versions older than what we currently have. The new VS wouldn't read the old-version project file correctly, and we had to re-create the project from scratch. Even though we were still using the same IDE, version differences broke our build system.
When you use a separate build system, you are completely in control of it. Changing IDEs or versions of IDEs won't break anything. If your build system is based on an open-source tool like make, you also don't have to worry about your build tools being discontinued or abandoned because you can always re-build them from source (plus fix bugs) if needed. Relying on your IDE's build system introduces a single point of failure (especially on platforms like Visual Studio that also integrate the compiler), and in my mind that's been enough of a reason for me to separate my build system and IDE.
On a more philosophical level, I'm a firm believer that it's not a good thing to automate away something that you don't understand. It's good to use automation to make yourself more productive, but only if you have a firm understanding of what's going on under the hood (so that you're not stuck when the automation breaks, if for no other reason). I used my IDE's built-in build system when I first started programming because it was easy and automatic. I later started to become more aware that I didn't really understand what was happening when I clicked the "compile" button. I did a little reading and started to put together a simple build script from scratch, comparing my output to that of the IDE's build system. After a while I realized that I now had the power to do all sorts of things that were difficult or impossible through the IDE. Customizing the compiler's command-line options beyond what the IDE provided, I was able to produce a smaller, slightly faster output. More importantly, I became a better programmer by having real knowledge of the entire development process from writing code all the way down through the generation of machine language. Understanding and controlling the entire end-to-end process allows me to optimize and customize all of it to the needs of whatever project I'm currently working on.
If you have a hands-off, continuous integration build process it's going to be driven by an Ant or make-style script. Your CI process will check the code out of version control when changes are detected onto a separate build machine, compile, test, package, deploy, and create a summary report.
Let's say you have 5 people working on the same set of code. Each of of those 5 people are making updates to the same set of files. Now you may click the build button and you know that you're code works, but what about when you integrate it with everyone else. The only you'll know is that if you get everyone else's and try. This is easy every once in a while, but it quickly becomes tiresome to do this over and over again.
With a build server that does it automatically, it checks if the code compiles for everyone all the time. Everyone always knows if the something is wrong with the build, and what the problem is, and no one has to do any work to figure it out. Small things add up, it may take a couple of minutes to pull down the latest code and try and compile it, but doing that 10-20 times a day quickly becomes a waste of time, especially if you have multiple people doing it. Sure you can get by without it, but it is so much easier to let an automated process do the same thing over and over again, then having a real person do it.
Here's another cool thing too. Our process is setup to test all the sql scripts as well. Can't do that with pressing the build button. It reloads snapshots of all the databases it needs to apply patches to and runs them to make sure that they all work, and run in the order they are supposed to. The build server is also smart enough to run all the unit tests/automation tests and return the results. Making sure it can compile is fine, but with an automation server, it can handle many many steps automatically that would take a person maybe an hour to do.
Taking this a step further, if you have an automated deployment process along with the build server, the deployment is automatic. Anyone who can press a button to run the process and deploy can move code to qa or production. This means that a programmer doesn't have to spend time doing it manually, which is error prone. When we didn't have the process, it was always a crap shoot as to whether or not everything would be installed correctly, and generally it was a network admin or a programmer who had to do it, because they had to know how to configure IIS and move the files. Now even our most junior qa person can refresh the server, because all they need to know is what button to push.
the IDE build systems I've used are all usable from things like Automated Build / CI tools so there is no need to have a separate build script as such.
However on top of that build system you need to automate testing, versioning, source control tagging, and deployment (and anything else you need to release your product).
So you create scripts that extend your IDE build and do the extras.
One practical reason why IDE-managed build descriptions are not always ideal has to do with version control and the need to integrate with changes made by other developers (ie. merge).
If your IDE uses a single flat file, it can be very hard (if not impossible) to merge two project files into one. It may be using a text-based format, like XML, but XML it notoriously hard with standard diff/merge tools. Just the fact that people are using a GUI to make edits makes it more likely that you end up with unnecessary changes in the project files.
With distributed, smaller build scripts (CMake files, Makefiles, etc.), it can be easier to reconcile changes to project structure just like you would merge two source files. Some people prefer IDE project generation (using CMake, for example) for this reason, even if everyone is working with the same tools on the same platform.

Is anyone actually successfully using MSTest across the team?

I've been using MSTest so far for my unit-tests, and found that it would sometimes randomly break my builds for no reason. The builds would fail in VS but compile fine in MSBuild - with error like 'option strict does not allow IFoo to cast to type IFoo'. I believe I have finally fixed it, but after the bug coming back and struggling to make it go away again, and little help from MS, it left a bad taste in my mouth. I also noticed when looking at this forum and other blogs and such, that most people are using NUnit, xUnit, or MBUnit.. We are on VS2008 at work BTW.. So now I am looking to explore other options..
I'm working on moving our team to start doing TDD and real unit testing and have some training planned, but first would like to come up with a set of standard tools & best practices. To this end I've been looking online to come up with the right infrastructure for both a build server and dev machines...I was looking at the typemock website as I've heard great things about their mocking framework, and noticed that it seems like they promote MSTest, and even have some links of people moving TO MSTest from NUnit..
This is making me re-think my decision.. so I guess I'm asking - is anyone using MSTest as part of their TDD infrastructure? Any known limitiations it has, if I want to integrate with a build / CI server, or code coverage or any other kind of TDD tool I may need? I did search these forums and mostly find people comparing the 3rd party frameworks to eachother and not even giving MSTest much of a chance... Is there a good reason why.. ?
Thanks for the advice
EDIT: Thanks to the replies in this thread, I've confirmed MSTest works for my purposes and integreated gracefully with CI tools and build servers.
But does anyone have any experience with FinalBuilder?? This is the tool that I'd like us to use for the build scripts to prevent having to write a ton of XML compared to other build tools. Any limitiations here that I should be aware of before committing to MS Test?
I should also note - we are using VSS =(. I'm hoping we can ax this soon - hopefully as part of, maybe even the first step, of setting up all of this infrastructure.
At Safewhere we currently use MSTest for TDD, and it works out okay.
Personally, I love the IDE integration, but dislike the API. If it ever becomes possible to integrate xUnit.NET with the VS test runner, we will migrate very soon thereafter.
At least with TFS, MSTest works pretty well as part of our CI.
All in all I find that MSTest works adequately for me, but I don't cling to it.
If you are evaluating mock libraries, take a look at this comparison.
I've been using MS Test since VS 2008 came out, but I haven't managed to strong-arm anything like TDD or CI here at work, although I've messed with Cruise Control a little in an attempt to build a CI server on my local box.
In general I've found MS Test to be pretty decent for testing locally, but there are some pain points for institutional use.
First, MS Test adds quite a few things that probably don't belong in source control. The .VSMDI files are particularly annoying; just running MS Test creates anywhere from 1 to 5 of them and adds them to the solution file. Which means churn on your .SLN in source control, and churn of that sort is bad.
I understand the supposed point behind these extra files -- tracking test run history and such -- but I don't find them particularly useful for anything but a single developer. You should use your build service and CI for that sort of thing!
Second, you either must have Team Foundation Server to run your unit tests as part of CI, or you have to have a copy of Visual Studio installed on your build server if you use, for example, Cruise Control.NET. See this Stack Overflow question for details.
In general, there's nothing wrong with MS Test. But going CI will not be as smooth as it could be.
I have been using MSTest very successfully in our company. We are currently setting up standardised build processes within our company and so far, we have had good success with TeamCity. For Continuous integration, we use out the box TeamCity configurations. For the actual release builds, we set up large msbuild scripts that automate the entire process.
I really like mstest because of the IDE integration and also that all our devs automatically can use it without installing any 3rd party dependencies. I would not recommend switching just because of the problem you are experiencing. I have come full circle, where we went over to nunit and then came back again. These frameworks are all the same at the end of the day so pick the one that is easiest for most your devs to get access to and start using.
What I suspect your problem might be... sounds like an obscure problem I have had before where incorrect references of dll's (eg: adding explicit references (via browse) to projects in your solution, and not using the project reference) leads to out-of-date problems that only come up after clean checkouts or builds.
The other really suspect issue that I have found before is if you have some visual component or control that has a public property of some custom type that is being serialised in the forms .resx file. I typically need to flag them with an attribute that says SerializationVisibility.Hidden. This means that the IDE will not try to generate setters for the property value (which is typically some object graph). Just a thought. Could be way out.
I trust the tools and they don't really lie about there being a genuine problem. They only misrepresent them or report them as something completely obscure. It sounds to me like you have this. I suspect this because the error message doesn't make sense if all is in order, but it does make sense if some piece of code has loaded up an out of date or modified version of the dll at that point.
I have successfully deployed several FinalBuilder installations and the customers have been very happy with the outcome. I can highly recommend it.

What's the Point of Selenium?

Ok, maybe I'm missing something, but I really don't see the point of Selenium. What is the point of opening the browser using code, clicking buttons using code, and checking for text using code? I read the website and I see how in theory it would be good to automatically unit test your web applications, but in the end doesn't it just take much more time to write all this code rather than just clicking around and visually verifying things work?
I don't get it...
It allows you to write functional tests in your "unit" testing framework (the issue is the naming of the later).
When you are testing your application through the browser you are usually testing the system fully integrated. Consider you already have to test your changes before committing them (smoke tests), you don't want to test it manually over and over.
Something really nice, is that you can automate your smoke tests, and QA can augment those. Pretty effective, as it reduces duplication of efforts and gets the whole team closer.
Ps as any practice that you are using the first time it has a learning curve, so it usually takes longer the first times. I also suggest you look at the Page Object pattern, it helps on keeping the tests clean.
Update 1: Notice that the tests will also run javascript on the pages, which helps testing highly dynamic pages. Also note that you can run it with different browsers, so you can check cross-browser issues(at least on the functional side, as you still need to check the visual).
Also note that as the amount of pages covered by tests builds up, you can create tests with complete cycles of interactions quickly. Using the Page Object pattern they look like:
LastPage aPage = somePage
//... other actions
// add some asserts using methods that give you info
// on LastPage (or that check the info is there).
// you can of course break the statements to add additional
// asserts on the multi-steps story.
It is important to understand that you go gradual about this. If it is an already built system, you add tests for features/changes you are working on. Adding more and more coverage along the way. Going manual instead, usually hides what you missed to test, so if you made a change that affects every single page and you will check a subset (as time doesn't allows), you know which ones you actually tested and QA can work from there (hopefully by adding even more tests).
This is a common thing that is said about unit testing in general. "I need to write twice as much code for testing?" The same principles apply here. The payoff is the ability to change your code and know that you aren't breaking anything.
Because you can repeat the SAME test over and over again.
If your application is even 50+ pages and you need to do frequent builds and test it against X number of major browsers it makes a lot of sense.
Imagine you have 50 pages, all with 10 links each, and some with multi-stage forms that require you to go through the forms, putting in about 100 different sets of information to verify that they work properly with all credit card numbers, all addresses in all countries, etc.
That's virtually impossible to test manually. It becomes so prone to human error that you can't guarantee the testing was done right, never mind what the testing proved about the thing being tested.
Moreover, if you follow a modern development model, with many developers all working on the same site in a disconnected, distributed fashion (some working on the site from their laptop while on a plane, for instance), then the human testers won't even be able to access it, much less have the patience to re-test every time a single developer tries something new.
On any decent size of website, tests HAVE to be automated.
The point is the same as for any kind of automated testing: writing the code may take more time than "just clicking around and visually verifying things work", maybe 10 or even 50 times more.
But any nontrivial application will have to be tested far more than 50 times eventually, and manual tests are an annoying chore that will likely be omitted or done shoddily under pressure, which results in bugs remaining undiscovered until just bfore (or after) important deadlines, which results in stressful all-night coding sessions or even outright monetary loss due to contract penalties.
Selenium (along with similar tools, like Watir) lets you run tests against the user interface of your Web app in ways that computers are good at: thousands of times overnight, or within seconds after every source checkin. (Note that there are plenty of other UI testing pieces that humans are much better at, such as noticing that some odd thing not directly related to the test is amiss.)
There are other ways to involve the whole stack of your app by looking at the generated HTML rather than launching a browser to render it, such as Webrat and Mechanize. Most of these don't have a way to interact with JavaScript-heavy UIs; Selenium has you somewhat covered here.
Selenium will record and re-run all of the manual clicking and typing you do to test your web application. Over and over.
Over time studies of myself have shown me that I tend to do fewer tests and start skipping some, or forgetting about them.
Selenium will instead take each test, run it, if it doesn't return what you expect it, it can let you know.
There is an upfront cost of time to record all these tests. I would recommend it like unit tests -- if you don't have it already, start using it with the most complex, touchy, or most updated parts of your code.
And if you save those tests as JUnit classes you can rerun them at your leisure, as part of your automated build, or in a poor man's load test using JMeter.
In a past job we used to unit test our web-app. If the web-app changes its look the tests don't need to be re-written. Record-and-replay type tests would all need to be re-done.
Why do you need Selenium? Because testers are human beings. They go home every day, can't always work weekends, take sickies, take public holidays, go on vacation every now and then, get bored doing repetitive tasks and can't always rely on them being around when you need them.
I'm not saying you should get rid of testers, but an automated UI testing tool complements system testers.
The point is the ability to automate what was before a manual and time consuming test. Yes, it takes time to write the tests, but once written, they can be run as often as the team wishes. Each time they are run, they are verifying that behavior of the web application is consistent. Selenium is not a perfect product, but it is very good at automating realistic user interaction with a browser.
If you do not like the Selenium approach, you can try HtmlUnit, I find it more useful and easy to integrate into existing unit tests.
For applications with rich web interfaces (like many GWT projects) Selenium/Windmill/WebDriver/etc is the way to create acceptance tests. In case of GWT/GXT, the final user interface code is in JavaScript so creating acceptance tests using normal junit test cases is basically out of question. With Selenium you can create test scenarios matching real user actions and expected results.
Based on my experience with Selenium it can reveal bugs in the application logic and user interface (in case your test cases are well written). Dealing with AJAX front ends requires some extra effort but it is still feasible.
I use it to test multi page forms as this takes the burden out of typing the same thing over and over again. And having the ability to check if certain elements are present is great. Again, using the form as an example your final selenium test could check if something like say "Thanks Mr. Rogers for ordering..." appears at the end of the ordering process.