Error 800706B5 when calling IWebBrowser2->get_Document - c++

On Vista using IE8, I have an instance of IWebBrowser2, which I am using to obtain the current HTML document:
IWebBrowser2* browser;
CComPtr<IDispatch> disp;
HRESULT hr = browser->get_Document(&disp);
When this is executed by an Administrator, the call succeeds. However, when called by a regular user, the call returns an error code of "800706B5" ("The interface is unknown") despite the page being on a "Trusted Site" and "Protected Mode" being off.
This same code worked without problems on IE7 on Vista, and with IE8 on XP.
Does anyone know why this error might be occurring, and what I can do to resolve the issue? Running as administrator is less than ideal, and Jon Skeet is stumped by this one too :)
Update: the question seems to revolve around UAC: turning off UAC completely allows things to work for a regular user (though it's distinctly unsafe)

The error is occurring because on Vista, IE 8 runs in "low integrity" mode, whereas my test code, running as a normal user, runs at "medium integrity". The security model is designed so that code can send instructions to lower integrity components, but data cannot be read from "lower" to "higher" components by default.
More information is available in this document about How the Integrity Mechanism Is Implemented in Windows Vista

Was IE8 installed by the Administrator "For this user only"? I don't know why or if that would give this error, just a hunch.


How to reactivate Windows Error Reporting for my application (cpp)? (Windows 10)

When one of my applications executes _CrtDbgBreak() it just writes a .dmp file and exits. On any other application _CrtDbgBreak() causes the app.exe has stopped working -dialog where I can chose to break into my debugger (VS 2013).
This is my desired behavior.
A few weeks ago I experimented with Windows Error Reporting to find out if/how the WER Dialog could be suppressed. Apparently I succeeded for my application and unfortunately I haven't found the way how to undo this.
In the meantime I have had to deal with a number of other things so that I no longer remember which steps I exactly took at the time. (Should have taken notes, I know.) Since it works for other applications, I am guessing a setting specific to my app needs to be reset.
I turned to the usual suspects on my machine but so far I haven't found anything:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
Policy Editor: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting
Policy Editor: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting
WER Service is running
I have even removed all occurrences of my executable's name from my entire registry but this hasn't made any difference. What else am I missing?
One possible reason is your app/exe is added to the WER's exclusion list. See 'ExcludedApplications' at
Check registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\ExcludedApplications
If your app/exe name is found there, remove it.
Maybe you'd set the process error mode, like so
[yes - the question is dated, but it's not marked as answered, and this alternative solution may help future readers]

C++: MsiOpenDatabase fails with error 110 0x6e ERROR_OPEN_FAILED only when elevated / admin

I am having a problem with calling the function MsiOpenDatabase ( from inside a program when I choose to "run as administrator". When I run it under an admin account but without explicitly starting the executable as elevated it all works just fine. This indicates that the path to MSI file etc should be correct.
So, when running elevated the MsiOpenDatabase() I get an error code of 110 (0x6e).
I have tried to call MsiGetLastErrorRecord as explained here ( but nothing happens when I try to print the code in a message box. It simply doesn't get there.
I do not have Visual studio for debuggning on the target machine, so debugging is a bit of a pain.
Target machine is Windows 7 x64. Application is 32-bit.
But just the pure fact that it works un-elevated but fails when run as an feels like there should be some kind of answer to this which can be derived from this fact perhaps?
Thankful for any help!
I finally solved it!
Apparently I had to go to the network share where the MSI file is located (which I am trying to call MsiOpenDatabase on) and right cklick on a file there and choose "run as administrator" because then and only then did I get a UAC dialog box asking for credentials (I mean I was able to open Windows Explorer as admin and navigate to the network share without problem so I never thought that it would be what would give me these peoblems). After haing done that I was able to run my application and it did no longer fail on any MsiOpenDatabase call.
But, why must I do this procedure to get access to run file on a network share since I already had access (execute rights) with the same user but when not elevated? How come Windows needs to ask the same user for credentials if it is already running elevated on the very same account that already has access to the network share? Seems strange to me, but I suppose I am missing some crucial part?
UINT result = MsiOpenDatabase(strPath, szPersist, &handleDB); // strPath is something like _T("\\server\MSI\Setup.msi");
result variable has value 110 when this error occurrs as explained above and keep the part in the update section in mind. I find it strange, but perhaps someone knows UAC better than me and why I have to provide credentials again by going to a file on the netowrk share and choose to run as admin to get it working (since I have already provided credentials as non-admin with the same account earlier at that very same network share location)?
This is standard UAC behavior since Windows Vista and is not related to MSI at all. Do a google search for "uac network drives".
You should be closing your MSI handles though as I commented above. Use PMSIHANDLE instead of MSIHANDLE.

SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr fails with IE8? (Error 0x80040154)

My program is a dll that hooks into a running instance of IE. It's worked fine for years.
Recently I dusted it off and ran it, but the last line below fails with hr = 0x80040154:
#import <mshtml.tlb> rename("value", "theValue") rename("event", "theEvent")
#import <shdocvw.dll>
// ....
SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr spSHWinds;
HRESULT hr = m_spSHWinds.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SHDocVw::ShellWindows));
Could it matter that IE7 has been replaced by IE8? Where else should I look?
I'm using VS2008, if that matters.
Edited to add
I don't see that it could be a 32/64 bit issue - it ran fine last year on this same machine. The only thing that's changed (as far as I have noticed) is the version of IE, from 7 to 8.
Note to the bounty hunters:
I only have access to this system for a few hours a day (around 0:00 EST), so you may not get quick responses to your suggestions, but I will look into them.
If you think there are things I should be checking (registry values, for example), be specific.
Edited to add:
I now see that the first time I call CreateInstance, it returns 0x80070002, not 0x80040154.
That's going to be very hard to diagnose. The ShellWindows coclass is special, its CLSID registry key is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}. When you look there, you'll see nothing useful registered there. The background story is that this is a leftover of an ill-fated attempt to make the Windows shell resemble a web browser. Still visible today, enumerating the shell windows returns both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer instances.
The SysInternals' ProcMon utility is almost always the weapon of choice to debug 0x80040154 errors but it falls flat here. You can see it probing the registry, and not finding what it is looking for, but then the program knows how to load ieframe.dll anyway. This can only work by the operating system intercepting the CoCreateInstance() call. Which makes sense in general, considering the coclass enumerates shell windows.
All you got left is the trial-and-error approach. Reinstall IE first, OS next. Or to shove the machine out of a 4th story window before it eats too much of your valuable time.

E_ACCESSDENIED on CoCreateInstance, where it used to work

I have some code that used to work, but recently stopped. It's in an Adobe Reader Plugin, and the latest Reader version has a "Protected Mode" which causes my problem.
My plugin can load some of my normal dlls, which load in-process:
MyNormalLib::IMyClassPtr foo;
HRESULT hr = foo.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MyNormalLib::MyClass));
But when I try to get a com pointer to my service (running on the same machine):
MyOtherLib::IMyServicePtr bar;
HRESULT hr = bar.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MyOtherLib::MyService));
This used to work fine, until Adobe Reader X came along. Without Protected Mode, Adobe runs normally and everything works. With Protected Mode, Adobe spawns another Reader process, with some restrictions on it. Looking at this with Process Explorer, I can see that the Security Tab for the parent Reader process has pretty much everything set to Mandatory; but the child Reader process has most groups set to "Deny, Mandatory", some "Mandatory, Restricted", some are just Mandatory. If this matters, I can provide more details.
All processes (my service and both Reader) are run as the same user -- me. I have admin rights, if that matters.
What can cause an AccessDenied error when trying to reach my own service? What security hoops do I have to jump through to get this to work?
The restricted process does not have admin rights. That's pretty much the point of the exercise - Reader X drops as many rights as it can from its token so that if it is pwned your computer is not.
(That's basically how UAC works too, you have to go to the Kernel to get permission to re-enable your Administrator group once you have disabled it).
Basically you need to look at the privs that Reader X has, and make sure your component can be used with those permissions. Process Monitor is your friend - just filter for DENIED and the problems will pop right out at you!

User Interface Privilege Isolation in XP SP3

Just after a bit of confirmation really:
Does XP SP3 implement the User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) mechanism found in Vista?
Back story for human interest :)
I've recently been handed the C++ source to a fairly large application. Sadly the sole developer of this application, since its inception back in the mid 90's, passed away recently leaving us in a pretty tight spot until we can hire a new developer.
Recently users have reported that the application has randomly stopped working and/or certain features that previously worked don't seem to fire at all "although nothing has changed my end!". The "nothing changed" turned out to be SP3 :)
Knowing this, and although I'm not a C/C++ guy, I thought I'd take a look at the source to see if I could find out anything (having spent a great deal of time looking at firewalls, virus scanners and other external factors).
I traced one error to a call to an Api function, SendMessage, and went to the MSDN docs to take a look. It clearly states "Microsoft Windows Vista and later. Message sending is subject to User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI). The thread of a process can send messages only to message queues of threads in processes of lesser or equal integrity level." Whilst I'm not 100% sure, this does seem to be a probable cause.
No, XP SP3 doesn't implement any of the Vista security changes, at least not any related to the window manager. You don't really give much background to help, but what sort of error do you get that's associated with SendMessage()?
SendMessage() is a very widely used routine that simply dispatches a Windows message to a window, so I'd expect that the error is associated with how the recipient window handles the incoming message (or not) rather than with SendMessage() itself. Rather than thinking of SendMessage() as being just a Windows function, you've got to think of it as a function that will end up calling further application code in whatever application owns the window that you sent the message to - in particular, the return code from SendMessage() tells you how the window's application got on trying to process the message.
UIPI doesn't report errors on SendMessage - if you're getting an error returned, then it's something else. And the other commenters are right, UIPI is on Vista only, and you wouldn't get bit by this anyways unless you were trying to send a message to a service, for example.