Why STL containers are preferred over MFC containers? - c++

Previously, I used to use MFC collection classes such CArray and CMap. After a while I switched to STL containers and have been using them for a while. Although I find STL much better, I am unable to pin point the exact reasons for it. Some of the reasoning such as :
It requires MFC: does not hold because other parts of my program uses MFC
It is platform dependent: does not hold because I run my application only on windows.(No need for portability)
It is defined in the C++ standard: OK, but MFC containers still work
The only reason I could come up is that I can use algorithms on the containers. Is there any other reason that I am missing here - what makes STL containers better than MFC containers?

Ronald Laeremans, VC++ Product Unit Manager, even said to use STL in June 2006:
And frankly the team will give you the same answer. The MFC collection classes are only there for backwards compatibility. C++ has a standard for collection classes and that is the Standards C++ Library. There is no technical drawback for using any of the standard library in an MFC application.
We do not plan on making significant changes in this area.
Ronald LaeremansActing Product Unit ManagerVisual C++ Team
However, at one point where I was working on some code that ran during the installation phase of Windows, I was not permitted to use STL containers, but was told to use ATL containers instead (actually CString in particular, which I guess isn't really a container). The explanation was that the STL containers had dependecies on runtime bits that might not actually be available at the time the code had to execute, while those problems didn't exist for the ATL collections. This is a rather special scenario that shouldn't affect 99% of the code out there.

STL containers:
Have performance guarantees
Can be used in STL algorithms which also have performance guarantees
Can be leveraged by third-party C++ libraries like Boost
Are standard, and likely to outlive proprietary solutions
Encourage generic programming of algorithms and data structures. If you write new algorithms and data structures that conform to STL you can leverage what STL already provides at no cost.

Compatibility with other libraries (such as boost) in syntax, interoperability, and paradigm. It's a non-trivial benefit.
Using STL will develop a skillset that is more likely to be useful in other contexts. MFC isn't so widely used any more; STL is.
Using STL will develop a mindset that you may (or may not) find useful in code you write yourself.
Using something other than STL isn't inherently wrong though.

STL has more collection types than MFC
Visual Studio (2008+) debugger visualizes STL much better than MFC. (AUTOEXP.DAT magic can fix that - but it is a pain! Nothing like debugging your debugger when you screw it up...)
One good thing with MFC is that there is still a large corpus of MFC code out there. Other answers talk about third-party compatibility. Don't forget third party MFC-based stuff.

I always prefer using more standard/compatible libraries where I can since I may have future projects that I can reuse a portion of the code on. I have no idea what libraries future projects will use, but I have a better chance of making my code reusable if I use standard/compatible stuff.
Also, the more I use a library, I get more comfortable and quicker with it. If I am going to invest the time to learn a library, I want to make sure it's going to stay around and is not tied in with a specific platform or framework.
Of course, I say all of this assuming that my choices are rather similar when it comes to performance, features and ease of use. For instance, if the MFC classes are a significant enough improvement in these areas, I would use them instead.

In fact you can use STL algorithms on some of MFC containers as well. However, STL containers are preferred for another very practical reason: many third-party libraries (Boost, arabica, Crypto++, utf-cpp...) are designed to work with STL, but know nothing about MFC containers.

MFC containers derive from CObject and CObject has the assignment operator made private. I have found this very annoying in practice.
std::vector, unlinke CArray, guarantees that the memory block is contiguous, thus you can interop with C programming interfaces easily:
std::vector<char> buffer;
char* c_buffer = &*buffer.begin();

It is now assumed that C++ developers are at least passingly familiar with the STL. Not so for MFC containers. So if you're adding a new developer to your team, you will have an easier time finding one who know STL than the MFC containers, and thus will be able to contribute immediately.

I think it boils down to a simple question: Who do you trust more? If you trust Microsoft, then continue to use the MFC variants. If you trust the industry, then use STL.
I vote for STL because the code that runs on Windows today might need to be ported to another platform tomorrow. :)

This is a case of whichever tools work for the job you want to do, and 'better' being a subjective term.
If you need to use your containers with other standards-compliant code, or if it is ever going to be code that is shared across platforms, STL containers are probably a better bet.
If you're certain that your code will remain in MFC-land, and MFC containers work for you, why not continue to use them?
STL containers aren't inherently better than MFC containers, however as they are part of the standard they are more useful in a wider range of contexts.

Next to the mentioned aspects: well-supported, standard available, optimized for performance, designed for use with the algorithms, I might add one more aspect: type-safety, and loads of compile-time checks. You can't even imagine drawing a double out of a std::set<int>.

Because a library that uses iterators to combine sequences of any kind with algorithms so that A) all sensible permutations are possible and B) it's universally extensible, is (when you think about your concept of a container library as it was 15 years ago) such a mind-blowingly marvelous idea, that it has pretty much blown out of the water everything else within less than a decade?
Seriously, the STL has its flaws (why not ranges instead of iterators? and that erase-remove idiom is not exactly pretty), but it's based on a brilliant idea and there's very good reasons we don't need to learn a new container/algorithms library every time we start at a new job.

I wouldn't totally dismiss the portability argument. Just because you use MFC today doesn't mean that you always will. And even if you mostly write for MFC, some of your code could be re-used in other applications if it were more generic and standards-based.
I think the other reason to consider STL is that its design and evolution has benefited from libraries that have come before, include MFC and ATL. So many of the solutions are cleaner, more re-usable, and less error prone. (Though I wish they had a better naming convention.)


STL vs Stlport: Which one is more lightweight

I have being using stlport to develop wince based custom OS, but from now on I am thinking about using stl provided by windows. I read that functionally they are not different from each other so currently what matters is my image's size. Unfortunately I cannot give both of them a try like first use stl and make a run time image and then use stlport, then compare both images' sizes, because I have a lot of other problems that I need to solve in order to succesfully build the OS. Hence I wanted to get an expert idea:
Which one do you think would be more lightweight? I know how stlport is attached, loaded etc but I am not quite sure about STL. I looked into STL headers and all I saw were thousands of inline functions. But is that all? I need to be sure about it. Does STL link any other libraries inside or does it simply include the headers and use those inline functions?
Ps: I am using VS2012 and working on wec2013
Ps2: I know what STL and stlport stands for and how to build an application by using them. My actual question is which one would consume less memory, use smaller size on HDD? (Considering things like stlport is a lib but stl is not etc.)
I assume that by STL you mean your compiler's standard library. This is a common misunderstanding, as STL was the original name of a library that was proposed and accepted into the language, but it has evolved from that. Taking this into account, the question becomes:
Should I use the standard library provided with my compiler or use stlport [or other alternatives]?
The answer is that it will depend on your use case, but the good thing is that as long as you use the library as defined in the standard (i.e. without extensions) then you should be able to easily switch from building with one or the other, and that means that you can test this yourself. You can also test building with different compiler flags. This is specially important in VS, as by default the library uses checked iterators, that are good for debugging but at the cost of extra memory and processing.
STLPort is designed to be used on platforms that does not provide STL for some reasons (for example, embedded platforms without C++ exceptions support), or native STL support is outdated.
So, usually you do not need to replace native STL. There should be strong reasons to use STLPort in your project. In my experience, I used it for some embedded DSP platforms (no native STL), and for a UEFI platform (not really embedded, but no native STL as well, also runtime does not support C++ exceptions).
STLPort is highly customizable (you can disable exceptions, streams, etc), and can be used on almost any platform with basic C++ support.

Reason for not using the STL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
To STL or !STL, that is the question
Are there cases where one should avoid the use of the C++ STL in his / her project?
When you choose to use a framework like Qt you might consider using lists, vectors, etc from Qt rather that the STL. Not using STL in this case saves you from having to convert from STL to the Qt equivalents when you need to use them in your GUI.
This is debatable and not everyone wants to use everything from Qt
from http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/containers.html
These container classes are designed to be lighter, safer, and easier to use than the STL containers. If you are unfamiliar with the STL, or prefer to do things the "Qt way", you can use these classes instead of the STL classes.
If you cannot use RTTI and/or exceptions, you might experience that parts of STL won't work. This is the case e.g. for native Android apps. So if it doesn't give you what you need, it's a reason not to use it!
Not really. There's no excuse to ban the use of an entire library- unless that lib only serves one function, which is not the case with the Standard library. The provided facilities should be evaluated on a per-function basis- for example, you may well argue that you need a container that performs a more specific purpose than vector, but that is no excuse to ban the use of deque, iostream or for_each too.
More importantly, code generated via template will not be more bloated than the equivalent code written by hand. You won't save code bloat by refusing to use std::vector and then writing your equivalent vector for float and double. Especially in 2011, the size of an executable is pretty meaningless compared to the sizes of other things like media in the vast, vast majority of situations.
If you care a lot about executable size, then you might want to avoid using STL in your program.
For example, uTorrent doesn't use STL and that is one reason why it's so small.
Since STL does rely on templates a lot (it is Standard TEMPLATE Library, after all), many times you use templates, the compiler has to generate extra code for every type you use when dealing with STL.
This is compile time polymorphism and will increase your executable size the more you use it.
If you exclude STL from your project (and use templates sparingly or not at all), your code size will get smaller. Note that it won't necessarily be faster.
Also note that I'm not talking about a program's memory usage during execution, since that will depend on how many objects your allocating during your app's lifetime.
I'm talking about your binary's executable.
If you want an example, note that a simple Hello world program, when compiled, might be bigger than a cleverly code demo which can include an entire 3D engine (run time generated) in a very small executable.
Some info regarding uTorrent's size:
Official FAQ (from 2008), this question doesn't appear in recent FAQ.
How was uTorrent programmed to be so efficient?
Second post regarding this.
Third post regarding this.
Note that, even though uTorrent is >300kb and is compressed with UPX, it is still really small when you take into account what it's capable of doing.
I would say that there may be occasions where you do not use a particular feature of STL in your project for a given circumstance because you can custom write it better for your needs. STL collections are generic by nature.
You might want in your code:
Lock-free containers that are thread-safe. (STL ones are not).
A string class that is immutable by nature and copies the actual data "by reference" (with some mechanism).
An efficient string-building class that is not ostringstream (not part of STL anyway but you may mean all the standard library)
algorithms that use Map and Reduce (not to be confused with std::map. Map and Reduce is a way to iterate over a collection using multiple threads or processes, possibly even distributed on different machines).
Hey, look, so much of boost was written because what the Standard Library provided at the time did not really address the needs of the programmer and thus provided alternatives.
I am not sure if this is what you meant or if you particular meant STL should be "banned" at all times (eg device driver programming where templates are considered bloaty even though that is not always the case).
If you are working to particular standards that forbid it.
For example, the MISRA C/C++ guidelines are aimed at automotive and embedded systems and forbid using dynamic memory allocation, so you might choose to avoid STL containers altogether.
Note: The MISRA guideline is just an example of a standard that might influence your choice to use STL. That particular guideline doesn't rule out using all of the STL. But (I believe) it rules out using STL containers as they rely on runtime allocation of memory.
It can increase executable size. if you're running on an embedded platform you may wish to exclude the STL.
When you use something like the Qt library that implements identical functionality you may not need the STL. May depend on other needs, like performance.
The only reason is if you are working on embedded systems with low memory, or if your project coding guidelines explicitly forbid STL.
I can't other reasonable reason to manually roll your own incompatible, bug ridden implementation of some of the features on STL.
TR18015 deals with some of the limitation of the STL. It looks at it from a different angle - what compilers could do better - but still is an interesting (if in-depth) read.
I'd be careful in general with microprocessors and small embedded systems. First, compiler optimizations are not up to what you know from desktops, and you run into hardware limits much sooner.
Having said that, it depends a lot on the libraries you use. I/O streams are notoriously slow (and require a careful implementation to not be), whereas std::vector is merely a thin wrapper.

Why is the Loki library not more widely used?

The Loki library implements some very widely used concepts (smart pointer, visitor, factory, etc.). The associated book "Modern C++ Design" is often mentioned, but the library itself is not widely used. Why is that?
Most developers seem to prefer Boost. In particular, why do people often decide to use Boost's smart pointers rather than Loki's?
Loki is a research/proof-of-concept sort of thing. Alexandrescu pushes new ideas, other people adopt those for real world. Also boost::shared_ptr is almost literally in TR1.
Loki's suffers from being a good library touching on several functional areas (template metaprogamming support with a few specific applications: smart pointers, singletons, function objects, scope guards etc.), whereas boost is a collection of many libraries typically exhaustively covering each functional area and much more highly tuned for portability (first).
When 9 birds out of 10 can be killed with the same stone, many people just start with boost and fill in the gaps with third party libraries. It's very hard to compete with boost if you overlap. Because you won't overlap with much of boost, people will download/install boost anyway to get the other functionality, so unless you nail an area that boost is weak at - and the difference is significant to the project, they'll "settle" for boost there too.
Further, Alexandrescu made repeated attempts to get Loki included in boost, and some of the key boost authors just weren't cooperative. My personal view is that they want the more complete but much less user-friendly MPL to have more "market share": as authors of the library and the hard-copy books that are the only decent documentation (in stark contrast with most other boost libraries which have excellent online documentation), they do quite well out of this.
If anyone is offended by and disagrees with this analysis, I'm all ears.
Another practical issue with extremely parameterised code is that in large projects where different developers/teams work independently, they'll often end up using subtly different instantiations of the same template pretty arbitrarily. This makes it harder to pass values between those subsystems: the receiver may need to:
be parameterised (i.e. templated, and hence inline, which introduces compilation dependencies and slower builds in enterprise-scale systems)
provide some minimal coverage for all possible instantiations (e.g. checking error codes and expecting/handling exceptions)
working through some compile-time to run-time hand-over based on an abstract base accessor with implementations for each instantiation) which compromises some of the performance benefits of parameterisation
This is all possible, but it takes a great programmer to navigate the terrain.
You want to use a library that the next programmer is going to know and that is going to be well supported in the future - so you pick a major lib.
Because it's a major lib lots of people use it, so it becomes the default choice.
I actually prefer Loki's way of doing things and I have contributed to Loki myself a Decorator pattern which now sits in the tracker because the project as far as I know is no longer maintained.
I use boost shared_pointer just because it will be the standard very soon, I may dislike the fact that I can't customize it to act exactly the way I want it to act but I have to live with it.
Usage of the standard library is important as it keeps the code maintainable by other programmers. If it's open source and you want to experiment go ahead and use Loki. No one is stopping you.
Actually Windows Vista uses some of Loki's features.
I am guessing they are not using the redundant implementations of smart pointers and visitors.
Speaking as someone who's used quite a bit of the Boost library, and also looked at Loki more than once, the biggest problem was the sparsity of documentation. Also, Loki uses some of the hairiest bits of C++ templates. Exciting stuff, but also rather daunting.
I used Loki once for a little tool (basically an interpreter) and actually liked it. My coworkers were less enthusiastic about the library, so its use remained constrained to this small sub-project.

What are the good parts in the poorly-thought-of non-standard C++ libraries?

In trying to get up to speed with C++ (coming from a long experience with C), I am obviously trying to do the right thing, and use as much as is standard as is possible.
However, in my readings on the matter I come accross a lot of criticism for standard things, and praise for non-standard things. For example, even the the (I assume) poorly-thought-of MFC library has features in, for example, its CString class that some folks think useful enough to cause them to continue using it despite the fact that it's (a) non-standard and (b) that it's (I assume, from the wealth of criticism) deficient in many important ways.
My question is twofold, then:
A. What libraries that are poorly-thought-of contain features that nonetheless make it worth continuing to use them, what are those features, and what's so good about them?
B. Are there "adaptor" libraries out there that simplify and/or tighten up the use of such libraries, e.g. providing nice interfaces that abstract resources leaks, adaptors that go from a non-STL library interface to a STL, and so on
As a relative newbie to StackOverflow, I'm not 100% sure that this question is sufficiently on-point, so I apologise up-front if it's too open-ended.
Thanks in advance
My personal grunge is with ACE. It was sort of the other way around - great idea, nothing else was available at the time for cross-platform threaded and network development in C++, wide deployment, books by the library authors, etc. But the implementation was terrible, usage patterns were complicated, almost all the useful features of C++ suppressed (or didn't exist at the time.) I think this library alone is responsible for good chunk of people thinking that C++ is hard and ugly. Very recently Boost collection started catching up with threads, ipc, and networking, so there is at least an alternative. BUT with all that said, I still think it's worth to be familiar with ACE if you are in that space since, again, way too many people use it, the ideas are good, and it can serve as great negative example for library design.
IMO the best thing about MFC is that, historically, it was available before the STL was available, and something was better than nothing.
MFC is still good, if you're writing code to be compatible with an existing MFC code base.
Apart from that there's little merit in MFC, except that it's perhaps still one of the (if not the most) obvious C++ class library for Windows.
On a more general note I think one of the reasons that people stick with old, awkward and perhaps even obsolete libraries is that they have grown used to it and anything new and shiny might do the job better but are harder to grasp/understand initially. And so you stay with what is familiar and keep your productivity.
I think it is a balance between getting the job done and getting the job done "right". Somewhere in between is probably where most of us end up.
CString is non-standard because MFC is not cross-platform, I think. std::string() is standard, but if we use everything standard, then why MS developed MFC?

Which one to use c++ stl container or the MFC container?

For every stl container there is a MFC container available in visual c++.Which is better than the other one in what sense and what do you use?
I always use STL container is that wrong?
I would always prefer the STL containers because of the portability.
MFC containers will nearly never be available on Linux.
Even if you don't plan to use you're code on Linux...you never know what the future brings.
People have pointed out portability of code as a reason to use STL, but there is a much better reason and one which is more in your self interest: Portability of skills and experience. In my opinion when you go looking for your next job having experience with STL on your resume will give you more opportunities. Why? STL effectively is part of standard C++ and if I was hiring I would assume that someone who knows STL could pick up the MFC containers fairly quickly, but I wouldn't necessarily make the opposite assumption if I was looking for someone with STL skills.
From the source:
"And frankly the team will give you the same answer. The MFC collection classes are only there for backwards compatibility. C++ has a standard for collection classes and that is the Standards C++ Library. There is no technical drawback for using any of the standard library in an MFC application.
We do not plan on making significant changes in this area.
Ronald Laeremans
Acting Product Unit Manager
Vsual C++ Team
MFC collection classes do have some advantages if you are working within confines of MFC land. E.g. you get things like serialization (if your container elements inherit from CObject or similar) and some debugging support for "free". MSDN has a breakdown of how to choose between different MFC collection types [here](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y1z022s1(VS.80).aspx).
As a default though, I would lean towards the STL classes.
Preffer portability and freedom to proprietarism. Go for STL & Boost (www.boost.org).
The STL ones. Seriously.
I use STL containers for many reasons: they're well tested, well documented, and well understood by people all over. They're also constantly being improved: look at all the new functionality added by Boost, and it's all backwards compatible. And if you really want to bend your mind, read Alexandrescu's Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied. Use of Boost and the STL is required to employ many of his techniques.
Something else to consider is the STL is "Standard" but the MFC is only "Microsoft". Any random generic C++ coder will likely understand STL, but only an old Microsoft coder will know MFC. Besides, Microsoft has pretty much abandoned MFC.
Even when they show you numbers that MFC containers are faster, can be exception-free and make free double-espresso: just close your eyes and use the DEL key (aka NO-LOCK-IN key).
You can do all that and more portably and in plugabble ways prop solutions can only dream of. STL all the way..