SOAP Request fails with "Invalid service URL" error - web-services

My BlackBerry application consumes axis2 web services. SOAP POST HTTP request constantly fails with this error "Invalid service URL". I launch my app in 8800 simulator with ";deviceside=false" option specified. MDS is running.
I can't test my app on real device for now. Any help?

Problem solved. You need to add specific options to MDS configuration to make it work behind proxy. Here's an artical that describes the solution.


I am making an android application to create routes with OSMDROID and the web can not process the request (HTTP ERROR 503)

I am making an android application to create routes with OSMDROID and the web can not process the request (HTTP ERROR 503).
enter image description here
HTTP response off the server contains status message:
503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity
So problem is not on your side. The server has some limitations and cannot handle your request or it is maybe not working at all. I am not familiar with the project, but you may try to ask on their mailing list or IRC.
The is often down so you should just make your own server. It is really easy with the docker file.

Weblogic deployed application calling webservice not working, but in Tomcat deployment works fine

I am facing problem in calling webservice in my project which is deployed in weblogic, but the same application works fine in tomcat deployment.
Error: Failed to access the WSDL at: XXXservices?wsdl. It failed with:
Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url: '://'.
But same works fine in Tomcat deployment.
I search in the net. people said, we need to force weblogic to use sun http handler, so written something like below. but its not works for me. handler = new;
URL wsdlURL = new URL(null, "", handler);
HttpResponse code 401 denotes that authorization has been refused for the credentials. By default, Weblogic has basic authentication enabled. You can disable it as follows
Setting the enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials Flag
To set the e enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials flag, perform the following steps:
Add the <enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials> element to config.xml within the <security-configuration> element :
Start or restart all of the servers in the domain. Please go through this link for good understanding

How can I get Fiddler to display information about a web service request made from my ASP.NET code behind?

I have an ASPX page. When the page is loaded there is code in the code behind that uses an API. The API makes an HTTPS call out to a third party, commercial web service. I am trying to troubleshoot why the API calls are not working properly. Apparently the API actually constructs an XML request that is sent out over HTTPS to the web service. I've been told by the support rep that I need to provide them with the XML that is being sent. The only way I can figure out how to get the XML is to use a tool like Fiddler to see what is being sent out. So how can I use Fiddler to see the contents of the XML request that is being sent from the server out to the web service? I am running everything directly on the server but all I am seeing is the GET request for the ASPX file itself. I am not seeing anything in relation to the HTTPS request that the server code is sending out to the web service. I have not used Fiddler much so I am hoping that maybe I just don't have it set up right to monitor that traffic.
After mucking around with it a bit I found this post: Why isn't fiddler capturing request when invoking XMLRPC from iis?. That seemed to do the trick! Basically it sounds like the default proxy settings in Win7 are on a per user basis. So I went in and changed the identity of the AppPool for my site to a local user (Administrator) and then it worked great. I started up Fiddler. Then I started up my ASP.NET app and then when I loaded the page I saw the request that went out to the web service from my code behind! Yay!

Secure Webservice Client on Glassfish

I have an secure external webservice at URL https://my-webservice-path?wsdl, and i want to connect to use this. This is a 2-way ssl.
I create a webservice client in following:
Create an java application Application1
at Project window, click Application1 icon -> new -> Web service client
paste my URL at WSDL URL, client type is JAX-WS, package: com.mypackage
But an error appears: Error: An I/O error occured. Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
And i can not create Web Service References. I use Glassfish 3.0.1 server.
I tried to replace the alias s1as in keystore.jks and cacerts.jks of the Glassfish by my keypair and certificate, but it still fails.
I also tried to use wsimport parsing wsdl file but fail:(
I posted this question in Oracle Forum at but get no answer.
i've tried to solve this for 2 days :(
What can i do now to solve this problem?
Plz help me, thank you!
please check out the answer from Catchwa in Mutual-authentication with web services. The steps to implement a glassfish based mutual authentication are described in detail.

Unable to open coldfusion Administrator

when i try opening
I get
500 There is no web application configured to service your request There is no web application configured to service your request
when i try opening
I GET THE same error
Kindly guide me to solution.
It means the server did not fully start. The JRun container started and was able to accept an HTTP Request via its internal webserver port, but then the ColdFusion Server inside JRun was not fully deployed or not deployed at all.
The startup events in /path/to/coldfusion8/runtime/logs/coldfusion-event.log and /path/to/coldfusion8/logs/server.log will contain details about what failed during ColdFusion startup.
You will probably not make sense of the events as they are usually somewhat cryptic. Please post log contents for further diagnosis.