How to define a general member function pointer - c++

I have created a Timer class that must call a callback method when the timer has expired. Currently I have it working with normal function pointers (they are declared as void (*)(void), when the Elapsed event happens the function pointer is called.
Is possible to do the same thing with a member function that has also the signature void (AnyClass::*)(void)?
Thanks mates.
EDIT: This code has to work on Windows and also on a real-time OS (VxWorks) so not using external libraries would be great.
EDIT2: Just to be sure, what I need is to have a Timer class that take an argument at the Constructor of tipe "AnyClass.AnyMethod" without arguments and returning void. I have to store this argument and latter in a point of the code just execute the method pointed by this variable. Hope is clear.

Dependencies, dependencies... yeah, sure boost is nice, so is mem_fn, but you don't need them. However, the syntax of calling member functions is evil, so a little template magic helps:
class Callback
void operator()() { call(); };
virtual void call() = 0;
class BasicCallback : public Callback
// pointer to member function
void (*function)(void);
: function( _function ) { };
virtual void call()
template <class AnyClass>
class ClassCallback : public Callback
// pointer to member function
void (AnyClass::*function)(void);
// pointer to object
AnyClass* object;
ClassCallback(AnyClass* _object, void(AnyClass::*_function)(void))
: object( _object ), function( _function ) { };
virtual void call()
Now you can just use Callback as a callback storing mechanism so:
void set_callback( Callback* callback );
set_callback( new ClassCallback<MyClass>( my_class, &MyClass::timer ) );
Callback* callback = new ClassCallback<MyClass>( my_class, &MyClass::timer ) );
// or...

The best solution I have used for that same purpose was boost::signal or boost::function libraries (depending on whether you want a single callback or many of them), and boost::bind to actually register the callbacks.
class X {
void callback() {}
void with_parameter( std::string const & x ) {}
int main()
X x1, x2;
boost::function< void () > callback1;
callback1 = boost::bind( &X::callback, &x1 );
callback1(); // will call x1.callback()
boost::signal< void () > multiple_callbacks;
multiple_callbacks.connect( boost::bind( &X::callback, &x1 ) );
multiple_callbacks.connect( boost::bind( &X::callback, &x2 ) );
// even inject parameters:
multiple_callbacks.connect( boost::bind( &X::with_parameter, &x1, "Hi" ) );
multiple_callbacks(); // will call x1.callback(), x2.callback and x1.with_parameter("Hi") in turn

Maybe the standard mem_fun is already good enough for what you want. It's part of STL.

boost::function looks like a perfect fit here.

I'm assuming an interface like this:
void Timer::register_callback( void(*callback)(void*user_data), void* user_data );
template<typename AnyClass, (AnyClass::*Func_Value)(void)>
void wrap_method_callback( void* class_pointer )
AnyClass*const self = reinterpret_cast<AnyClass*>(class_pointer);
class A
void callback()
{ std::cout << m_i << std::endl; }
int m_i;
int main ()
Timer t;
A a = { 10 };
t.register_callback( &wrap_method_callback<A,&A::callback>, &a );
I think a better solution would be to upgrade call you callback to either use boost::function or a homegrown version (like Kornel's answer). However this require real C++ developers to get involved, otherwise you are very likely to introduce bugs.
The advantage of my solution is that it is just one template function. Not a whole lot can go wrong. One disadvantage of my solution is it may slice your class with cast to void* and back. Be careful that only AnyClass* pointers are passes as void* to the callback registration.


Replacing a design to use capturing lambda only

I am trying to generalize a callback mechanism.
I need two things for that:
Calling it in a general matter: void call() - that I was able to manage
I mean that everyone can get a void call() function, and I can even (easily) store them in an array. They are all of the same type.
class Function{
virtual void call()=0;
template<typename T>
class TemplatedFunction : public Function{
int (T::*m_fkt)();
T* m_obj;
TemplatedFunction(T* obj, int (T::*fkt)()):m_fkt(fkt),m_obj(obj){}
// Can also set here a [&](){ f(Args...args) } that will capture the callback arguments, and call it via call(). f being the std::function created for the callback.
void call(){
Set (register callback) in a general matter: here I got lost...
My callbacks are statically allocated.
I saw this great option, but my only option is using a capturing lambda.
( no bind, or tuple.. )
This option is great as I can store an array of EventHandler that basically will differ by the ID of a message I will get. Unfortunately I can't use new. (I use an in place static allocation for lambda)
class EventHandler{
Function* m_func=nullptr;
template<class T>
void SetCallbackFunction(T* obj, void (T::*mem_fkt)()){
if(m_func != nullptr)
delete m_func;
m_func = new TemplatedFunction<T>(obj,mem_fkt); // can't use it.
void TestCallback(){
if(m_func != nullptr)
if(m_func != nullptr)
delete m_func;
As of my callbacks are statically allocated in advanced, containing the option to call, but not to set.
I know that there are many designs available, but I am limited to using a capturing lambda only with an std::function replacement to store it.
My goal is to pass a single type EventHandler to all my messages, without the need to template the messages, so I will be able to store them in a std::array<Msg_t>
here how I want it to look in the end:
// Statically allocated callbacks that have general `void call()`
//Function* m_func_to_run_callback1 = TemplatedFunction<> Callback1();
// Function* m_func_to_run_callback2 = TemplatedFunction<> Callback2();
int main()
EventHandler eh, eh1;
Foo foo; // some class
Foo2 foo2; // some other class
eh.SetCallbackFunction(&foo, &Foo::bar, m_func_to_run_callback1 ) ;
eh1.SetCallbackFunction(&foo2, &Foo2::bar2, m_func_to_run_callback1) ;
return 0;
I think that what I am missing is :
class Function{
virtual void call()=0;
virtual void set(void*) = 0; // void* being the callback function

Storing and Executing Functions From A Class (C++)

I have a class called "Tasks" that needs to store methods from other classes, and be able to execute them. I'd like it to work like this:
Window *window = new Window();
Tasks* tasks = new Tasks();
tasks.m_tasks.Add(window.Create("My Window"));
Then I could call that window creation from my tasks class, by iterating over the stored tasks and executing each one:
What would be the datastructure of "m_tasks" that stores the functions, and how could I call them?
I would use a std::list<std::function<void()> >, or boost::function if std::function is not available.
And you'll need to change the syntax of that Add call to avoid executing the Create method right away.
class Tasks {
void Add(const std::function<void()>& f)
{ callbacks_.push_back( f ); }
void Add(std::function<void()>&& f)
{ callbacks_.emplace_back( std::move( f ) ); }
// ...
std::list<std::function<void()> > callbacks_;
int main() {
Window window;
// ...
tasks.Add( [&]() { window.Create("My Window"); } );
// ...
class Tasks {
void Add(const boost::function<void()>& f)
{ callbacks_.push_back( f ); }
std::list<boost::function<void()> > callbacks_;
int main() {
// ...
tasks.Add( boost::bind( &Window::Create, boost::ref(window), "My Window" ) );
// ...
You could use a list of tr1 or boost ::functions as #aschepler says, but this scenario is perfect for boost::signals.
class Tasks {
boost::signal<void ()> m_tasks;
// ...
// ExecuteTasks:
This allows for a lot of extra functionality, like handling arguments, returns, and letting clients disconnect their tasks if they want to.
You'll need slightly complicated structure for this:
class Task
virtual void Execute()=0;
template<class T, class R, class P1>
class Function1 : public Task
Function1(T *ptr, R (T::*fptr)(P1), P1 p1) : ptr(ptr), fptr(fptr),p1(p1) { }
void Execute() { (ptr->*fptr)(p1); }
T *ptr;
R (T::*fptr)(P1);
P1 p1;
std::vector<Task*> vec;
This is relatively straightforward if you know what the arguments will be. You could use a function pointer, with some extras to make it a 'method' pointer. See:
However, this would not allow you to pass arbitrary arguments. You might be able to do it with C++ templates, but it would be nasty hackery. I would strongly advise avoiding this and going with traditional function/method pointers if at all possible.
m_tasks is going to be a collection of some sort, I'd probably use a list unless you need to be able to add/remove in the middle. The thing you will be storing in the list is a function pointer. That is, a pointer to a function. With the straightforward version of the code I have below, you cannot have generic function pointers, you must be specific about the parameter types and the return value type. It might be possible to use templates to break this restriction. I don't know off the top of my head.
// define FunctionPtr as a pointer to a function that takes a single char* param and returns void
typedef void(*FunctionPtr)(char*);
// define an stl:list of FunctionPtr items
std:list<FunctionPtr> m_tasks;

How to implement generic callbacks in C++

Forgive my ignorance in asking this basic question but I've become so used to using Python where this sort of thing is trivial that I've completely forgotten how I would attempt this in C++.
I want to be able to pass a callback to a function that performs a slow process in the background, and have it called later when the process is complete. This callback could be a free function, a static function, or a member function. I'd also like to be able to inject some arbitrary arguments in there for context. (ie. Implementing a very poor man's coroutine, in a way.) On top of that, this function will always take a std::string, which is the output of the process. I don't mind if the position of this argument in the final callback parameter list is fixed.
I get the feeling that the answer will involve boost::bind and boost::function but I can't work out the precise invocations that would be necessary in order to create arbitrary callables (while currying them to just take a single string), store them in the background process, and invoke the callable correctly with the string parameter.
The callback should be stored as a boost::function<void, std::string>. Then you can use boost::bind to "convert" any other function signature to such an object, by binding the other parameters.
I've not tried to compile this, but it should show the general idea anyways
void DoLongOperation(boost::function<void, const std::string&> callback)
std::string result = DoSomeLengthyStuff();
void CompleteRoutine1(const std::string&);
void CompleteRoutine2(int param, const std::string&);
// Calling examples
DoLongOperation(&CompleteRoutine1); // Matches directly
DoLongOperation(boost::bind(&CompleteRoutine2, 7, _1)); // int parameter is bound to constant.
// This one is thanks to David Rodríguez comment below, but reformatted here:
struct S
void f( std::string const & );
int main()
S s;
DoLongOperation( boost::bind( &S::f, &s, _1 ) );
Sounds like you want to use the Observer pattern.
The easiest way:
class Callback
virtual ~Callback() {}
virtual Callback* clone() const = 0;
// Better to wrap the call (logging, try/catch, etc)
void execute(const std::string& result) { this->executeImpl(result); }
// Don't make sense to have them public
Callback() {}
Callback(const Callback&) {}
Callback& operator=(const Callback&) { return *this; }
virtual void executeImpl(const std::string& result) = 0;
// Example
class Example: public Callback
Example(int a, int b): Callback(), mA(a), mB(b) {}
virtual Example* clone() const { return new Example(*this); }
virtual void executeImpl(const std::string& result) {}
int mA;
int mB;
And then, you can pass the callback class (by pointer / reference) to the process. The class has a state, as required, and may be copied if necessary (if not, drop the clone).

Member Function Pointer with base class argument accepting derived class argument

So I'm working on this event management class. I'm storing a list of pointers to member functions of the signature void (Event*) where Event is just a struct that stores some random data at the moment.
typedef boost::function<void(Event*)> Callback;
typedef vector<Callback> CallbackList;
class EventManager
template<typename T>
void RegisterEventHandler(const std::string& type, void (T::*handler)(Event*), T* obj)
mCallbackList[type].push_back(boost::bind(handler, obj, _1));
void DispatchEvent(const std::string& type, Event* evt)
for(CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbackList[type].begin(); it != mCallbackList[type].end(); ++it)
Callback callback = (*it);
hash_map<std::string, CallbackList> mCallbackList;
I'm wondering, if it's possible for me to derive different versions of Event, and pass pointers to those member functions into this class? Currently I'm trying this.
class MouseEvent : public Event
int testMouseData1;
int testMouseData2;
int testMouseData3;
class HelloWorld
void Display(MouseEvent* evt)
cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
int main(void)
MouseEvent* evt = new MouseEvent();
HelloWorld* world = new HelloWorld();
eventManager->RegisterEventHandler("testType", &HelloWorld::Display, world);
return 0;
This gives me the following error in XCode.
error: no matching function for call to 'EventManager::RegisterEventHandler(const char [9], void (HelloWorld::*)(MouseEvent*), HelloWorld*&)'
Do you know how I can safely pass in a pointer that's expecting a derived class in its function signature? Thanks.
So I found a solution that seems to be working for me, but I'm not sure if it's entirely safe to do. I changed the RegisterEventHandler method to cast all of the function pointers that I send in to the same type...
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void RegisterEventHandler(const String& type, T1 handler, T2* obj)
void (T2::*evtHandler)(Event*) = (void (T2::*)(Event*)) (handler);
mCallbackList[type].push_back(boost::bind(evtHandler, obj, _1));
now it all seems to just work as I originally intended. But I'm pretty new to all this so I'm not entirely sure if this is a safe thing to do. Any thoughts? Thanks
If your prototype expects "Event" type then you need to make sure the void Display(MouseEvent* evt) function is accepting the "Event" type. So change it to void Display(Event *evt) Then inside the call you can typecast it back to a MouseEvent, assuming that the caller passed an actual MouseEvent, referenced as an "Event".
Secondly, I believe you may have some other issues with the way you are calling RegisterEventHandler since it is in a template but you are not specifying the template type.

Class member function as callback using boost::bind and boost::function

I'm working through setting up a member function as a callback for a C-library that I'm using. The C-library sets up callbacks like this:
typedef int (*functionPointer_t)(myType1_t*, myType2_t*, myType3_t*);
setCallback(param1, param2, functionPointer, param4)
I would like to use boost::bind (if possible) to pass in the function pointer. I would prefer that the function being pointed to was a member of the instantiated class, not a static member. E.g.
Class A {
int myCallback(myType1_t*, myType2_t*, myType3_t*); //aka functionPointer_t
Can this be done using boost::bind and boost::function? Per How can I pass a class member function as a callback? (the 3rd answer) it appears that I could declare the following (somewhere, or as a typedef):
boost::function<int (A*, myType1_t*, myType2_t*, myType3*> myCallbackFunction
And then somewhere in A (the ctor) call boost::bind on that type, and pass it into the C-library call.
Is this possible, or am I off base? Thanks much.
No. Functor types like boost::function don't convert to function pointers for use with C callback mechanisms.
However, most C callback mechanisms have some kind of token mechanism, so your callback function (which is static) has some kind of context information. You can use this to write a wrapper class which maps these tokens to functor objects, and passes execution along to the right one:
class CallbackManager {
typedef boost::function<int (type1*, type2*, type3*)> callback;
static void setCallback(CallbackManager::callback cb)
void *token = ::setCallback(staticCallback);
callbacks[token] = callback_I;
static void staticCallback(void* token, type1* a, type2* b, type3* c)
{ return mcallbacks[token](a, b, c); }
static std::map<void*, callback > callbacks;
do not use map, it gives runtime overhead and clutter up code with static map.
use reinterpret_cast instead.
for instance
// clib.h
typedef void (*CALLBACK_FUNC)(int code,void *param);
void set_callback( CALLBACK_FUNC, void * param );
// a.h
class A {
::set_callback( &A::static_callback, this);
static void static_callback(int code, void * param)
A* self = reinterpret_cast<A*>(param);
self->callback( code );
inline void callback( int code )
// write you code here.
The problem with member functions is that they automatically receive a pointer to object instance as the first parameter - "this" pointer. That's why you can't use member functions a C callback functions. You must have the object AND the function pointer together in order to use a member function.