Embedded C++ : to use exceptions or not? - c++

I realize this may be subjective, so will ask a concrete question, but first, background:
I have always been an embedded software engineer, but usually at Layer 3 or 2 of the OSI stack. I am not really a hardware guy. I have generally always done telecoms products, usually hand/cell-phones, which generally means something like an ARM 7 processor.
Now I find myself in a more generic embedded world, in a small start-up, where I might move to "not so powerful" processors (there's the subjective bit) - I cannot predict which.
I have read quite a bit about debate about exception handling in C++ in embedded systems and there is no clear cut answer. There are some small worries about portability and a few about run-time, but it mostly seems to come down to code size (or am i reading the wrong debates?).
Now I have to make the decision whether to use or forego exception handling - for the whole company, for ever (it's going into some very core s/w).
That may sound like "how long is a piece of string", but someone might reply "if your piece of string is an 8051, then don't. If, OTOH, it is ...".
Which way do I jump? Super-safe & lose a good feature, or exceptional code and maybe run into problems later?

In terms of performance, my understanding is that exceptions actually reduce the size and increase the performance of the normal execution paths of code, but make the exceptional/error paths more expensive. (often a lot more expensive).
So if your only concern is performance, I would say don't worry about later. If today's CPU can handle it, then tomorrows will as well.
However. In my opinion, exceptions are one of those features that require programmers to be smarter all of the time than programmers can be reasonably be expected to be. So I say - if you can stay away from exception based code. Stay away.
Have a look at Raymond Chen's Cleaner, more elegant, and harder to recognize. He says it better than I could.

The choice of whether to use exceptions or not should really lie with whether they are going to fit your program's problem domain well or not.
I've used C++ exceptions extensively, both in retrofitting into old C code, and in some newer code. (HINT: Don't try to re-fit 20 year old C code that was written in a low memory environment with all manner of inconsistent exceptions. It's just a nightmare).
If your problem is one that lends itself to handling all the errors in one spot (say, a TCP/IP server of some sort, where every error condition is met with 'break down the connection and try again'), then exceptions are good - you can just throw an exception anywhere and you know where and how it will be handled.
If, on the other hand, your problem doesn't lend itself to central error handling, then exceptions are a ROYAL pain, because trying to figure out where something is (or should be) handled can easily become a Sisyphean task. And it's really hard to see the problem just by looking at the code. You instead have to look at the call trees for a given function and see where that function's exceptions are going to end up, in order to figure out if you have a problem.

The most problem with exceptions -- they don't have predictable time of execution.
Thus they are not suitable for hard real-time applications (and I guess most embedded application doesn't fall in this category).
The second is (possible) increasing of binary's size.
I would propose you reading of Technical Report on C++ Performance which specifically addresses topics that you are interested in: using C++ in embedded (including hard real-time systems) and how exception-handling usually implemented and which overhead it has.

I'd say use exceptions appropriately if the runtime environment supports them. Exceptions to handle extraordinary conditions are fine, and can cause little overhead depending on the implementation. Some environments don't support them, especially in the embedded world. If you ban them, be careful to explain why. I once had a guy that, when told not to use exceptions, did a divide by zero instead. Not exactly what we had in mind.

I think the problem is that many people voice their opinion without having a solid understanding of how exception handling in C++ works.
I have recently started at a new company, and there is consensus that we should not use exceptions, because we can't test them, because nondeterministic behaviour, etc etc. All wrong, of course.
When we talk about the overhead of having exception handling used in the code, we need to carefully consider overhead on top of what? Granted it comes at a cost, but that is the cost of alternative? Say we are using return error codes. In such scenario HALF of the if() statements in the source code will be dedicated to testing error codes and forwarding them up the call stack. Not making this up, actual metric of the codebase I'm looking at. And most of it is to deal with a) events that can't pretty much ever happen, like not having memory at the start of an embedded application and b) events that if they actually happen, we can not do anything about anyway, other than shutdown.
In this case introduction of exception handling would significantly reduce complexity of the code, separating handling of rare events from the business as usual logic. And saves ton's of overhead, because the error code checking is happening all the time. Further, it significantly reduces the size of the code. Think how much effort is needed to propagate error codes up the stack through 10 different functions, until we get somewhere where we can officially bail. Using the exception handling you can bypass the 10 intermediary levels of functions, and go straight to where we can deal with it.


Are Exceptions in C++ really slow

I was watching Systematic Error Handling in C++—Andrei Alexandrescu he claims that Exceptions in C++ are very very slow.
Is this still true for C++98?
The main model used today for exceptions (Itanium ABI, VC++ 64 bits) is the Zero-Cost model exceptions.
The idea is that instead of losing time by setting up a guard and explicitly checking for the presence of exceptions everywhere, the compiler generates a side table that maps any point that may throw an exception (Program Counter) to the a list of handlers. When an exception is thrown, this list is consulted to pick the right handler (if any) and stack is unwound.
Compared to the typical if (error) strategy:
the Zero-Cost model, as the name implies, is free when no exceptions occur
it costs around 10x/20x an if when an exception does occur
The cost, however, is not trivial to measure:
The side-table is generally cold, and thus fetching it from memory takes a long time
Determining the right handler involves RTTI: many RTTI descriptors to fetch, scattered around memory, and complex operations to run (basically a dynamic_cast test for each handler)
So, mostly cache misses, and thus not trivial compared to pure CPU code.
Note: for more details, read the TR18015 report, chapter 5.4 Exception Handling (pdf)
So, yes, exceptions are slow on the exceptional path, but they are otherwise quicker than explicit checks (if strategy) in general.
Note: Andrei Alexandrescu seems to question this "quicker". I personally have seen things swing both ways, some programs being faster with exceptions and others being faster with branches, so there indeed seems to be a loss of optimizability in certain conditions.
Does it matter ?
I would claim it does not. A program should be written with readability in mind, not performance (at least, not as a first criterion). Exceptions are to be used when one expects that the caller cannot or will not wish to handle the failure on the spot, and pass it up the stack. Bonus: in C++11 exceptions can be marshalled between threads using the Standard Library.
This is subtle though, I claim that map::find should not throw but I am fine with map::find returning a checked_ptr which throws if an attempt to dereference it fails because it's null: in the latter case, as in the case of the class that Alexandrescu introduced, the caller chooses between explicit check and relying on exceptions. Empowering the caller without giving him more responsibility is usually a sign of good design.
When the question was posted I was on my way to the doctor, with a taxi waiting, so I only had time then for a short comment. But having now commented and upvoted and downvoted I’d better add my own answer. Even if Matthieu’s answer already is pretty good.
Are exceptions especially slow in C++, compared to other languages?
Re the claim
“I was watching Systematic Error Handling in C++—Andrei Alexandrescu he claims that Exceptions in C++ are very very slow.”
If that’s literally what Andrei claims, then for once he’s very misleading, if not downright wrong. For a raised/thrown exceptions is always slow compared to other basic operations in the language, regardless of the programming language. Not just in C++ or more so in C++ than in other languages, as the purported claim indicates.
In general, mostly regardless of language, the two basic language features that are orders of magnitude slower than the rest, because they translate to calls of routines that handle complex data structures, are
exception throwing, and
dynamic memory allocation.
Happily in C++ one can often avoid both in time-critical code.
Unfortunately There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch, even if the default efficiency of C++ comes pretty close. :-) For the efficiency gained by avoiding exception throwing and dynamic memory allocation is generally achieved by coding at a lower level of abstraction, using C++ as just a “better C”. And lower abstraction means greater “complexity”.
Greater complexity means more time spent on maintenance and little or no benefit from code reuse, which are real monetary costs, even if difficult to estimate or measure. I.e., with C++ one can, if so desired, trade some programmer efficiency for execution efficiency. Whether to do so is largely an engineering and gut-feeling decision, because in practice only the gain, not the cost, can be easily estimated and measured.
Are there any objective measures of C++ exception throwing performance?
Yes, the international C++ standardization committee has published a Technical Report on C++ performance, TR18015.
What does it mean that exceptions are “slow”?
Mainly it means that a throw can take a Very Long Time™ compared to e.g. an int assignment, due to the search for handler.
As TR18015 discusses in its section 5.4 “Exceptions” there are two principal exception handling implementation strategies,
the approach where each try-block dynamically sets up exception catching, so that a search up the dynamic chain of handlers is performed when an exception is thrown, and
the approach where the compiler generates static look-up tables that are used to determine the handler for a thrown exception.
The first very flexible and general approach is almost forced in 32-bit Windows, while in 64-bit land and in *nix-land the second far more efficient approach is commonly used.
Also as that report discusses, for each approach there are three main areas where exception handling impacts on efficiency:
regular functions (optimization opportunities), and
Mainly, with the dynamic handler approach (32-bit Windows) exception handling has an impact on try blocks, mostly regardless of language (because this is forced by Windows' Structured Exception Handling scheme), while the static table approach has roughly zero cost for try-blocks. Discussing this would take a lot more space and research than is practical for an SO answer. So, see the report for details.
Unfortunately the report, from 2006, is already a little bit dated as of late 2012, and as far as I know there’s not anything comparable that’s newer.
Another important perspective is that the impact of use of exceptions on performance is very different from the isolated efficiency of the supporting language features, because, as the report notes,
“When considering exception handling, it must be contrasted to alternative ways of
dealing with errors.”
For example:
Maintenance costs due to different programming styles (correctness)
Redundant call site if failure checking versus centralized try
Caching issues (e.g. shorter code may fit in cache)
The report has a different list of aspects to consider, but anyway the only practical way to obtain hard facts about the execution efficiency is probably to implement the same program using exception and not using exceptions, within a decided cap on development time, and with developers familiar with each way, and then MEASURE.
What is a good way to avoid the overhead of exceptions?
Correctness almost always trumps efficiency.
Without exceptions, the following can easily happen:
Some code P is meant to obtain a resource or compute some information.
The calling code C should have checked for success/failure, but doesn't.
A non-existent resource or invalid information is used in code following C, causing general mayhem.
The main problem is point (2), where with the usual return code scheme the calling code C is not forced to check.
There are two main approaches that do force such checking:
Where P directly throws an exception when it fails.
Where P returns an object that C has to inspect before using its main value (otherwise an exception or termination).
The second approach was, AFAIK, first described by Barton and Nackman in their book *Scientific and Engineering C++: An Introduction with Advanced Techniques and Examples, where they introduced a class called Fallow for a “possible” function result. A similar class called optional is now offered by the Boost library. And you can easily implement an Optional class yourself, using a std::vector as value carrier for the case of non-POD result.
With the first approach the calling code C has no choice but to use exception handling techniques. With the second approach, however, the calling code C can itself decide whether to do if based checking, or general exception handling. Thus, the second approach supports making the programmer versus execution time efficiency trade-off.
What is the impact of the various C++ standards, on exception performance?
“I want to know is this still true for C++98”
C++98 was the first C++ standard. For exceptions it introduced a standard hierarchy of exception classes (unfortunately rather imperfect). The main impact on performance was the possibility of exception specifications (removed in C++11), which however were never fully implemented by the main Windows C++ compiler Visual C++: Visual C++ accepts the C++98 exception specification syntax, but just ignores exception specifications.
C++03 was just a technical corrigendum of C++98. The only really new in C++03 was value initialization. Which has nothing to do with exceptions.
With the C++11 standard general exception specifications were removed, and replaced with the noexcept keyword.
The C++11 standard also added support for storing and rethrowing exceptions, which is great for propagating C++ exceptions across C language callbacks. This support effectively constrains how the current exception can be stored. However, as far as I know that does not impact on performance, except to the degree that in newer code exception handling may more easily be used on both sides of a C language callback.
You can never claim about performance unless you convert the code to the assembly or benchmark it.
Here is what you see: (quick-bench)
The error code is not sensitive to the percentage of occurrence. Exceptions have a little bit overhead as long as they are never thrown. Once you throw them, the misery starts. In this example, it is thrown for 0%, 1%, 10%, 50% and 90% of the cases. When the exceptions are thrown 90% of the time, the code is 8 times slower than the case where the exceptions are thrown 10% of the time. As you see, the exceptions are really slow. Do not use them if they are thrown frequently. If your application has no real-time requirement, feel free to throw them if they occur very rarely.
You see many contradictory opinions about them. But finally,
are exceptions are slow? I don't judge. Just watch the benchmark.
It depends on the compiler.
GCC, for example, was known for having very poor performance when handling exceptions, but this got considerably better in the past few years.
But note that handling exceptions should - as the name says - be the exception rather than the rule in your software design. When you have an application which throws so many exceptions per second that it impacts performance and this is still considered normal operation, then you should rather think about doing things differently.
Exceptions are a great way to make code more readable by getting all that clunky error handling code out of the way, but as soon as they become part of the normal program flow, they become really hard to follow. Remember that a throw is pretty much a goto catch in disguise.
Yes, but that doesn't matter.
Read this:
Basically that says that using exceptions like Alexandrescu described (50x slowdown because they use catch as else) is just wrong.
That being said for ppl who like to do it like that
I wish C++22 :) would add something like:
(note this would have to be core language since it is basically compiler generating code from existing one)
result = attempt<lexical_cast<int>>("12345"); //lexical_cast is boost function, 'attempt'
//... is the language construct that pretty much generates function from lexical_cast, generated function is the same as the original one except that fact that throws are replaced by return(and exception type that was in place of the return is placed in a result, but NO exception is thrown)...
//... By default std::exception is replaced, ofc precise configuration is possible
if (result)
int x = result.get(); // or result.result;
// even possible to see what is the exception that would have happened in original function
switch (result.exception_type())
P.S. also note that even if the exceptions are that slow... it is not a problem if you dont spend a lot of time in that part of the code during execution... For example if float division is slow and you make it 4x faster that doesnt matter if you spend 0.3% of your time doing FP division...
Like in silico said its implementation dependent, but in general exceptions are considered slow for any implementation and shouldn't be used in performance intensive code.
EDIT: I'm not saying don't use them at all but for performance intensive code it is best to avoid them.

Most common reasons for unstable bugs in C++?

I am currently working on a large project, and I spend most of the time debugging. While debugging is a normal process, there are bugs, that are unstable, and these bugs are the greatest pain for the developer. The program does not work, well, sometimes... Sometimes it does, and there is nothing you can do about it.
What can be done about these bugs? Most common debugging tools (interactive debuggers, watches, log messages) may lead you nowhere, because the bug will disappear ... just to appear once again, later. That is why I am asking for some heuristics: what are the most common reasons for such bugs? What suspicious code should we investigate to locate such a bugs?
Let me start the list:
using uninitialized variables.
Common misprints like mMember =
thread synchronization.
Sometimes it can be a matter of
working with non-smart
pointers, dereferencing invalid
what else?
IME the underlying problem in many projects is that developers use low-level features of C++ like manual memory management, C-style string handling, etc. even though they are very rarely ever necessary (and then only well encapsulated in classes). This leads to memory corruption, invalid pointers, buffer overflows, resource leaks and whatnot. All the while nice and clean high-level constructs are available.
I was part of the team for a large (several MLoC) application for several years and the number of crashing bugs for different parts of the application nicely correlated to the programming style used within these parts. When asked why they wouldn't change their programming style some of the culprits answered that their style in general yields more performance. (Not only is this wrong, it's also a fact that customers rather have a more stable but slower program than a fast one that keeps crashing on them. Also, most of their code wasn't even required to be fast...)
As for multi-threading: I don't feel expert enough to offer solutions here, but I think Herb Sutter's Effective Concurrency columns are a very worthwhile read on the subject.
Edit to address the discussions in the comments:
I did not write that "C-style string handling is not more performant". (Certainly a lot of negation in this sentence, but since I feel misread, I try to be precise.) What I said is that high level constructs are not in general less performant: std::vector isn't in general slower than manually doing dynamically allocated C arrays, since it is a dynamically allocated C array. Of course, there are cases where something coded according to special requirements will perform better than any general solution -- but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to resort to manual memory management. This is why I wrote that, if such things are necessary, then only well-encapsulated in classes.
But what's even more important: in most code the difference doesn't matter. Whether a button depresses 0.01secs after someone clicked it or 0.05secs simply doesn't matter, so even a factor 5 speed gain is irrelevant in the button's code. Whether the code crashes, however, always matters.
To sum up my argument: First make it work correctly. This is best done using well-proven off-the-shelf building blocks. Then measure. Then improve performance where it matters, using well-proven off-the-shelf idioms.
I was actually going to post a question that asked exactly the opposite - do others find, as I do, that you spend almost no time using the debugger when working with C++? I honestly cannot remember the last time I used one - it must have been about six months ago.
Frankly, if you spend most of the time in the debugger, I think there is something very wrong with your basic coding practices.
Race conditions.
These are one of the few things that still sends a shiver down my spine when it comes up in debugging (or in the issue tracker). Inherently horrible to debug, and extremely easy to create. The three most common causes of bugs in my C++ software have been race conditions, reliance on uninitialised memory, and reliance on static constructor order.
And if you don't know what race conditions are, chances are they're the cause of your instability ;)
If you are really in a position where you already have bad code that breaks, the best plan is probably to throw as many tools at it as you can (OS/lib-level memory checking, automated testing, logging, core dumps, etc) to find the problem areas. Then rewrite the code to do something more deterministic. Most of the bugs come from people doing things that mostly work most of the time, but C++ offers stronger guarantees if you use the right tools and approaches.
Haven't seen this one mentioned yet:
Inheriting from a class that does not have a virtual destructor.
Reading from uncached memory while a cache line is being written back over the memory (This is a right bastard to find).
Buffer overwrites
Stack overflows!
The only 3 i can think of at the mo ... may edit later :)
buffer overflows
using pointers to deleted objects
returning invalid references or references to out of scope objects
unhandled exceptions
resource leaks (not only memory)
infinite recursion
dynamic libraries version mismatch
Not really a C++ issue but seen in a C/C++ project.
The trickiest issue I had to deal with was an initialization issue when starting up the OS on our platform that lead to unusual crashes. It took years before we found out what happened. Before that we ran the system overnight and if it didn't crash, then it was normally okay.
Luckily, the OS isn't sold anymore.
addresses and memory used before allocation or after deallocation, segmentation faults, arrayoutofbounds, offset, threadlocks, unintelligible operator overloading, inline assembly, void exit and void in general where return values are desired complicates where math.h functions are worth a look since all math.h functions both have working arguments and return values compared to other library overly void, emptiness tests, nils, nulls and voids. 4 general conventions I recommend are return values, arguments, ternary choices and invertible changes. Faultprone to avoid are vectors (use arrays instead) void with empty arguments and in my subjective opinion I avoid the switch statement in favor of more intelligible or readable if...elseif or more abstract "is".
C++ also has rather lousy forward compatibility compared to scripts and interpreted, to try a decade old Java it still runs unchanged and safe in later vm.

Embedded C++ : to use STL or not?

I have always been an embedded software engineer, but usually at Layer 3 or 2 of the OSI stack. I am not really a hardware guy. I have generally always done telecoms products, usually hand/cell-phones, which generally means something like an ARM 7 processor.
Now I find myself in a more generic embedded world, in a small start-up, where I might move to "not so powerful" processors (there's the subjective bit) - I cannot predict which.
I have read quite a bit about debate about using STL in C++ in embedded systems and there is no clear cut answer. There are some small worries about portability, and a few about code size or run-time, but I have two major concerns:
1 - exception handling; I am still not sure whether to use it (see Embedded C++ : to use exceptions or not?)
2 - I strongly dislike dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems, because of the problems it can introduce. I generally have a buffer pool which is statically allocated at compile time and which serves up only fixed size buffers (if no buffers, system reset). The STL, of course, does a lot of dynamic allocation.
Now I have to make the decision whether to use or forego the STL - for the whole company, for ever (it's going into some very core s/w).
Which way do I jump? Super-safe & lose much of what constitutes C++ (imo, it's more than just the language definition) and maybe run into problems later or have to add lots of exception handling & maybe some other code now?
I am tempted to just go with Boost, but 1) I am not sure if it will port to every embedded processor I might want to use and 2) on their website, they say that they doesn't guarantee/recommend certain parts of it for embedded systems (especially FSMs, which seems weird). If I go for Boost & we find a problem later ....
I work on real-time embedded systems every day. Of course, my definition of embedded system may be different than yours. But we make full use of the STL and exceptions and do not experience any unmanageable problems. We also make use of dynamic memory (at a very high rate; allocating lots of packets per second, etc.) and have not yet needed to resort to any custom allocators or memory pools. We have even used C++ in interrupt handlers. We don't use boost, but only because a certain government agency won't let us.
It is our experience you can indeed use many modern C++ features in an embedded environment as long as you use your head and conduct your own benchmarks. I highly recommend you make use of Scott Meyer's Effective C++ 3rd edition as well as Sutter and Alexandrescu's C++ Coding Standards to assist you in using C++ with a sane programming style.
Edit: After getting an upvote on this 2 years later, let me post an update. We are much farther along in our development and we have finally hit spots in our code where the standard library containers are too slow under high performance conditions. Here we did in fact resort to custom algorithms, memory pools, and simplified containers. That is the beauty of C++ though, you can use the standard library and get all the good things it provides for 90% of your use cases. You don't throw it all out when you meet problems, you just hand-optimize the trouble spots.
Super-safe & lose much of what
constitutes C++ (imo, it's more than
just the language definition) and
maybe run into problems later or have
to add lots of exception handling &
maybe some other code now?
We have a similar debate in the game world and people come down on both sides. Regarding the quoted part, why would you be concerned about losing "much of what constitutes C++"? If it's not pragmatic, don't use it. It shouldn't matter if it's "C++" or not.
Run some tests. Can you get around STL's memory management in ways that satisfy you? If so, was it worth the effort? A lot of problems STL and boost are designed to solve just plain don't come up if you design to avoid haphazard dynamic memory allocation... does STL solve a specific problem you face?
Lots of people have tackled STL in tight environments and been happy with it. Lots of people just avoid it. Some people propose entirely new standards. I don't think there's one right answer.
The other posts have addressed the important issues of dynamic memory allocation, exceptions and possible code bloat. I just want to add: Don't forget about <algorithm>! Regardless of whether you use STL vectors or plain C arrays and pointers, you can still use sort(), binary_search(), random_shuffle(), the functions for building and managing heaps, etc. These routines will almost certainly be faster and less buggy than versions you build yourself.
Example: unless you think about it carefully, a shuffle algorithm you build yourself is likely to produce skewed distributions; random_shuffle() won't.
Paul Pedriana from Electronic Arts wrote in 2007 a lengthy treatise on why the STL was inappropriate for embedded console development and why they had to write their own. It's a detailed article, but the most important reasons were:
STL allocators are slow, bloated,
and inefficient
Compilers aren't actually very good at inlining all those deep function calls
STL allocators don't support explicit alignment
The STL algorithms that come with GCC and MSVC's STL aren't very performant, because they're very platform-agnostic and thus miss a lot of microoptimizations that can make a big difference.
Some years ago, our company made the decision not to use the STL at all, instead implementing our own system of containers that are maximally performant, easier to debug, and more conservative of memory. It was a lot of work but it has repaid itself many times over. But ours is a space in which products compete on how much they can cram into 16.6ms with a given CPU and memory size.
As to exceptions: they are slow on consoles, and anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't tried timing them. Simply compiling with them enabled will slow down the entire program because of the necessary prolog/epilog code -- measure it yourself if you don't believe me. It's even worse on in-order CPUs than it is on the x86. For this reason, the compiler we use doesn't even support C++ exceptions.
The performance gain isn't so much from avoiding the cost of an exception throw — it's from disabling exceptions entirely.
Let me start out by saying I haven't done embedded work for a few years, and never in C++, so my advice is worth every penny you're paying for it...
The templates utilized by STL are never going to generate code you wouldn't need to generate yourself, so I wouldn't worry about code bloat.
The STL doesn't throw exceptions on its own, so that shouldn't be a concern. If your classes don't throw, you should be safe. Divide your object initialization into two parts, let the constructor create a bare bones object and then do any initialization that could fail in a member function that returns an error code.
I think all of the container classes will let you define your own allocation function, so if you want to allocate from a pool you can make it happen.
The open source project "Embedded Template Library (ETL)" targets the usual problems with the STL used in Embedded Applications by providing/implementing a library:
deterministic behaviour
"Create a set of containers where the size or maximum size is determined at compile time. These containers should be largely equivalent to those supplied in the STL, with a compatible API."
no dynamic memory allocation
no RTTI required
little use of virtual functions (only when absolutely necessary)
set of fixed capacity containers
cache friendly storage of containers as continously allocated memory block
reduced container code size
typesafe smart enumerations
CRC calculations
checksums & hash functions
variants = sort of type safe unions
Choice of asserts, exceptions, error handler or no checks on errors
heavily unit tested
well documented source code
and other features...
You can also consider a commercial C++ STL for Embedded Developers provided by E.S.R. Labs.
for memory management, you can implement your own allocator, which request memory from the pool. And all STL container have a template for the allocator.
for exception, STL doesn't throw many exceptions, in generally, the most common are: out of memory, in your case, the system should reset, so you can do reset in the allocator. others are such as out of range, you can avoid it by the user.
so, i think you can use STL in embedded system :)
In addition to all comments, I would propose you reading of Technical Report on C++ Performance which specifically addresses topics that you are interested in: using C++ in embedded (including hard real-time systems); how exception-handling usually implemented and which overhead it has; free store allocation's overhead.
The report is really good as is debunks many popular tails about C++ performance.
It basically depends on your compiler and in the amount of memory you have. If you have more than a few Kb of ram, having dynamic memory allocation helps a lot. If the implementation of malloc from the standard library that you have is not tuned to your memory size you can write your own, or there are nice examples around such as mm_malloc from Ralph Hempel that you can use to write your new and delete operators on top.
I don't agree with those that repeat the meme that exceptions and stl containers are too slow, or too bloated etc. Of course it adds a little more code than a simple C's malloc, but judicious use of exceptions can make code much clear and avoid too much error checking blurb in C.
One has to keep in mind that STL allocators will increase their allocations in powers of two, which means sometimes it will do some reallocations until it reaches the correct size, which you can prevent with reserve so it becomes as cheap as one malloc of the desired size if you know the size to allocate anyway.
If you have a big buffer in a vector for example, at some point it might do a reallocation and ends using up 1.5x the memory size that you are intending it to use at some point while reallocating and moving data. (For example, at some point it has N bytes allocated, you add data via append or an insertion iterator and it allocates 2N bytes, copies the first N and releases N. You have 3N bytes allocated at some point).
So in the end it has a lot of advantages, and pays of if you know what you are doing. You should know a little of how C++ works to use it on embedded projects without surprises.
And to the guy of the fixed buffers and reset, you can always reset inside the new operator or whatever if you are out of memory, but that would mean you did a bad design that can exhaust your memory.
An exception being thrown with ARM realview 3.1:
--- OSD\#1504 throw fapi_error("OSDHANDLER_BitBlitFill",res);
S:218E72F0 E1A00000 MOV r0,r0
S:218E72F4 E58D0004 STR r0,[sp,#4]
S:218E72F8 E1A02000 MOV r2,r0
S:218E72FC E24F109C ADR r1,{pc}-0x94 ; 0x218e7268
S:218E7300 E28D0010 ADD r0,sp,#0x10
S:218E7304 FA0621E3 BLX _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE <0x21a6fa98>
S:218E7308 E1A0B000 MOV r11,r0
S:218E730C E1A0200A MOV r2,r10
S:218E7310 E1A01000 MOV r1,r0
S:218E7314 E28D0014 ADD r0,sp,#0x14
S:218E7318 EB05C35F BL fapi_error::fapi_error <0x21a5809c>
S:218E731C E3A00008 MOV r0,#8
S:218E7320 FA056C58 BLX __cxa_allocate_exception <0x21a42488>
S:218E7324 E58D0008 STR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7328 E28D1014 ADD r1,sp,#0x14
S:218E732C EB05C340 BL _ZN10fapi_errorC1ERKS_ <0x21a58034>
S:218E7330 E58D0008 STR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7334 E28D0014 ADD r0,sp,#0x14
S:218E7338 EB05C36E BL _ZN10fapi_errorD1Ev <0x21a580f8>
S:218E733C E51F2F98 LDR r2,0x218e63ac <OSD\#1126>
S:218E7340 E51F1F98 LDR r1,0x218e63b0 <OSD\#1126>
S:218E7344 E59D0008 LDR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7348 FB056D05 BLX __cxa_throw <0x21a42766>
Doesn't seem so scary, and no overhead is added inside {} blocks or functions if the exception isn't thrown.
The biggest problem with STL in embedded systems is the memory allocation issue (which, as you said, causes a lot of problems).
I'd seriously research creating your own memory management, built by overriding the new/delete operators. I'm pretty sure that with a bit of time, it can be done, and it's almost certainly worth it.
As for the exceptions issue, I wouldn't go there. Exceptions are a serious slowdown of your code, because they cause every single block ({ }) to have code before and after, allowing the catching of the exception and the destruction of any objects contained within. I don't have hard data on this on hand, but every time I've seen this issue come up, I've seen overwhelming evidence of a massive slowdown caused by using exceptions.
Since a lot of people wrote comments stating that exception handling is not slower, I thought I'd add this little note (thanks for the people who wrote this in comments, I thought it'd be good to add it here).
The reason exception handling slows down your code is because the compiler must make sure that every block ({}), from the place an exception is thrown to the place it is dealt with, must deallocate any objects within it. This is code that is added to every block, regardless of whether anyone ever throws an exception or not (since the compiler can't tell at compile time whether this block will be part of an exception "chain").
Of course, this might be an old way of doing things that has gotten much faster in newer compilers (I'm not exactly up-to-date on C++ compiler optimizations). The best way to know is just to run some sample code, with exceptions turned on and off (and which includes a few nested functions), and time the difference.
On our embedded scanner project we were developing a board with ARM7 CPU and STL didn't bring any issue. Surely the project details are important since dynamic memory allocation may not be an issue for many available boards today and type of projects.

How are exceptions implemented under the hood? [closed]

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Just about everyone uses them, but many, including me simply take it for granted that they just work.
I am looking for high-quality material. Languages I use are: Java, C, C#, Python, C++, so these are of most interest to me.
Now, C++ is probably a good place to start since you can throw anything in that language.
Also, C is close to assembly. How would one emulate exceptions using pure C constructs and no assembly?
Finally, I heard a rumor that Google employees do not use exceptions for some projects due to speed considerations. Is this just a rumor? How can anything substantial be accomplished without them?
Thank you.
Exceptions are just a specific example of a more general case of advanced non-local flow control constructs. Other examples are:
notifications (a generalization of exceptions, originally from some old Lisp object system, now implemented in e.g. CommonLisp and Ioke),
continuations (a more structured form of GOTO, popular in high-level, higher-order languages),
coroutines (a generalization of subroutines, popular especially in Lua),
generators à la Python (essentially a restricted form of coroutines),
fibers (cooperative light-weight threads) and of course the already mentioned
(I'm sure there's many others I missed.)
An interesting property of these constructs is that they are all roughly equivalent in expressive power: if you have one, you can pretty easily build all the others.
So, how you best implement exceptions depends on what other constructs you have available:
Every CPU has GOTO, therefore you can always fall back to that, if you must.
C has setjmp/longjmp which are basically MacGyver continuations (built out of duct-tape and toothpicks, not quite the real thing, but will at least get you out of the immediate trouble if you don't have something better available).
The JVM and CLI have exceptions of their own, which means that if the exception semantics of your language match Java's/C#'s, you are home free (but if not, then you are screwed).
The Parrot VM as both exceptions and continuations.
Windows has its own framework for exception handling, which language implementors can use to build their own exceptions on top.
A very interesting use case, both of the usage of exceptions and the implementation of exceptions is Microsoft Live Lab's Volta Project. (Now defunct.) The goal of Volta was to provide architectural refactoring for Web applications at the push of a button. So, you could turn your one-tier web application into a two- or three-tier application just by putting some [Browser] or [DB] attributes on your .NET code and the code would then automagically run on the client or in the DB. In order to do that, the .NET code had to be translated to JavaScript source code, obviously.
Now, you could just write an entire VM in JavaScript and run the bytecode unmodified. (Basically, port the CLR from C++ to JavaScript.) There are actually projects that do this (e.g. the HotRuby VM), but this is both inefficient and not very interoperable with other JavaScript code.
So, instead, they wrote a compiler which compiles CIL bytecode to JavaScript sourcecode. However, JavaScript lacks certain features that .NET has (generators, threads, also the two exception models aren't 100% compatible), and more importantly it lacks certain features that compiler writers love (either GOTO or continuations) and that could be used to implement the above-mentioned missing features.
However, JavaScript does have exceptions. So, they used JavaScript Exceptions to implement Volta Continuations and then they used Volta Continuations to implement .NET Exceptions, .NET Generators and even .NET Managed Threads(!!!)
So, to answer your original question:
How are exceptions implemented under the hood?
With Exceptions, ironically! At least in this very specific case, anyway.
Another great example is some of the exception proposals on the Go mailing list, which implement exceptions using Goroutines (something like a mixture of concurrent coroutines ans CSP processes). Yet another example is Haskell, which uses Monads, lazy evaluation, tail call optimization and higher-order functions to implement exceptions. Some modern CPUs also support basic building blocks for exceptions (for example the Vega-3 CPUs that were specifically designed for the Azul Systems Java Compute Accelerators).
Here is a common way C++ exceptions are implemented:
It is for the Itanium architecture, but the implementation described here is used in other architectures as well. Note that it is a long document, since C++ exceptions are complicated.
Here is a good description on how LLVM implements exceptions:
Since LLVM is meant to be a common intermediate representation for many runtimes, the mechanisms described can be applied to many languages.
In his book C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software, D. R. Hanson provides a nice implementation of exceptions in pure C using a set of macros and setjmp/longjmp. He provides TRY/RAISE/EXCEPT/FINALLY macros that can emulate pretty much everything C++ exceptions do and more.
The code can be perused here (look at except.h/except.c).
P.S. re your question about Google. Their employees are actually allowed to use exceptions in new code, and the official reason for the ban in old code is because it was already written that way and it doesn't make sense to mix styles.
Personally, I also think that C++ without exceptions isn't the best idea.
C/C++ compilers use the underlying OS facilities for exception handling. Frameworks like .Net or Java also rely, in the VM, on the OS facilities. In Windows for instance, the real heavy lifting is done by SEH, the Structured Exception Handling infrastructure. You should absolutely read the old reference article: A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling.
As for the cost of not using exceptions, they are expensive but compared to what? Compared to return error codes? After you factor in the cost of correctness and the quality of code, exceptions will always win for commercial applications. Short of few very critical OS level functions, exceptions are always better overall.
An last but not least there is the anti-pattern of using exceptions for flow control. Exceptions should be exceptional and code that abuses exceptions fro flow control will pay the price in performance.
The best paper ever written on the implementation of exceptions (under the hood) is Exception Handling in CLU by Barbara Liskov and Alan Snyder. I have referred to it every time I've started a new compiler.
For a somewhat higher-level view of an implementation in C using setjmp and longjmp, I recommend Dave Hanson's C Interfaces and Implementations (like Eli Bendersky).
setjmp() and longjmp() usually.
Exception catching does have a non-trivial cost, but for most purposes it's not a big deal.
The key thing an exception implementation needs to handle is how to return to the exception handler once an exception has been thrown. Since you may have made an arbitrary number of nested function calls since the try statement in C++, it must unwind the call stack searching for the handler. However implemented, this must incur the code size cost of maintaining sufficient information in order to perform this operation (and generally means a table of data for calls that can take exceptions). It also means that the dynamic code execution path will be longer than simply returning from functions calls (which is a fairly inexpensive operation on most platforms). There may be other costs as well depending on the implementation.
The relative cost will vary depending on the language used. The higher-level language used, the less likely the code size cost will matter, and the information may be retained regardless of whether exceptions are used.
An application where the use of exceptions (and C++ in general) is often avoided for good reasons is embedded firmware. In typical small bare metal or RTOS platforms, you might have 1MB of code space, or 64K, or even smaller. Some platforms are so small, even C is not practical to use. In this kind of environment, the size impact is relevant because of the cost mentioned above. It also impacts the standard library itself. Embedded toolchain vendors will often produce a library without exception capability, which has a huge impact on code size. Highly optimizing compilers may also analyze the callgraph and optimize away needed call frame information for the unwind operation for considerable space reduction. Exceptions also make it more difficult to analyze hard real-time requirements.
In more typical environments, the code size cost is almost certainly irrelevant and the performance factor is likely key. Whether you use them will depend on your performance requirements and how you want to use them. Using exceptions in non-exceptional cases can make an elegant design, but at a performance cost that may be unacceptable for high performance systems. Implementations and relative cost will vary by platform and compiler, so the best way to truly understand if exceptions are a problem is to analyze your own code's performance.
C++ code at Google (save for some Windows-specific cases) don't use exceptions: cfr the guidelines, short form: "We do not use C++ exceptions". Quoting from the discussion (hit the arrow to expand on the URL):
Our advice against using exceptions is
not predicated on philosophical or
moral grounds, but practical ones.
Because we'd like to use our
open-source projects at Google and
it's difficult to do so if those
projects use exceptions, we need to
advise against exceptions in Google
open-source projects as well. Things
would probably be different if we had
to do it all over again from scratch.
This rule does not apply to Google code in other languages, such as Java and Python.
Regarding performance - sparse use of exceptions will probably have negligible effects, but do not abuse them.
I have personally seen Java code which performed two orders of magnitude worse than it could have (took about x100 the time) because exceptions were used in an important loop instead of more standard if/returns.
Some runtimes like the Objective-C runtime have zero-cost 64-bit exceptions. What that means is that it doesn't cost anything to enter a try block. However, this is quite costly when the exception is thrown. This follows the paradigm of "optimize for the average case" - exceptions are meant to be exceptional, so it is better to make the case when there are no exceptions really fast, even if it comes at the cost of significantly slower exceptions.

C++ for Game Programming - Love or Distrust? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In the name of efficiency in game programming, some programmers do not trust several C++ features. One of my friends claims to understand how game industry works, and would come up with the following remarks:
Do not use smart pointers. Nobody in games does.
Exceptions should not be (and is usually not) used in game programming for memory and speed.
How much of these statements are true? C++ features have been designed keeping efficiency in mind. Is that efficiency not sufficient for game programming? For 97% of game programming?
The C-way-of-thinking still seems to have a good grasp on the game development community. Is this true?
I watched another video of a talk on multi-core programming in GDC 2009. His talk was almost exclusively oriented towards Cell Programming, where DMA transfer is needed before processing (simple pointer access won't work with the SPE of Cell). He discouraged the use of polymorphism as the pointer has to be "re-based" for DMA transfer. How sad. It is like going back to the square one. I don't know if there is an elegant solution to program C++ polymorphism on the Cell. The topic of DMA transfer is esoteric and I do not have much background here.
I agree that C++ has also not been very nice to programmers who want a small language to hack with, and not read stacks of books. Templates have also scared the hell out of debugging. Do you agree that C++ is too much feared by the gaming community?
The last game I worked on was Heavenly Sword on the PS3 and that was written in C++, even the cell code. Before that, I did some PS2 games and PC games and they were C++ as well. Non of the projects used smart pointers. Not because of any efficiency issues but because they were generally not needed. Games, especially console games, do not do dynamic memory allocation using the standard memory managers during normal play. If there are dynamic objects (missiles, enemies, etc) then they are usually pre-allocated and re-used as required. Each type of object would have an upper limit on the number of instances the game can cope with. These upper limits would be defined by the amount of processing required (too many and the game slows to a crawl) or the amount of RAM present (too much and you could start frequently paging to disk which would seriously degrade performance).
Games generally don't use exceptions because, well, games shouldn't have bugs and therefore not be capable of generating exceptions. This is especially true of console games where games are tested by the console manufacturer, although recent platforms like 360 and PS3 do appear to have a few games that can crash. To be honest, I've not read anything online about what the actual cost of having exceptions enabled is. If the cost is incurred only when an exception is thrown then there is no reason not to use them in games, but I don't know for sure and it's probably dependant on the compiler used. Generally, game programmers know when problems can occur that would be handled using an exception in a business application (things like IO and initialisation) and handle them without the use of exceptions (it is possible!).
But then, in the global scale, C++ is slowly decreasing as a language for game development. Flash and Java probably have a much bigger slice of market and they do have exceptions and smart pointers (in the form of managed objects).
As for the Cell pointer access, the problems arise when the code is being DMA'd into the Cell at an arbitrary base addresses. In this instance, any pointers in the code need to be 'fixed up' with the new base address, this includes v-tables, and you don't really want to do this for every object you load into the Cell. If the code is always loaded at a fixed address, then there is never a need to fix-up the pointers. You lose a bit of flexibility though as you're limiting where code can be stored. On a PC, the code never moves during execution so pointer fix-up at runtime is never needed.
I really don't think anyone 'distrusts' C++ features - not trusting the compiler is something else entirely and quite often new, esoteric architectures like the Cell tend to get robust C compilers before C++ ones because a C compiler is much easier to make than a C++ one.
Look, most everything you hear anyone say about efficiency in programming is magical thinking and superstition. Smart pointers do have a performance cost; especially if you're doing a lot of fancy pointer manipulations in an inner loop, it could make a difference.
But when people say things like that, it's usually the result of someone who told them long ago that X was true, without anything but intuition behind it. Now, the Cell/polymorphism issue sounds plausible — and I bet it did to the first guy who said it. But I haven't verified it.
You'll hear the very same things said about C++ for operating systems: that it is too slow, that it does things you want to do well, badly.
None the less we built OS/400 (from v3r6 forward) entirely in C++, bare-metal on up, and got a code base that was fast, efficient, and small. It took some work; especially working from bare metal, there are some bootstrapping issues, use of placement new, that kind of thing.
C++ can be a problem just because it's too damn big: I'm rereading Stroustrup's wristbreaker right now, and it's pretty intimidating. But I don't think there's anything inherent that says you can't use C++ in an effective way in game programming.
If you or your friend are really paranoid about performance, then go read the Intel manuals on optimization. Fun.
Otherwise, go for correctness, reliability and maintainability every time. I'd rather have a game that ran a bit slowly than one that crashed. If/when you notice that you have performance issues, PROFILE and then optimize. You will likely find that theres some hotspot piece of code which can possibly be made more efficient by using a more efficient data structure or algorithm. Only bother about these silly little mico-optimization when profiling shows that they're the only way you can get a worthwhile speedup.
Write code to be clear and correct
Can you use more efficient data structures or algorithms to speed up the bottleneck?
Use micro-optimizations as a last resort and only where profiling showed it would help
PS: A lot of modern C++ compilers provide an exception handling mechanism which adds zero execution overhead UNLESS an exception is thrown. That is, performance is only reduced when an exception is actually thrown. As long as exceptions are only used for exceptional circumstances, then theres no good reason not to use them.
I saw a post on StackOverflow (that I cannot seem to find anymore, so maybe it wasn't posted here) that looked at the relative cost of exceptions vs. error codes. Too often people look at "code with exceptions" vs. "code without error handling", which is not a fair comparison. If you would use exceptions, then by not using them you have to use something else for the same functionality, and that other thing is usually error return codes. They found that even in a simple example with a single level of function calls (so no need to propagate exceptions far up the call stack), exceptions were faster than error codes in cases where the error situation occurred 0.1% - 0.01% of the time or less, while error codes were faster in the opposite situation.
Similar to the above complaint about measuring exceptions vs. no error handling, people do this sort of error in reasoning even more often with regard to virtual functions. And just like you don't use exceptions as a way to return dynamic types from a function (yes, I know, all of your code is exceptional), you don't make functions virtual because you like the way it looks in your syntax highlighter. You make functions virtual because you need a particular type of behavior, and so you can't say that virtualization is slow unless you compare it with something that has the same action, and generally the replacement is either lots of switch statements or lots of code duplication. Those have performance and memory hits as well.
As for the comment that games don't have bugs and other software does, all I can say to that is that I clearly have not played any games made by their software company. I've surfed on the floor of the elite 4 in Pokemon, gotten stuck inside of a mountain in Oblivion, been killed by Gloams that accidentally combine their mana damage with their hp damage instead of doing them separately in Diablo II, and pushed myself through a closed gate with a big rock to fight Goblins with a bird and a slingshot in Twilight Princess. Software has bugs. Using exceptions doesn't make bug-free software buggy.
The standard library's exception mechanisms have two types of exceptions: std::runtime_error and std::logic_error. I could see not wanting to use std::logic_error (I've used it as a temporary thing to help me test, with the goal of removing it eventually, and I've also left it in as a permanent check). std::runtime_error, however, is not a bug. I throw an exception derived from std::runtime_error if the server I am connected to sends me invalid data (rule #1 of secure programming: trust no one, even a server that you think you wrote), such as claiming that they are sending me a message of 12 bytes and then they actually send me 15. In such a situation, there are only two possibilities:
1) I am connected to a malicious server, or
2) My connection to the server is corrupted.
In both of these cases, my response is the same: Disconnect (no matter where I am in the code, because my destructors will clean things up for me), wait a couple of seconds, and try connecting to the server again. I cannot do anything else. I could give absolutely everything an error code (which implies passing everything else by reference, which is a performance hit, and severely clutters code), or I could throw an exception that I catch at a point in my code where I determine which servers to connect to (which will probably be very high up in my code).
Is any of what I mentioned a bug in my code? I don't think so; I think it's accepting that all of the other code I have to interface with is imperfect or malicious, and making sure my code remains performant in the face of such ambiguity.
For smart pointers, again, what is the functionality you are trying to implement? If you need the functionality of smart pointers, then not using smart pointers means rewriting their functionality manually. I think it's pretty obvious why this is a bad idea. However, I rarely use smart pointers in my own code. The only time I really do is if I need to store some polymorphic class in a standard container (say, std::map<BattleIds, Battles> where Battles is some base class that is derived from based on the type of battle), in which case I used a std::unique_ptr. I believe that one time I used a std::unique_ptr in a class to work with some library code. Much of the time that I am using std::unique_ptr, it's to make a non-copyable, non-movable type movable. In many cases where you would use a smart pointer, however, it seems like a better idea to just create the object on the stack and remove the pointer from the equation entirely.
In my personal coding, I haven't really found many situations where the "C" version of the code is faster than the "C++" version. In fact, it's generally the opposite. For instance, consider the many examples of std::sort vs. qsort (a common example used by Bjarne Stroustrup) where std::sort clobbers qsort, or my recent comparison of std::copy vs. memcpy, where std::copy actually has a slight performance advantage.
Too much of the "C++ feature X is too slow" claims seem to be based on comparing it to not having the functionality. The most performant (in terms of speed and memory) and bug-free code is int main() {}, but we write programs to do things. If you need particular functionality, it would be silly not to use the features of the language that give you that functionality. However, you should start by thinking of what you want your program to do, and then find the best way to do it. Obviously you don't want to begin with "I want to write a program that uses feature X of C++", you want to begin with "I want to write a program that does cool thing Z" and maybe you end up at "...and the best way to implement that is feature X".
Lots of people make absolute statements about things, because they don't actually think. They'd rather just apply a rule, making things more tedious, but requiring less design and forethought. I'd rather have a bit of hard thinking now and then when I'm doing something hairy, and abstract away the tedium, but I guess not everyone thinks that way. Sure, smart pointers have a performance cost. So do exceptions. That just means there may be some small portions of your code where you shouldn't use them. But you should profile first and make sure that's actually what the problem is.
Disclaimer: I've never done any game programming.
Regarding the Cell architecture: it has an incoherent cache. Each SPE has its own local store of 256 KB. The SPEs can only access this memory; any other memory, such as the 512 MB of main memory or the local store of another SPE, has to be accessed with DMA. You perform the DMA manually and copy the memory into your local store by explicitly initiating a DMA transfer. This makes synchronization a huge pain.
Alternatively, you actually can access other memory. Main memory and each SPE's local store is mapped to a certain section of the 64-bit virtual address space. If you access data through the right pointers, the DMA happens behind the scenes, and it all looks like one giant shared memory space. The problem? Huge performance hit. Every time you access one of these pointers, the SPE stalls while the DMA occurs. This is slow, and it's not something you want to do in performance-critical code (i.e. a game).
This brings us to Skizz's point about vtables and pointer fixups. If you're blindly copying around vtable pointers between SPEs, you're going to incur a huge performance hit if you don't fix up your pointers, and you're also going to incur a huge performance hit if you do fix up your pointers and download the virtual function code to the SPEs.
I ran across an excellent presentation by Sony called "Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming". This generation of console hardware has really made a number of people take a second look at the OO aspects of C++ and start asking questions about whether it's really the best way forward.
You can find the presentation here (direct link here). Maybe you'll find the example a bit contrived, but hopefully you'll see that this dislike of highly abstracted object oriented designs isn't always based on myth and superstition.
I have written small games in the past with C++ and use C++ currently for other high performance applications. There is no need to use every single C++ feature throughout the whole code base.
Because C++ is (pretty much, minus a few things) a superset of C, you can write C style code where required, while taking advantage of the extra C++ features where appropriate.
Given a decent compiler, C++ can be just as quick as C because you can write "C" code in C++.
And as always, profile the code. Algorithms and memory management generally have a greater impact on performance than using some C++ feature.
Many games also embed Lua or some other scripting language into the game engine, so obviously maximum performance isn't required for every single line of code.
I have never programmed or used a Cell so that may have further restrictions etc.
C++ is not feared by the gaming community. Having worked on an open-world game engine selling millions, I can say the people in the business are extremely skilled and knowledgable.
The fact that shared_ptr isn't used extensively is partly because there is a real cost to it, but more importantly because ownership isn't very clear. Ownership and resource management is one of the most important and hardest things to get right. Partly because resources are still scarce on console, but also since most difficult bugs tend to be related to unclear resource management (e.g. who and what controls the lifetime of an object). IMHO shared_ptr doesn't help with that the least.
There is an added cost to exception handling, which makes it just not worthwhile. In the final game, no exceptions should be thrown anyway - it's better to just crash than to throw an exception. Plus, it's really hard to ensure exception safety in C++ anyway.
But there are many other parts of C++ that are used extensively in the gaming business. Inside EA, EASTL is an amazing remake of STL that is very adapted for high performance and scarce resources.
There is an old saying about Generals being fully prepared to fight the last war not the next.
Something similar is true about most advice on performance. It usually relates to the software and hardware that was availbale five years ago.
Kevin Frei wrote an interesting document, “How much does Exception Handling cost, really?”.
It really depends on the type of game too. If it's a processor-light game (like an asteroids clone) or pretty much anything in 2d, you can get away with more. Sure, smart pointers cost more than regular pointers, but if some people are writing games in C# then smart pointers are definitely not going to be a problem. And exceptions not being used in games is probably true, but many people misuse exceptions anyways. Exceptions should only be used for exceptional circumstances..not expected errors.
I also heard it before I joined the game industry, but something I've found is that the compilers for specialized game hardware are sometimes... subpar. (I've personally only worked with the major consoles, but I'm sure it's even more true for devices like cell phones and the like.) Obviously this isn't really a huge issue if you're developing for PC, where the compilers are tried, true, and abundant in variety, but if you want to develop a game for the Wii, PS3, or X360, guess how many options you have and how well tested they are versus your Windows/Unix compiler of choice.
This isn't to say that the tools are necessarily awful, of course, but they're only guaranteed to work if your code is simple -- in essence, if you program in C. This doesn't mean that you can't use a class or create a RAII-using smart pointer, but the further from that "guaranteed" functionality you get, the shakier the support for the standard becomes. I've personally written a line of code using some templates that compiled for one platform but not on another -- one of them simply didn't support some fringe case in the C++ standard properly.
Some of it is undoubtedly game programmer folklore, but chances are it came from somewhere: Some old compiler unwound the stack strangely when exceptions were thrown, so we don't use exceptions; A certain platform didn't play with templates well, so we only use them in trivial cases; etc. Unfortunately the problem cases and where they occurred never seem to be written down anywhere (and the cases are frequently esoteric and were a pain to track down when they first occurred), so there's no easy way to verify if it's still an issue or not except to try and hope you don't get hurt as a result. Needless to say, this is easier said than done, so the hesitance continues.
Exception handling is never free, despite some claims to the contrary on here. There is ALWAYS a cost whether it be memory or speed. If it has zero performance cost, there will be a high memory cost. Either way, the method used is totally compiler dependant and, therefore, out of the developers control. Neither method is good for game development since a. the target platform has a finite amount of memory that is often never enough and, therefore, we need total control over, and b. a fixed performance constraint of 30/60Hz. It's OK for a PC app or tool to slow down momentarily whilst something gets processed but this is absolutely untolerable on a console game. There are physics and graphics systems etc. that depend on a consistent framerate, so any C++ "feature" that could potentially disrupt this - and cannot be controlled by the developer - is a good candidate for being dropped. If C++ exception handling was so good, with little or no performance/memory cost, it would be used in every program, there wouldn't even be an option to disable it. The fact is, it may be a neat and tidy way to write reliable PC application code but is surplus to requirement in game development. It bulks out the executable, costs memory and/or performance and is totally unoptimizable. This is fine for PC dev that have huge instruction caches and the like, but game consoles do not have this luxury. And even if they did, the game dev community would almost certainly rather spend the extra cycles/memory on game related resources than waste it on features of C++ that we don't need.
Some of this is gaming folklore, and maybe mantras passed down from game developers who were targeting very limited devices (mobile, e.g.) to gamedevs who weren't.
However, a thing to keep in mind about games is that their performance characteristics are dominated by smooth and predictable frame rates. They're not mission-critical software, but they are "FPS-critical" software. A hiccup in frame rates could cause the player to game over in an action game, e.g. As a result, as much as you might find some healthy level of paranoia in mission-critical software about not failing, you can likewise find something similar in gaming about not stuttering and lagging.
A lot of gamedevs I've talked to also don't even like virtual memory and I've seen them try to apply ways to minimize the probability that a page fault could occur at an inconvenient time. In other fields, people might love virtual memory, but games are "FPS-critical". They don't want any kind of weird hiccup or stutter to occur somewhere during gameplay.
So if we start with exceptions, modern implementations of zero-cost EH allow normal execution paths to execute faster than if they were to perform manual branching on error conditions. But they come at the cost that throwing an exception suddenly becomes a much more expensive, "stop the world" kind of event. That kind of "stop the world" thing can be disastrous to a software seeking the most predictable and smooth frame rates. Of course that's only supposed to be reserved for truly exceptional paths, but a game might prefer to just find reasons not to face exceptional paths since the cost of throwing would be too great in the middle of a game. Graceful recovery is kind of a moot concept if the game has a strong desire to be avoiding facing exceptional paths in the first place.
Games often have this kind of "startup and go" characteristic, where they can potentially do all their file loading and memory allocation and things like that which could fail in advance on loading up the level or starting the game instead of doing things that could fail in the middle of the game. As a result they don't necessarily have that many decentralized code paths that could or should encounter an exception and that also diminishes the benefits of EH since it doesn't become so convenient if there are only a select few areas maximum that might benefit from it.
For similar reasons to EH, gamedevs often dislike garbage collection since it can also have that kind of "stop the world" event which can lead to unpredictable stutters -- the briefest of stutters that might be easy to dismiss in many domains as harmless, but not to gamedevs. As a result they might avoid it outright or seek object pooling just to prevent GC collections from occurring at inopportune times.
Avoiding smart pointers outright seems a bit more extreme to me, but a lot of games can preallocate their memory in advance or they might use an entity-component system where every component type is stored in a random-access sequence which allows them to be indexed. Smart pointers imply heap allocations and things that own memory at the granular level of a single object (at least unless you use a custom allocator and custom delete function object), and most games might find it in their best interest to avoid such granular heap allocations and instead allocate many things at once in a large container or through a memory pool.
There might be a bit of superstition here but I think some of it is at least justifiable.