Validation for a 10 digit phone number - regex

I'm looking for a simple regex that will validate a 10 digit phone number. I'd like to make sure that the number is exactly 10 digits, no letters, hyphens or parens and that the first two digits do not start with 0 or 1. Can someone help out?


I consider [0-9] to be better to read than \d, especially considering the preceding [2-9]
The ^ and $ ensure that the input string consists ONLY of those 8 characters - otherwise it is not guaranteed that the input string is not larger - i.e. "12345678901" would match the regex w/o those two characters - although it is 11 chars and starts with a 1!

As Randal pointed out, this question is not consistent with the way phone numbers are formatted in North America (even though the OP stated 'first two digits do not start with 0 or 1'). A better regex for North American phone numbers would be:
For example, Washington DC's area code is (202). NYC has area code (212). Northern New Jersey has (201).
But more accurately, the NANP has a lot of rules as it relates to what is allowed in area code and exchange (first six digits). This regex should still cover most cases.

This regex script might help out. I essentially strips any "punctuation" characters, including a leading 1-, then validates it is 10 digits.
The extra part you probably don't need is the formatting to 000-000-0000
formatPhone = function() {
var phone = this.value;
phone = phone.replace(/^1(|-|\(|\)|\.| )*|-|\(|\)|\.| /g, '');
if(phone.length === 10) {
this.value = phone.slice(0,3) + '-' + phone.slice(3,6) + '-' + phone.slice(6,10);

The Phone Numbers will be of 10 digits, and it will start from 7,8 and 9
[RegularExpression("^([07][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] | 8[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] | 9[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$", ErrorMessage = "Enter Valid Mobile Number")]
reference :


Specific Regex Expression for Phone Numbers

I need to validate that phone numbers are entered in this specific format
+[country_code][space][phone_number], where
+ is required
<country_code> is required, 0-9 only, at least 1 digit, max 6 digits
<space> is required
<phone_number> is required, 0-9 only, at least 4 digits, max 20 digits
Match: +1 2123333455, +98 343545454, +8733 343433434
Non-Match: +1 (212) 444-3388, 98 3434343, +334 34343 434343
Thanks a bunch! I am not a regex expert.
^\+\d{1,6} \d{4,20}$
should do.
Here are some tests.
If you don't want the country code to begin with a 0 :
^\+[1-9]\d{0,5} \d{4,20}$
This will validate any international number
The number should start with a plus sign followed by the country code and national number

regular expression for bulgarian mobile phone numbers

Hello I should think of this regular expression:
The telephone number should begin with 087 OR 088 OR 089 and then it should be followed by7 digits:
This is what I made but it doesn't work correctly: it accepts only numbers which begin with 089
that will match 087xxxxxxx, 088xxxxxxx, 089xxxxxxx numbers.
See it in action
Maybe /08[7-9][0-9]{7}/ is what you're searching for?
08 - a literal 08
[7-9] - matches the numbers from 7-9 once
[0-9]{7} - matches the numbers from 0-9 repeated exactly 7 times
That said, you might prefer /^08[7-9][0-9]{7}$/ if your string is only the phone number. (^ means "the string MUST start here" and $ means "the string MUST end here").
Actually that will be far better regex for Bulgarian phone numbers:
/(\+)?(359|0)8[789]\d{1}(|-| )\d{3}(|-| )\d{3}/
It checks:
Phones that start with country code(+359) or 0 instead;
if the phone number use delimiters like - or space.
I tried it in and it did not work against my test set. So I tweaked it a little bit with the below regex pattern:
^([+]?359)|0?(|-| )8[789]\d{1}(|-| )\d{3}(|-| )\d{3}$

Regular expression for price validation

Need regular expression which have:
Maximum 8 digits before decimal(.) point
Maximum 4 digits after decimal point
Decimal point is optional
Maximum valid decimal is 8 digits before decimal and 4 digits after decimal
So 99999999.9999
The regular rexpression I have tried ^\d{0,8}[.]?\d{1,4}$ is failing for 123456789
and more than this. means it is taking more than 8 digits if decimal point is not available.
Tested here :
Many many thanks in advance!
You can make the entire decimal optional
You can try this:
If you don't want to have a zero as first digit.
You can allow this if you want: (.1234)
Any of the above did not work for me.
Only this works for me
This regex is working for most cases even negative prices,
Tested with the following,
If there is a price of $9.97, £9.97 or €9.97 it will validate 9.97 removing the symbol.
You can use this expression for complete price digits.
I'm using this:
^ = the start of the string
[1-9] = at least the string has to begin with 1 number between 1 and 9
\d{0,7} = optional or max 7 times d (digit: a number between 0 and 9)
() = create a group like a substring
. = need a .
\d{1-4} = digit repited max 4 time
$ end of the string
For price validation we can not allow inputs with leading repeating zeros like 0012 etc.
My solution check for any cases. Also it allows maximum 2 decimal point after the dot.

regex for phone number validation?

i want to validate my phone number with the regex for following formats.i have googled the things but i could not find the regex for following formats...
079-26408300 / 8200
(079) 26408300
079 264 083 00
can anyone please guide me how can i do validate the phone number field for above formats?
I want to validate the phone number for only above formats as right now am using only following regex var phone_pattern = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i;
#Ali Shah Ahmed
var phone_pattern = "(\d{10})|(\d{3}-\d{8}\s/\s\d{4})|((\d{3}\s){3}\d{2})|((\d{3})\s\d{8})";
here is the way am checking if its valid
if (!phone_pattern.test(personal_phone))
$("#restErrorpersonalphone").html('Please enter valid phone number');
flag = false;
} else {
its not working. Am I implementing in wrong way?
lets start with the simplest phone number 9429527462
As this has 10 characters and all are numbers, regex for it could be \d{10}
Now the next phone number 079 264 083 00. Regex for this pattern could be (\d{3}\s){3}\d{2}
First we are expecting a group of 3 digits and a space to repeat thrice (\d{3}\s){3}, this will cover 079 264 083 (space included in it), so left will be the last two characters which are handled using \d{2}
For the phone number (079) 26408300, \(\d{3}\)\s\d{8} regex could be use. The regex first looks for a opening bracket, then three digits inside it, and then the closing bracket. It then looks for a space, and then for 8 digits.
The phone number 079-26408300 / 8200 could be validated using regex \d{3}-\d{8}\s/\s\d{4}. It first looks for 3 digits then a -, then 8 digits followed by a space. Then looks for a / and then a space and then 4 digits.
If you wish to know a single regex for validating all the above patterns, do let me know.
Final combined regex would be:
Straightforward solution is simple, use |
String ex = "\\d{3}-\\d{8} / \\d{4}|\\(\\d{3}\\) \\d{8}|...

RegEx for Prices?

I am searching for a RegEx for prices.
So it should be X numbers in front, than a "," and at the end 2 numbers max.
Can someone support me and post it please?
In what language are you going to use it?
It should be something like:
X number in front is: ^\d+ where ^ means the start of the string, \d means a digit and + means one or more
We use group () with a question mark, a ? means: match what is inside the group one or no times.
inside the group there is ,\d{1,2}, the , is the comma you wrote, \d is still a digit {1,2} means match the previous digit one or two times.
The final $ matches the end of the string.
I was not satisfied with the previous answers. Here is my take on it:
| 1-3 | 3 digits | 2 digits |
|digits| repeat any | |
| | no. of | |
| | times | |
(get a detailed explanation here:
Covers all cases below
5,99 (european price)
5.999,99 (european price)
But also weird stuff like
In case you want to include 5 and 1000 (I personally wound not like to match ALL numbers), then just add a "?" like so:
I am working on similar problem. However i want only to match if a currency Symbol or String is also included in the String like EUR,€,USD or $. The Symbol may be trailing or leading. I don't care if there is space between the Number and the Currency substring. I based the Number matching on the previous discussion and used Price Number: \d{1,3}(?:[.,]\d{3})*(?:[.,]\d{2})?
Here is final result:
I use (\d{1,3}(?:[.,]\d{3})*(?:[.,]\d{2})?)\s?(USD|EUR|€|\$) as a pattern to match against a currency symbol (here with tolerance for a leading space). I think you can easily tweak it for any other currencies
A Gist with the latest Version can be found at
So I ran into a similar problem, needing to validate if an arbitrary string is a price, but needed a lot more resilience than the regexes provided in this thread and many other threads.
I needed a regex that would match all of the following:
5,99 (european price)
5.999,99 (european price)
And not to match stuff like IP addresses. I couldn't figure out a single regex to deal with the european and non-european stuff in one fell swoop so I wrote a little bit of Ruby code to normalise prices:
if value =~ /^([1-9][0-9]{,2}(,[0-9]{3})*|[0-9]+)(\.[0-9]{1,9})?$/
elsif value =~ /^([1-9][0-9]{,2}(\.[0-9]{3})*|[0-9]+)(,[0-9]{1,9})?$/
Float(value.delete(".").gsub(",", "."))
The only difference between the two regexes is the swapped decimal place and comma. I'll try and break down what this is doing:
The first part:
This is a statement of numbers that follow this form: 1,000 1,000,000 100 12. But it does not allow leading zeroes. It's for the properly formatted numbers that have groups of 3 numerics separated by the thousands separator.
Second part:
Just match any number 1 or more times. You could make this 0 or more times if you want to match: .11 .34 .00 etc.
The last part:
This is the decimal place bit. Why up to 9 numerics, you ask? I've seen it happen. This regex is supposed to be able to handle any weird and wonderful price it sees and I've seen some retailers use up to 9 decimal places in prices. Usually all 0s, but we wouldn't want to miss out on the data ^_^
Hopefully this helps the next person to come along needing to process arbitrarily badly formatted price strings or either european or non-european format :)
I am currently working on a small function using regex to get price amount inside a String :
private static String getPrice(String input)
String output = "";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d{1,3}[,\\.]?(\\d{1,2})?");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
if (matcher.find())
output =;
return output;
this seems to work with small price (0,00 to 999,99) and various currency :
$12.34 -> 12.34
$12,34 -> 12,34
$12.00 -> 12.00
$12 -> 12
12€ -> 12
12,11€ -> 12,11
12.999€ -> 12.99
12.9€ -> 12.9
£999.99€ -> 999.99
Pretty simple for "," separated numbers(Or no seperation) with 2 decimal places , supports deliminator but does not force them. Needs some improvement but should work.
no match:
This may need some editing to make it function correctly
Quick explanation: Matches 1-3 numbers(Or nothing), matches a comma followed by 3 numbers as many times as needed(Or just numbers), matches a decimal point followed by 1 or 2 numbers(Or Nothing)
This code worked for me !! (PHP)
So far I tried, this is the best
This will allow digits with only one decimal and two digits after decimal
This one reasonably works when you may or may not have decimal part but an amount shows up like this 100,000 - or 100,000.00. Tested using Clojure only
to cover all
5,99 (european price)
5.999,99 (european price)
Not Matches:
anything like \d+,\d{2} is wrong because the \d matches [0-9\.] i.e. 12.34,1.
should be: [0-9]+,[0-9]{2} (or [0-9]+,[0-9]{1,2} to allow only 1 decimal place)