CakePHP Pagination with Webservice - web-services

I am invoking a web service and get data. The result has "TotalPages", "TotalResults" information.
Based on this, I need to generate a paging mechanism using cakephp.
Please share some code snippet or advise me on how to achieve this.

The Pagination Helper will make displaying the paginated data a lot easier for you. However, it operates on the assumption that you are using a Cake Model. Luckily, you can create a Datasource (the manual is empty, but the API documentation and searching Google will teach you more) and a Model to use your Datasource and you should be in business.
The Yahoo BOSS and RSS Feed Datasources should be useful examples.


How to get the widget data using rest api or some other ways in ESB6.5?

I want use another dashboard project based on Javascript to show data ,but I don`t know how to get the Statistical data. Is there any api or some way to get the data?
It would be better if you can share what kind of data do you want to portrait in your dashboard. Anyhow you can use the admin services available in ESB 6.5 to get the available data.

Displaying my own analytics data to unauthenticated users

I am writing this question after considerable investigation into this matter.
I have gone through Google's easy dashboards (gadash JS library), superProxy and plain analytics API, and couldn't find the best solution for my needs, although I can't believe my needs are so uncommon.
This is why I am turning to you, I have got a feeling I am missing something.
My requirement:
Display my own analytics account data to users on my website, preferably with Google's chart API or ga-dash, to resemble google analytics views as much as possible.
Users will not have to take part in authentication with Google API
Each user has his own query which is built dynamically !! (this is probably why superProxy cannot work for me because I think you need to manually set the queries in advance)
I use django-python as the basis for my website
problems with solutions I tried:
GAdash library - the problem is that each user has to be authenticated, and shown their own data, meaning they need access to my profile- that's simply not what I am looking for. It works great, but only for me. On the other hand if there was a way to make my profile truly public...
superProxy - sounds like a solution for this need exactly, however I don't think that you can programmatically set the queries.
I did find a way to retrieve the data for a query on the server side using my own credential which is a bit hacky, I am still missing that JS library which will parse this XML on the client side and display it as charts.
I ended up using Mark's solution (embeddedanalytics), since I could not find a better, easier solution.
Other alternatives were:
1. superProxy (lacking the ability to dynamically, programmatically loading new queries)
2. gaDash library - requires authentication from each user
3. Implement my own server side querying, and display to the user with some js graphics library - which would require considerable work on my side.
Check out This is a platform/service which will do exactly what you are looking to do (disclosure - I work with them).
We also support your requirement that each user have its own dynamically built query. This is what we call our CMS Integration version. Are you trying to create a dashboard system for a CMS system you have built?

How to build a facebook-like activity stream sidebar in Django?

I've been looking for this across the web and I've found some interesting approaches like Djando Activity Stream, but I want to develop my own application based on what is already done. What I specifically want is to know how to approach on developing a Facebook-like side bar that displays a activity stream based on actors, actions, objects and time. What is the most flexible database schema? How to implement it with an existing contacts application? How to make it personalized for every user? how to group related activities? Is it javascript the best way to handle the client side control?
I'm currently working with contentTypes and GenericRelations to be able to relate different application models. But I'm still not on track with this. Your help, tips and comments about how to develop this in the simplest and more flexible way will be very helpful.
I think this is the right package to use: django-notification Secondly you just use plain old jQuery and ajax calls to put the stream of request.user in the sidebar. you could also filter the action stream based on actor, object or something else.

Is there a user access analytics middleware or module for django?

I have found other solutions like this but this example collects raw data, I need something a little bit more processed, I need an user-centric analytics. Those statistics are for advertising purposes. I want to recollect as much information as possible.
That method might add a lot of overhead to each page load especially if you have a busy site / database server. I would recommend using google analytics on the template of each page instead. At least the analytics data is handled after the users page load.
I believe google has an api if you need to take the information from analytics and display it on your site.

Is there a Web Service API to the Google Product Search?

I want to call the Google product search and get back a parse-able XML file rather than having to scrape the HTML. I'm not looking for a SOAP based service, but a service that returns XML based on a URL passed in.
Correction--this did NOT work:
The Google Base API lists only a subset of Google product sellers (apparently only those who are active users of the Google Base product.)
I eventually ended up using a screen scraping solution and then found that the data was too inconsistant to use for my purposes at all. :-(
use that refer link ,hopefuly it'll very usefull with you all guys