I'm using infragistics net advantage for .net framework. I have a really weird error with their ultragrid. I will try to explain it:
On my ultragrid I have 5 columns. I am trying to paste 11 rows and 5 columns from Excel. If I leave entries in cells empty of the LAST column and the row BELOW row 6 (i.e rows 7-11) I get the following error:
Error performing Paste operation. Further information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Continue with the remainig cells?
It throws this error 5 more times (number of the remainig rows). Then it thows another error:
Error performing Paste operation. Further information: Invalid selection. The selection must berectangular
However it actually perform the pasting itself. The funny thing is, if I enter something into ANY of those cells it works.
Moreover, this error is thrown ONLY if i'm pasting more than 6 rows :))
I have no idea what's going on. So any help would be appreciated
Together with the paste operation void ContextPaste_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) you have to use event _AfterCellUpdate(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellEventArgs e)
of ulragrid
and here create objects and bind it to that list which is used as a DataSource for Ultragrid.
Sorry for the basic question as I'm very new to VBA (day 1). I am trying to create a module which does the following:
You start the module by double clicking column A of the row you want to copy (active row).
The whole of the active row is copied.
A new row is added below the active row (same sheet).
All data in the active row is copied to this new row.
I would also like when you click the cell in column A for a Message box to pop up asking "Would like to copy the data to the row below?" (Yes/No).
I found some code online which allowed me to create the message box when clicking in column A. This seems to work really well and I am happy with this code. But this forum answer only allowed me to copy data from certain columns, not all columns in the active row.
I then found another forum post which did copy the full active row into the row below, and I combined the codes to get the following:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Target.Column > 1 Then Exit Sub
Cancel = True
If MsgBox("Do you want to insert a new row below this row?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
With Target
Target.EntireRow.Copy Target.Offset(1).EntireRow
End If
End Sub
However, when try double clicking in column A, it seems like the original code is still running and its still only copying some of the columns data, not all columns. I'm not sure what I'm missing or if I am using the wrong code to copy the row to the row below.
Any help is appreciated.
Power BI newbie question here.
Whenever I add a Group By step with a Text.Combine() or a Max() aggregate, applying changes or refreshing data results in the aforementioned exception.
My datasource is a D365 dataverse connection, all queries run just fine until I add a step to group and aggregate. As an example, starting with a very simple query with 2 columns (demandId, kor_subcontractorbillnumber) I want to concatenate in a csv column all billNumbers related to a given demandId :
= Table.Group(#"Table Buffer", {"demandId"}, {{"BillNumbers", each Text.Combine([kor_subcontractorbillnumber],", "), type nullable text}})
As seen in the attached screenshot, the preview on screen seems correct : the expected result is displayed in the BillNumbers column, and no error is reported in the column quality indicators. All is fine...until I click Apply, which raises the exception.
I tried to clean the columns as much as possible before grouping (removing empty values, errors, duplicates, etc.), as well as adding an extra step to store results in a table buffer before grouping but with no luck.
Browsing through SO I found that similar issues could be related to :
Wrong relationship cardinalities : does not apply here I guess since everything is correct in the buffer table until I group
Power Bi Desktop update : some users have reported in the past that an update broke something and gave the same exception. In my case, the issue started occurring after upgrading to July 2022 version and unfortunately it seems I can't downgrade to a previous version. I've started using PowerBi in June and do not have much experience to detect whether the july update actually broke something, though some reports ceased functioning short time after the update.
Even stranger : If I remove the last step (Group By) and I create a new query referencing this one... I can add a Group By step and apply my changes...until I Refresh my report : at this point all the embedded queries fail with the same exception, even those absolutely unrelated with my changes.
Could anyone explain me what I'm doing wrong or if you have experienced the same behavior with the last version of Power Bi desktop ( 2.107.841.0 64-bit), which could point me to the right direction ?
Thanks for your help !
After many tries, I eventually stumbled upon a workaround: instead of the Group By step, I clicked on the very last step of my query and selected 'Extract Previous'. This created a new query (result of all previous steps), and I was able to perform my Group By on this new query without any errors.
I have no idea how this is different from adding the Group By at the end of the first query... but the exception is gone. Kind of a code smell anyway...I mark my own question as answered in case it can help someone, but I'd more than happy if someone could shed some light on the underlying reason of this issue.
I am trying to save data into my table using an interactive grid with the help of custom plsql. I am running into an "ORA-01403-no data found" error while inserting data and I can't figure out why.
This is my plsql custom process which I run. Appreciate your help.
em_id NUMBER;
CASE :apex$row_status
SELECT NVL (MAX (emergency_id), 0) + 1
INTO em_id
FROM emp_emergency_contact;
INSERT INTO emp_emergency_contact
(emergency_id, emp_id, emergency_name, emergency_relation
VALUES (em_id, :emp_id, :emergency_name, :emergency_relation
UPDATE emp_emergency_contact
SET emergency_name = :emergency_name,
emergency_relation = :emergency_relation
WHERE emergency_id = :emergency_id;
DELETE emp_emergency_contact
WHERE emergency_id = :emergency_id;
So far I have not come across any documented way on how to use custom PL/SQL logic for processing submitted rows of APEX 5.1 Interactive Grid via AJAX call.
You are getting no data found error because the return is expected to be in certain json format.
The example you have provided is not too complex and can be with done using standard "Interactive Grid - Automatic Row Processing (DML)" process, which is an AJAX approach. If AJAX call is not important then you can create your own PL/SQL process with custom logic. Example of which is demonstrated in "Sample Interactive Grids" package application, check out Advanced > Custom Server Processing page in this application for more information.
I agree with Scott, you should be using a sequence or identity column for ids.
Not entirely sure. A 'select into' can raise a no_data_found exception, but yours shouldn't.
That being said, you shouldn't have max(id)+1 anywhere in your code. This is a bug. Use a sequence or identity column instead.
I have gotten this many times so the first thing I do is go look at any columns in my grid sql that are not part of the "Save", they are from a join for data only.
I just got it again and it was a heading sort column that I had as a column type of "Number". I changed it to display only and the "Save" now works.
Although, I had already set the "Source" of the column to "Query Only" which is also needed.
It is a bummer the Ajax error message doesn't at least give the column name that caused the error.
Hope this helps someone..
Add a RETURNING INTO clause after the insert. IG expects a primary key to be returned to query the inserted row.
I'm trying to migrate a meta data from an excel spreadsheet to a SP 2013 document library. The columns are managed meta data columns with pre defined terms matching the data in the excel spreadsheet.
However I cannot copy and paste data from excel via Quick Edit in the doucment library without getting the following error "The data returned from the tagging UI was not formatted correctly"
This happens even when I remove all formatting or paste to notepad first.
Are there any simple solutions to this issue?
Any metadata fields are in fact foreign keys, as it were, to a dynamic, hidden table (or 'list', whatever you want to call it) within SharePoint. To paste a value into a metadata column, you need to know your element's guid (as in, within the term set) and then append that to each metadata element you're pasting in as a <name>|<guid> pair.
Getting the GUID for an element within your term set
Browse to [site-root]/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx and create a new view (or edit the default one) to display the field 'IdForTerm'.
Where you have a term 'apple', your IdForTerm may look like '1288beaf-82e0-4d81-b9de-ad5ad8382938'. Take a note of the guid for each term which appears within your input data.
Edit your input to correctly reference each term
Let's say you're importing your data from an Excel spreadsheet. Or from a CSV. It doesn't really matter. What you need to do is, basically, a find and replace down each managed metadata column, replacing 'term' with 'term|guid'. So our example from earlier, with the apple, would become 'apple|1288beaf-82e0-4d81-b9de-ad5ad8382938'.
Finally, assuming your view is set up in exactly the same order as your input data, you should be able to 'edit list' from within the browser, hit the leftmost side of your first input row (to select the entire row) and CTRL+V all of your data at the same time.
Note there appears to be a limit to the number of entries you can make at the same time. It appears to sit at around 5,000 elements.
Adding on to #rmacd's answer, you can also get the GUID for a given MMS term by first manually entering the value(s) you need in a Quick Edit cell, then copy and paste the same value(s) from SharePoint to Excel. The pasted value will appear with the full term|guid that you need to complete the bulk copy/paste.
I've come across this weird issue with the Infragistics WebDataGrid control.
When the grid starts, it appears ok, headers on the header row. There are no entries, so the only row displayed below is the "add" row.
I then load data into the grid from my AJAX code-behind. It appears ok. The 3 new rows appear, the "add" row sits below. Everything clean.
I then click the delete "x" in the 2nd row (sidenote: this is a template column and is the first column in the grid, so why it appears at the end I do not know). The AJAX kicks in and the 2nd row is removed. But the grid refreshes odd. It looks like a new column has appeared on the "add" row, which has thrown the other rows and header out.
It is functionally correct, but visually a mess.
NOTE: This also happens when you add a new entry from the "add" row.
FYI - I have followed pieces of Craig Shoemaker's example, however I bind my datasource in the code-behind, amongst other changes. (http://community.infragistics.com/aspnet/articles/webdatagrid-client-side-crud.aspx).
Anyone know what causes this / how to fix it?
I tested this and I wasn't able to reproduce this. I would recommend that if you can still reproduce this you post the issue on the Infragistics forums with the code that you are using so that we can look into it further.