Linux Network Interface Usage Monitoring in C/C++ - c++

I am in a situation where I am extremely bandwidth limited and must devote most of the bandwidth to transferring one type of measurement data. Sometimes I will be sending out lots of this measurement data and other times I will just be waiting for events to occur (all of this is over a TCP socket).
I would like to be able to stream out the full data capture file (different than the measurements) in the background at a speed that is inversely proportional to the amount of measurements that I am sending back.
I am looking for a way to monitor how many bytes are being sent out the network interface in much the same was as the system monitor on Ubuntu. The source code for the system monitor relies on gnome libraries and since my program is on an embedded device, I would like to reduce the number of external libraries that I use. Does anybody know of a way to do this in C/C++ without many additional libraries on a standard Linux distribution?

One of the simplest ways is to parse the file: /proc/net/dev
Mine contains:
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
lo: 44865 1431 0 0 0 0 0 0 44865 1431 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth0:150117850 313734 0 0 0 0 0 0 34347178 271210 0 0 0 0 0 0
pan0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
You could then write a parser that uses nothing other than the C/C++ libraries.

Bytes transmitted and recieved accessable via
/sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/tx_bytes and /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes files.
$ cat /sys/class/net/net1/statistics/rx_bytes

Use NetLink sockets of RTNetLink interface socket, they will get you the required in struct net_device_stats format


get devices list with c++

I'm on FreeBSD11. I want to get all devices that connect to my system and save their information with c++. for this reason I run camcontrol devlist command. The output is:
<OCZ-VERTEX4> at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,ada0)
<OCZ-AGILITY3 2.15> at scbus0 target 1 lun 0 (pass1,ada1)
<OCZ-AGILITY3 2.15> at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass2,ada2)
<OCZ-AGILITY3 2.15> at scbus1 target 1 lun 0 (pass3,ada3)
<OCZ-AGILITY3 2.15> at scbus3 target 0 lun 0 (pass4,ada4)
< USB FLASH DRIVE PMAP> at scbus4 target 0 lun 0 (da0,pass5)
I put this output in a file, with getline in c++, only get the line from at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,ada0) and ignore first part.
I want to get ada0,ada1,ada2,ada3,ada4,da0 then with /usr/local/sbin/smartctl -i /dev/<device> get it's information and for other like da0,cd0,... that won't have output in this command save their name.
I'm not sure if this is a good way or not. Please give me a better solution if exist, or help me to solve my problem.
If you're only interested in disks, you might consider trying to use libgeom(3) instead. It offers functions to get providers.
Another approach might be to use libcam to pull the device list as camcontrol does and then you can handle formatting as needed. You can look at how the camcontrol program does this in camcontrol.c 's getdevlist function.

How to get stat information from a child process to measure resource utilization?

I feel like this must have a simple answer, but I really don't know how to approach this.
For background, the stack of things is like this:
Python script -> C++ binary -(fork)-> actual thing we want to measure.
Essentially, we have a python script that simulates an environment by using tmp directories and running multiple instances of this network software stack we're developing. The script calls a host binary (which is unimportant here), and then, after it loads, a helper binary. The helper binary can be passed a parameter to daemonize, and when it does this, it forks in the usual way.
What we need to do is measure the daemon's CPU utilization, but I don't really know how to. What I have done is read the stat file periodically, but since the process daemonizes, I can't use echo $! to get its PID. Using ps aux | grep 'thing' works fine, but I think this is giving me the parent process, because the stat information looks like this:
1472582561 9455 (nlsr) S 1 9455 9455 0 -1 4218944 394 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 20 0 2 0 909820 184770560 3851 18446744073709551615 4194304 5318592 140734694817376 140734694810512 140084250723843 0 0 16781312 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 7416544 7421528 16224256 140734694825496 140734694825524 140734694825524 140734694825962 0
I know that the parent process should not be PID1, and definitely the utime field and similar should be greater than 13 clock ticks. This is what is leading me to conclude that this process is really the parent process, and not the forked child that's doing all the work.
I can modify pretty much any file necessary, but because of code review constraints, design specs., etc., the less I have to change along many files, the better.
Get the PID of the child reliably
fork() returns the PID of the child to the parent
Get the CPU stats from /proc/[PID]/stat
#14 utime - CPU time spent in user code, measured in clock ticks

C++ Solution for a Analytical Issue

I am currently working on a project which seeks to analyze the vibrations of a laundry machine throughout its washing cycle.
The program runs on a Raspberry Pi 3, and gets the vibration information from a vibration sensor, which sends out the state using a digital signal (as opposed to an analog signal)
Our current idea is the implement a program which "machine learns" the cycles by recording the first 10 times the laundry machine runs, and stores that information in a text file.
The program does this by running the following loop every 10 milliseconds.
for(;;) {
read state of /sys/class/gpio/export/
write the state into a vector<bool>
analyze the bool vector to figure out when the machine is turned on or off (compare against a template vector read from an external txt file)
if the machine just got turned on, cout a message
if the machine just gor turned off, cout a message
A few problems with our current analysis model:
Because we are recording data every 10 milliseconds, there are always going to be small lags which would make analyzing the live boolian against the template very difficult:
for example:
live boolian vector
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
even a minute shift in the live data would render the analysis useless. Therefore, what kind of method could I use to be able to shift the data so that the live data:
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
can be compared against the shifted template
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
My guess would be we would need to program an algorithm which constantly checks multiple shifts in both directions to find the shift which is statistically most likely to be the true position of the vector.
Thank you

c/c++: How can I know the size of used flash memory?

I recently faced flash overflow problem. After doing some optimization in code, I saved some flash memory and executed software successfully. I want to how much flash memory is saved through my changes. Please let me know how can I check for used flash / available flash memory. Also I want to how much flash is utilized by particular function/file.
Below mentioned are some info about my developing environment.
- Avr microcontroller with 64 k ram and 512 K flash.
- Using freeRtos.
- Using GNU C++ compiler.
- Using AVRATJTAGEICE for programming and Debugging.
Please let me know the solution.
GCC's size program is what you're looking for.
size can be passed the full compiled .elf file. It will, by default, output something like this:
$ size linked-file.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
11228 112 1488 12828 321c linked-file.elf
This is saying:
There are 11228 bytes in the .text "section" of this file. This is generally for functions.
There are 112 bytes of initialized data: global variables in the program with initial values.
There are 1488 bytes of uninitialized data: global variables without initial values.
dec is simply the sum of the previous 3 values: 11228 + 112 + 1488 = 12828.
hex is simply the hexadecimal representation of the dec value: 0x321c == 12828.
For embedded systems, generally dec needs to be smaller than the flash size of your target device (or the available space on the device).
It is generally sufficient to simply watch the dec or text outputs of GCC's size command to monitor the size of your compiled code over time. A large jump in size often indicates a poorly implemented new feature or constexpr that are not getting compiled away. (Don't forget function-sections and data-sections).
Note: For AVR's, you'll want to use avr-size for checking the linked size of AVR .elf files. avr-size takes an extra argument of the target chip and will automatically calculate the percentage of used flash for your chosen chip.
GCC's size also works directly on intermediate object files.
This is particularly useful if you want to check the compiled size of functions.
You should see something like this excerpt:
$ size -A main.cpp.o
main.cpp.o :
section size addr
.group 8 0
.group 8 0
.text 0 0
.data 0 0
.bss 0 0
.text._Z8sendByteh 8 0
.text._ZN3XMC5IOpin7setModeENS0_4ModeE 64 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac6OptionIN5Clock4TimeEEmmEi 76 0
.text.Default_Handler 24 0
.text.HardFault_Handler 16 0
.text.SVC_Handler 16 0
.text.PendSV_Handler 16 0
.text.SysTick_Handler 28 0
.text._Z5errorPKc 8 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac5Motor2goEi 368 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac5Motor3getEv 12 0
.rodata.cst1 1 0
.text.startup.main 632 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac7Program3runEv 380 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac8Position4tickEv 24 0
.text.startup._GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN7NamSpac7displayE 292 0
.init_array 4 0
.bss._ZN5Debug9formatterE 4 0
.rodata._ZL10dispDigits 8 0
.bss.position 4 0
.bss.motorState 4 0
.bss.count 4 0
.rodata._ZL9diameters 20 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac8diameterE 16 0
.bss._ZN5Debug3pinE 12 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac7displayE 24 0
.rodata.str1.4 153 0
.rodata._ZL12dispSegments 32 0
.bss._ZL16diametersDisplay 10 0
.bss.loadAggregate 4 0
.bss.startCount 4 0
.bss._ZL15runtimesDisplay 10 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac7runtimeE 16 0
.bss.startTime 4 0
.rodata._ZL8runtimes 20 0
.comment 111 0
.ARM.attributes 49 0
Total 2494
Please let me know the solution.
Sorry, there's no the solution! You've gotta getting through what's linked to your final ELF, and decide if it was linked by intend, or unwanted default.
Please let me know how can I check for used flash / available flash memory.
That primarily depends on your actual target hardware platform, so you have to manage to get your .text section fitting in there.
Also I want to how much flash is utilized by particular function/file.
The nm tool of the GCC binutils provides detailed information about any (global) symbol found in an ELF file and the space it occupies in it's associated section. You'll just need to grep the results for particular functions/classes/namespaces (best demangled!) to accumulate section type and symbol filtered outputs for analysis.
That's the approach, I've been using for a little tool called nmalyzr. Sorry to say, as it stands on the GIT repo, its not really working as intended (I've got working versions, that aren't pushed back).
In general, it's a good strategy to chase for code that has #include <iostream> statements (no matter if std::cout or alike are used or not, static instances are provided!), or unwanted newlib/libstdc++ bindings as for e.g. default exception handling.
Use size command from binutils on the generated elf file. As you seem to use an AVR chip, use avr-size.
To get the size of functions, use nm command from binutils (avr-nm on AVR chips).

Is a process can send to himself data? Using MPICH2

I have an upper triangular matrix and the result vector b.
My program need to solve the linear system:
Ax = b
using the pipeline method.
And one of the constraints is that the number of process is smaller than the number of
the equations (let's say it can be from 2 to numberOfEquations-1).
I don't have the code right now, I'm thinking about the pseudo code..
My Idea was that one of the processes will create the random upper triangular matrix (A)
the vector b.
lets say this is the random matrix:
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 7 8 9 10
0 0 1 12 13 14
0 0 0 1 16 17
0 0 0 0 1 18
0 0 0 0 0 1
and the vector b is [10 5 8 9 10 5]
and I have a smaller amount of processes than the number of equations (lets say 2 processes)
so what I thought is that some process will send to each process line from the matrix and the relevant number from vector b.
so the last line of the matrix and the last number in vector b will be send to
process[numProcs-1] (here i mean to the last process (process 1) )
than he compute the X and sends the result to process 0.
Now process 0 need to compute the 5 line of the matrix and here i'm stuck..
I have the X that was computed by process 1, but how can the process can send to himself
the next line of the matrix and the relevant number from vector b that need to be computed?
Is it possible? I don't think it's right to send to "myself"
Yes, MPI allows a process to send data to itself but one has to be extra careful about possible deadlocks when blocking operations are used. In that case one usually pairs a non-blocking send with blocking receive or vice versa, or one uses calls like MPI_Sendrecv. Sending a message to self usually ends up with the message simply being memory-copied from the source buffer to the destination one with no networking or other heavy machinery involved.
And no, communicating with self is not necessary a bad thing. The most obvious benefit is that it makes the code more symmetric as it removes/reduces the special logic needed to handle self-interaction. Sending to/receiving from self also happens in most collective communication calls. For example, MPI_Scatter also sends part of the data to the root process. To prevent some send-to-self cases that unnecessarily replicate data and decrease performance, MPI allows in-place mode (MPI_IN_PLACE) for most communication-related collectives.
Is it possible? I don't think it's right to send to "myself"
Sure, it is possible to communicate with oneself. There is even a communicator for it: MPI_COMM_SELF. Talking to yourself is not too uncommon.
Your setup sounds like you would rather use MPI collectives. Have a look at MPI_Scatter and MPI_Gather and see if they don't provide you with the functionality, you are looking for.