Django: # in url as a character? - django

I've made a Django application that uses tags. When i use tag 'c#' and try to redirect to mysiteaddress/tags/c# on server it redirects to ../tags/c and shows me stuff connected to 'c' tag, but when I do the same on my local development machine it redirects me to c%23 and works correctly. What should I change to make it work on production server?

Without more code I can't be too specific, but '#' corresponds to the character escape sequence %23 and something in your code may need to explicitly escape 'c#' before putting it in the url.
Here is a django-snippet that uses url-quoting:
The solution to your problem might look like this:
from django.utils.http import urlquote
tag = urlquote(tag)
tag_url = base + "tags/" + tag


Route Flask : Problem of space and accent in a route with variable

I created an application with Flask.
Locally, everything works.
But now that I have sent to the server, I have a routing problem.
The url that causes the problem is built like this:
The problem is that the keyword variable can contain accents (éèàç, etc ...) and spaces (example : sol stratifié)
The problem is that instead of laminate floor, I have sol%20stratifi%c3%a9 which appears on the screen, but also when I call the database.
I tried:
encode and decode utf- 8 on the keyword variable : it doesn't work
import codecs : it doesn't work
test to use the function : Flask URL route encoding problems
try to add .encode('utf-8') directly in the url route
would you have a solution ?
sol%20stratifi%c3%a9 is a percent-encoded string (URL quoted or %xx escaped in Python terminology).
The urllib.parse module defines functions that fall into two broad categories: URL parsing and URL quoting.
from urllib.parse import unquote
print( unquote( 'sol%20stratifi%c3%a9'))
sol stratifié

Prevent URL encoding that is removing equals signs from URL

Working on a Django/React app. I have some verification emails links that look like the following:
In dev env this works fine, but now that I am getting it ready for production, it isn't working. When I click on it, it converts it to:
This prevents react-router-dom from matching the correct URL, so a portion of the web application does not load properly.
The link is constructed using the following.
link = '%s/auth/security_questions/f=%s&i=%s&k=%s' % \
('', 'ru',, user.key)
Also, here is the url() that is catching the route:
url(r'^(?:.*)/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='index.html')),
These variables are supposed to be query parameters in a GET request. When you construct the link, you'll need to have a question mark in there somewhere separating the URL from the query string:
|___ here
The conversion of = to url-encoded %3D etc is correct, and equivalent. Sometimes variables are part of the URL directly, but webapps don't use &-separated key/value pairs in that case.

Prevent escaping slashes in url helpers (specifically when called using .send() to url_helpers)

Perhaps the title of this question is cryptic, but the problem is real, I've just upgraded an application from Rails 3 to 4 and encountered the following issue (on both Ruby 2.0 and 2.1):
I have a method which calls several url helpers in a loop, using send(), like this:
class Sitemap
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
# regions = [:city, :county, :zip]
regions.each do |region|
url_params = ... # [name, additional_id]
send("#{region}_url", url_params)
In Rails 3 the above resulted in urls like
In Rails 4 I get
slash gets CGI escaped, I don't want this. I use it in generating sitemap XML for my site and it seems to work even if the forward slash is escaped, but it looks ugly and I don't know if it will work correctly for all bots or clients.
UPDATE: after some debugging I've found out that the CGI escaping occurs somewhere in ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Formatter
Router::Utils.escape_segment() # method call somewhere in
ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Formatter # during # in
#set.formatter.generate(:path_info, named_route, options, recall, PARAMETERIZE) # in a call to
I was able to fix the issue with escaping slashes when generating the URL, here's the change:
# from:
send(region_url, url_params)
# to:
send(region_url, { id: url_params[0], market_id: url_params[1]})
# sometimes url_params is a one element array
The key is to provide a hash of parameters with explicitly assigned keys and values.
I use send to dynamically call method (xxx_url) from url_helpers module which is included in my model. url_params array looks like ['some-slug', 12]

django unicode url

on deployment (Django + Dreamhost + passenger_wsgi)
in my
url(ur'^(?P<url>.+)/$', '', name='blog_dispatcher'),
the link:
leads to (looks like redirection):
so, the "url" variable in my view = "%25d0%2598%25d0%25bd%25d1%2584%25d0%25b02"
locally (or using dev server)
When I use runserver command, even on deployment, it works well.
Ofcourse I could use urllib and unquote the url in my view, but the string in url still transforming '%' -> '%25'.
Have no idea, where does the magic begin: in passenger or wsgi app
May be someone could clear up ...
the magic was in dreamhost's 301 redirection, which double-quoted the path

Django: How can I make a part of the URL optional

I have a url in which I would like to make the status token optional. If the status token is not provided in the url I give a default value in the view method argument. I tried replacing the token with this (?:/(?P<status>\d+))?$ but doesn't seems to work well. Thanks
url(r'^(?P<status>\d+)/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
def request_list(request, status=1):
This was the pattern I was trying:
url(r'^(?:/(?P<status>\d+))?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
So, if I try localhost/features/ works well
But if I do localhost/features/1/ it fails
Just create a second url entry that calls the same view:
url(r'^features/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list_default"),
url(r'^features/(?P<status>\d+)/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
I use single url optional captures in some of my projects, and they work fine. You might want to adjust your pattern to make the trailing / optional. I think that is what is causing your url to not match. Django does have an "APPEND_SLASH" settings bool that will add that on to your urls if they are missing it and don't match:
url(r'^features(?:/(?P<status>\d+))?/?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list")
The optional / could probably also be written like this:
url(r'^features/?(?:(?P<status>\d+)/?)?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list")