standalone tool for generating makefile(s) from Eclipse's .cproject file? - c++

Is there a standalone tool, that can be ran from a shell script, to generate a makefile from the .cproject? Actually, the same functionality as the CDT itself, but that can be non-interactive.
As is probably obvious, I want to be able to run a script that checkouts and builds the software, comprising from several C++ project. I am trying to avoid moving to a build system like maven, as it seems as like an overhead in this early stage of our project. thanks!

I know that there was discussions on the CDT-dev mailinglist a few months back about having a command-line tool for building CDT projects. Writing such a tool is really not very difficult (there was an example mentioned), it is simply a matter of defining your own Eclipse-application, load the project, and build it. Searching the CDT-dev list on "standalone build" should give you some relevant hits.


How to manage growing C++ project

I am wondering how I should manage a growing C++ project. Now, I am developing a project with Netbeans and it's dirty work generating makefiles. The project has become too big and I have decided to split it up into a few parts. What is the best way of doing this?
I am trying to use Scons as my build system. I have had some success with it, but should I edit the build scripts every time I append or delete files. It's too dull.
So I need your advice.
P.S. By the way, how does a large project like google chrome do this? Does everybody use some kind of IDE to build scripts generated only for software distribution?
I also use Netbeans for C++ and compile with SCons. I use the jVi Netbeans plugin which really works well.
For some reason the Netbeans Python plugin is no longer official, which I dont understand at all. You can still get it though, and it really makes editing the SCons build scripts a nice experience. Even though Netbeans doesnt have a SCons plugin (yet?) you can still configure its build command to execute SCons.
As for maintaining the SCons scripts automatically by the IDE, I dont do that either, I do that by hand. But its not like I have to deal with this on a daily basis, so I dont see that its that important, especially considering how easy to read the scripts are.
Here's the build script in SCons that does the same as mentioned previously for CMake:
env = Environment()
env.EnsurePythonVersion(2, 5)
env.EnsureSConsVersion(2, 1)
libTarget = env.SharedLibrary(target = 'foo', source = ['a.cpp', 'b.cpp', 'c.pp'])
env.Program(target = 'bar', source = ['bar.cpp', libTarget])
The SCons Glob() function is a nice option, but I tend to shy away from automatically building all the files in a directory. The same goes for listing sub-directories to be built. Ive been burned enough times by this, and prefer explicitly specifying the file/dirs to be built.
In case you hear those rumors that SCons is slower than other alternatives, the SCons GoFastButton has some pointers that can help out.
Most large projects stick with a build system that automatically handles all the messy details for them. I'm a huge fan of CMake (which is what KDE uses for all their components) but scons is another popular choice. My editor (KDevelop) supposedly handles CMake projects itself, but I still edit the build scripts myself because it's not that hard.
I'd recommend learning one tool really well and sticking with it (plenty of documentation is available for any tool you'll be interested in). Be sure you also look into version control if you haven't already (I have a soft spot for git, but Mercurial and Subversion are also very popular choices).
A simple CMake example:
project("My Awesome Project" CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_library(foo SHARED a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp) #we'll build an so file
add_executable(bar bar.cpp)
target_link_libraries(bar foo) #link bar to foo
This is obviously a trivial case, but it's very easy to manage and expand as needed.
I am trying to use Scons as build system. I have some success with it, but I should edit
build scripts every time I append or delete file. It's too dull.
Depending on how your files are organized, you can use, for example, Scon's Glob() function to get source files as a list without having to list all files individually. For example, to build all c++ source files into an executable, you can do:
Program('program', Glob('*.cpp'))
You can do the same in CMake using its commands.
And, if you're using SCons, since it's Python you can write arbitrary Python code to make your source file lists.
You can also organize files into multiple folders and have subsidiary SCons (or CMakeList.txt) build files that the master build script can call.

What is a build tool?

For past 4 years, I have been programming with Eclipse (for Java), and Visual Studio Express (for C#). The IDEs mentioned always seemed to provide every facility a programmer might ask for (related to programming, of course).
Lately I have been hearing about something called "build tools". I heard they're used almost in all kind of real world development. What are they exactly? What problems are they designed to solve? How come I never needed them in past four years? Are they kind of command-line stripped down IDEs?
What are build tools?
Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable
applications from source code (e.g., .apk for an Android app). Building
incorporates compiling,linking and packaging the code into a usable or
executable form.
Basically build automation is the act of scripting or automating a
wide variety of tasks that software developers do in their day-to-day
activities like:
Downloading dependencies.
Compiling source code into binary code.
Packaging that binary code.
Running tests.
Deployment to production systems.
Why do we use build tools or build automation?
In small projects, developers will often manually invoke the build
process. This is not practical for larger projects, where it is very
hard to keep track of what needs to be built, in what sequence and
what dependencies there are in the building process. Using an
automation tool allows the build process to be more consistent.
Various build tools available(Naming only few):
For java - Ant,Maven,Gradle.
For .NET framework - NAnt
c# - MsBuild.
For further reading you can refer following links:
1.Build automation
2.List of build automation software
Build tools are tools to manage and organize your builds, and are very important in environments where there are many projects, especially if they are inter-connected. They serve to make sure that where various people are working on various projects, they don't break anything. And to make sure that when you make your changes, they don't break anything either.
The reason you have not heard of them before is that you have not been working in a commercial environment before. There is a whole lot of stuff that you have probably not encountered that you will within a commercial environments, especially if you work in software houses.
As others have said, you have been using them, however, you have not had to consider them, because you have probably been working in a different way to the usual commercial way of working.
Build tools are usually run on the command line, either inside an IDE or completely separate from it.
The idea is to separate the work of compiling and packaging your code from creation, debugging, etc.
A build tool can be run on the command or inside an IDE, both triggered by you. They can also be used by continuous integration tools after checking your code out of a repository and onto a clean build machine.
make was an early command tool used in *nix environments for building C/C++.
As a Java developer, the most popular build tools are Ant and Maven. Both can be run in IDEs like IntelliJ or Eclipse or NetBeans. They can also be used by continuous integration tools like Cruise Control or Hudson.
Build tools are generally to transform source code into binaries - it organize source code, set compile flags, manage dependencies... some of them also integrate with running unit test, doing static analysis, a generating documentation.
Eclipse or Visual Studio are also build systems (but more of an IDE), and for visual studio it is the underlying msbuild to parse visual studio project files under the hood.
The origin of all build systems seems like the famous 'make'.
There are build systems for different languages:
C++: make, cmake, premake
Java: ant+ivy, maven, gradle
C#: msbuild
Usually, build systems either using a propriety domain specific language (make, cmake), or xml (ant, maven, msbuild) to specify a build. The current trend is using a real scripting language to write build script, like lua for premake, and groovy for gradle, the advantage of using a scripting is it is much more flexible, and also allows you the to come up with a set of standard APIs(as build DSL).
These are different types of processes by which you can get your builds done.
1. Continuous Integration build: In this mainly developers check-in their code and right after their check-in a build initiates for building of the recent changes so we should know whether the changes done by the developer has worked or not right after the check-in is done. This is preferred for smaller projects or components of the projects. In case where multiple teams are associated with the project or there are a large no. of developers working on the same project this scenario becomes difficult to handle as if there are 'n' no. of check-in’s and the build fails at certain points it becomes highly difficult to trace whether all the breakage has occurred because of one issue or with multiple issues so if the older issues are not addressed properly than it becomes very difficult to trace down the later defects that occurred after that change. The main benefit of these builds is that we get to know whether a particular check-in is successful or not.
2. Gated check-in builds: In this type of check in a build is initiated right after the check in is done keeping the changes in a shelve sets. In this case if the build succeeds than the shelve-set check-in gets committed otherwise it will not be committed to the Team Foundation Server. This gives a slightly better picture from the continuous integration build as only the successful check-in's are allowed to get committed.
3. Nightly builds: This is also referred as Scheduled builds. In this case we schedule the builds to run for a specific time in order to build the changes. All the previous uncommitted changes from the last build are built during this build process. This is practiced when we want to check in multiple times but do not want a build every time we check in our code so we can have a fixed time or period in which we can initiate the build for building of the checked-in code.
The more details about these builds can be found at the below location.
Gated-check in Builds
Continuous Integration Builds
Nightly Builds
Build Process is a Process of compiling your source code for any errors using some build tools and creating builds(which are executable versions of the project). We(mainly developers) do some modifications in the source code and check-in that code for the build process to happen. After the build process it gives two results :
1. Either build PASSES and you get an executable version of your project(Build is ready).
2. It fails and you get certain errors and build is not created.
There are different types of build process like :
1. Nightly Build
2. gated Build
3. Continuous integration build etc.
Build tools help and automates the process of creating builds.
*So in Short Build is a Version of Software in pre-release format used by the Developer or Development team to gain confidence for the final result of their Product by continuously monitoring their Product and solving any issues early during the development process.*
You have been using them - IDE is a build tool. For the command line you can use things like make.
People use command line tools for things like a nightly build - so in the morning with a hangover the programmer has realised that the code that he has been fiddling with with the latest builds of the libraries does not work!
" is very hard to keep track of what needs to be built" - Build tools does not help with that all. You need to know what you want to build. (Quoted from Ritesh Gun's answer)
"I heard they're used almost in all kind of real-world development" - For some reason, software developers like to work in large companies. They seem to have more unclear work directives for every individual working there.
"How come I never needed them in past four years". Probably because you are a skilled programmer.
Pseudo, meta. I think build tools do not provide any really real benefit at all. It is just there to add a sense of security arising from bad company practices, lack of direction - bad software architectural leadership leading to bad actual knowledge of the project. You should never have to use build tools(for testing) in your project. To do random testing with a lack of knowledge of the software project does not give any sort of help at all.
You should never ever add something to a project without knowing it's purpose, and how it will work with the other components. Components can be functional separate, but not work together. (This is the responsibility of the software architect I assume).
What if 4-5 components are added into the project. You add a 6th component. Together with the first added component, it might screw up everything. No automatic would help to detect that.
There is no shortcut other than to think think think.
Then there is the auto download from repositories. Why would you ever want to do that? You need to know what you download, what you add to the project. How do you detect changes in versions of the repositories? You need to know. You can't "auto" anything.
What if we were to test bicycles and baby transports blindfolded with a stick and just randomly hit around with it. That seems to be the idea of build tool testing.
I'm sorry there are no shortcut

Import existing C++ project into Xcode IDE

I am trying to open an existing C++ open-source library in Xcode to publish it with my own modification/additions. The library is Tesseract-OCR, which does not include a .xcodeproj file.
Since Xcode can function as an IDE, is it possible to open a bunch of files as a single project in Xcode? Is there an easy way to produce an Xcode project?
There are several ways you could do it, depending on the level of IDE integration you want. There's no direct way of importing a Makefile-based project into Xcode. You can create a project that builds via the Makefile, but you wouldn't get many of the benefits of using an IDE, since the editor features such as word completion rely on Xcode being able to parse the files in the project. You will be able to use the debugger though. To do this, create a new project and add a custom target with a script build phase that just calls down to Makefile.
If however the project you're building compiles very easily, ie without requiring a lot of macros to be set up, include paths, etc, then it may be simple to just create an empty project and merely add all source files to it. I've used this method extensively for building boost libraries. If this is a configure && make type project then you will probably have to run the configure step first, and ensure any top level config.h files are included in the project.
If the project has a complex makefile then it is likely to be an involved task to create a useful Xcode project
I realise you asked explicitly for Xcode, but in case you were actually trying to solve the problem of "I have existing C++ code which builds and runs fine from the command line, and I'd like to code and debug it in an IDE, what should I do?" my firm recommendation would be to avoid Xcode and go for Eclipse.
The reason is that as far as I can tell, Xcode has no way of ingesting the command line build environment and effectively requires you to recreate the make process inside Xcode from scratch. Fine for tiny projects, but anything with more than a few source files and it quickly becomes painful. Whereas in Eclipse everything is built around Makefiles. So in my case I got to the "step through code with working code completion" in Eclipse a lot quicker vs. never in Xcode. This of course could be because I'm an Xcode noob, but my 2c.
To create an Xcode project from an existing cmake project, you can run cmake -G Xcode. It produces some folders and files apart from the project file, so it might be better to create a folder for it first. For example:
mkdir -p build/xcode
cd build/xcode
cmake -G Xcode ../..
Xcode is a useable IDE for library creation.
Of course a good first step is to see if the one source code will build on its own with configure scripts that are included.
If not, it becomes a question of how many libraries you need to link in.
There are resources online (or at least there used to be) for using Xcode (or perhaps it's forerunner Product builder) for porting Unix projects to Mac.
Good tutorial at:
Another good reference is Darwin Ports.
As for doing this on your own. You can build c++ based libraries in XCode. People do that every day. You can even use one of the Xcode templates to get you started.
However, library dev requires more experience with Xcode then say a simple Cocoa "Hello World" app.
The remaining questions will be assuring that the source code's dependencies are already built into the Mac's SDK. (Don't hold your breath for linking to MFC)
It's a general question... So it's a general answer.
In Xcode8,there is "Xcode->file->add files to...",then choose your files.If you want to add several files at a time,press "Cmd" when you are choosing.

Release management system for Linux

What we need in our firm is a sort of release management tool for Linux/C++. Our products consist of multiple libraries and config files. Here I will list the basic features we want such system to have:
Ability to track dependencies, easily increase major versions of libraries whose dependencies got their major version increased. It should build some sort of dependency graph internally so it can know who is affected by an update.
Know how to build the products it handle. Either a specific build file or even better - ability to read and understand makefiles.
Work with SVN so it can check for new releases from there and does the build.
Generate some installers - in rpm or tar.gz format. For that purpose it should be able to understand the rpm spec file format.
Currently we are working on such tool which is already pretty usable. However I believe that our task is not unique and there should be some tool out there which does the job.
You should look into using a mix between Hudson, Maven (for build management), Ivy (for dependencies management) and Archiva (for artifacts archival).
Also, if you are looking into cross.compilation, take a look at Make Project Creator (MPC) and Bakefile.
Have fun!!
In the project I'm currently working on we use cmake and other Kitware tools to handle most of this issues for native code (C++). Answering point by point:
The cmake scripts handle the dependencies for our different projects. We have a dependency graph but I don't know if is a home-made script or it is a functionality that cmake provides.
Well cmake generates the makefiles regarding the platform. I generates projects for eclipse cdt and visual studio if it is asked to do so in case of developing.
Cmake has a couple of tools, ctest and cdash that we use to do the daily build and see how the test are doing.
In order to create the installer cmake has cpack. From just one script it can generate tar.gz, deb or rpm files in Linux or an automatically generated NSIS script to generate installers in windows.
For Java code we use maven and hudson that have been already mentioned here.
Take a look at this article from DDJ, in which a more robust build system concept (than make) is presented and implemented. Not sure it will fit well to your requirements, but it's the closest I've ever seen. I was looking for the same thing months ago, and then I discovered the article.
Maven has a native code plugin. I don't think it'll do everything you want, but it's good at tracking version numbers of dependencies, will build artefacts and it'll work with your VCS.
No idea
cmake/scons: I have used cmake but I don't exactly love it, but I have heard really good things about scons. But scons is python-based, so you need to have python installed on the build/dev machines.
I use Hudson, which has a plugin to fetch from svn. It performs intelligently in general, and in particular builds only if some file has changed in an svn update. Hudson is easy to get started with. Hudson is java-based and is pretty popular with the Java community. This means it is quite cross-platform, but you need to have JRE installed on the build machine.
Probably can call some rpm tool within hudson.

keeping Eclipse-generated makefiles in the version control - any issues to expect?

we work under Linux/Eclipse/C++ using Eclipse's "native" C++ projects (.cproject). the system comprises from several C++ projects all kept under svn version control, using integrated subclipse plugin.
we want to have a script that would checkout, compile and package the system, without us needing to drive this process manually from eclipse, as we do now.
I see that there are generated makefile and support files (, etc.), scattered around, which are not under version control (probably the subclipse plugin is "clever" enough to exclude them). I guess I can put them under svn and use in the script we need.
however, this feels shaky. have anybody tried it? Are there any issues to expect? Are there recommended ways to achieve what we need?
N.B. I don't believe that an idea of adopting another build system will be accepted nicely, unless it's SUPER-smooth. We are a small company of 4 developers running full-steam ahead, and any additional overhead or learning curve will not appreciated :)
thanks a lot in advance!
I would not recommend putting things that are generated in an external tool into version control. My favorite phrase for this tactic is "version the recipe, not the cake". Instead, you should use a third party tool like your script to manipulate Eclipse appropriately to generate these files from your sources, and then compile them. This avoids the risk of having one of these automatically generated files be out of sync with your root sources.
I'm not sure what your threshold for "super-smooth" is, but you might want to take a look at Maven2, which has a plugin for Eclipse projects to do just this.
I know that this is a big problem (I had exactly the same; in addition: maintaining a build-workspace in svn is a real pain!)
Problems I see:
You will get into problems as soon as somebody adds or changes project settings files but doesn't trigger a new build for all possible platforms! (makefiles aren't updated).
There is no overall make file so you can not easily use the build order of your projects that Eclipse had calculated
BTW: I wrote an Eclipse plugin that builds up a workspace from a given (textual) list of projects and then triggers the build. That's possible but also not an easy task.
Unfortunately I can't post the plugin somewhere because I wrote it for my former employer...