Dynamic C++ - c++

I'm wondering about an idea in my head. I want to ask if you know of any library or article related to this. Or you can just tell me this is a dumb idea and why.
I have a class, and I want to dynamically add methods/properties to it at runtime. I'm well aware of the techniques of using composite/command design pattern and using embedded scripting language to accomplish what I'm talking about. I'm just exploring the idea. Not necessary saying that it is a good idea.
class Dynamic
typedef std::map<std::string, boost::function<void (Dynamic&)> > FuncMap;
void addMethod(const std::string& name, boost::function<void (Dynamic&)> func) {
funcMap_[name] = func;
void operator[](const std::string& name) {
FuncMap::iterator funcItr = funcMap_.find(name);
if (funcItr != funcMap_.end()) {
FuncMap funcMap_;
void f(Dynamic& self) {
int main()
Dynamic dyn;
dyn.addMethod("f", boost::bind(&f, _1));
dyn["f"]; // invoke f
The idea is that I can rebind the name "f" to any function at runtime. I'm aware of the performance problem in string lookup and boost::function vs. raw function pointer. With some hard work and non-portable hack I think I can make the performance problem less painful.
With the same kind of technique, I can do "runtime inheritance" by having a "v-table" for name lookup and dispatch function calls base on dynamic runtime properties.
If just want to tell me to use smalltalk or Objective-C, I can respect that but I love my C++ and I'm sticking with it.

What you want is to change C++ into something very different. One of the (many) goals of C++ was efficient implementation. Doing string lookup for function calls (no matter how well you implement it), just isn't going to be very efficient compared to the normal call mechanisms.
Basically, I think you're trying to shoehorn in functionality of a different language. You CAN make it work, to some degree, but you're creating C++ code that no one else is going to be able (or willing) to try to understand.
If you really want to write in a language that can change it's objects on the fly, then go find such a language (there are many choices, I'm sure). Trying to shoehorn that functionality into C++ is just going to cause you problems down the road.
Please note that I'm no stranger to bringing in non-C++ concepts into C++. I once spent a considerable amount of time removing another engineer's attempt at bringing a based-object system into a C++ project (he liked the idea of containers of 'Object *', so he made every class in the system descend from his very own 'Object' class).
Bringing in foreign language concepts almost always ends badly in two ways: The concept runs up against other C++ concepts, and can't work as well as it did in the source language, AND the concept tends to break something else in C++. You end up losing a lot of time trying to implement something that just isn't going to work out.
The only way I could see something like this working at all well, is if you implemented a new language on top of C++, with a cfront-style pre-compiler. That way, you could put some decent syntax onto the thing, and eliminate some of your problems.

If you implemented this, even as a pure library, and then used it extensively, you would in a way be using a new language - one with a hideous syntax, and a curious combination of runtime method resolution and unreliable bounds checking.
As a fan of C/C++ style syntax and apparently a fan of dynamic method dispatch, you may be interested in C# 4.0, which is now in Beta, and has the dynamic keyword to allow exactly this kind of thing to be seamlessly mixed into normal statically typed code.

I don't think it would be a good idea to change C++ enough to make this work. I'd suggest working in another language, such as Lisp or Perl or another language that's basically dynamic, or imbedding a dynamic language and using it.

What you are doing is actually a variation of the Visitor pattern.
EDIT: By the way, another approach would be by using Lua, since the language allows you to add functions at runtime. So does Objective-C++.
EDIT 2: You could actually inherit from FuncMap as well:
class Dynamic;
typedef std::map<std::string, boost::function<void (Dynamic&)> > FuncMap;
class Dynamic : public FuncMap
void f(Dynamic& self) {
int main()
Dynamic dyn;
dyn["f"] = boost::bind(&f, _1);
dyn["f"](dyn); // invoke f, however, 'dyn'param is awkward...
return 0;

If I understand what you are trying to accomplish correctly, it seems as though dynamic linking (i.e. Dynamically loaded libraries in windows or linux) will do most of what you are trying to accomplish.
That is, you can, at runtime, select the name of the function you want to execute (eg. the name of the DLL), which then gets loaded and executed. Much in the way that COM works. Or you can even use the name of the function exported from that library to select the correct function (C++ name mangling issues aside).

I don't think there's a library for this exact thing.
Of course, you have to have these functions pre-written somehow, so it seems there would be an easier way to do what you want. For example you could have just one method to execute arbitrary code from your favorite scripting language. That seems like an easier way to do what you want.

I keep thinking of the Visitor pattern. That allows you to do a vtable lookup on the visiting object (as well as the visited object, thought that doesn't seem relevant to your question).
And at runtime, you could have some variable which refers to the visitor, and call
Dynamic dynamic;
DynamicVisitor * dv = ...;
dv = ...; // something else
The point is, the visitor object has a vtable, which you said you wanted, and you can change its value dynamically, which you said you wanted. Accept is basically the "function to call things I didn't know about at compile time."

I've considered doing this before as well. Basically, however, you'd be on your way to writing a simple VM or interpreter (look at, say, Lua or Topaz's source to see what I mean -- Topaz is a dead project that pre-dates Parrot).
But if you're going that route it makes sense to just use an existing VM or interpreter.


How to avoid using dynamic_cast, when implementing external actions?

dynamic_cast is pure evil. Everybody knows it. Only noobs use dynamic_cast. :)
That's what I read about dynamic_cast. Many topics on stackoverflow say "use virtual functions in this case".
I've got some interfaces that reflect capabilities of objects. Let's say:
class IRotatable
virtual void set_absolute_angle(float radians) =0;
virtual void rotate_by(float radians) =0;
class IMovable
virtual void set_position(Position) =0;
and a base for a set of classes that may implement them:
class Object
virtual ~Object() {}
In GUI layer I would like to enable/disable or show/hide buttons depending on which features are implemented by the object selected by the user:
Object *selected_object;
I would do it in such a way (simplified):
button_that_rotates.enabled = (dynamic_cast<IRotatable*>(selected_object) != nullptr);
void execute_rotation(float angle)
if(auto rotatable = dynamic_cast<IRotatable*>(selected_object))
but as other (more experienced ones) say, it is obvious evidence of bad design.
What would be a good design in this case?
And no, I don't want a bunch of virtual functions in my Object. I would like to be able to add new interface and new classes that implement it (and new buttons) without touching Object.
Also virtual function like get_buttons in by Object doesn't seem good for me. My Object knows completely nothing about GUI, buttons and such things.
A function like get_type that returns some enum could also solve a problem, but I don't see why self-implemented substitute of RTTI should be better than the native one (ok, it would be faster, but it doesn't matter in this case).
You've already hit the nail on the head: you're trying to get type information from an "opaque" Object* type. Using dynamic_cast is just a hack to get there. Arguably your problem is actually that C++ doesn't have what you want: good type information. But here's some thoughts.
First, if you're going to a lot of this sort of thing, you may find that you are actually shifting away from typical inheritance and your program may be better suited to a component based design pattern, as is more common in video games. There you often have a somewhat opaque GameObject at the root and want to know what "components" it has. Unity does this sort of thing and they have nice editor windows based on components attached to the GameObject; but C# also has nice type info.
Second, some other part of the might know about the concrete type of the object and can help build your visual display, causing the Object* to no longer be a bottleneck.
Third, if you do go with something like the option you're talking about, I think you will find having type id of some sort vs. the use of dynamic_cast to be more helpful, since you can then build tables to look up types to say, visual builders.
Also, you were wondering why a self-rolled type info vs. RTTI? If you are quite concerned about performance, RTTI is on for all types and that means everything could take a hit; the self-rolled option allows for opt-in (at the cost of complexity). Additionally you won't need to push this onto others if you're writing a library pulled in via source, etc.

Metaprogramming C/C++ using the preprocessor

So I have this huge tree that is basically a big switch/case with string keys and different function calls on one common object depending on the key and one piece of metadata.
Every entry basically looks like this
} else if ( strcmp(key, "key_string") == 0) {
} else if ( ...
where do_something can have different invocations, so I can't just use function pointers. Also, some keys require object to be cast to a subclass.
Now, if I were to code this in a higher level language, I would use a dictionary of lambdas to simplify this.
It occurred to me that I could use macros to simplify this to something like
case_call("key_string", class_name, do_something());
case_call( /* ... */ )
where case_call would be a macro that would expand this code to the first code snippet.
However, I am very much on the fence whether that would be considered good style. I mean, it would reduce typing work and improve the DRYness of the code, but then it really seems to abuse the macro system somewhat.
Would you go down that road, or rather type out the whole thing? And what would be your reasoning for doing so?
Some clarification:
This code is used as a glue layer between a simplified scripting API which accesses several different aspects of a C++ API as simple key-value properties. The properties are implemented in different ways in C++ though: Some have getter/setter methods, some are set in a special struct. Scripting actions reference C++ objects casted to a common base class. However, some actions are only available on certain subclasses and have to be cast down.
Further down the road, I may change the actual C++ API, but for the moment, it has to be regarded as unchangeable. Also, this has to work on an embedded compiler, so boost or C++11 are (sadly) not available.
I would suggest you slightly reverse the roles. You are saying that the object is already some class that knows how to handle a certain situation, so add a virtual void handle(const char * key) in your base class and let the object check in the implementation if it applies to it and do whatever is necessary.
This would not only eliminate the long if-else-if chain, but would also be more type safe and would give you more flexibility in handling those events.
That seems to me an appropriate use of macros. They are, after all, made for eliding syntactic repetition. However, when you have syntactic repetition, it’s not always the fault of the language—there are probably better design choices out there that would let you avoid this decision altogether.
The general wisdom is to use a table mapping keys to actions:
std::map<std::string, void(Class::*)()> table;
Then look up and invoke the action in one go:
Or use find to check for failure:
const auto i = table.find(key);
if (i != table.end())
throw std::runtime_error(...);
But if as you say there is no common signature for the functions (i.e., you can’t use member function pointers) then what you actually should do depends on the particulars of your project, which I don’t know. It might be that a macro is the only way to elide the repetition you’re seeing, or it might be that there’s a better way of going about it.
Ask yourself: why do my functions take different arguments? Why am I using casts? If you’re dispatching on the type of an object, chances are you need to introduce a common interface.

Ways to use variable as object name in c/c++

Just out of curiosity: is there a way to use variable as object name in c++?
something along the lines:
char a[] = "testme\0";
*a *vr = new *a();
If you were to write a c/c++ compiler how would you go about to implement such a thing?
I know they implemented this feature in zend engine but to lazy to look it up.
Maybe some of you guys can enlight me :)
In case what you are looking for is something like this
$className = "ClassName";
$instance = new $className();
That's simply not possible in C++. This fails for many reasons, one of them that C++ at runtime doesn't know much about names of classes anymore (only in debug mode) If somebody wanted to write a compiler that would allow something like this, it would be necessary to keep a lot of information that a C++ compiler only needs during compilation and linking. Changing this would create a new language.
If you want to dynamically create classes depending on information only available at runtime, in C++ you would most likely use some of the Creational Design Patterns.
PHP is one language, C++ is a very different one. 16M may not be that much nowadays, for a C++ programmer where some programs are in the k range, it's a whole world. Nobody wants to ship a complete compiler with his C++ app to be able to get all the dynamic features (that btw PHP too implements only in a limited way as far as I know, if you want really dynamic runtime code creation, have a look at Ruby or Python). C++ has (as all languages) a certain philosophy and creating objects by name in a string doesn't fit very well with it. This feature alone is quite useless anyway and would by no means justify the overhead necessary to implement it. This could most likely be done without adding runtime compilation, but even the extra kilobytes necessary to store the names alone make no sense in the C++ world. And C++ is strictly typed and this functionality would have to make sure, that type checking doesn't break.
In C and C++, identifier names do not have the same meaning they do in PHP.
PHP is a dynamic language, and (at least conceptually) runs in an interpreted context. Identifier names are present at run time, they can be inspected through PHP's reflection features, you can use strings to refer to functions, variables, globals, and object properties by name, etc. PHP identifiers are actual semantic entities.
In C++, identifiers are lost at run time (again, conceptually speaking). You use them in your source code to identify variables, functions, classes, etc., but the compiler translates them into memory addresses or literal values, or even optimizes them away completely. Identifier names are not generally present in the compiled binary (unless you instructed the compiler to include debug symbols), and there is no way to inspect them at run-time. Even with RTTI, the best you can get is an arbitrary number to identify a type; you can compare them for equality, but you cannot get the name back.
Consequently, if you want to translate strings into identifier names at run-time in C++, you have to perform the mapping manually. std::map can be a great help for this - you hand it a string, and it gives you a value. This doesn't work directly for class names; for these, you need to implement some sort of factory method. A nice solution is to have one wrapper function for each type, and then a std::map that maps class names to the corresponding wrappers. Something like:
map<string, FoobarFactoryMethod> factory_map;
Foobar* FooFactory() { return new Foo(); }
Foobar* BarFactory() { return new Bar(); }
Foobar* BazFactory() { return new Baz(); }
void fill_map() {
factory_map["Foo"] = FooFactory;
factory_map["Bar"] = BarFactory;
factory_map["Baz"] = BazFactory;
// and then later:
Foobar* f = factory_map[classname]();
Why do you even want to have this feature? You are most likely misusing OOP. Whenever my needs ran into hard language barriers like this I ended up doing one of the following:
Rethink your solution to the problem so it fits OOP better
Create a DSL for your problem (domain specific language)
Create a code generator for this part of your problem
Pick a language that fits your problem better
A combination of the above
I would think that what you want to do would be best accomplished using interfaces and a factory pattern.

Achieving Interface functionality in C++

A big reason why I use OOP is to create code that is easily reusable. For that purpose Java style interfaces are perfect. However, when dealing with C++ I really can't achieve any sort of functionality like interfaces... at least not with ease.
I know about pure virtual base classes, but what really ticks me off is that they force me into really awkward code with pointers. E.g. map<int, Node*> nodes; (where Node is the virtual base class).
This is sometimes ok, but sometimes pointers to base classes are just not a possible solution. E.g. if you want to return an object packaged as an interface you would have to return a base-class-casted pointer to the object.. but that object is on the stack and won't be there after the pointer is returned. Of course you could start using the heap extensively to avoid this but that's adding so much more work than there should be (avoiding memory leaks).
Is there any way to achieve interface-like functionality in C++ without have to awkwardly deal with pointers and the heap?? (Honestly for all that trouble and awkardness id rather just stick with C.)
You can use boost::shared_ptr<T> to avoid the raw pointers. As a side note, the reason why you don't see a pointer in the Java syntax has nothing to do with how C++ implements interfaces vs. how Java implements interfaces, but rather it is the result of the fact that all objects in Java are implicit pointers (the * is hidden).
Template MetaProgramming is a pretty cool thing. The basic idea? "Compile time polymorphism and implicit interfaces", Effective C++. Basically you can get the interfaces you want via templated classes. A VERY simple example:
template <class T>
bool foo( const T& _object )
if ( _object != _someStupidObject && _object > 0 )
return true;
return false;
So in the above code what can we say about the object T? Well it must be compatible with '_someStupidObject' OR it must be convertible to a type which is compatible. It must be comparable with an integral value, or again convertible to a type which is. So we have now defined an interface for the class T. The book "Effective C++" offers a much better and more detailed explanation. Hopefully the above code gives you some idea of the "interface" capability of templates. Also have a look at pretty much any of the boost libraries they are almost all chalk full of templatization.
Considering C++ doesn't require generic parameter constraints like C#, then if you can get away with it you can use boost::concept_check. Of course, this only works in limited situations, but if you can use it as your solution then you'll certainly have faster code with smaller objects (less vtable overhead).
Dynamic dispatch that uses vtables (for example, pure virtual bases) will make your objects grow in size as they implement more interfaces. Managed languages do not suffer from this problem (this is a .NET link, but Java is similar).
I think the answer to your question is no - there is no easier way. If you want pure interfaces (well, as pure as you can get in C++), you're going to have to put up with all the heap management (or try using a garbage collector. There are other questions on that topic, but my opinion on the subject is that if you want a garbage collector, use a language designed with one. Like Java).
One big way to ease your heap management pain somewhat is auto pointers. Boost has a nice automatic pointer that does a lot of heap management work for you. The std::auto_ptr works, but it's quite quirky in my opinion.
You might also evaluate whether you really need those pure interfaces or not. Sometimes you do, but sometimes (like some of the code I work with), the pure interfaces are only ever instantiated by one class, and thus just become extra work, with no benefit to the end product.
While auto_ptr has some weird rules of use that you must know*, it exists to make this kind of thing work easily.
auto_ptr<Base> getMeAThing() {
return new Derived();
void something() {
auto_ptr<Base> myThing = getMeAThing();
myThing->foo(); // Calls Derived::foo, if virtual
// The Derived object will be deleted on exit to this function.
*Never put auto_ptrs in containers, for one. Understand what they do on assignment is another.
This is actually one of the cases in which C++ shines. The fact that C++ provides templates and functions that are not bound to a class makes reuse much easier than in pure object oriented languages. The reality though is that you will have to adjust they manner in which you write your code in order to make use of these benefits. People that come from pure OO languages often have difficulty with this, but in C++ an objects interface includes not member functions. In fact it is considered to be good practice in C++ to use non-member functions to implement an objects interface whenever possible. Once you get the hang of using template nonmember functions to implement interfaces, well it is a somewhat life changing experience. \

What are some 'good use' examples of dynamic casting?

We often hear/read that one should avoid dynamic casting. I was wondering what would be 'good use' examples of it, according to you?
Yes, I'm aware of that other thread: it is indeed when reading one of the first answers there that I asked my question!
This recent thread gives an example of where it comes in handy. There is a base Shape class and classes Circle and Rectangle derived from it. In testing for equality, it is obvious that a Circle cannot be equal to a Rectangle and it would be a disaster to try to compare them. While iterating through a collection of pointers to Shapes, dynamic_cast does double duty, telling you if the shapes are comparable and giving you the proper objects to do the comparison on.
Vector iterator not dereferencable
Here's something I do often, it's not pretty, but it's simple and useful.
I often work with template containers that implement an interface,
imagine something like
template<class T>
class MyVector : public ContainerInterface
Where ContainerInterface has basic useful stuff, but that's all. If I want a specific algorithm on vectors of integers without exposing my template implementation, it is useful to accept the interface objects and dynamic_cast it down to MyVector in the implementation. Example:
// function prototype (public API, in the header file)
void ProcessVector( ContainerInterface& vecIfce );
// function implementation (private, in the .cpp file)
void ProcessVector( ContainerInterface& vecIfce)
MyVector<int>& vecInt = dynamic_cast<MyVector<int> >(vecIfce);
// the cast throws bad_cast in case of error but you could use a
// more complex method to choose which low-level implementation
// to use, basically rolling by hand your own polymorphism.
// Process a vector of integers
I could add a Process() method to the ContainerInterface that would be polymorphically resolved, it would be a nicer OOP method, but I sometimes prefer to do it this way. When you have simple containers, a lot of algorithms and you want to keep your implementation hidden, dynamic_cast offers an easy and ugly solution.
You could also look at double-dispatch techniques.
My current toy project uses dynamic_cast twice; once to work around the lack of multiple dispatch in C++ (it's a visitor-style system that could use multiple dispatch instead of the dynamic_casts), and once to special-case a specific subtype.
Both of these are acceptable, in my view, though the former at least stems from a language deficit. I think this may be a common situation, in fact; most dynamic_casts (and a great many "design patterns" in general) are workarounds for specific language flaws rather than something that aim for.
It can be used for a bit of run-time type-safety when exposing handles to objects though a C interface. Have all the exposed classes inherit from a common base class. When accepting a handle to a function, first cast to the base class, then dynamic cast to the class you're expecting. If they passed in a non-sensical handle, you'll get an exception when the run-time can't find the rtti. If they passed in a valid handle of the wrong type, you get a NULL pointer and can throw your own exception. If they passed in the correct pointer, you're good to go.
This isn't fool-proof, but it is certainly better at catching mistaken calls to the libraries than a straight reinterpret cast from a handle, and waiting until some data gets mysteriously corrupted when you pass the wrong handle in.
Well it would really be nice with extension methods in C#.
For example let's say I have a list of objects and I want to get a list of all ids from them. I can step through them all and pull them out but I would like to segment out that code for reuse.
so something like
List<myObject> myObjectList = getMyObjects();
List<string> ids = myObjectList.PropertyList("id");
would be cool except on the extension method you won't know the type that is coming in.
public static List<string> PropertyList(this object objList, string propName) {
var genList = (objList.GetType())objList;
would be awesome.
It is very useful, however, most of the times it is too useful: if for getting the job done the easiest way is to do a dynamic_cast, it's more often than not a symptom of bad OO design, what in turn might lead to trouble in the future in unforeseen ways.