Infragistics Documentation - infragistics

We have used Infragistics controls in our applications for years. However, we have always had a hard time getting started using controls, because of the samples and documentation. For those of you that use Infragistics controls, what is the best way you have found to use the samples and documentation? For those of you that do not, what other control packages have you found that have good documentation and are easy to use?

I have to be honest say that we gave up on the Infragistics stuff a few years back.
We flirted with ComponentArt then settled on the TeleRik controls, mainly because of ease of use, flexibility and the documentation is pretty good.

Been working with Infragistics stuff for awhile now. Usually I check out the samples to see what the controls can do, then when I need something specific, if I can't easily find it perusing with the object browser, then I simply ask their support. They are quick to respond and know their stuff like expected.
You can also search their forums but I find it lacks content; maybe because most of their users prefer asking the support staff.

Not sure, if you are still using Infragistics, but the link to their online documentation is here

I've used ComponentArt and they have pretty decent api docs


Infragistics UltraToolbar NonInheritedTools

sorry if this topic already was solved..
but I really have doubts about certain infragistics property..
the "NonInheritedTools" and its documentation is very very poor.
what is it for? can I ignore it?
I've used Infragistics controls for over 10 years for WinForms, WPF, and projects and have never found the need for it in any of my WinForm tool bars coding. As best as I can tell, it seems to be for internal Infragistics use only. Unless you can find a specific need, I would ignore it, but that is just my opinion from my experience. Unless you have a specific programming question that is as much as I can give you.
The comments on the NonInheritedTools class (not property) says the following:
"For Infragistics internal use. Collection for iterating the non-inherited tools in a tools collection."

Looking for third party charting options for ColdFusion

A project I am working on makes extensive use of CFCHART. We have run into quite a few usage and performance issues with CFCHART, so I have been tasked to look at some third-party solutions to try out and recommend. Anybody have some reviews and recommendations they'd care to share?
Consider outputting the raw data and using JavaScript / Canvas to generate the charts on the fly. The load is the given to the client.
This makes it easier for screenreaders and people who like to save the data to access it as well.
Some JS charting libraries:
Not dependent on your server side technology (e.g. irrelevant to the fact that you're using CF), I have recently started playing around with HighCharts (, and have been very impressed.
Bear in mind, it's not free for commercial use, but you didn't specify as to any such restrictions. Although their pricing seems pretty fair (see
The Wijmo jQuery library has some nice charting widgets.
We use FusionCharts. They have a comprehensive set of chart and widget types (eg sparklines) and have a very slick, professional finish.
ChartDirector is reasonable and is very advanced. It generates image-based graphs and we don't have to worry about whether or not different browsers support various advanced HTML features or Flash. You can download it, install and run it unlicensed and it will only add a little copyright in the bottom-right 20 pixels of the graph. (Licensing is inexpensive.) It comes with 239+ ColdFusion scripts so that you have plenty of sample code. Their support forums is very active and helpful.
Check out the gallery. It has some very impressive samples. You can create just about anything.
You can try jqChart as well.
Thank you to everyone for these suggestions! This gives me a good list of applications to work with. Since there is no one "right" answer for a question like this I made sure to note each answer as useful.

What are my options for working with markdown in ColdFusion?

I am seeing many many different use cases where I could use Markdown in apps that I write, both personal and professional. But from my research so far, I haven't been able to find many options for working with it in ColdFusion. I would certainly like to keep from reinventing the wheel by trying to implement it myself if someone else already has a project that I can use and contribute to, both because of time and not to duplicate efforts.
My preference would be to use an implementation in native coldfusion because that would be the easiest to tweak if it was necessary, but I am open to alternatives in other languages, as long as it is easy enough to implement and maintain. I have looked at the WMD editor, but it doesn't look like it is the whole solution. It would work for outputing the markup, but I would want to store that and then convert it to html as necessary for display.
Does anyone know of any other options?
Update: I do know of the CFX_markdown but I am not sure it is mature enough. If anyone out there has experience with it I would love to hear about it.
Update 2: I have added a bounty to this question. Not to say that the answer that has been given so far isn't a good one or isn't the best one, but I am wanting to see if anyone else has any other information about markdown with CF so we know all of the options.
Update 3: So offering the bounty didn't really work. I will go ahead and let it auto accept the only answer just in case we have any late answers. Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
The Markdown Wiki refers to a Java implementation called MarkdownJ. I've no idea how mature it is, and I know you'd prefer a native ColdFusion implementation, but if you're running ColdfusionMX then a Java module might be a good compromise.
We have a plugin created that does this in ColdFusion already:

Draw panel on a web site?

What is best way for making a draw panel in a web page. I would like to know how to develop something very simple,for example little panel where users can draw a signature.
This is great example, but I need something way simpler.
Whilst Zifre's answer is valid in one sense, I would be very weary of the <canvas> tag, at least at the moment, due to there not being fantastic support for it (as many browsers don't yet fully support HTML5).
Some browsers support it (most notably Firefox and anything running on Webkit), but swathes of others don't (especially older browsers). It's perhaps better to go for a more universal solution (though, by no means completely universal), and use something like Flash.
The easiest way to do this is probably with the <canvas> tag and some JavaScript. Here is a really simple example to get you started. You can add more functions for things like circles, boxes, etc.
I'm sure somebody has already made something like this that you could use, but I couldn't find any.

What's the best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds for an iPhone application?

So I understand that there are a few options available as far as parsing straight XML goes: NSXMLParser, TouchXML from TouchCode, etc. That's all fine, and seems to work fine for me.
The real problem here is that there are dozens of small variations in RSS feeds (and Atom feeds too), so supporting all possible permutations of feeds available out on the Internet gets very difficult to manage. I searched around for a library that would handle all of these low-level details for me, but came out without anything.
Since one could link to an external C/C++ library in Objective-C, I was wondering if there is a library out there that would be best suited for this task? Someone must have already created something like this, it's just difficult to find the "right" option from the thousands of results in Google.
Anyway, what's the best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds in an iPhone application?
I've just released an open source RSS/Atom Parser for iPhone and hopefully it might be of some use.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it too!
"Best" is relative. The best performance you'll need to go the SAX route and implement the handlers. I don't know of anything out there open source available (start a google code project and release it for the rest of us to use!)
Whatever you do, it's probably a really bad idea to try and load the whole XML file into memory and act on it like a DOM. Chances are you'll get feeds that are much larger than you can handle on the device leading to frequent memory warnings and crashes.
I'm currently trying out the MWFeedParser #Michael Waterfall is developing.
Quite easy to set up and use (I'm a beginner iPhone developer).
His sample code for using MWFeedParser to populate a UITableViewController implementation is helpful as well.
take a look at apple's XML Performance sample -- which points to using libXML directly -- for performance and quicker updates to the display. Which may be important if you are working with very large feeds.
Check out my library for parsing Atom feeds, (BSAtomParser) at GitHub. It doesn't care about validating the feed, it does its best at returning whatever is valid. The parser covers most of RFC 4287, even extensions.
Here's my solution: a really simple yet powerful RSS parsing library:
Have you looked at TouchCode yet? I don't think it has an RSS processor, but it might give you a start.
I came accross igasus project on sourceforge today. I haven't used it or really checked it, but perhaps it might help.
From their site:
igagus is a web service for the iPhone that allows aggregation of RSS to be delivered in an iPhone friendly format.
Actually, I was trying to suggest you ask on the TouchCode discussion board, because I remember someone was trying to expand it to support RSS. That might be a decent starting point. But I was being rushed by my wife.
But I see now that TouchCode doesn't have a discussion board. I'd still ask the author, though, he might know what came of that effort.
This might be a reasonable starting point for you. Atom support isn't there yet, but you could help out?