How to submit image uploads in Django tests? - django

The Django docs ( say to do this:
>>> c = Client()
>>> f = open('wishlist.doc')
>>>'/customers/wishes/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': f})
>>> f.close()
But when I do that the field has the error message "The submitted file is empty." That smells like a PIL issue but the form works fine on the actual site.
Reading the file and sending that instead of just a handle doesn't work either and behaves the same as passing an empty string.

OK I figured it out. I was using the same dummy image for multiple fields and Django doesn't reset the pointer after validating the first field.
Also the example in the docs doesn't show that images need to be opened in binary mode as well.

I think open expects a file path relative to where it’s being called from.
I’m not sure where that would be when a test is being run, but maybe try with an absolute path and see if it works?


Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField returning 404 in production

I have a Django app where users can upload images and can have a processed version of the images if they want. and the processing function returns the path, so my approach was
model2.processed_image = processingfunction( model1.uploaded_image.path)
and as the processing function returns path here's how it looks in my admin view
not like the normally uploaded images
In my machine it worked correctly and I always get a 404 error for the processed ones while the normally uploaded is shown correctly when I try to change the url of the processed from
so how can I fix this ? is there a better approach to saving the images manually to the database ?
I have the same function but returns a Pil.image.image object and I've tried many methods to save it in a model but I didn't know how so I've made the function return a file path.
I think the problem is from nginx where I define the media path.
should/can I override the url attribute of the processedimage?
making something like
model.processed_image.url = media/somefolder/filename
Instead of using the PIL Image directly, create a django.core.files.File.
from io import BytesIO
from django.core.files import File
img_io = BytesIO() # create a BytesIO object to temporarily save the file in memory
img = processingfunction( model1.uploaded_image.path), 'PNG') # save the PIL image to the BytesIO object
img_file = File(thumb_io, name='some-name.png') # create the File object
# you can use the `name` from `model1.uploaded_image` and use
# that above
# finally, pass the image file to your model field
model2.processed_image = img_file
To avoid repetition of this code, it would be a good idea to keep this code in processingfunction and return the File object directly from there.
My approach is a bit different from #Xyres's, I thought xyres's would make a duplicate of the existing image and create a new one and when I tried overriding the URL attribute it returned an error of
can't set the attribute
but when I saw this question and this ticket I tried making this and it worked
model2.processed_image = processingfunction(model1.uploaded_image.path)
full_path = model2.processed_image.path = full_path.split('media')[1]
so that explicitly making the URL media/path/to/image and cut out all of the unneeded parts like home/ubuntu and stuff

read text file content with python at zapier

I have problems getting the content of a txt-file into a Zapier
object using Here is the code I am
with open('file', 'r') as content_file:
content =
I'd be glad if you could help me with this. Thanks for that!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Your code as written doesn't work because the first argument for the open function is the filepath. There's no file at the path 'file', so you'll get an error. You access the input via the input_data dictionary.
That being said, the input is a url, not a file. You need to use urllib to read that url. I found the answer here.
I've got a working copy of the code like so:
import urllib2 # the lib that handles the url stuff
result = []
data = urllib2.urlopen(input_data['file'])
for line in data: # file lines are iterable
result.append(line) # keep each line, or parse, etc.
return {'lines': result}
The key takeaway is that you need to return a dictionary from the function, so make sure you somehow squish your file into one.
​Let me know if you've got any other questions!
#xavid, did you test this in Zapier?
It fails miserably beacuse urllib2 doesn't exist in the zapier python environment.

How to access a tempfile object across 2 separate requests (was:views) in Django

Can't find a direct, head on answer to this. Is there a way to access a tempfile in Django across 2 distinct views? Say I have the following code:
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
temp_file_name =
print temp_file_name
request.session['output_file_name'] = temp_file_name
request.session.modified = True
return #something or other
temp_file_name = request.session['output_file_name']
temp_file = open(str(temp_file_name))
#do something with 'temp_file' here
My problem comes in specifically on view#2, the 2nd line "open(temp_file_name)". Django complains this file/pathway doesn't exist, which is consistent of my understanding of the tempfile module (that the file is 'hidden' and only available to Django).
Is there a way for me to access this file? In case it matters, I ONLY need to read from it (technically serve it for download).
I'd think of this as how to access a NamedTemporaryFile across different requests, rather than different views. Looking at this documentation on NamedTemporaryFile, it says that the file can be opened across the same process, but not necessarily across multiple processes. Perhaps your other view is being called in a different Django process.
My suggestion would be to abandon the use of NamedTemporaryFile and instead just write it as a permanent file, then delete the file in the other view.
Thanks seddonym for attempting to answer. My partner clarified this for me...seddonym is correct for the Django version of NamedTemporaryFile. By calling the python version (sorry, don't have enough cred to post hyperlinks. Stupid rule) you CAN access across requests.
The trick is setting the delete=False parameter, and closing the file before 'returning' at the end of the request. Then, in the subsequent request, just open(file_name). Psuedo code below:
>>> import tempfile
>>> file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
>>> file.close()
>>> file
<closed file '<fdopen>', mode 'w+b' at 0x00EF5390>
>>> f = open(
>>> f
<open file 'c:\users\ymalik\appdata\local\temp\tmp9drcz9', mode 'r' at 0x0278C128>
This is, of course, done in the console, but it works in django as well.

Testing Image upload with Django and Webtest

Does anyone know how I can test the image upload with using WebTest. My current code is:
form['avatar'] =('avatar', os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'static', 'img', 'avatar.png'))
res = form.submit()
In the response I get the following error "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.".
Any help will be appreciated.
Power was right. Unfortunately(or not) I found his answer after I spend half an hour debugging the webtest. Here is a bit more information.
Trying to pass only the path to the files brings you the following exception:
webtest/", line 1028, in _get_file_info
ValueError: upload_files need to be a list of tuples of (fieldname,
filename, filecontent) or (fieldname, filename); you gave: ...
The problem is that is doesn't told you that it automatically will append the field name to the tuple send and making 3 item tuple into 4 item one. The final solutions was:
avatar = ('avatar',
file(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, '....', 'avatar.png')).read())
Too bad that there is not decent example but I hope this will help anyone else too )
Nowadays selected answer didn't help me.
But I found the way to provide expected files in the .submit() method args
form.submit(upload_files=[('avatar', '/../file_path.png')])
With Python 3:
form["avatar"] = ("avatar.png", open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, '....', 'avatar.png', "rb").read())

How to test whether a Django FileField is blank?

What is the right way to test whether a Django FileField is blank, i.e., when no file has been uploaded?
It looks like the name attribute is u'' when the field is blank, but I don't know whether that is reliable.
I ran in a similar problem and found a possible solution (surely not the best).
I'm currently checking if the the cleaned data inside the file field is an instance of the class TemporaryUploadedFile (django.core.files.uploadedfile.TemporaryUploadedFile):
** your code here**
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import TemporaryUploadedFile
** your code here**
if isinstance(form_instance.cleaned_data['my_file'], TemporaryUploadedFile):
# do stuff
I hope this is going to help.
This is one from python idioms, always test it in simplest way possible:
if some_object.file:
# File exists!
# This of course does not guarantees that file exists on disk, or that it is
# readable.
# No file.