Is there way to create empty .mo file template? - templates

Is there way of creating empty .mo file? Usually when starting new project I get stuck with this when there's no need for translations yet.
I tried this with no luck:
msgfmt /dev/null --output-file

Got it.
xgettext --force-po -f /dev/null -o foo.po
msgfmt foo.po --output-file


CentOS7: rpmbuild - Unable to recognise the format of the input file

I'm trying to build an extremely simple rpm over centos7.
I just copy some pre-compiled executables from the tar.gz to /usr/bin/my_rpms/rpm1.
Here is my install section:
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/bin/my_rpms/rpm1/
install -D prog prog.o -t %{buildroot}/usr/bin/my_rpms/rpm1/
it used to work find for the most part.
but today when after i made some changes to the prog and re-compiled it keeps gettings these errors:
+ mkdir -p /root/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/rpm1.x86_64/usr/bin/my_rpms/rpm1/
+ install -D prog prog.o -t /root/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/rpm1.x86_64/usr/bin/my_rpms/rpm1/
+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-compress
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip /usr/bin/strip
/usr/bin/strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file `/root/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/rpm1.x86_64/usr/bin/drivertest_rpms/rpm1/prog.o'
As you can see in error log, problem is with binary file striping which is default behavior of install command. I think your build environment is maybe different then rpm environment. cross-compiling? as suggested by #aaron-d-marasco
So I recommend to build rpm from project source. i.e move your build commands into %build section of .spec file.
Or strip your files in the same place where you have build them, and then in rpm use cp command in %install section instead of install command to move your files to target directory.

go unit test runs from %APPDATA%

I am trying to run some of my Go unit tests using "go test" but the test executable is built and run from my machine's %APPDATA%/local/temp directory. My PC has IT enforcement which blocks any unrecognized executable from being run other than from a pre-sanctioned directory (i.e C:/dev/projects"). All my Go source code are in that directory, including my *_test.go files. Is there a way to tell the Go test module to build and run from the current directory?
Yes you can.
Setting temp directory before executing the go test. By default temp directory environment variable gets evaluated in the order of TMP, TEMP, USERPROFILE, Windows directory; refer to msdn doc.
Basically it complies the go test under given temp directory and execute it.
C:\> cd dev\projects\src\mygotest
C:\dev\projects\src\mygotest>echo %CD%
C:\dev\projects\src\mygotest>set TMP=%CD%
C:\dev\projects\src\mygotest>go test -x
mkdir -p $WORK\mygotest\_test\
mkdir -p $WORK\mygotest\_test\_obj_test\
cd C:\dev\projects\src\mygotest
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\compile.exe" -o "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test\\mygotest.a" -trimpath "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926" -p main -complete -buildid 86cb7a423d355c7468ad98c4f8bffe77b68d2265 -D _/C_/dev/projects/src/mygotest -I "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926" -pack "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\sample.go" "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\sample_test.go"
cd $WORK\mygotest\_test
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\compile.exe" -o "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test\\main.a" -trimpath "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926" -p main -complete -D "" -I "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test" -I "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926" -pack "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test\\_testmain.go"
cd .
"C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\windows_amd64\\link.exe" -o "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test\\mygotest.test.exe" -L "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test" -L "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926" -w -extld=gcc -buildmode=exe "C:\\dev\\projects\\src\\mygotest\\go-build306298926\\mygotest\\_test\\main.a"
Hello, playground
ok mygotest 0.526s
Note: TMP set to current terminal session only, it doesn't affect system environment variable.
Important thing to note from above test output is WORK=C:\dev\projects\src\mygotest\go-build306298926.
Happy testing!

How can make my makefile overwrite a file?

descript: progam.cpp
g++ progam.cpp -o descript
./descript 2>output.txt | tee -a output.txt
From my understanding, first command compiles program.cpp and the second command sends the output to both terminal and a textfile.
Is there a way to adjust this so that I :
Use "make".Go through program prompts. Output is saved in output.txt
Use "./descript" or some command a second time and overwrite output.txt with new output
I'm fairly new to linux commands in general so anything would help.
It may be helpful to include a make clean function in your Makefile.
Example make clean function could include:
make clean:
rm -f output.txt
Then, insert the make clean at the beginning of your descript portion of the Makefile to auto-remove the previous output.

How to use cscope for a project which has .c , .cpp and .h files?

I am working on a project which requires the understanding of llvm compiler source-code. To browse source code of llvm, I tried to use cscope with following command in the root directory of the source:
cscope -R *
But it doesn't work. As there are mainly .cpp and .h files but some .c files are also there. So now I don't have a clue how to make cscope work? Can someone please help?
You can use following commands to do the required task from the root directory of llvm source tree:
touch tags.lst
find | grep "\.c$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cpp$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.h$" >> tags.lst
cscope -i tags.lst
It would create cscope.out file which is used with cscope to browse the code. Hope it helps!
A convenient way to list all C++ files in a project is to use the ack tool: a grep-like command optimized for source code searching (In some distributions, for instance Ubuntu, the tool is called ack-grep). You can run it like this:
ack -f --cpp > cscope.files
The output are paths to all .cpp, .h, .cc .hpp files
Just because this is still the most popular entry. The stdin thingy may have been added in the meantime or not, but it makes it kind of elegant:
find -regex '.*\.\(c\|h\|cpp\|cxx\|hh\|hpp\|hxx\)$' | cscope -i- -b -q
I have following in my .bashrc which make things easier. Run cscope_build() to generate data base and cscope to start cscope tool.
# Use vim to edit files
export CSCOPE_EDITOR=`which vim`
# Generate cscope database
function cscope_build() {
# Generate a list of all source files starting from the current directory
# The -o means logical or
find . -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.hh" -o -name "*.hpp" > cscope.files
# -q build fast but larger database
# -R search symbols recursively
# -b build the database only, don't fire cscope
# -i file that contains list of file paths to be processed
# This will generate a few cscope.* files
cscope -q -R -b -i cscope.files
# Temporary files, remove them
# rm -f cscope.files cscope.po.out
echo "The cscope database is generated"
# -d don't build database, use kscope_generate explicitly
alias cscope="cscope -d"
To cover our large code base I have a script that looks a bit like this to build cscope indexes. The reason I change to / is so that I have full file paths to the source files which makes things work a little smoother.
cd /
find -L /home/adrianc/code -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.h" > /home/adrianc/code/cscope.files
cd /home/adrianc/code
/usr/local/bin/cscope -b -icscope.files -q -u
Also it may be worth checking out

xgettext - extract translatable strings and update .pot

I have inherited a sample.pot file. Now, I have added new messages in a1.c and a2.cpp. Is it possible for me to use xgettext and output the contents to same sample.pot instead of creating a new one? Eg:-
xgettext -d sample -s -o sample.pot a1.c
xgettext -d sample -s -o sample.pot a2.cpp
Is this preferred way to go in order to update the template such that old messages are also preserved? The other question is how do we distinguish translatable strings from normal strings in source code. I assume xgettext will pull all strings from mentioned source code file.
It would be great if anybody can share the correct approach..Thanks
Does the -j, --join-existing option ("join messages with existing file") not do what you need?
Note that you can specify more than one input file on the command line.
xgettext -d sample -s -j -o sample.pot a1.c a2.cpp
The simplest way to achieve this is:
xgettext -o sample.pot -s a1.c a2.cpp sample.pot
You don't need -j, --join-existing because xgettext accepts .po and .pot files as regular input files.
The option -j, --join-existing is rarely useful. In conjunction with -D, --directory it has the effect that the output file sample.pot used as an input file is not searched in the list of directories. If you use -l c, --language=c you need -j, --join-existing because sample.pot would otherwise be parsed as a C/C++ source file.
Besides, -o sample.pot, --output=sample.pot has exactly the same effect as -d sample, --default-domain=sample. You can safely omit one of them.