Qt, Color Picker Dialog? - c++

Is there a color picker dialog for Qt like the following?
Also it needs to have a OnColorChanged signal which is called when ever the selected color changes. I want to give a live preview when they are changing the colors, that is why.
Using google I could only find this one that was a triangle in side of a circle and personally I think it looks ugly.

QColorDialog does exactly what you want.
(It is easy to find when you Ctrl-F through the list of Qt classes for "color")

Qt has now a "normal" color picker: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcolordialog.html#details


Change QwtPlot background while using dark mode gui?

When I dissable dark mode which is provided via BreezeStyleSheet:
it works (I can change background with set canvas palette to whatever I want and then attach it to QwtPlot). But when I use style sheet it seems almost impossible to set it. Have anybody some ideas how to fix this issue ?
For custom widget based on QwtPlot it will be:
this->canvas()->setStyleSheet("background-color: black;border: none;");
in constructor.

RectangularGlow with Qt 4.7 without QML

I'm working on some Qt GUI application with shiny glossy design.
I have a list view customized with my QItemDeleagte subclass. I draw items in paint virtual method. Selected items need to be drawn with glow effect on the border. Normal items must be without glow effect
That's RectangularGlow QML Type which is exactly what I need my view items border to look like. Unfortunately the app was written in Qt 4.7 and there is no way to port the app and all its dependencies to Qt 5.
QGraphicsDropShadowEffect is not sutable since shadow gradient has one direction and an offset. QLinearGradient doesn't help too or I don't know how to use it.
I consider drawing some kind of border image.
Is there any proper and elegant way to implement this using gradients or graphics effects?
As cmannett85 pointed out QGraphicsDropShadowEffect seems to be ok. However graphics effect may be installed on a whole paintdevice and for view item i cant just draw only selected item border rectangle with glow effect and leave other elements in a normal state. Instead all drawing on a list view affected
I found a solution in an answer for another question. So I think this question may be closed

what's the best way to display images in qt? also I would like to zoom in to particular areas as well

I've been using label to display images. I'd like to be able to click and create a bounding box then be able to drag the cursor to move around in the image. What would I need to do this? Thanks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to do, but I think the QGraphicsScene is what you are looking for. You can (among many other things):
Render images (QGraphicsPixmapItem, for example)
Change the zoom level when rendering the scene on a QGraphicsView.
Select things using a "rubber band"
Move items around with the mouse (see QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)
You may need to get familiar with Qt's graphics view framework.

Custom draw button using uxtheme.dll

I have implemented my custom button inheriting from CButton and drawing it by using uxtheme.dll (DrawThemeBackground with BP_PUSHBUTTON).
Everything works fine but I have two statuses (Normal and Pressed) which Hot status is the same. It means when the user places the cursor over the button it is drawn alike regardless the button status (Pressed or not).
This is a bit confusing to the user and I would like to change the way the button is drawn in Pressed & Hot status. Does anybody know a way?
I have also thought about custumizing the whole drawing but the buttons use gradients, borders, shadows, etc. So it is not easy to achive the same look&feel drawing everything by myself. Is there a way to find the source code of the dll or know how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I think I could be able to achive what I want to do by using CMFCButton and overriding the OnDraw method. Let the control draw the button on OnDrawBorder and then drawing the inside button myself. But I need to know how the control draws the inside button when pressed. It is a gradient and I can't guess how it's done. Does anybody have a clue?
In answer to your second question, if you derive from CMFCButton instead of CButton you can override OnDraw() or OnDrawText() instead of the usual DrawItem(). That way the default button background will be drawn, and then your drawing code is executed.
The only way I know of to really tackle this is to use 'custom draw', rather than 'owner draw'. Custom draw came in with Windows 2000, but is only used by button controls with comctrl32 6.0 (so Windows XP onwards), isn't very clearly documented, and isn't something MFC goes out of its way to support.
Anyway, the good thing about custom draw is that it lets you hook in at various points in the drawing process, unlike owner draw, which makes you deal with the whole thing. Have a look in MSDN at the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message.
For the other part of your problem, detecting the 'hot' state, the easiest way to do this is to use WM_MOUSEMOVE messages and the TrackMouseEvent() function to track whether the mouse is over your button.
Unfortunately this is a bit of a vague answer: the amount of code you need to demonstrate a button that uses custom draw is a bit too much to type into these answer boxes! I do have a project that demonstrates such techniques, using a custom draw button (falling back to owner draw on older Windows versions) that adds a little arrow to the button. You can have a look at the source code by getting
Open it and have a look at the "DropArrowButton" class. The important bit is the OnCustomDraw() handler and its helper function DrawControl(): these get called at the various button drawing phases, and use UxTheme to draw the control appropriately.
I finally figured out how to achive what I want to do. It's pretty easy indeed.
I use two calls to DrawThemeBackground. The first one with PBS_PRESSED and the second one with state PBS_HOT. Then I make a ExcludeClipRect to avoid from drawing over the center of the button.
Something like this:
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pCustomDraw->hdc);
CRect rectClient;
CRect rectInternal = rectClient;
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
Of course this is not the whole code but I think is enough to make my point.

Simplest way to change listview and treeview colours

I'm trying to find a simple way to change the colour of the text and background in listview and treeview controls in WTL or plain Win32 code.
I really don't want to have to implement full owner drawing for these controls, simply change the colours used.
I want to make sure that the images are still drawn with proper transparency.
Any suggestions?
Have a look at the following macros:
There are also appropriate methods of the CListViewCtrl and CTreeViewCtrl wrapper classes:
You may also want to take a look at WTL's CCustomDraw::OnItemPrePaint (that's if you need to control the drawing of individual items)
A good article that describes this process is here
It's been a while since I've use the win32 API directly, but I believe that if you handle the WM_ERASEBACKGROUND message for your control, you can use FillRect() in your handler to paint the background using whatever color you like.