turn off screen updating in a dos batch file - c++

I am writing a program in C++ that launches commands from the DOS operating system using the system() command. So far so good I think. But how can I turn off the screen updating in the console window that pops up so I can't see the thousands of messages that are resulting.
Or, alternatively, how can I dump those messages in some other place....ie is there a more elegant way to deal with this rather than just turning off the screen?

To prevent the statements themselves from being echoed, put this at the top of the script:
#echo off
To prevent output from commands, use redirection operators. To discard both the standard output and standard error streams:
nameofcommand.exe params > nul 2>&1
Note that it is always a good idea to include error handling (checking error levels, etc.) in your scripts, especially if you discard all output as shown above.

In the batch file you can redirect the output to a file. E.g. echo this goes to a file > log.txt would write the contents of the echo statement to the file.
See this article on command redirectors.

You should use the _popen function, which will write the output to a stream instead of the console.

It's quick and dirty I know, but...alternatively, set the foreground colour of the window to the same colour as of the background in order to hide the texts flashing by, see here for an example of how to do this, its in the 7th posting on that page that shows the code to do so. The color you would want is 0x0, black on black...in that way, it looks blank, and no one would see it..
Dirty I know...admittedly SLaks answer above would be more elegant...
Hope this helps,
Best regards,


What is the trick of "terminal output refresh" (as oppose to plainly output)?

Forgive my description in the title. Here is more exact description :
When I use bazel and clang to compile large number of targets, the command line output will not keep scrolling, instead it fresh when compiling new target. So that we do not have to scroll to see the result.
Anyone one know what kind of trick is that, which tool in this pipe line used it?
I am wondering whether if this trick can be used from native code in C++, such as std::cout + special character that terminal would refresh ?
My use case is that my native c++ code is doing thousands of cycles, my regular output would flush the screen. (Using debugger is not an option for special reasons, so that I have to reply on print statement)
Bazel implements this with cursor controls, and can be triggered by the --curses flag. Trace the code that adds/clears Bazel progress bars here.
This option determines whether Bazel will use cursor controls in its screen output. This results in less scrolling data, and a more compact, easy-to-read stream of output from Bazel. This works well with --color.
If this option is set to yes, use of cursor controls is enabled. If this option is set to no, use of cursor controls is disabled. If this option is set to auto, use of cursor controls will be enabled under the same conditions as for --color=auto.

C++ Program taking control of terminal window

When using vim in the terminal, it essentially blanks out the terminal's window and gives you a new one to start coding in, yet when you exit vim the terminal's previous output is still listed. How do you clear the terminal so that it only outputs your program's output, but returns to its normal state once the process has ended? (In linux, fedora)
At the low level, you send the terminal program a set of control characters that tell it what to do. This can be a bit too complex to to manage manually.
So instead, you might want to look at a console library like ncurses, which can manage all this complexity for you.
With respect specifically to the previous content magically appearing after the program exits, that's actually an xterm feature which vim is taking advantage of and which most modern terminals support. It's called "alternate screen" or simply "altscreen". Essentially you tell the terminal program "Ok, now switch to a completely new screen, we'll come back to the other one later".
The command to switch to the alternate screen is typically \E[?47h, while the command to switch back is \E[?47l For fun try this:
echo -e "\033[?47h"
and then to switch back:
echo -e "\033[?47l"
Or for a more more complete solution which relies a bit less on your shell to set things right (these are the sequences vim normally uses):
echo -e "\0337\033[?47h" # Save cursor position & switch to alternate screen
# do whatever
#Clear alternate screen, switch back to primary, restore cursor
echo -e "\033[2J\033[?47l\0338"
You can type "clear", or add a system command in your program to call "clear". Also, if you're not aware, you can run system commands from inside vim, so you dont have to exit and type clear. You can compile and run your programs from inside vim as well, for example ->
Also, I never use this technique, but I believe you can have vim call a new terminal by using :set terminal

gdb split view with code

I was just debugging a program in gdb and somehow I found a new feature I've never seen or even heard of before, a split view where I can see and browse the code in addition to giving commands:
What is this? What did I do, or, more specifically, how can I get this split-screen mode again? Is there a name for this mode, or somewhere I can read about how to use it?
It's called the TUI (no kidding). Start for example with gdbtui or gdb -tui ...
Please also see this answer by Ciro Santilli. It wasn't available in 2012 to the best of my knowledge, but definitely worth a look.
You can trigger it dynamically by push ctrl+x and ctrl+a.
There are two variants of it.
to only see code Press
Press CTRL X together and then 1
To see both source and assembly
Press 'CTRL' 'X' together and then '2'
A screen shot of the view with code and assembly.
Also check out this amazing Github project.
GDB Dashboard
GDB dashboard uses the official GDB Python API and prints the information that you want when GDB stops e.g. after a next, like the native display command.
more robust, as it just prints to stdout instead of putting the shell on a more magic curses state, e.g.:
vi mode in .inputrc causes problems: https://superuser.com/questions/180512/how-to-turn-off-gdb-tui/927728#927728
program stdout / stderr breaks your interface: GDB in TUI mode: how to deal with stderr's interaction with the ui
highly configurable from Python: you can select what you want to output and how big each section is depending on what you are debugging.
The most useful views are already implemented: source, assembly, registers, stack, memory, threads, expressions... but it should be easy to extend it with any information that is exposed on the GDB Python API.
TUI only allows showing two of source, assembly and registers and that is it. Unless you want to modify it's C source code of course ;-)
I believe that GDB should ship with a setup like that out of the box and turned on by default, it would attract much more users that way.
Oh, and the main developer, Andrea Cardaci, has been very responsive and awesome. Big kudos.
See also: How to highlight and color gdb output during interactive debugging?
You can also start it from the gdb shell using the command "-" (dash). Not sure how to dynamically turn it off though.
Type layout as a command in gdb and the split window will be shown.
When GDB is in the standard mode, using win will automatically switch in the TUI mode.
Other command for TUI mode:
info win
List and give the size of all displayed windows.
focus next | prev | src | asm | regs | split
Set the focus to the named window. This command allows to change the active window so that scrolling keys can be affected to another window.
Read here form more help.
There is also interface tool for GDB called cgdb. Even with some color highlighting.
"ESC" to switch to code view, "i" to switch back to gdb
tui mode was clearly inspired by emacs -- I discovered it by accident when I hit ^X-o, which switches among split windows in emacs -- I sometimes hit that absent-mindedly when what I should be doing is switching to a different program. Anyway, that leads to another feature not mentioned yet, that you can move the cursor from the code window (where you can scroll) to the command line, or vice versa, with ^X-o.

Show or capture complete program output using cmd.exe

I'm practising writing recursive functions using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 7.
I use cout to track the progress of my code, but it shows too many results and even though I stop the program I can not see the initial result... I can only see the output from the middle.
How can I see the complete program output?
The problem is that cmd.exe (the Windows commad prompt) has a fixed-size buffer for displaying output. If your program writes a lot of output, only the last N lines will be displayed, where N is the buffer size.
You can avoid this problem in several ways:
Write to a file, instead of to std::cout. All of your output will be captured in the file, which you can read in the text editor of your choice.
Redirect the standard output to a file. Run your program as my_prog.exe > output.log and the output will be redirected to output.log.
Pipe your output to the more command, to show it one screen at a time: my_prog.exe | more
Increase the cmd.exe buffer size. If you right-click on the title bar of the command window, you can select the Properties menu option. Within the Layout tab, you'll see a section called Screen buffer size. Change the Height to a larger value, and you'll be able to capture that many lines of output. Note that this is somewhat unreliable, since you often don't know in advance of executing your program how many lines it will output. One of the other approaches, using files, is often a better solution.
Note that this isn't really a problem with your C++ program. It's entirely reasonable to be able to produce a large quantity of output on the standard output stream. The best solutions are the ones that redirect or pipe the output to a file. These operations are available on most sensible platforms (and Windows, too) and do exactly what you need without having to change your program to write to a file.
I'm not sure to understand your problem, maybe you should write the output in a file instead of the standard output ? Then you will see all your results
Run your application from the commandline and redirect the output to a file:
yourapp.exe > yourapp.log

How can I overwrite the same portion of the console in a Windows native C++ console app, without using a 3rd Party library?

I have a console app that needs to display the state of items, but rather than having text scroll by like mad I'd rather see the current status keep showing up on the same lines. For the sake of example:
Running... nn% complete
Buffer size: bbbb bytes
should be the output, where 'nn' is the current percentage complete, and 'bbbb' is a buffer size, updated periodically on the same lines of the console.
The first approach I took simply printed the correct number of backspaces to the console before printing the new state, but this has an obnoxious flicker that I want to get rid of. I also want to stick to either standard library or MS-provided functionality (VC 8) so as not to introduce another dependency for this one simple need.
You can use SetConsoleCursorPosition. You'll need to call GetStdHandle to get a handle to the output buffer.
Joseph, JP, and CodingTheWheel all provided valuable help.
For my simple case, the most straight-forward approach seemed to be based on CodingTheWheel's answer:
// before entering update loop
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, &bufferInfo);
// update loop
while (updating)
// reset the cursor position to where it was each time
SetConsoleCursorPosition(h, bufferInfo.dwCursorPosition);
// insert combinations of sprintf, printf, etc. here
For more complicated problems, the full console API as provided by JP's answer, in coordination with the examples provided via the link from Joseph's answer may prove useful, but I found the work necessary to use CHAR_INFO too tedious for such a simple app.
If you print using \r and don't use a function that will generate a newline or add \n to the end, the cursor will go back to the beginning of the line and just print over the next thing you put up. Generating the complete string before printing might reduce flicker as well.
UPDATE: The question has been changed to 2 lines of output instead of 1 which makes my answer no longer complete. A more complicated approach is likely necessary. JP has the right idea with the Console API. I believe the following site details many of the things you will need to accomplish your goal. The site also mentions that the key to reducing flicker is to render everything offscreen before displaying it. This is true whenever you are displaying anything on the screen whether it is text or graphics (2D or 3D).
In case the Joseph's suggestion does not give you enough flexibility, have a look at the Console API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682073(VS.85).aspx.
In Linux, you can accomplish this by printing \b and/or \r to stderr. You might need to experiment to find the right combination of things in Windows.