Using OSSOLOG in scratchbox (maemo development) - maemo

I am building a sharing-service for maemo5. In the example plugin they are calling ULOG_INFO_L at a lot of places, so I have adopted this for my service as well. The problem is that I can't find where the messages goes.
Reading osso-log.h I should define DEBUG or OSSOLOGCOMPILE, which I do and OSSOLOG_STDOUT or OSSOLOG_SYSLOG. I have tried both settings but can't get anything on syslog or stdout (I have no idea where stdout should end up since I am only calling start), and it's not there anyway :-)
Anyone know where I can find my log?

I found out that when using OSSOLOG_SYSLOG it actually logs to the host machine, not the scratchbox environment.


Timeout when starting a Service in Windows

We're currently facing some issues trying to start a Service in Windows, which is an executable file and the output of a compiling process using .NET framework for C++ (Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727).
We are able to compile, start and execute the exact same service in our DEV Environment, which consists of Windows 7 installed in Virtual Box with VisualStudio2005 (it's old software, I know...).
When we do it in our Test environment, we get a timeout error when trying to start the Service (1053: The Service Did Not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion.). The server is running WindowsServer 2008 R2 Standard. We already tried to change the timeout time, without success. We also compiled the source code using the same Visual Studio 2005 SW and although we were able to compile it successfully we are still getting the same timeout message.
We are currently trying to understand what's objectively causing the different behaviour. The most obvious difference is the windows version, naturally, but since the compilation output appears identical and there are no errors during the compilation process in both environments and both output logs are identical as well we are running low on ideas to identify and validate objective differences. Our latest approach consists in trying to understand if by using Dependency Walker ( we are able to identify any issue regarding DLLs (we also checked if there is any corrupt DLL or system file in the environment and there isn't any, using the windows command for it). We're also checking some of the suggestion made on the following post: Error 1053 the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
Any one faced a similar issues? If so, can you suggest any kind of approach to identify the reason why the service isn't staring, other than the ones here mentioned?
Thanks in advance.
We ended up extending the timeout time regarding Service startup in Windows to 10 minutes followed by the necessary restart and we managed to start the service normally and almost immediately, which makes us think that the timeout time was never really an issue here. Although we haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause we are still inclined to think that it was a Windows/Server related issue.

Ejabberd module with child process

I created a logging module which logs messages to a mysql db, the current code is located here:
The Problem with the current code is, that sometimes the connection gets closed and as a result, the module doesn't work anymore.
As you see in the code, I store the DBRef in an ets table, which is not really the good way to go.
I asked the erlang mailinglist about this and they suggested me to do the DB Connection as an own child process of the module. This would enable the module to gracefully restart the connection upon closing of the connection.
Now my question is: how can I implement this child process with gen_server and/or gen_mod?
Do I need to create two files or can I do it within the same file?
Is there any example somewhere on how I could achieve that?
Edit: As you can see in the linked github repo, I updated the code and it works now, weeha!
Looking at the mod_Archive code helped me a lot, although I didn't decide to upgrade my ejabberd version.
I ran into another, but related problem now. In the code you see that I do an initial query with "SET NAMES UTF8" to prevent garbling of messages. It seems that this isn't done again if the gen_server does a reconnect. Is there any hook I can call upon reconnect so that the UTF8 query is done everytime?
Now I switched to Emysql ( and it works out of the box by specifying the encoding directly on connect.
Code is on github.
Thanks for your help,
I suggest you look into general Erlang/OTP principles (gen_server, supervisor, etc).
ejabberd is relying on this standard Erlang architecture pattern.
Regarding your comment on database, ejabberd has its own way on managing database and passing queries to MySQL for example. You should as well look into it.
In your source code you are only applying the gen_mod behaviour, if you do wish to have a gen_server you can do it in the same module, if you define the gen_server behaviour has well.
A good example would be the ejabberd module mod_archive, which implements both behaviours.
Edit: I never really worked "directly" with mysql on erlang. But through the ejabberd methods I find it pretty "easy"(you will have to make a few setup, but rather easy). You have the method
And has an example you can find it on the module mod_archive_odbc.
To use that method(and the last module) I haved downloaded the mysql native driver and put the beams created from the driver in ejabberd ebin dir (you can put it anywhere has long is on the erlang path).
A a soft link to the ejabberd ebin is my favorite:
ln -s <diryouhavethedriver>/ebin/*.beam /usr/lib/ejabberd/ebin/
and do a few configurations on you ejabberd.cfg. This process is described on this page on process one. Notice that the full steps are to make mysql the full database of ejabberd. You may not want that, so you must jump a few steps.
Hope this help.

Selenium wait for download?

I'm trying to test the happy-path for a piece of code which takes a long time to respond, and then begins writing a file to the response output stream, which prompts a download dialog in browsers.
The problem is that this process has failed in the past, throwing an exception after this long amount of work. Is there a way in selenium to wait-for-download or equivalent?
I could throw in a Thread.sleep, but that would be inaccurate and unnecessarily slow down the test run.
What should I do, here?
I had the same problem. I invented something to solve the problem. A tempt file is created by Python with '.part' extension. So, if still we have the temp, python can wait for 10 second and check again if the file is downloaded or not yet.
while True:
if os.path.isfile('ts.csv.part'):
elif os.path.isfile('ts.csv'):
So you have two problems here:
You need to cause the browser to download the file
You need to measure when the downloaded file is complete
Neither problemc an be directly solved by Selenium (yet - 2.0 may help), but both are solvable problems. The first problem can be solved by GUI automation toolkits, such as AutoIT. But they can also be solved by simply sending an automated keypress at the OS level that simulates the enter key (works for Firefox, a little harder on some versions of Chrome and Safari). If you're using Java, you can use Robot to do that. Other languages have similar toolkits to do such a thing.
The second issue is probably best solved with some sort of proxy solution. For example, if your browser was configured to go through a proxy and that proxy had an API, you could query the proxy with that API to ask when network activity had ended.
That's what we do at, which is a a startup I founded that uses Selenium to do load testing. We've released some of the proxy code as open source, available at
But two problems still persist:
You need to configure the browser to use the proxy. In Selenium 2 this is easier, but it's possible to do it with Selenium 1 as well. The key is just making sure that your browser launcher brings up the browser with the right profile/settings.
There currently is no API for BrowserMob proxy to tell you when network traffic has stopped! This is a big hole in the concept of the project that I want to fix as soon as I get the time. However, if you're keen to help out, join the Google Group and I can definitely point you in the right direction.
Hope that helps you identify your various options. Best of luck!
This is Chrome-testing-only solution for controlling the downloads with javascript..
Using WebDriver (Selenium2) it can be done within Chrome's chrome:// which is HTML/CSS/Javascript:
driver.get( "chrome://downloads/" );
waitElement( By.CssSelector("#downloads-summary-text") );
// next javascript snippet cancels the last/current download
// if your test ends in file attachment downloading
// you'll very likely need this if you more re-instantiated tests left
There are other Download.prototype.functions in "chrome://downloads/downloads.js"
This suites you if you just need to test some info note eg. caused by file attachment starting activity, and not the file itself.
Naturally you need to control step 1. - mentioned by Patrick above - and by this you control step 2. FOR THE TEST, not for the functionality of actual file download completion / cancel.
See also : Javascript: Cancel/Stop Image Requests which is relating to Browser stopping.
This falls under the "things that can't be automated" category. Selenium is built with JavaScipt and due to JavaScript sandbox restrictions it can't access downloads.
Selenium 2 might be able to do this once Alerts/Prompts have been implemented but that this won't happen for the next little while yet.
If you want to check for the download dialog, try with AutoIt. I use that for uploading and downloading the files. Using AutoIt with Se RC is easier.
def file_downloaded?(file)
while File.file?(file) == false
p "File downloading in progress..."
sleep 1
*Ruby Syntax

How to trace Coldfusion template execution in details?

I have some 'spaghetti'-style code that is generously saused with Custom tags and Stored procedures calls. Templates include each other, custom tags nested and stored procedures are callind other stored procedures in their place.
Problem is that one template call is hanging somewhere in between. I cannot get any error out and cannot see debug output. What is best way to debug such 'hanging' request with as much detail as possible ?
If you are using CF 8+, you can use the Step Debugging tools in Eclipse to step through the code:
If you are using an earlier version, you can use a 3rd party product like Fusion Debug ( ) to do the same thing.
If you are using CF8, you can also use the CF Admin Server Monitor to see where a thread is hanging as well:
If the built-in debugger is of no use cause the request just hang the other quick way is to just start with a cfabort at the top and keep moving it down until you hit the file causing the request to hang.
CFTrace is a great tool for this. It is native and reports time information as well.
Have you looked at the standard coldfusion server log files to see what might be in there?
Have you run the server in a console window so you can see what is appearing in the console as the templates are running (or not as the case might be)?
You could Take jvm thread dumps. You can do from command line or via server monitoring if you have Enterprise 8+

C++ debugging help for C# programmer

I'm embarrassed to post this but it's been awhile since I worked in C++, been with C# for awhile. I'm converting old (not written by me) vs2003 and 05 C++ code to vs 08. In addition to lots of lumps during conversion, I want to add debug logging so I can monitor what is going on when I attach with windbg. I've searched the archives here and ms and I think it's using Debugger.Log(...) but not sure. I also remember years ago launching a debug monitor to catch the logging. So the call to some experts that have a better memory than I. What call(s) can I make (without the DEBUG compile directive - need to watch release code) to catch the logging in wind bag? I followed a couple of debugging links from SO posts but they were dead. Thanx - Old Man.
The WinAPI function OutputDebugString() sends a string to the attached debugger if one is attached.
You can use outputdebugstring and log the data you want to monitor. Additionally open Dbgview.exe tool to check the data being logged.
This is the best way to capture data by running the service in release mode. The data you capture in dbgview you can store in a file and use for different purposes at a later point of time.
Hope this helps