C++ templates and ambiguity problem - c++

I have a subset of a pointer class that look like:
template <typename T>
struct Pointer
Pointer(T *const x);
Pointer(const Pointer &x);
template <typename t>
Pointer(const Pointer<t> &x);
operator T *() const;
The goal of the last constructor is to allow to pass a Pointer of a subclass, or basically any type that is implicitly convertable to T *. This actual rule is only enforced by the definition of the constructor and the compiler can't actually figure it out by the declaration alone. If I drop it, and try to pass a Pointer<Sub> to a constructor of Pointer<Base>, I get a compile error, despite of the possible path through operator T *().
While it solves the above problem, it creates another one. If I have an overloaded function whose one overload takes a Pointer<UnrelatedClass> and the other takes Pointer<BaseClass>, and I try to invoke it with a Pointer<SubClass>, I get an ambiguity between the two overloads, with the intention, ofcourse, that the latter overload will be called.
Any suggestions? (Hopefully I was clear enough)

The cure for your problem is called SFINAE (substitution failure is not an error)
#include "boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp"
#include "boost/utility/enable_if.hpp"
template<typename T>
class Pointer {
template<typename U>
Pointer(const Pointer<U> &x,
typename boost::enable_if<
>::type* =0)
: ...
If U* is convertible to T* the enable_if will have a typedef member type defaulting to void. Then, everything is fine. If U* is not convertible to T* this typedef member is missing, substitution fails and the constructor template is ignored.
This solves your conversion and ambiguity problems.
In response to the comment: is_convertible looks something like this:
typedef char one; // sizeof == 1 per definition
struct two {char c[2];}; // sizeof != 1
template<typename T, typename U>
class is_convertible {
static T source();
static one sink(U);
static two sink(...);
static const bool value = sizeof(sink(source()))==1;

Try to make the constructor in question explicit, e.g.:
template <typename t>
explicit Pointer(const Pointer<t> &x);
And/or remove the operator T *() const; - I think this one will also create an ambiguity.
Check the std::auto_ptr interface, and compare with yours. At least they solved the ambiguity.


enable_if on conversion constructor (static cast, is_base_of)

I am working on an implementation of a shared pointer. (using C++17, in case it matters)
The only issue is the conversion constructor. I want to be able to static cast a smart_ptr to a smart_ptr of base type.
template<typename U>
inline smart_ptr(const smart_ptr<U>& rhs)
It works, but it will also try to cast a smart_ptr to a smart_ptr of any other type. For example, if I have an overloaded function that can take different kinds of smart_ptr's of unrelated type, I get a compiler error about ambiguous overload. So, I only want the conversion from smart_ptr -> smart_ptr if U is a derived class of T.
This looks like it should work. It compiles, but it does the opposite. It prevents the valid static upcasts from working, but still allows the casting to unrelated types:
template<typename U>
inline local_shared_ptr(typename enable_if<is_base_of<T,U>::value, const local_shared_ptr<U>&>::type rhs)
Got it working, thanks for the help. I choose jarod's solution, since I find template <typename U, enable_if_t<is_base_of<T,U>::value, int> = 0> the most concise. I didn't realize SFINAE could be that concise.
Also, since it was mentioned by Nathan:
Funnily enough, one of the issues I encountered is that I expected the template copy constructor to be called when the right-hand-side is the same type. Apparently, the compiler doesn't consider it an implementation of the copy constructor, and instead the auto-generated copy constructor was being called instead. Same issue for the move constructor and operator=. Not sure if that's a bug with MSVC2019.
U is non deducible with
template<typename U>
local_shared_ptr(enable_if_t<is_base_of<T,U>::value, const local_shared_ptr<U>&> rhs)
// ...
And as it is a constructor, you even cannot provide template explicitly.
So that constructor is useless.
You can use instead:
Default parameter (the most similar to your attempt IMO):
template <typename U>
local_shared_ptr(const local_shared_ptr<U>& rhs, enable_if_t<is_base_of<T,U>::value, int> = 0)
// ...
default template parameter (preferred way):
template <typename U, enable_if_t<is_base_of<T,U>::value, int> = 0>
local_shared_ptr(const local_shared_ptr<U>& rhs)
// ...
And as you use constructor, you cannot use return value.
Put the enable_if in the template parameter list like
template<typename U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<T, U>, bool> = true>
inline smart_ptr(const smart_ptr<U>& rhs)
And now this will only be called if U is T, or is derived from T. If you don't want to use this if U == T then you can use
template<typename U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<T, U> && !std::is_same_v<T, U>, bool> = true>
inline smart_ptr(const smart_ptr<U>& rhs)

Deducing the template parameter of a templated class argument: const issue

I think the problem is fairly common, so there should be a known solution. I came up with one, but I'm not really satisfied, so I'm asking here, hoping someone can help.
Say I have a function, whose signature is
template<typename T>
void foo(const MyArray<const T>& x);
The const in the template parameter is to prevent me from changin the array content, since (for reasons beyond this question), the accessors ([] and ()) of MyArray<T> are always marked const, and return references to T (hence, the const ensure safety, since MyArray<T>::operator[] returns T&, while MyArray<const T>::operator[] returns const T&).
Great. However, templates with different template arguments are non related, so I can't bind a reference to MyClass<T> to a reference of MyClass<const T>, meaning I can't do this
MyArray<double> ar(/*blah*/);
Notice that, without a reference, the code above would work provided that there is a copy constructor that lets me create MyArray<const T> from MyArray<T>. However, I don't want to remove the reference, since the array construction would happen a lot of times, and, despite relatively cheap, its cost would add up.
So the question: how can I call foo with an MyArray<T>?
My only solution so far is the following:
MyArray<T> ar(/*blah*/);
foo(reinterpret_cast<MyArray<const T>>(ar));
(actually in my code I hid the reinterpret cast in an inlined function with more verbose name, but the end game is the same). The class MyArray does not have a specialization for const T that makes it not reinterpretable, so the cast should be 'safe'. But this is not really a nice solution to read. An alternative, would be to duplicate foo's signature, to have a version taking MyArray<T>, which implementation does the cast and calls the const version. The problem with this is code duplication (and I have quite a few functions foo that need to be duplicated).
Perhaps some extra template magic on the signature of foo? The goal is to pass both MyArray<T> and MyArray<const T>, while still retaining const-correctness (i.e., make the compiler bark if I accidentally change the input in the function body).
Edit 1: The class MyArray (whose implementation is not under my control), has const accessors, since it stores pointers. So calling v[3] will modify the values in the array, but not the members stored in the class (namely a pointer and some smart-pointer-like metadata). In other words, the object is de facto not modified by accessors, though the array is. It's a semantic distinction. Not sure why they went this direction (I have an idea, but too long to explain).
Edit 2: I accepted one of the two answers (though they were somewhat similar). I am not sure (for reasons long to explain) that the wrapper class is doable in my case (maybe, I have to think about it). I am also puzzled by the fact that, while
template<typename T>
void foo(const MyArray<const T>& x);
MyArray<int> a;
does not compile, the following does
void foo(const MyArray<const int>& x);
MyArray<int> a;
Note: MyArray does offer a templated "copy constructor" with signature
template<typename S>
MyArray(const MyArray<S>&);
so it can create MyArray<const T> from MyArray<T>. I am puzzled why it works when T is explicit, while it doesn't if T is a template parameter.
I would stay with
template<typename T>
void foo(const MyArray<T>&);
and make sure to instantiate it with const T (in unitTest for example).
Else you can create a view as std::span.
Something like (Depending of other methods provided by MyArray, you probably can do a better const view. I currently only used operator[]):
template <typename T>
struct MyArrayConstView
MyArrayConstView(MyArray<T>& array) : mArray(std::ref(array)) {}
MyArrayConstView(MyArray<const T>& array) : mArray(std::ref(array)) {}
const T& operator[](std::size_t i) {
return std::visit([i](const auto& a) -> const T& { return a[i]; }), mArray);
std::reference_wrapper<MyArray<const T>>> mArray;
and then
template <typename T>
void foo(const MyArrayConstView<T>&);
but you need to call it explicitly, (as deduction won't happen as MyArray<T> is not a MyArrayConstView)
MyArray<double> ar(/*blah*/);
Since you are not allowed to change MyArray, one option is to use an adapter class.
template <typename T>
class ConstMyArrayView {
// Not an explicit constructor!
ConstMyArrayView(const MyArray<T>& a) : a_(a) {}
const T& operator[](size_t i) const { return a_[i]; }
const MyArray<T>& a_;
template<typename T>
void foo(const ConstMyArrayView<T>& x);
MyArray<T> x;
But in the end, if you can change MyArray to match the const-correctness you want, or switch to a class that does, that'll be the better option.
Here's an ugly but effective way to have a function use one type, but also get the compiler to check that the same code would compile if it used a different type instead:
template <typename From, typename To>
struct xfer_refs_cv
using type = To;
template <typename From, typename To>
struct xfer_refs_cv<const From, To>
using type = const typename xfer_refs_cv<From, To>::type;
template <typename From, typename To>
struct xfer_refs_cv<volatile From, To>
using type = volatile typename xfer_refs_cv<From, To>::type;
template <typename From, typename To>
struct xfer_refs_cv<From&, To>
using type = typename xfer_refs_cv<From, To>::type&;
template <typename From, typename To>
struct xfer_refs_cv<From&&, To>
using type = typename xfer_refs_cv<From, To>::type&&;
template <typename CheckType, typename Func, typename CallType>
constexpr decltype(auto) check_and_call(Func&& f, CallType&& call_arg)
(void) decltype(std::declval<Func&&>()
(std::declval<typename xfer_refs_cv<CallType&&, CheckType>::type>()), 0){};
return std::forward<Func>(f)(std::forward<CallType>(call_arg));
template<typename T>
void foo(const MyArray<T>& x)
check_and_call<MyArray<const T>>(
[](auto&& x) {
// Function implementation here.
}, x);

C++ using a template argument to resolve an overload

I'm writing a wrapper template class which can wrap an arbitrary type and imbue it with some additional semantics, but I can't figure out how to get overload resolution to work properly. The issue arises when a conversion that would ordinarily be resolved by comparing ranks of competing conversion sequences, cannot be deduced by the compiler because the type in question is a template argument, rather than a function argument. For instance,
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T> class Wrapper {
T val;
Wrapper() = default;
template <typename U> Wrapper(Wrapper<U> x) : val(x.val) {}
void foo(Wrapper<const char *>) {}
void foo(Wrapper<bool>) {}
int main() {
Wrapper<char *> cp;
Here, the call to foo() is ambiguous. The desired behavior would be for the compiler to select void foo(Wrapper<const char *>), as it would if cp were instead a char * and foo were instead void foo(const char *). Is this possible?
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the quick responses, but perhaps I should have been more clear. What I have given above is just an example. What I require is a general solution to the following question: given arbitrary types T, U, and V, suppose that C++'s built in overload resolution would prefer the conversion T -> U over T -> V. How can I then also ensure that C++ would prefer Wrapper<T> -> Wrapper<U> over Wrapper<T> -> Wrapper<V>?
I made this clarification because it seemed that the answers were specifically addressing certain aspects of overload resolution, like cv-qualifiedness, whereas I really need a general solution.
The problem here is that both overloads have the exact same weight in the resolution because of the template.
If you want overload resolution to happen, you have to introduce overload resolution.
This can be done by adding the corresponding type as second (unused) parameter:
void foo(Wrapper<const char *>, const char *)
void foo(Wrapper<bool>, bool)
With the help of the following alias in your wrapper:
using value_type = T;
The following foo() function can select the best overload:
template <typename W>
void foo(W && w) {
foo(std::forward<W>(w), typename std::remove_reference_t<W>::value_type{});
You need to make the constructor less greedy. This can be done via SFINAE:
template <typename T>
using remove_const_from_pointer_t =
std::add_pointer_t<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>>, T>;
template <typename T>
class Wrapper {
T val;
template <typename U>
friend class Wrapper;
Wrapper() = default;
template <
typename U,
std::is_same<U, remove_const_from_pointer_t<T>>::value, int*> = nullptr>
Wrapper(Wrapper<U> x) : val(x.val) {}
You might want to try this instead of my remove_const_from_pointer_t.
Also notice that I had to add a friend declaration.
Edit: this does not work in case of just one void foo(Wrapper<bool>) overload, you'd have to move the application of SFINAE from the Wrapper's constructor directly to this overload:
template <
typename T,
std::is_same<std::remove_const_t<T>, char>::value, int*> = nullptr>
void foo(Wrapper<T *>) { }
You are missing const in front of char* in the main.
Declare as said below. It should work.
Wrapper<const char *> cp;
Below is the test and the results
There are few things you can do:
Simply prohibit construction Wrapper<bool> from Wrapper<T *>. Such things are very error-prone
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T> class Wrapper {
T val;
T getVal() const {
return val;
Wrapper() = default;
template <typename U,
class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_pointer<U>::type>::value>::type>
Wrapper(Wrapper<U> x) : val(x.getVal()) {}
void foo(Wrapper<const char *>) {}
void foo(Wrapper<bool>) {}
int main() {
Wrapper<char *> cp;
Using this you can allow only a certain set of conversions, i.e. : X *-> const X *, conversions between integer types, etc.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, it seems that you cannot imitate the standard overload resolution rules, because all you can use is the conversion operator, and in terms of overload resolution it has the constant rank

Invoke a may not existed member function by template

How can I call a may-existing member function by template technology, I am not want to use virtual method, because the class is arbitrary.
For example:
class A {
void setValue(int value);
How to define a template to call class A's setValue if it existing, else do nothing.
The template is something like:
template <typename T>
struct call_if_exist {
void invokeOrNot(T& a, int value){ // EXISTING: setValue
template <typename T>
struct call_if_exist {
void invokeOrNot(T& a, int value){ // NOT EXISTING: do nothing
It's about invoking, not checking.
You can take advantage of SFINAE to make a class template that checks for the existence of a member function in a given class, and use the result as a boolean flag to specialize your template for the case when there is no function, and the case when the member function exists:
template<typename T , bool member_exists = has_set_value<T>::result>
struct call_if_exist;
template <typename T>
struct call_if_exist<T,true> {
void invokeOrNot(T& a, int value){ // EXISTING: setValue
template <typename T>
struct call_if_exist<T,false> {
void invokeOrNot(T& a, int value){ // NOT EXISTING: do nothing
Edit: The has_set_value trait
template<typename T>
class has_set_value
typedef struct{ char c[1]; } yes;
typedef struct{ char c[2]; } no;
template<typename U> static yes test(&U::set_value);
template<typename U> static no test(...);
static const bool result = sizeof( test<T>(NULL) ) == sizeof( yes );
This class is the typical example of the usage of SFINAE to check for the existence of a member (type or function) of a certain class.
First we define two typedefs, yes and no, which are used to differentiate overload resolutions through the sizeof operator.
The first overload of test() has a pointer to the member function as parameter, and the last is an overload which goal is to be called by everything thats not a pointer to the member. This is done through a variadic-function (Note the ellipsis), which can be used with any kind of parameter.
The point of the implementation is even if the second overload can hold any parameter, the first is an explicit case for pointers to our member function. So if the parameter could be a pointer to the function, the call is resolved to the first function, else its resolved to the second.
As I said before, we use the typedefs to differentiate the overload resolution through the sizeof operator: Note that the first overload returns yes and the later returns no. So if the size of the result type of the call to test() using a pointer (NULL) is equal to the size of yes, means that the overload is resolved to the first, and the class passed as parameter (T) has a member function called set_value.
Alexandrescu's Modern C++ Dessign includes an example of this kind of trait in chapter two to check if one type is implicitly convertible to other.

Semi-generic function

I have a bunch of overloaded functions that operate on certain data types such as int, double and strings. Most of these functions perform the same action, where only a specific set of data types are allowed. That means I cannot create a simple generic template function as I lose type safety (and potentially incurring a run-time problem for validation within the function).
Is it possible to create a "semi-generic compile time type safe function"? If so, how? If not, is this something that will come up in C++0x?
An (non-valid) idea;
template <typename T, restrict: int, std::string >
void foo(T bar);
foo((int)0); // OK
foo((std::string)"foobar"); // OK
foo((double)0.0); // Compile Error
Note: I realize I could create a class that has overloaded constructors and assignment operators and pass a variable of that class instead to the function.
Use sfinae
template<typename> struct restrict { };
template<> struct restrict<string> { typedef void type; };
template<> struct restrict<int> { typedef void type; };
template <typename T>
typename restrict<T>::type foo(T bar);
That foo will only be able to accept string or int for T. No hard compile time error occurs if you call foo(0.f), but rather if there is another function that accepts the argument, that one is taken instead.
You may create a "private" templatized function that is never exposed to the outside, and call it from your "safe" overloads.
By the way, usually there's the problem with exposing directly the templatized version: if the passed type isn't ok for it, a compilation error will be issued (unless you know your algorithm may expose subtle bugs with some data types).
You could probably work with templates specializations for the "restricted" types you want to allow. For all other types, you don't provide a template specialization so the generic "basic" template would be used. There you could use something like BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT to throw a compile error.
Here some pseudo-code to clarify my idea:
template <typename T>
template<> // specialized for double
void foo(double bar) {do_something_useful(bar);};
Perhaps a bit ugly solution, but functors could be an option:
class foo {
void operator()(double); // disable double type
template<typename T>
void operator ()(T bar) {
// do something
void test() {
foo()(3); // compiles
foo()(2.3); // error
Edit: I inversed my solution
class foo {
template<typename T>
void operator ()(T bar, void* dummy) {
// do something
// `int` is allowed
void operator ()(int i) {
operator ()(i, 0);
foo()(2.3); // unfortunately, compiles
foo()(3); // compiles
foo()("hi"); // error
To list an arbitrary selection of types I suppose you could use a typelist. E.g see the last part of my earlier answer.
The usage might be something like:
//TODO: enhance typelist declarations to hide the recursiveness
typedef t_list<std::string, t_list<int> > good_for_foo;
template <class T>
typename boost::enable_if<in_type_list<T, good_for_foo> >::type foo(T t);