CStatic Custom Control - c++

I am trying to create a custom CStatic control in vc++ and have a few problems.
I originally was just using a CStatic control with the SS_BLACKRECT style. This was good for the situation until I needed to display an image over the control on demand.
I figured out all the logistics behind actually drawing the image onto the control but I cant seem to figure out how to do so without interfering with other things.
Basically I want the control to function as a normal CStatic with the SS_BLACKRECT style most of the time.
Then I need to be able to call a method that will cause it to draw an image over the control instead. I am doing the drawing using GDI and have tried it both in the OnPaint() method and the DrawItem() method without success. I can get it to draw in the OnPaint() but when I call the base CStatic::OnPaint() it draws over my image.
I need to be able to allow it to draw like normal but then just throw an image in on top. When I tried to do it in the DrawItem() method I had a problem because obviously it was not drawing using the SS_BLACKRECT style but waiting for me to draw the control like its supposed to.
I guess what I think I'm looking for is one of three things. A way to draw using GDI after the base OnPaint() method finishes. A way to have the control draw the default SS_BLACKRECT style and then OWNERDRAW the image afterwards. Or the code to mimic the drawing of SS_BLACKRECT.
The last one might be the easiest but I just don't know all the things I need to set up to draw a CStatic control like the default DrawItem.

Try calling Default() in your OnPaint() handler.
Then, depending on whether you're drawing your image, you can then draw over the top of the standard CStatic control.

Here's a couple ideas:
If CStatic::OnPaint() draws over your image, then try calling it first and drawing your image afterwards.
Otherwise, from what little I've seen of SS_BLACKRECT, you should be able to replicate it's drawing simply be calling CDC::FillSolidRect() passing the rectangle of your control obtained through GetClientRect() and using the color returned by GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)


MFC Image Button with transparency

I'm updating an MFC dialog with a number of buttons on it.
At present, the dialog has a Picture control covering the whole dialog providing a patterned background. On top of that, each button is a CBitmapButton using (opaque) images carefully generated to match the area of background they cover.
It would obviously be much easier if the images could be created as mostly transparent, so the background shows through automatically. However, I can't work out how to get MFC to render transparent images correctly in this case.
I understand that I might want a different class to CBitmapButton, or need to write a custom subclass; that's fine, but I don't know where to start. It would be nice to support 32-bit BMP or PNG with alpha channel, but I'd settle for the "specified colour should be transparent" type.
It may not be the best way to do it, but what I'd do is create a custom CButton derived class (assuming that you're actually using the rest of the CButton functionality), then override the DrawItem function to put your custom draw code in.
For the image itself I'd use a Bitmap GDI+ object (which will allow you to load either BMPs or PNGs with alpha channels) then use the regular DrawImage function to draw the bitmap.
If you're going to put PNGs into your resource file then you need to put them in as a "PNG" type. Make sure when you look in the resource file code that the entry looks like
IDB_PNG1 PNG "C:\temp\test.png"
and doesn't try to treat it as a BITMAP resource otherwise you'll have problems loading them.
Putting my response here so I can post code. Yes, I meant to derive a custom class from CButton, then add a Gdiplus::Bitmap member variable. Here is roughly what you'll need to do to get it to work, though I haven't checked that the code actually compiles and works, but hopefully you'll get the idea. It's not the most efficient way to do it, but if you've not done much custom drawing before then it does have the advantage of being simple!
void CMyButton::LoadImage(const int resourceID)
m_pBitmap = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(resourceID));
void CMyButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
ASSERT(lpDrawItemStruct->CtlType == ODT_BUTTON);
CRect rcClient;
if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
// If you want to do anything special when the button is pressed, do it here
// Maybe offset the rect to give the impression of the button being pressed?
Graphics gr(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
gr.DrawImage(m_pBitmap, rcClient.left, rcClient.top);

How to have dynamic scene update in libqglviewer

I'm using libqglviewer for a project, I read input from a motion capture device through USB and display this as a human in the viewer. I draw the opengl things in the draw() method of the viewer, it works fine. However, when the motion controllers change, I actually get new position values and i draw these in the viewer, BUT i dont see this update until i click on the viewer screen. Is it possible to update the frames in the viewer by itself?
It looks like you just need to post an updateGL right after you get the new position values.
void QGLWidget::updateGL () [virtual slot]
Updates the widget by calling glDraw().
For painting in 2D the function is called update.
Also, don't call it from inside your draw method (see updateGL in the libQGLViewer documentation).
This note comes from QWidget::paintEvent():
Note: Generally, you should refrain from calling update() or repaint() inside a paintEvent(). For example, calling update() or repaint() on children inside a paintevent() results in undefined behavior; the child may or may not get a paint event.
The same probably applies for QGLViewer.
You can also use repaint, but is isn't recommended (see QWidget::repaint()).

Getting empty update rectangle in OnPaint after calling InvalidateRect on a layered window

I'm trying to figure out why I've been getting an empty update rectangle when I call InvalidateRect on a transparent window. The idea is that I've drawn something on the window (it gets temporarily switched to have an alpha of 1/255 for the drawing), and then I switch it to full transparent mode (i.e. alpha of 0) in order to interact with the desktop & to be able to move the drawing around the screen on top of the desktop.
When I try to move the drawing, I get its bounding rectangle & use it to call InvalidateRect, as such:
InvalidateRect(m_hTarget, &winRect, FALSE);
I've confirmed that the winRect is indeed correct, and that m_hTarget is the correct window & that its rectangle fully encompasses winRect.
I get into the OnPaint handler in the class corresponding to m_hTarget, which is derived from a CWnd. In there, I create a CPaintDC, but when I try to access the update rectangle (dcPaint.m_ps.rcPaint) it's always empty. This rectangle gets passed to a function that determines if we need to update the screen (by using UpdateLayeredWindow in the case of a transparent window).
If I hard-code a non-empty rectangle in here, the remaining code works correctly & I am able to move the drawing around the screen.
I tried changing the 'FALSE' parameter to 'TRUE' in InvalidateRect, with no effect. I also tried using a standard CDC, and then using BeginPaint/EndPaint method in my OnPaint handler, just to ensure that CPaintDC wasn't doing something odd ... but I got the same results.
The code that I'm using was originally designed for opaque windows. If m_hTarget corresponds to an opaque window, the same set of function calls results in the correct (i.e. non-empty) rectangle being passed to OnPaint. Once the window is layered, though, it doesn't seem to work right.
I think I've figured it out - it's a combination of a limitation of Windows + some odd code in the internal framework I'm using. I have to ignore the empty rectangle & use the entire screen's rectangle instead - it seems to work fine.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough with my initial question - I'll try to be more precise the next time.

Custom draw button using uxtheme.dll

I have implemented my custom button inheriting from CButton and drawing it by using uxtheme.dll (DrawThemeBackground with BP_PUSHBUTTON).
Everything works fine but I have two statuses (Normal and Pressed) which Hot status is the same. It means when the user places the cursor over the button it is drawn alike regardless the button status (Pressed or not).
This is a bit confusing to the user and I would like to change the way the button is drawn in Pressed & Hot status. Does anybody know a way?
I have also thought about custumizing the whole drawing but the buttons use gradients, borders, shadows, etc. So it is not easy to achive the same look&feel drawing everything by myself. Is there a way to find the source code of the dll or know how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I think I could be able to achive what I want to do by using CMFCButton and overriding the OnDraw method. Let the control draw the button on OnDrawBorder and then drawing the inside button myself. But I need to know how the control draws the inside button when pressed. It is a gradient and I can't guess how it's done. Does anybody have a clue?
In answer to your second question, if you derive from CMFCButton instead of CButton you can override OnDraw() or OnDrawText() instead of the usual DrawItem(). That way the default button background will be drawn, and then your drawing code is executed.
The only way I know of to really tackle this is to use 'custom draw', rather than 'owner draw'. Custom draw came in with Windows 2000, but is only used by button controls with comctrl32 6.0 (so Windows XP onwards), isn't very clearly documented, and isn't something MFC goes out of its way to support.
Anyway, the good thing about custom draw is that it lets you hook in at various points in the drawing process, unlike owner draw, which makes you deal with the whole thing. Have a look in MSDN at the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message.
For the other part of your problem, detecting the 'hot' state, the easiest way to do this is to use WM_MOUSEMOVE messages and the TrackMouseEvent() function to track whether the mouse is over your button.
Unfortunately this is a bit of a vague answer: the amount of code you need to demonstrate a button that uses custom draw is a bit too much to type into these answer boxes! I do have a project that demonstrates such techniques, using a custom draw button (falling back to owner draw on older Windows versions) that adds a little arrow to the button. You can have a look at the source code by getting
Open it and have a look at the "DropArrowButton" class. The important bit is the OnCustomDraw() handler and its helper function DrawControl(): these get called at the various button drawing phases, and use UxTheme to draw the control appropriately.
I finally figured out how to achive what I want to do. It's pretty easy indeed.
I use two calls to DrawThemeBackground. The first one with PBS_PRESSED and the second one with state PBS_HOT. Then I make a ExcludeClipRect to avoid from drawing over the center of the button.
Something like this:
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pCustomDraw->hdc);
CRect rectClient;
CRect rectInternal = rectClient;
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
Of course this is not the whole code but I think is enough to make my point.

Transparent window containing opaque text and buttons

I'm creating a non-intrusive popup window to notify the user when processing a time-consuming operation. At the moment I'm setting its transparency by calling SetLayeredWindowAttributes which gives me a reasonable result:
alt text http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3144/transparentn.jpg
However I'd like the text and close button to appear opaque (it doesn't quite look right with white text) while keeping the background transparent - is there a way of doing this?
In order to do "proper" alpha in a layered window you need to supply the window manager with a PARGB bitmap by a call to UpdateLayeredWindow.
The cleanest way to achieve this that I know of is the following:
Create a GDI+ Bitmap object with the PixelFormat32bppPARGB pixel format.
Create a Graphics object to draw in this Bitmap object.
Do all your drawing into this object using GDI+.
Destroy the Graphics object created in step 2.
Call the GetHBITMAP method on the Bitmap object to get a Windows HBITMAP.
Destroy the Bitmap object.
Create a memory DC using CreateCompatibleDC and select the HBITMAP from step 5 into it.
Call UpdateLayeredWindow using the memory DC as a source.
Select previous bitmap and delete the memory DC.
Destroy the HBITMAP created in step 5.
This method should allow you to control the alpha channel of everything that is drawn: transparent for the background, opaque for the text and button.
Also, since you are going to be outputting text, I recommend that you call SystemParametersInfo to get the default antialiasing setting (SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING), and then the SetTextRenderingHint on the Graphics object to set the antialiasing type to the same type that is configured by the user, for a nicer look.
I suspect you'll need two top level windows rather than one - one that has the alpha blend and a second that is display above the first with the opaque text and button but with a transparent background. To accomplish this with a single window you'll need to use the UpdateLayeredWindow API call, but using this will cause your buttons to not redraw when they are interacted with (hover highlights, focus etc.)
It is possible that if this application is for Vista only there is a new API call that you can use, but I do not believe it is available in XP or earlier.
I can't say for sure, you'll need to try it, but since everything is a window, you could try setting the layered attributes for your button to make it opaque.
As for the text, you may be able to put that in its own frame with a set background and foreground color, and modify its layered attributes to make the background color transparent...
But since these are child windows and not the top-level window, I really don't know that it'll work.