Is there a better way to load in a big animation? - c++

Maybe not really big, but a hundred frames or something. Is the only way to load it in by making an array and loading each image individually?
load_image() is a function I made which loads the images and converts their BPP.
expl[0] = load_image( "explode1.gif" );
expl[1] = load_image( "explode2.gif" );
expl[2] = load_image( "explode3.gif" );
expl[3] = load_image( "explode4.gif" );
expl[99] = load_image( "explode100.gif" );
Seems like their should be a better way.. at least I hope.

A common technique is spritesheets, in which a single, large image is divided into a grid of cells, with each cell containing one frame of an animation. Often, all animation frames for any game entity are placed on a single, sometimes huge, sprite sheet.

maybe simplify your loading with a utility function that builds a filename for each iteration of a loop:
LoadAnimation(char* isFileBase, int numFrames)
char szFileName[255];
for(int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
// append the frame number and .gif to the file base to get the filename
sprintf(szFileName, "%s%d.gif", isFileBase, i);
expl[i] = load_image(szFileName);

Instead of loading as a grid, stack all the frames in one vertical strip (same image). Then you only need to know how many rows per frame and you can set a pointer to the frame row offset. You end up still having contiguous scan lines that can be displayed directly or trivially chewed off into separate images.


How to quickly scan and analyze large groups of pixels?

I am trying to build an autoclicker using C++ to beat a 2D videogame in which the following situation appears:
The main character is in the center of the screen, the background is completely black and enemies are coming from all directions. I want my program to be capable of clicking on enemies just as they appear on the screen.
What I came up at first is that the enemies have a minimum size of 15px, so I tried doing a search every 15 pixels and analyze if any pixel is different than the background's RGB, using GetPixel(). It looks something like this:
int R, G, B;
for(int i=0; i<SCREEN_SIZE_X; i+=15){ //These SCREEN_SIZE values are #defined with the ones of my screen
for(int j=0;j<SCREEN_SIZE_Y, j+=15){
//The following conditional excludes the center which is the player's position
color = GetPixel(GetDC(nullptr), i, j);
R = GetRValue(color);
G = GetGValue(color);
B = GetBValue(color);
if(R!=0 or G!=0 or B!=0) cout<<"Enemy Found"<<endl;
It turns out that, as expected, the GetPixel() function is extremely slow as it has to verify about 4000 pixels to cover just one screen scan. I was thinking about a way to solve this faster, and while looking at the keyboard I noticed the button "Pt Scr", and then realized that whatever that button is doing it is able to almost instantly save the information of millions of pixels.
I surely think there is a proper and different technic to approach this kind of problem.
What kind of theory or technic for pixel analyzing should I investigate and read about so that this can be considered respectable code, and to get it actually work, and much faster?
The GetPixel() routine is slow because it's fetching the data from the videocard (device) memory one by one. So to optimize your loop, you have to fetch the entire screen at once, and put it into an array of pixels. Then, you can iterate over that array of pixels much faster, because it'll be operating over the data in your RAM (host memory).
For a better optimization, I also recommend clearing the pixels of your player (in the center of the screen) after fetching the screen into your pixel array. This way, you can eliminate that if((i<PLAYER_MIN_EDGE_X or i>PLAYER_MAX_EDGE_X) and (j<PLAYER_MIN_EDGE_Y or j>PLAYER_MAX_EDGE_Y)) condition inside the loop.
CImage image;
//Save DC to image
int R, G, B;
BYTE *pRealData = (BYTE*)image.GetBits();
int pit = image.GetPitch();
int bitCount = image.GetBPP()/8;
int w=image.GetWidth();
int h=image.GetHeight();
for (int i=0;i<h;i++)
for (int j=0;j<w;j++)
B=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount);
G=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount +1);
R=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount +2);

SDL tilemap rendering quite slow

Im using SDL to write a simulation that displays quite a big tilemap(around 240*240 tiles). Since im quite new to the SDL library I cant really tell if the pretty slow performance while rendering more than 50,000 tiles is actually normal. Every tile is visible at all times, being around 4*4px big. Currently its iterating every frame through a 2d array and rendering every single tile, which gives me about 40fps, too slow to actually put any game logic behind the system.
I tried to find some alternative systems, like only updating updated tiles but people always commented on how this is a bad practice and that the renderer is supposed to be cleaned every frame and so on.
Here a picture of the map
So I basically wanted to ask if there is any more performant system than rendering every single tile every frame.
Edit: So heres the simple rendering method im using
void World::DirtyBiomeDraw(Graphics *graphics) {
if(_biomeTexture == NULL) {
_biomeTexture = graphics->loadImage("assets/biome_sprites.png");
printf("Biome texture loaded.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < globals::WORLD_WIDTH; i++) {
for(int l = 0; l < globals::WORLD_HEIGHT; l++) {
SDL_Rect srect;
srect.h = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.w = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
if(sites[l][i].biome > 0) {
srect.y = 0;
srect.x = (globals::SPRITE_SIZE * sites[l][i].biome) - globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
else {
srect.y = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.x = globals::SPRITE_SIZE * fabs(sites[l][i].biome);
SDL_Rect drect = {i * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, l * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE};
graphics->blitOnRenderer(_biomeTexture, &srect, &drect);
So in this context every tile is called "site", this is because they're also storing information like moisture, temperature and so on.
Every site got a biome assigned during the generation process, every biome is basically an ID, every land biome has an ID higher than 0 and every water id is 0 or lower.
This allows me to put every biome sprite ordered by ID into the "biome_sprites.png" image. All the land sprites are basically in the first row, while all the water tiles are in the second row. This way I dont have to manually assign a sprite to a biome and the method can do it itself by multiplying the tile size(basically the width) with the biome.
Heres the biome ID table from my SDD/GDD and the actual spritesheet.
The blitOnRenderer method from the graphics class basically just runs a SDL_RenderCopy blitting the texture onto the renderer.
void Graphics::blitOnRenderer(SDL_Texture *texture, SDL_Rect
*sourceRectangle, SDL_Rect *destinationRectangle) {
SDL_RenderCopy(this->_renderer, texture, sourceRectangle, destinationRectangle);
In the game loop every frame a RenderClear and RenderPresent gets called.
I really hope I explained it understandably, ask anything you want, im the one asking you guys for help so the least I can do is be cooperative :D
Poke the SDL2 devs for a multi-item version of SDL_RenderCopy() (similar to the existing SDL_RenderDrawLines()/SDL_RenderDrawPoints()/SDL_RenderDrawRects() functions) and/or batched SDL_Renderer backends.
Right now you're trying slam at least 240*240 = 57000 draw-calls down the GPU's throat; you can usually only count on 1000-4000 draw-calls in any given 16 milliseconds.
Alternatively switch to OpenGL & do the batching yourself.

Is it possible to process a full tiled tiff image by saving only one tile in memory every time?

I'am having a simple issue. I process tiff images that are enormous (>4GB), and when loading all of them in memory i fill my RAM and the program is killed. I tried to save them as tiled tiffs and then use libtiff to load them tile-by-tile like this:
tdata_t buf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFTileSize(tifSrc));
for(int i = 0;i< 20000;i+=128){
for(int j = 0;j< 20000;j+=128)
TIFFReadTile(tifSrc, buf , i, j, 0,0);
TIFFWriteTile(tifDst, (tdata_t)buf , i, j,0, 0);
But althought i expected the above code to load in memory only one tile per iteration (128x128 bytes), the whole image is stored instead...
Does anybody know how can i load only one tile in memory?
To answer my own question, you must first assign the tags TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH and TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH like this:
TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, (uint32)128);
TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, (uint32)128);
Then the read and write functions succeed by returning "0", and only the 128x128 tile is loaded into memory!

Can't display a PNG using Glut or OpenGL

Code is here:
void readOIIOImage( const char* fname, float* img)
int xres, yres;
ImageInput *in = ImageInput::create (fname);
if (! in) {return;}
ImageSpec spec;
in->open (fname, spec);
xres = spec.width;
yres = spec.height;
iwidth = spec.width;
iheight = spec.height;
channels = spec.nchannels;
cout << "\n";
pixels = new float[xres*yres*channels];
in->read_image (TypeDesc::FLOAT, pixels);
long index = 0;
for( int j=0;j<yres;j++)
for( int i=0;i<xres;i++ )
for( int c=0;c<channels;c++ )
img[ (i + xres*(yres - j - 1))*channels + c ] = pixels[index++];
in->close ();
delete in;
Currently, my code produces JPG files fine. It has the ability to read the file's information, and display it fine. However, when I try reading in a PNG file, it doesn't display correctly at all. Usually, it kind of displays the same distorted version of the image in three separate columns on the display. It's very strange. Any idea why this is happening with the given code?
Additionally, the JPG files all have 3 channels. The PNG has 2.
fname is simply a filename, and img is `new float[3*size];
Any help would be great. Thanks.`
Usually, it kind of displays the same distorted version of the image in three separate columns on the display. It's very strange. Any idea why this is happening with the given code?
This reads a lot like the output you get from the decoder is in row-planar format. Planar means, that you get individual rows one for every channel one-after another. The distortion and the discrepancy between number of channels in PNG and apparent count of channels are likely due to alignment mismatch. Now you didn't specify which image decoder library you're using exactly, so I can't look up information in how it communicates the layout of the pixel buffer. I suppose you can read the necessary information from ImageSpec.
Anyway, you'll have to rearrange your pixel buffer rearrangement loop indexing a bit so that consecutive row-planes are interleaved into channel-tuples.
Of course you could as well use a ready to use imagefile-to-OpenGL reader library. DevIL is thrown around a lot, but it's not very well maintained. SOIL seems to be a popular choice these days.

OpenCV: in search for less CPU intensive frame capture+resize and into buffer way: how to optimize my code?

So I created a function (C++)
void CaptureFrame(char* buffer, int w, int h, int bytespan)
/* get a frame */
if(!cvGrabFrame(capture)){ // capture a frame
printf("Could not grab a frame\n\7");
CVframe =cvRetrieveFrame(capture); // retrieve the captured frame
/* always check */
if (!CVframe)
printf("No CV frame captured!\n");
/* resize buffer for current frame */
IplImage* destination = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), CVframe->depth, CVframe->nChannels);
//use cvResize to resize source to a destination image
cvResize(CVframe, destination);
IplImage* redchannel = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(destination), 8, 1);
IplImage* greenchannel = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(destination), 8, 1);
IplImage* bluechannel = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(destination), 8, 1);
cvSplit(destination, bluechannel, greenchannel, redchannel, NULL);
for(int y = 0; y < destination->height; y++)
char* line = buffer + y * bytespan;
for(int x = 0; x < destination->width; x++)
line[0] = cvGetReal2D(redchannel, y, x);
line[1] = cvGetReal2D(greenchannel, y, x);
line[2] = cvGetReal2D(bluechannel, y, x);
line += 3;
So generally it captures a frame from device, creates a frame to resize into and copies it into buffer (RGB or YUV420P is requirement for me).
So I wonder what I do wrong, because my function is way 2 cpu intensive, and what can be done to fix it?
My function is runed in thread:
void ThreadCaptureFrame()
CaptureFrame((char *)frame->data[0], videoWidth, videoHeight, frame->linesize[0]);
AVFrame* swap = frame;
frame = readyFrame;
readyFrame = swap;
spendedTime = t.elapsed();
if(spendedTime < desiredTime){
Sleep(desiredTime - spendedTime);
which is started at the beginning of int main ( after some initialization):
boost::thread workerThread(ThreadCaptureFrame);
So if it can it runs 24 times per second, it eats 28% of core quad. cam resolution I capture is like 320x240. So: how to optimize it?
Things you can do:
Instead of taking images from the camera at the default resolution, choose what resolution you want.
I think you can simply set buffer = destination->imageData
These articles might be helpful:
First, don't allocate and the release the images per every frame!
That probably takes the most time. Have all your IplImages pre-allocated and release them only when your app is done.
You can use boost::shared_ptr with a custom deleter to avoid needing to remember to release the images.
I don't get why you're splitting and why you're copying like that.
If you must copy, then just copy the whole of destination->imageData into buffer.
If it is the padding that is buggung you then do it in a loop like you did, but directly from destination->imageData. You dont need to separate the color channels.
Use cvResize with CV_INTER_NN. That will reduce the image quality but is faster.
I'm not familiar with OpenCV, but if I'm reading your code correctly, you're:
reading from camera's buffer to memory (1 copying)
resizing the image (1 copying)
splitting the image into RGB channel (3 copying)
re-merge the channels to buffer (1 copying)
I think that's a lot of unnecessary copying, for each frame you made 6 copies of the image (i.e. if your image is 320x240 on 24-bit color and 24fps you'd be moving around at least 32MB/sec, with 1000x1000 frame you're talking about half gigabyte per second; note that this is a very crude back-of-the-envelope underestimate, depending on the resizing algorithm, extra copying may be done, reading/writing to non-aligned memory location may incur some overhead, etc, etc).
You can probably skip step #3 and/or #4, though I'm not familiar enough with OpenCV to suggest how.