The Setup:
I'm working on a Django application which allows users to create an object in the database and then go back and edit it as much as they desire.
Django's admin site keeps a history of the changes made to objects through the admin site.
The Question:
How do I hook my application in to the admin site's change history so that I can see the history of changes users make to their "content"?
The admin history is just an app like any other Django app, with the exception being special placement on the admin site.
The model is in django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry.
When a user makes a change, add to the log like this (stolen shamelessly from contrib/admin/
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, ADDITION
user_id =,
content_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(object).pk,
object_id =,
object_repr = force_unicode(object),
action_flag = ADDITION
where object is the object that was changed of course.
Now I see Daniel's answer and agree with him, it is pretty limited.
In my opinion a stronger approach is to use the code from Marty Alchin in his book Pro Django (see Keeping Historical Records starting at page 263). There is an application django-simple-history which implements and extends this approach (docs here).
The admin's change history log is defined in django.contrib.admin.models, and there's a history_view method in the standard ModelAdmin class.
They're not particularly clever though, and fairly tightly coupled to the admin, so you may be best just using these for ideas and creating your own version for your app.
I know this question is old, but as of today (Django 1.9), Django's history items are more robust than they were at the date of this question. In a current project, I needed to get the recent history items and put them into a dropdown from the navbar. This is how I did it and was very straight forward:
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, ADDITION, CHANGE, DELETION
def main(request, template):
logs = LogEntry.objects.exclude(change_message="No fields changed.").order_by('-action_time')[:20]
logCount = LogEntry.objects.exclude(change_message="No fields changed.").order_by('-action_time')[:20].count()
return render(request, template, {"logs":logs, "logCount":logCount})
As seen in the above code snippet, I'm creating a basic queryset from the LogEntry model ( is where it's located in django 1.9) and excluding the items where no changes are involved, ordering it by the action time and only showing the past 20 logs. I'm also getting another item with just the count. If you look at the LogEntry model, you can see the field names that Django has used in order to pull back the pieces of data that you need. For my specific case, here is what I used in my template:
Link to Image Of Final Product
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li class="external">
<h3><span class="bold">{{ logCount }}</span> Notification(s) </h3>
View All
{% if logs %}
<ul class="dropdown-menu-list scroller actionlist" data-handle-color="#637283" style="height: 250px;">
{% for log in logs %}
<a href="javascript:;">
<span class="time">{{ log.action_time|date:"m/d/Y - g:ia" }} </span>
<span class="details">
{% if log.action_flag == 1 %}
<span class="label label-sm label-icon label-success">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
{% elif log.action_flag == 2 %}
<span class="label label-sm label-icon label-info">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>
{% elif log.action_flag == 3 %}
<span class="label label-sm label-icon label-danger">
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
{% endif %}
{{ log.content_type|capfirst }}: {{ log }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{% trans "This object doesn't have a change history. It probably wasn't added via this admin site." %}</p>
{% endif %}
To add to what's already been said, here are some other resources for you:
(1) I've been working with an app called django-reversion which 'hooks into' the admin history and actually adds to it. If you wanted some sample code that would be a good place to look.
(2) If you decided to roll your own history functionality django provides signals that you could subscribe to to have your app handle, for instance, post_save for each history object. Your code would run each time a history log entry was saved. Doc: Django signals
Example Code
I recently hacked in some logging to an "update" view for our server inventory database. I figured I would share my "example" code. The function which follows takes one of our "Server" objects, a list of things which have been changed, and an action_flag of either ADDITION or CHANGE. It simplifies things a wee bit where ADDITION means "added a new server." A more flexible approach would allow for adding an attribute to a server. Of course, it was sufficiently challenging to audit our existing functions to determine if a changes had actually taken place, so I am happy enough to log new attributes as a "change".
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, User, ADDITION, CHANGE
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
def update_server_admin_log(server, updated_list, action_flag):
"""Log changes to Admin log."""
if updated_list or action_flag == ADDITION:
if action_flag == ADDITION:
change_message = "Added server %s with hostname %s." % (server.serial,
elif len(updated_list) > 1:
change_message = "Changed " + ", ".join(map(str, updated_list[:-1])) + " and " + updated_list[-1] + "."
change_message = "Changed " + updated_list[0] + "."
# The "update" user added just for this purpose -- you probably want
user_id = User.objects.get(username='update').id,
content_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(server).id,
object_id =,
# HW serial number of our local "Server" object -- definitely change when adapting ;)
object_repr = server.serial,
change_message = change_message,
action_flag = action_flag,
print "Failed to log action."
Example code:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, ADDITION
Object is the object you want to register in the admin site log.
You can try with str() class in the parameter object_repr.
I wanted to use HTMX to show messages from django backend after a lot of trial and error I ended up with a working solution, that I want to leave behind for anyone looking for it - also, please feel free to post your suggestions. Unfortunately, besides a little example from the htmx-django package, there is almost no tutorial material available. Be sure to check the example out, as it covers some basics specially for django users!
For HTMX we need a little element somewhere in the DOM that HTMX can work (swap for example) with. Place for example a
<div id="msg">
{% include "app/messages-partial.html" %}
somewhere on your index.html. Now we want to use this element to fill it with content, if the need arises. Let's say we click a button, that communicates with a view and the answer gets posted. In django the response is created using render:
class TestView(TemplateView):
template_name = "index.html"
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
class_code = """class='alert alert-dismissible fade show'"""
msg_str = """testmessage"""
msg_btn = """<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>x</button>"""
msg = mark_safe(f"""<div {classcode}>{msg_str}{msg_btn}</div>""")
return render(request, "app/messages-partial.html", {"msg": msg})
and a corresponding path in
path("action/", views.TestView.as_view(), name = "test"),
I created a simple messages-partial.html:
{% if msg %}
{{ msg }}
{% endif %}
So what I wanted is, when I triggered the the view, the {{ msg }} gets replaced (swapped) by HTMX to the content of the response. Therefore I implement the HTMX part somewhere else on the index.html as follows:
<div class="..."
hx-target="#msg" >
<button class="btn btn-primary">TEST</button>
The former <div id="msg">...</div> will swap with {{ msg }} (and I included the typical django-messages close button).
Thanks to the htmx discord channel where friendly people shared their knowledge with me.
basically I want to do something quite simple: I want to create a form for deleting entries in a database.
the template is creating a html table with all entries without any trouble. My problem now is: how to convert this to a form with a link in every row.
Of course I could do the manual way of writing html code with a link. But is there a more "flaskish" way? I'm already using wtforms and sqlalchemy
My route:
#app.route('/admin', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def admin(user):
orders = Order.query.all()
return render_template(
'admin.html', title="AdminPanel", orders=orders
The model:
class Order(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True, unique=True)
The template:
{% for order in orders %}
<td><i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i></td>
{% endfor %}
You should use a different route for deletion and not the same one you are using to render the template. Also you do not need a form for the deletion task. You can use get parameters for that and links like you have tried
add this to your routes:
from flask import redirect, url_for
from app import db # you should import your db or db session instance so you can commit the deletion change this line to wherever your db or db session instance is
#app.route('/delete/<order_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def delete(order_id):
orders = Order.query.filter( == order_id).delete()
return redirect(url_for('admin'))
Basically you will perform a delete and then redirect back to the admin route with the above code
Your template file should be changed to:
{% for order in orders %}
<td><i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i></td>
{% endfor %}
In my website, I want to let the admins reset the password of any user.
With reset I mean exactly what the password_reset view does (under contrib.auth): Send a confirmation link to that user email.
How would be the best way of doing that? Is there an already app/snippet that does that?
Let's suppose user john is an admin. What I want is to let john reset any user's password through the admin interface. For example, to reset max password, he will just go to the max user, and click on any link to reset his password.
What I finally did was to add a custom ModelAdmin:
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin
class CustomUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
def reset_password(self, request, user_id):
if not self.has_change_permission(request):
raise PermissionDenied
user = get_object_or_404(self.model, pk=user_id)
form = PasswordResetForm(data={'email':})
return HttpResponseRedirect('..')
def get_urls(self):
urls = super(UserAdmin, self).get_urls()
my_urls = patterns('',
return my_urls + urls
and I also had to override the change_form.html template, like this:
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block object-tools %}
{% if change %}{% if not is_popup %}
<ul class="object-tools">
{# You can also give a name to that pattern and refer to it below using 'url' #}
<li>Reset password</li>
<li>{% trans "History" %}</li>
{% if has_absolute_url %}
<li><a href="../../../r/{{ content_type_id }}/{{ object_id }}/" class="viewsitelink">
{% trans "View on site" %}</a>
{% endif%}
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
The result looks like this:
If you want a more detailed explanation, I blogged about it.
The passreset app just exposes the django views via, and adjusts the login template to show a "Forgot my password" link.
The built-in django password reset views and templates are meant for self-reset. I guess the reset form could be prepopulated with a different user's email address (in the query string) but you'd still need to make adjustments such as changing the email template - "You're receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account" is probably not what you want:
Therefore you should expose the views at different URLs if you want to include self-reset as well.
Hook the django views into like so:
urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.auth.views',
and where you want to make adjustments, pass in e.g. your own email template:
{'email_template_name': 'my_templates/password_reset_email.html'}
The "password_reset" view has more parameters you can tweak:
("post_reset_redirect" comes to mind as another one for your purposes)
To show a corresponding link you'd either change the User admin (careful, already registered - unregister then register your own, subclassed plus additional link field) or the change_form template itself.
I'm unaware of an app that provides this out-of-the-box, so I upvoted the question :-).
Yep, there is an app for that. Check here:
I'm using this code for my pagination, and I'd like the user's choice to be persistent throughout the site (this has been solved so far)...the only problem now is that the session variable now is permanent until the session is cleared by closing the browser. Also, how can I get the adjacent pages in the digg-style Django paginator. I haven't been able to make sense of how to implement this into my code.
The code is as follows:
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage, EmptyPage
def paginate(request, object_list, paginate_by=10):
if "per_page" in request.session:
per_page = request.session["per_page"]
request.session["per_page"] = int(request.REQUEST['p'])
per_page = request.session["per_page"]
per_page = 10
paginator = Paginator(object_list, per_page)
page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
except ValueError:
page = 1
items =
except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
items =
return items
Then in my template I have this to render the pagination links:
<div class="pagination" align="center">
<span class="step-links">
{% if items.has_previous %}
{% endif %}
<span class="current">
Page {{ items.number }} of {{ items.paginator.num_pages }}
{% if items.has_next %}
{% endif %}
You can achieve this by enabling sessions.
I recommend reading through the chapter Sessions, Users, and Registration on the djangobook website.
Edit: Now that you've enabled sessions, I think the problem is the hyperlinks in the template. Use an ampersand to separate multiple parameters in a url, for example
Edit 2: I'm not sure if I understand what the problem is with the session expiry. The line that sets the session to expire when the browser closes is request.session.set_expiry(0). See the django docs on Using Sessions in views if you want to change that.
To make a Digg style paginator, you need to write a function that takes the current page number and the total number of pages, and returns a list of page numbers. Then, in the template, loop through the page numbers and construct links to the pages.
A list of lists of page numbers would allow you to split the page numbers into groups, eg
[[1,2], [20,21,22,23,24], [30,31]]
I want to display a menu that changes according to the user group of the currently logged in user, with this logic being inside of my view, and then set a variable to check in the template to determine which menu items to show....I'd asked this question before, but my logic was being done in the template. So now I want it in my view...The menu looks as below
<ul class="sidemenu">
<li>General List </li>
<li>Sales List </li>
<li>Add a New Record </li>
<li>Edit Existing Record </li>
<li>Filter Records </li>
<li>Logout </li>
Suppossing the user is management, they'll see everything...But assuming the user is in the group sales, they'll only see the first two and the last two items...and so on. I also want a dynamic redirect after login based on the user's group. Any ideas?
The standard Django way of checking permissions is by the individual permission flags rather than testing for the group name.
If you must check group names, being aware that Users to Groups is a many-to-many relationship, you can get the first group in the list of groups in your template with something like this:
{{ user.groups.all.0 }}
or using it like this in a conditional (untested but should work):
{% ifequal user.groups.all.0 'Sales' %}
{% endif %}
If you go with the preferred permission model you would do something like the following.
{% if perms.vehicle.can_add_vehicle %}
<li>Add a New Record </li>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.vehicle.can_change_vehicle %}
<li>Edit Existing Record </li>
{% endif %}
These are the permissions automatically created for you by syncdb assuming your app is called vehicle and the model is called Vehicle.
If the user is a superuser they automatically have all permissions.
If the user is in a Sales group they won't have those vehicle permissions (unless you've added those to the group of course).
If the user is in a Management group they can have those permissions, but you need to add them to the group in the Django admin site.
For your other question, redirect on login based on user group: Users to Groups is a many-to-many relationship so it's not really a good idea to use it like a one-to-many. == "groupname"
Create a in your app/templatetags follow above:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Stdlib imports
# Core Django imports
from django import template
# Third-party app imports
# Realative imports of the 'app-name' package
register = template.Library()
def has_group(user, group_name):
Verifica se este usuário pertence a um grupo
groups = user.groups.all().values_list('name', flat=True)
return True if group_name in groups else False
And finally in template use it:
{% if request.user|has_group:"Administradores"%}
<div> Admins can see everything </div>
{% endif %}
If you are working with Custom User Model (best practice with Django), you can create a method:
# Your user stuff
def is_manager(self):
return self.groups.filter(name='Management').exists()
Then inside your template you just call it this way:
{% if user.is_manager %}
{# Do your thing #}
{% endif %}
That method will be also useful validating permission in other parts of your code (views, etc.)