Reading delimited files in C++ [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
How can I read and parse CSV files in C++?
(39 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
What is the best way to read in a tab delimited file in C++ and store each line as a record? I have been looking for an open source library to help with this, but have been unsuccessful so it looks like I will have to write my own.

typedef vector<vector<string> > Rows;
Rows rows;
ifstream input("filename.csv");
char const row_delim = '\n';
char const field_delim = '\t';
for (string row; getline(input, row, row_delim); ) {
istringstream ss(row);
for (string field; getline(ss, field, field_delim); ) {
This will get you started. It doesn't do any checking that each row has the same number of fields, allow for escaping field_delim, etc.

There is no problem in using iostreams - you could read each line with getline into string, and then use stringstream on that string to iterate over fields.

There are a few libraries listed in wikipedia's article CSV_application_support.


trying to give a variable to ifstream in c++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Put A String In A ifstream Method [duplicate]
(2 answers)
No matching function - ifstream open()
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
im new to c++ and trying to put a variable in this line : ifstream studentPaper(paper);
ill pass paper to this function and want to use it there. string paper has my files location (/name/file.txt)
if i put my file name there i dont get any errors = ifstream studentPaper("/name/file.txt");
but when i save my files location in to a string and give string to it ill get error = ifstream studentPaper(paper);
how can i do that without getting errors
void matchGrades(string paper) {
string aa= "asd";
ifstream studentPaper(paper);
ifstream base("base.txt");
int grade=3;
while ((!studentPaper.eof()) && (!base.eof())) {
string l1,l2;
grade += 3;
} else {
grade -= 3;
cout << grade;
I think that You have to use removed string parameter "/name/file.txt" because parameter split space.
Try doing ifstream studentPaper(paper.c_str()).
Also if your file is located where your main.cpp is you won't need to specify the path. Something like this:
string studentFile = "student_file.txt";
Based on the information provided. If you are still getting an error please post it so that I can adjust my answer.

Clear CSV-file from non-specified symbols using C++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why can Windows not read beyond the 0x1A (EOF) character but Unix can? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm trying to convert CSV-file to TXT-file using simple C++-code like this:
std::ofstream txtFile(strFileName, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
std::string strLine;
std::ifstream csvFile(strCSVDir);
while (std::getline(csvFile, strLine))
std::string subString;
std::stringstream s(strLine);
while (std::getline(s, subString, ';'))
txtFile << subString << "\t";
txtFile << "\n";
It works fine, but only if the CSV-file doesn't contain any non-specified symbols, like arrow on this picture:
In this case my code can read only part of CSV-file until it meet this arrow symbol. How can I get around this situation?
Update: if I look at this CSV-file in byte-representation (for example in Far Hex-view), than I see code of arrow-symbol is "1A". The table of Unicode-characters points that it is Substitute symbol. How does it get in this CSV-file I don't know.
It might be easier to just read the entire file - then replacing and finally saving.
Going from your snippet:
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << csvFile.rdbuf();
std::string buffer = sstr.str();
boost::replace_all(buffer, ";", "");
txtFile << buffer;
Update: if you don't have boost it should be easy to replace with something else like a for loop (since it is just a single char replacement)
Update 2: The reason why reading might not read the entire file in this case is because it is being read as a text file and probably contains a terminating character somewhere due to the way it is being read - see for explaination.

c++ getline putting different parts of a line into variables [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I read and parse CSV files in C++?
(39 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to do this properly.
First, I read a line from a csv file. Lets say, that line has
I don't want to read each result into a console like practically every example I've found, I want them to go in order, into these 4 variables:
int time;
string name;
int location;
int point;
Right now, this is my code:
string line;
ifstream inputFile("input.csv");
std::list<Cramista> Cramistas;
while (!inputFile.eof())
int time;
string name;
int location;
int point;
std::vector<std::string> stringArray;
std::size_t position = 0, found;
getline(inputFile, line);
while ((found = line.find_first_of(',', position)) != std::string::npos)
stringArray.push_back(line.substr(position, found - position));
position = found + 1;
time = stoi(stringArray[0]);
name = stringArray[1];
location = stoi(stringArray[2]);
point = stoi(stringArray[3]);
So, with what I have here, I'm able to get the first 3 out of 4 pieces of the line, and put them into an array, which I can then move into variables. Trying to figure out how to get that 4th part.
I've got 2992854, BOB, and 3452 but I don't have 394832.
I mean basically in order to avoid "reading each result into the console" using
cin >> time >> name >> location >> point;
you would have to split the line by commas (assuming it's a string, then convert the non string data to integers.

"New Line" connected to value when reading in a CSV? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I read and parse CSV files in C++?
(39 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am currently trying to read in a CSV file to place it into an array, but when I execute the code, the program seems to read over the endline to the next comma which messes up my output. Here is the code:
while (!inFile.eof()) {
string line = "";
while (count_1 <= numValuesPerLine) {
getline(inFile, readFromFile, ',');
cout << line << endl;
count_1 = 0;
'line' ends up having the value:
which when I print it, places that newline next to '25' and messes up the output.
(numValuesPerLine = 25 and count_1 is initialized outside of the loop)
I looked around for a similar answer but I could not find anything exactly like what I am trying to do, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
you changed the delimiter from \n to , so of course the newline is kept as part of the input

How to read a comma delimited text file into arrays [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I iterate over the words of a string?
(84 answers)
How to use stringstream to separate comma separated strings [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have been working on this project and been reading in text files with ONLY spaces in between and not commas so I need to update how I read in the file into arrays. I have tried using stringstream() and getline() but no luck. Does anyone know how I can read in this file into arrays?
This is how I been doing it before
void readData(ifstream& inputFile, double lat[], double lon[], double yaw[], int& numLines)
// Read in headers.
string header;
getline(inputFile, header);
// Read in data and store in arrays.
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++)
if (inputFile >> lat[i])
inputFile >> lon[i];
inputFile >> yaw[i];
but Im not sure how to modify it to read in this type of file into arrays and also the only ones I'm interested in are
motor on
latitude,longitude,altitude(feet),ascent(feet),speed(mph),distance(feet),max_altitude(feet),max_ascent(feet),max_speed(mph),max_distance(feet),time(millisecond),gps,power,pitch,roll,yaw,motor on
If someone can point in the right direction that would be great. Thanks
You need to extract those commas, to the variable of type char:
std::ifstream f("d:\\temp\\z.txt");
string s;
double lat, lon, alt, asc, speed, dist, max;
vector<double> lat_vec, lon_vec, asc_vec, speed_vec, dist_vec, max_vec;
char c;
while (!f.eof()) {
f>>s; // get one line
stringstream st(s);
// below, eat first number, then comma, then second number, etc.
if (st>>lat>>c>>lon>>c>>alt>>c>>asc>>c>>speed>>c>>dist>>c>>max) {
lat_vec.push_back(lat); lon_vec.push_back(lon);
asc_vec.push_back(asc); speed_vec.push_back(speed);
dist_vec.push_back(dist); max_vec.push_back(max);
// if you really need arrays, not vectors
double *dist_ar = new double[dist_vec.size];
for (int i=0;i<dist_vec.size(); i++)
return 0;