Poker code cleanup modification from book...not quite right - c++

Working through more book examples- this one is a partial poker program-
This segment deals with straight hand....
First what was given- only relevant parts....will provide entire code if needed...
int suits[5]; //index 1..4- value start at 1
int values[14]; //index 1..13- value same as rank, A = 1, K = 13
switch (toUpper(rankCh)) {
case 'A': values = 1; break;
case '2': values = 2; break;
case '3': values = 3; break;
case '4': values = 4; break;
case '5': values = 5; break;
case '6': values = 6; break;
case '7': values = 7; break;
case '8': values = 8; break;
case '9': values = 9; break;
case 'T': values = 10; break;
case 'J': values = 11; break;
case 'Q': values = 12; break;
case 'K': values = 13; break;
badCard = true;
Other functions:
bool isFlush(int suits[]) {
for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
if (suits[i] == 5) //5 here is Number of Cards
return true;
return false;
Yeah, I know about the array declarations but that is how it is defined- nice justification for it in the text...starting to number at 1
I want my straight hand to handle both Ace high and low- right now as define above aces are low...
Two versions: 1st appears not sure correct with low aces...
bool isStraight(int values[]) //Version one only straight- low aces only
int count = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
if (values[i] != 1) {
} else
count = 0;
if (count == 5) //5 is NUMCARDS
return true;
return false;
Now this is the where I need some recommendation: to have a function to handle both ace high and low:
bool isStraight(int values[]) //Version handles both high and low
int count = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
if (values[i] != 1) {
// if(i == 1 && values[1] != 0) //Check for high and low
// count++;
} else
count = 0;
if (count == 5) //5 is NUMCARDS
return true;
return false;
Would what I have in comments work to handle both ace high and low...
Since i = 1 is represented as ace and not sure what values[1] is correct should it be values[13] or what...maybe something like
if (i == 1)
values[13] //not sure...
do not want wholesale changes- just to have minor changes with what I have...I do not want to sort or solve by brute force i.e like values[1] == 1 && values [2] ==1 you get the point- the text does that already but I am trying to rewrite it this way...
Thanks...Hope I am getting across my modification I would like...

EDIT: I figured I'd would first answer your question directly. Lets first clear up how the original algorithm worked. Basically it loops from 1 to 13, and each time it sees a card in that slot, it adds to count. If anything ever breaks the sequence, it resets the counter. Finally, if the counter reaches 5, you have a straight.
I can't say off hand if your solution would work, I say give it a go. However, a simple quick patch to the original would probably go something like this:
//Version handles both high and low
bool isStraight(int values[]) {
int count = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
if (values[i] != 1) {
} else
count = 0;
if (count == 5) //5 is NUMCARDS
return true;
// handle ace high.
if(count == 4 && values[1] != 0) {
return true;
return false;
Basically what that does is say "if we already have 4 in a row, and we've just looked at the very last card (the loop is over), then check an ace is there, if so, we do have a straight and it is ace high".
I think the easiest way to handle ace high and low is to have the "get rank" function have two modes, one which returns ace high, the other which returns ace low. Then just calculate the hand value for each case and take the better one.
Also, your get rank could be way simpler :-P.
int get_rank(char card) {
static const char *cards = "A23456789TJQK";
char *p = strchr(cards, toupper(card));
if(p) {
return (p - cards) + 1;
} else {
return -1;
so if you want to have a get_rank which has an ace_high or an ace_low, you could do this:
int get_rank(char card, bool ace_high) {
static const char *cards_high = "23456789TJQKA";
static const char *cards_low = "A23456789TJQK";
const char *cards = ace_high ? cards_high : cards_low;
char *p = strchr(cards, toupper(card));
if(p) {
return (p - cards) + 1;
} else {
return -1;
for fun, i've made a quick and dirty program which detects straights (handling both high and low ace). It is fairly simple, but could be shorter (also note that there is no attempt at buffer safety with these arrays, something of production quality should use something safer such as std::vector:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
int get_rank(char card, bool ace_high) {
static const char *cards_high = "23456789TJQKA";
static const char *cards_low = "A23456789TJQK";
const char *cards = ace_high ? cards_high : cards_low;
char *p = strchr(cards, toupper(card));
if(p) {
return (p - cards) + 1;
} else {
return -1;
bool is_rank_less_low(int card1, int card2) {
return get_rank(card1, false) < get_rank(card2, false);
bool is_rank_less_high(int card1, int card2) {
return get_rank(card1, true) < get_rank(card2, true);
bool is_straight(int hand[], bool ace_high) {
std::sort(hand, hand + 5, ace_high ? is_rank_less_high : is_rank_less_low);
int rank = get_rank(hand[0], ace_high);
for(int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
int new_rank = get_rank(hand[i], ace_high);
if(new_rank != rank + 1) {
return false;
rank = new_rank;
return true;
bool is_straight(int hand[]) {
return is_straight(hand, false) || is_straight(hand, true);
int main() {
int hand1[5] = { 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A' };
int hand2[5] = { 'A', '2', '3', '4', '5' };
std::cout << is_straight(hand1) << std::endl;
std::cout << is_straight(hand2) << std::endl;

The case where an ace-high straight exists can be found by changing the final test:
if (count == 5 || count == 4 && values[1] == 1) // 2nd case handles ace-high straight
return true;
It's a special case, so it must be handled separately.


I need to find the integer value for the given roman number. I can't get the solution

I used my logic, I am confident my logic was correct,but for some reasons my code doesn't work. I need help to point out what mistake I made, also sorry for declaring my variables as
random alphabets without any semantic meaning.
using namespace std;
int main()
char s[15];
cin >> s;
char a[7] = {'I','V','X','L', 'C', 'D', 'M'};
int b[7] = {1,5,10,50,100,500,1000};
int count = 0,i=0,j,k;
int l=0;
k = j;
if(s[i+1] == a[j])
l = j;
count = count + (b[l]-b[k]);
count = count + b[k];
cout << count;
The solution:
int romanCharToInt(char c) {
switch(c) {
case 'I':
return 1;
case 'V':
return 5;
case 'X':
return 10;
case 'L':
return 50;
case 'C':
return 100;
case 'D':
return 500;
case 'M':
return 1000;
return 0;
int romanToInt(string s) {
int result = 0;
int stored_sum = 0;
int last_val = -1;
for (char elem : s) {
int val = romanCharToInt(elem);
if (last_val == -1) {
stored_sum += val;
} else if (last_val > val) {
result += stored_sum;
stored_sum = val;
} else if (last_val == val) {
stored_sum += val;
} else {
stored_sum = val - stored_sum;
last_val = val;
result += stored_sum;
stored_sum = 0;
return result;
This looks like a homework assignment, and while I think you should go back to the drawing board in order to figure this out, maybe a hint would suffice.
When we analyze a roman integer, it has it's most significant 'digits'(letters) closer to the start of it. The only exception is when the 'digit' directly to the right of it is of higher order.
You may find it easier to solve the problem from the least significant digits forward.
Given this scenario, the procedure I'd follow is this:
Number : MCMXCIV
Current Roman Digit | Current Answer int
V | 5 (no matter what the first character is, it will always be the base)
I | 5 - 1 (I is smaller than V, therefore we substract it)
C | 5 - 1 + 100
X | 5 - 1 + 100 - 10 (X is smaller than C, we substract)
M | 5 - 1 + 100 - 10 + 1000
C | 5 - 1 + 100 - 10 + 1000 - 100
M | 5 - 1 + 100 - 10 + 1000 - 100 + 1000 = 1994

My sudoku board generating function is getting stuck in an infinite loop

The user is supposed to input a number between 0 and 81, and it should generate a sudoku board with that many (valid) numbers filled in (Even if the sudoku board may not be solvable).
It works fine for small numbers of n, but if it has to backtrack, it gets stuck oscillating between ~42 and ~56.
In this program, it's important to note that n is the number that the user has specified, nOn is the number the function is on.
the array named positions[] contains the numbers 0-80 in a randomized order (compliments of the shuffle function) and is designed to represent the randomized order in which to fill the grid.
bool Sudoku::generateSudoku(int n, int nOn)
int xpos = positions[nOn] / 9;
int ypos = positions[nOn] % 9;
int queryCount = 0;
char query = rand()%9 + '1';
bool success = false;
if (nOn >= n)
return true;
while (queryCount < 9 && !success)
if (isValid(xpos, ypos, query, 0))
sudoku[xpos][ypos][0] = query;
success = generateSudoku(n, nOn + 1);
if (query == '9')
query = '1';
if (!success)
sudoku[xpos][ypos][0] = '*';
return false;
return true;
I've gone over it several times with 2 of my friends and I can't find why it's getting choked up. Any help would be appreciated!
edit: I've added a similar function that I know works for comparison. This one starts in the upper left hand corner and recursively backtracks when it runs into invalid solutions. it's able to solve any (solvable) puzzle in a matter of seconds
int Sudoku::solveSudoku(int x, int y)
bool success = false;
char query = '1';
int counter = 0;
if (x == 8 && y == 9)
return 1;
else if (y == 9)
y = 0;
if (sudoku[x][y][0] != '*')
sudoku[x][y][1] = sudoku[x][y][0];
success = solveSudoku(x, y + 1);
while (query <= '9' && !success)
if (isValid(x, y, query, 1))
sudoku[x][y][1] = query;
success = solveSudoku(x, y + 1);
if (success)
return 1;
sudoku[x][y][1] = sudoku[x][y][0];
return false;

Snake in C++ won't turn twice in a row

I've just recently started to learn C++. I decided to program a little Snake game that runs in the console. It is relatively simple and doesn't look amazing, but it does it's thing as it's supposed to.The only issue I am having, is that my Snake won't turn twice in a row. In other words you can't do tight U-turns with it. It will however turn immediately after pressing the button. (Unless you just turned that is).
My code is 120 lines long so here it is:
First my includes and namespace:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
This function draws the whole field in the console:
void drawGrid(vector<vector<char>> &g, int height, int width, int score, int time)
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), { 0,0 });
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < width; c++) std::cout << g[c][r] << " ";
std::cout << '|' << endl;
std::cout << "Current score: " << score << " ";
std::cout << "\nCurrent speed: " << time << " ";
This function checks whether the food is under the snake:
bool foodSnake(vector<int> &f, vector<vector<int>> &t, int l)
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (f[0] == t[i][0] && f[1] == t[i][1]) return true;
return false;
And this is the big poobah:
int main(void)
int sleeptime = 1000; // how long the break is between each frame
bool foodExists = 0;
int width = 20; //width and height of the field
int height = 15;
mt19937_64 engine; //random distributions for food generation
uniform_int_distribution<int> heightDist(0, height - 1);
uniform_int_distribution<int> widthDist(0, width - 1);
int tailLengthstart = 4;
int tailLength = tailLengthstart;
char movementDirection = 'u'; //starts moving upwards
char input;
bool alive = 1; //keeps the program running on death = 0
vector<int> pos = { (width - 1) / 2,(height - 1) / 2 }; //starts in the middle of field
vector<int> foodPos = pos; // so that the food generates at the beginning
vector<vector<int>> tail(tailLength, pos);
vector<vector<char>> emptyGrid(width, vector<char>(height, ' '));
vector<vector<char>> grid = emptyGrid;
while (alive) //runs main program until alive == 0
grid = emptyGrid; // clear grid
grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 'Q'; //place head in grid
if (!foodExists) //generates food if it was eaten
while (foodSnake(foodPos, tail, tailLength) || foodPos == pos)
{ // keeps regenerating until it isn't under the snake
foodPos[0] = widthDist(engine);
foodPos[1] = heightDist(engine);
foodExists = 1;
grid[foodPos[0]][foodPos[1]] = 'X'; //place food in grid
for (int i = 0; i < tailLength; i++) grid[tail[i][0]][tail[i][1]] = 'O'; // place tail in grid
drawGrid(grid, height, width, tailLength - tailLengthstart, sleeptime); //call above function to draw the grid
input = '_';
if (_kbhit()) { //this was the best way I found to wait for input
input = _getch();
switch (input)
{ //disallows moving in opposite direction otherwise changes direction
case 'w':
if (movementDirection == 'd') break;
movementDirection = 'u';
case 'a':
if (movementDirection == 'r') break;
movementDirection = 'l';
case 's':
if (movementDirection == 'u') break;
movementDirection = 'd';
case 'd':
if (movementDirection == 'l') break;
movementDirection = 'r';
case '_':
for (int i = tailLength - 1; i > 0; i--)
tail[i] = tail[i - 1];
tail[0] = pos; //move the tail along
if (movementDirection == 'u') pos[1]--;
if (movementDirection == 'l') pos[0]--;
if (movementDirection == 'r') pos[0]++;
if (movementDirection == 'd') pos[1]++; // move the head
if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] > width - 1 || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] > height - 1)
alive = 0; // if head is out of bounds -> dead
for (int i = 0; i < tailLength; i++)
if (pos == tail[i])
alive = 0; // if head is on tail -> dead
if (foodPos == pos)
{ // if head is on food -> eat
foodExists = 0; // food needs to be generated
tail.push_back(tail[tailLength - 1]); //tail adds a link
tailLength++; // tail is now longer
if (tailLength % 5 == 0) sleeptime *= 0.75; // at certain lengths game speeds up
this next part happens once you are dead or alive == 0
std::cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << "\tYou have died" << endl << endl << endl << endl;
std::cout << endl;
return 0;
So if anyone has an idea why it's not turning quickly, please help. Or any other improvement ideas are welcome as well.
The problem with movement is caused by fact that you advance tail and changing direction causes head advance immediately. That means that there is always a step before snake would actually turn.
The state set as I see it:
Setup scene.
Check key.
Change direction of movement if key pressed and it isn't opposite of current direction.
Make old head tail and add a head element in set direction from old head.
Check for death
Check for food.
If food found, grow tail by changing TailLength.
If snake length is greater than TailLength, remove tail elements until they are equal.
Render scene
Sleep and go to 2.
It is better to represent snake by a list, not by a vector. It won't reallocate memory on size change or if you will cut first elements out.
If your platform is Windows (obviously, you're using Sleep() function instead of usleep), the answer to this question offers better solution for key detection.
Get key press in windows console
Similar solutions exist for POSIX platforms.
There is a little problem that you're waiting sleeptime even the key was pressed
The main cycle may be like this pseudo code
while (IsAlive())
currtime = 0;
while (currtime++ < sleeptime)
if (CheckAndProcessKeyboardInput())

Knight Tour Index and Moving Algorithm Bugs

The goal of this program is for the knight to move around the chest board and only touching each spot once.
Each spot is initialized and set to zero by default.
As the knight moves, each spot the knight touches should correspond with the number of moves taken to reach that point.
However, I am having quite a few problems
1) My Knight is moving around the board and going either out of bound of the multidimensional chess board array or manipulates the movement arrays (horizontal[] and vertical[])
2) The conditions of my boolean functions MoveOnBoard && MoveHasNotBeenMade are that if the next possible move is between the exisiting rows and columns also if the spot being moved to has a value of 0(meaning it has yet to be moved to). However, both of these conditions
seem to be ignored.
How would I go about fixing this?
Thank you in advance!
Here's the code below
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
void DefinedMoveSet();
void RenderBoard();
void MoveKnight(int& moveChoice, int& numberOfMovesMade);
void PossibleMoves();
bool MoveOnBoard(int& moveChoice);
bool MoveHasNotBeenMade(int& moveChoice);
// Two single dimenisional arrays to store move positions for the Knight
// Arrays have yet to be assigned values
int vertical[8], horizontal[8];
int currentRow = 4, currentColumn = 3;
// Initializing an array with the dimension 8 * 8
int chestBoard[8][8] = { 0 };
int main()
return 0;
void RenderBoard()
// The outer loop goes through each row until it reaches 8
for (int boardRow = 0; boardRow < 8; boardRow++)
// The inner loop takes in the specific row
for (int boardColumn = 0; boardColumn < 8; boardColumn++)
// Then iterates through the columns of that row until it reaches 8
// Each index is seperated by a tab escape key shortcut
cout << chestBoard[boardRow][boardColumn] << "\t";
// Back to the inner array a new line is printed for the next row
cout << "\n";
void DefinedMoveSet()
// Values for the horizontal array at each index
horizontal[0] = 2;
horizontal[1] = 1;
horizontal[2] = -1;
horizontal[3] = -2;
horizontal[4] = -2;
horizontal[5] = -1;
horizontal[6] = 1;
horizontal[7] = 2;
// Values for the vertical array at each index
vertical[0] = -1;
vertical[1] = -2;
vertical[2] = -2;
vertical[3] = -1;
vertical[4] = 1;
vertical[5] = 2;
vertical[6] = 2;
vertical[7] = 1;
bool MoveOnBoard(int& moveChoice)
int futureRow = currentRow + vertical[moveChoice];
int futureColumn = currentColumn + horizontal[moveChoice];
if ((0 < futureRow) && (0 < futureColumn) && (futureRow < 8) && (futureColumn < 8))
return true;
bool MoveHasNotBeenMade(int& moveChoice)
int futureRow = currentRow + vertical[moveChoice];
int futureColumn = currentColumn + horizontal[moveChoice];
if (chestBoard[futureRow][futureColumn] == 0)
return true;
void PossibleMoves()
bool movesStillExist = true;
int numberOfMovesMade = 1;
while (numberOfMovesMade < 65 && movesStillExist)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (i == 8)
movesStillExist = false;
if (MoveOnBoard(i) && MoveHasNotBeenMade(i))
MoveKnight(i, numberOfMovesMade);
void MoveKnight(int &moveChoice, int &numberOfMovesMade)
// Takes in the int moveNumber as a parameter
// MoveNumber(or case) must be between 0 and 7
// if there is not a case for the value then the knight will not move
//chestBoard[currentRow][currentColumn] = numberOfMovesMade;
currentRow += vertical[moveChoice];
currentColumn += horizontal[moveChoice];
chestBoard[currentRow][currentColumn] = numberOfMovesMade;
in MoveOnBoardand and in MoveHasNotBeenMade instead of
return true;
should be
return true;
return false;
if condtion == false, function returning not void reach end without return statement.
With the advice from the comments I received, I was able to fix the index issues as well as the return value of the boolean functions.
My main problem was that I was not breaking out of the previous loop after moving.
Easily solved by this if statement
if (MoveOnBoard(i) && MoveHasNotBeenMade(i))
I was trying to achieve this by telling the compiler
if (i == 8)
movesStillExist = false;
As pointed out by #Aziuth this condition will never be met because a move at that index does not exist.
So instead for my purposes I changed that condition to be
if (i == 7)
movesStillExist = false;
Also for the index issues my logic was a little off
if (((0 <= futureRow) && (0 <= futureColumn)) && ((futureRow < 8) && (futureColumn < 8)))
return true; // if the future row and column are in bounds then return true
return false; // else the default is false
Also, my code is not idealistic for c++.
Having so many global variables and not enough commenting.
Please understand that the use of single and multidimensional arrays are required due to this being a challenge for my c++ course.
bool MoveOnBoard(int& moveChoice)
int futureRow = currentRow + vertical[moveChoice];
int futureColumn = currentColumn + horizontal[moveChoice];
if (((0 <= futureRow) && (0 <= futureColumn)) && ((futureRow < 8) && (futureColumn < 8)))
return true;
return false;
bool MoveHasNotBeenMade(int& moveChoice)
int futureRow = currentRow + vertical[moveChoice];
int futureColumn = currentColumn + horizontal[moveChoice];
if (chestBoard[futureRow][futureColumn] == 0)
return true;
return false;
void PossibleMoves()
bool movesStillExist = true;
while (numberOfMovesMade < 65 && movesStillExist)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (MoveOnBoard(i) && MoveHasNotBeenMade(i))
if (i == 7)
movesStillExist = false;
void MoveKnight(int &moveChoice)
// Takes in the int moveNumber as a parameter
// MoveNumber(or case) must be between 0 and 7
// if there is not a case for the value then the knight will not move
chestBoard[currentRow][currentColumn] = numberOfMovesMade;
currentRow += vertical[moveChoice];
currentColumn += horizontal[moveChoice];
chestBoard[currentRow][currentColumn] = numberOfMovesMade;

Conver BCD Strings to Decimal

I am looking for better ways to optimize this function for better performance, speed its targeted towards embedded device. i welcome any pointers, suggestion thanks
function converts string BCD to Decimal
int ConvertBCDToDecimal(const std::string& str, int splitLength)
int NumSubstrings = str.length() / splitLength;
std::vector<std::string> ret;
int newvalue;
for (auto i = 0; i < NumSubstrings; i++)
ret.push_back(str.substr(i * splitLength, splitLength));
// If there are leftover characters, create a shorter item at the end.
if (str.length() % splitLength != 0)
ret.push_back(str.substr(splitLength * NumSubstrings));
string temp;
for (int i=0; i<(int)ret.size(); i++)
temp +=ReverseBCDFormat(ret[i]);
return newvalue =std::stoi(temp);
string ReverseBCDFormat(string num)
if( num == "0000")
return "0";
else if( num == "0001")
return "1";
else if( num == "0010")
return "2";
else if( num == "0011")
return "3";
else if( num == "0100")
return "4";
else if( num == "0101")
return "5";
else if( num == "0110")
return "6";
else if( num == "0111")
return "7";
else if( num == "1000")
return "8";
else if( num == "1001")
return "9";
return "0";
this is what i plan to get, for a BCD Value::0010000000000000 Decimal Result 2000
BCD is a method of encoding decimal numbers, two to a byte.
For instance 0x12345678 is the BCD representation of the decimal number 12345678. But, that doesn't seem to be what you're processing. So, I'm not sure you mean BCD when you say BCD.
As for the code, you could speed it up quite a bit by iterating over each substring and directly calculating the value. At a minimum, change ReverseBCDFormat to return an integer instead of a string and calculate the string on the fly:
temp = temp * 10 + ReverseBCDFormat(...)
Something like that.
What you call BCD is not actually BCD.
With that out of the way, you can do this:
int ConvertBCDToDecimal(const std::string& str, int splitLength)
int ret = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = unsigned(str.size()); i < n; )
int v = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < splitLength && i < n; ++j, ++i)
v = 2*v + ('1' == str[i] ? 1 : 0); // or 2*v + (str[i]-'0')
ret = 10*ret + v;
return ret;
Get rid of all the useless vector making and string copying. You don't need any of those.
Also, I think your code has a bug when processing strings with lengths that aren't a multiple of splitLength. I think your code always considers them to be zero. In fact, now that I think about it, your code won't work with any splitLength other than 4.
BTW, if you provide some sample inputs along with their expected outputs, I would be able to actually verify my code against yours (given that your definition of BCD differs from that of most people, what your code does is not exactly clear.)
as soon as you're optimizing function, here is different variant:
int ConvertBCDToDecimal(const std::string& str) {
unsigned int result = 0;
const std::string::size_type l = str.length();
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < l; i += 4)
result = result * 10 + ((str[i] - '0') << 3) + ((str[i + 1] - '0') << 2) + ((str[i + 2] - '0') << 1) + (str[i + 3] - '0');
return result;
note: you don't need splitLength argument, as you know that every digit is 4 symbols