C++ GNU linker errors - c++

I'm trying to compile my program on Windows via Cygwin with the compilation command:
g++ ping.cpp -I./include -L./lib -lchartdir50
I'm using an API called ChartDirector which draws charts for me. I've never linked libraries this way before (usually I do it through Visual Studio), so I’m a little new to this. I've got a really large list of errors, so I won't list them all, but I’ll list one just to clarify the type of linker errors I’m getting:
(.text$_ZN9BaseChartD1Ev[BaseChart::~BaseChart()]+0x4f): undefined reference to '_CBaseChart_destroy'
All of these are undefined reference to 'xxx' errors.
I've got a bunch of header files in ./include and a library called chartdir50.lib in ./lib.
What’s wrong with my compilation line?

I never use that library before, but when I googled it, I noticed that other people trying like -lchartdir instead of -lchartdir50, so you should give it a try.

I am not sure, but .lib have been compiled with Visual C++?
If yes, I don't think it's compatible with GCC. You have to compile the library with GCC/G++ and use that file or to use a compatible binary if you don't have access to the source.

Hmm... that’s odd. I'm using a 64-bit system, but for some reason I tried it with the 32-bit library and it compiled. Thanks!

I assume that library was also created with GCC.
As far as I know, .lib is a static library, so you don't have to point it with the -l compiler switch.
Just use it as another file on the command line, like
g++ ping.cpp -I./include -L./lib {path to lib here}/chartdir50.lib


problems with running c++-programs

I wrote a c++-program including <iostream> to use std::cout and std::cin. I compiled it with the g++ compiler (GNU compiler collection) on Windows 10 using MinGW. When I run the program with the run-terminal of MinGW it works but when I try to run it with cmd.exe or open it in Windows Explorer I get this Error:
"The program cannot be run because libstdc++-6.dll is missing. Please reinstall the program to solve the problem."
Because I didn´t install my program, I tried to install libstdc++-6.dll. I downloaded the file in zip-format but I don´t know where to unpack. Has this file to be in system32? Do I have another problem? Can anyone help me to solve it? I already read a simliar question and its answers but -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ didn´t work.
This is a repetition of this question libstdc++-6.dll not found according to #kerrek-sb do this
If you are using MingW to compile C++ code on Windows, you may like to add the options -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ to link the C and C++ standard libraries statically and thus remove the need to carry around any separate copies of those. Version management of libraries is a pain in Windows, so I've found this approach the quickest and cleanest solution to creating Windows binaries.
You might want to compile your code with g++ and the options -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ so to link the C and C++ standard libraries statically. As a result you don't have to install libraries in your Windows path and you can carry around the executable on other systems.

Undefined reference to .. error (Linux) - Compiles fine in OSX

Have wasted almost full 4 days trying to compile this package. It compiles fine in OSX 10.6, but gives Undefined reference errors when I try to compile it on a linux (Kubuntu 10.04, kernel) machine.
The error seem to be that the makefiles are ordered wrong, but AFAIK, I am the only one having trouble compiling it. So I'm trying to find what's making the difference. The software package is quite big and editing the Makefiles and moving 30-50 libraries here and there doesn't seem like a good idea.
Here's the differences I think I found so far
Compiler - gcc-4.7 (Linux) and llvm-gcc-4.2 (OSX)
Compiler flags --shared (Linux) and -dynamic -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup (OSX)
Anyone have any suggestions?
I tried using clang++ and llvm-gcc-4.7 as the compiler, but I think it still used the same linker (ld?). So I could try to specify to use llvm? How do I do that?
is --shared flag somehow different from the dynamic -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup flags in OSX?
Does the linux kernel or distribution matter? (I think they compiled it fine on a CentOS machine)
Please help.
Thanks a lot.
Compiled it with gcc 4.4 and worked flawlessly. I guess the order doesn't matter on 4.4 for the given package.
The undefined references type of errors can be caused by a symbol not being compiled in, not being linked or being linked out of order. The way to debug this is to check the linker line, the symbol that the linker complains about. The error message will probably tell you what object file has the dependency.
Now, you need to find out whether the symbol is compiled or linked, for that you will need to find if it is in any of the object files or in any of the libraries and which. You can use the nm command line tool to list the symbols that are defined in any given .o or library. If the symbol is not there, then you need to figure out what to add to the linker line and that will solve it.
If the symbol appears in one library, then identify which of the libraries depends on that symbol (from the linker error message) and the library that contains it. The former must be listed before the latter in the linker command line (assuming static linking).
As a simple hack, although I recommend against it, you can instruct the gcc linker to do multiple passes by using the --start-group and --end-group command line options. Although I really recommend that you figure out the order of dependencies, as that will also give you a better insight into your project.

g++ linking issues: undefined reference to functions

I used CMake and Visual C++ to build the HyDE library. Then, still in VC++, I was able to successfully create code and build an executable that links into HyDE.lib and the HyDE header files.
I then discovered that in order to work with others at my company, it would be preferable to develop in Eclipse CDT. Knowing very little about Eclipse CDT, I created a default hello world project, deleted the code and then dumped in all of my code into the src folder. Then I attempted to change the includes and lib path and libs to mirror what had worked in VC++. At this point everything seems to compile, but I get an error in linking:
/cygdrive/c/EclipseWorkspace/425HyDE/Debug/../src/FS5HyDE.cpp:16: undefined reference to `HyDEAPI::HyDE::HyDE(HyDESystemModel::SystemModel*, bool)'
(There are many more errors like this, all referring to HyDE methods.) Here is what is being run at the command line:
g++ -L"C:\Progra~1\boost\boost_1_42\lib" -L"C:\EclipseWorkspace\HyDE" -o"425HyDE.exe" ./src/Adapter_FS5HyDE.o ./src/EPSCommands.o ./src/EPSCurrentSensor.o ./src/EPSFault.o ./src/FS5HyDE.o ./src/HyDEObservation.o ./src/MCDH.o ./src/MCDH_Module.o ./src/PDBComponent.o ./src/PowerSystem.o ./src/Program.o ./src/SSPCComponent.o ./src/Telemetry.o ./src/TelemetryReport.o -l:libboost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_42.lib -lHyDE
This is definitely not a library ordering problem because I've the other ordering as well (there are only two). Is it possible that there is a problem with compiling HyDE.lib in VC++ (which uses a Windows compiler) and compiling my program with g++? Could there be a problem in the way that Eclipse CDT is autogen'ing the makefiles? Any other ideas?
(Note: there appear to be plenty of others questions on SO with similar problems, but after reading through them I have yet to find one that addresses my problem.)
Classic missing symbol error. Which source file defines:
HyDEAPI::HyDE::HyDE(HyDESystemModel::SystemModel*, bool)' ?
Was this file added to the compilation? Can you spot it on the command line you pasted?
If this symbol belongs to an external library, after adding the directory path with -L , you could add the name of the specific library you want to link with your program using -l.
I'm going to suggest that you try to add to the compilation command the directory path to HyDE.lib, followed immediately by the library name, like this:
-L"C:\path_to_hyde_library" -l:HyDE.lib
and then tell us what happened.
Solution: Since the HyDE library was compiled with the Visual Studios compiler and I'm attempting to build the code that links to it with the Cygwin toolchain the two compilers use different name mangling schemes so that the latter linker can not find the expected symbols in the HyDE library. The only solution that I've found is to recompile the HyDE library with the Cygwin toolchain or compile the new code with whatever compiler Visual Studios is using. (grumble grumble)
./src/FS5HyDE.o and ./src/HyDEObservation.o should be the latest parameter if other object files (*.o files) need them, it means that the most needed object files should be appeared as last as possible in the parameters list.

C++ Linker Error SDL Image - could not read symbols

I'm trying to use the SDL_Image library and I've added the .so to the link libraries list for my project (I'm using Code::Blocks, by the way).
After doing this, when I go to compile, I get this error:
Linking console executable: bin/Debug/ttfx
/usr/lib32/libSDL_image-1.2.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format
What does this mean and how can I get it working?
Edit: I'm using gcc.
During the linking step there are incompatibilities since some of your object files were compiled for 32-bit and some for 64-bit. Looking at its path libSDL_image.so was probably compiled for 32-bit.
If you use the GNU compiler add -m32 to your CXXFLAGS to compile your objects for 32-bit, too.
This link and this one suggest that the problem is you're doing a 64-bit compile with a 32-bit library. YMMV

Problems linking static Intel IPP libraries on Linux with g++

I've been trying to move a project over from Xcode to Linux (Ubuntu x86 for now, but hopefully the statically-linked executable will run on an x86 CentOS machine? I hope I hope?). I have the whole project compiling but it fails at the linking stage-- it's giving me undefined references for all functions defined by IPP. This is probably something really small and silly but I've been beating my head over this for a couple days now and I can't get it to work.
Here's the compile statement (I also have a makefile that's generating the same errors):
g++ -static
-pthread -I /opt/intel/ipp/
-I tools/include -o main main.cpp pick_peak.cpp
rhythm_score.cpp pitch_score.cpp
tools/source/wave.cpp distance.cpp
...and here is the beginning of the long list of linker errors:
./main.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x13f): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_16s'
main.cpp:(.text+0x166): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_32f'
main.cpp:(.text+0x213): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_16s'
Any ideas? FWIW, these are the IPP dependencies in my Xcode project that builds, links, and runs without a problem: "-lippiemerged",
Your linking problem is likely due to the fact that your link line is completely backwards: archive libraries should follow source and object files on command line, not precede them. To understand why the order matters, read this.
Also note that on Linux statically linked executables are significantly less portable than dynamically linked ones. In general, if you link system libraries dynamically on an older Linux system, it will work on all newer systems (I use ancient RedHat 6.2, and I haven't seen a system on which my executable will not run). This is not true for completely static executables; they may crash in all kinds of "interesting" ways when moved to a system with a different libc from the one against which they were linked.
I had problems with linking code with the v 6 of the ipp; using the v11 version of the compiler (with the included updates to the ipp) mysteriously fixed them. Granted, that was with a windows platform, but I was getting 8u versions of functions to compile and no 32f versions, despite both being listed as valid in the documentation.