OpenGL Alpha blending with wrong color - c++

I am trying to create a simple ray tracer. I have a perspective view which shows the rays visibly for debugging purposes.
In my example screenshot below I have a single white sphere to be raytraced and a green sphere representing the eye.
Rays are drawn as lines with
If a ray misses the sphere it is given color glColor4ub(100,100,100,100);
in my initialization code I have the following:
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0f);
You can see in the screen shot that for some reason, the rays passing between the perspective view point and the sphere are being color blended with the axis line behind the sphere, rather than with the sphere itself.
Here is a screenshot:
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here?

Is it a possibility you cast those rays before you draw the sphere?
Then if Z-buffer is enabled, the sphere's fragments simply won't be rendered, as those parts of rays are closer. When you are drawing something semi-transparent (using blending), you should watch the order you draw things carefully.
In fact I think you cannot use Z-buffer in any sensible way together with ray-tracing process. You'll have to track Z-order manually. While we are at it OpenGL might not be the best API to visualize ray-tracing process. (It will do so possibly much slower than pure software ray-tracer)

You dont need the glAlphaFunc, disable it.
Light rays should be blended by adding to the buffer: glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE) (for premultiplied alpha, which you chose.
Turn off depth buffer writing (not testing) when rendering the rays: glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)
Render the rays last.

AlphaTest is only for discarding fragments - not for blending them. Check the spec
By using it, you are telling OpenGL that you want it to throw away the pixels instead of drawing them, so you won't can any transparent blending. The most common blending function is
glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); You can also check out the OpenGL Transparency FAQ.


Is there any way to make front face of gluCylinder() transparent?

I am using gluCylinder() to create a cylinder in openGL and then plotting points inside the cylinder with Depth Test On .
When i see the front view of the cylinder, the points inside the cylinder are obstructed by front face.
To make front face of the cylinder translucent i am using Blending.
I am using below functions.
But whatever coloring or alpha value i assign to the cylinder the front face is not looking transparent due to its back face.
Tell whether it is possible to do with blending only or else i need to introduce lighting for both the faces of Cylinder.Here it clearly visible the change in the color of front face and back face of cylinder. And the points inside the cylinder are not visible due to being obstructed by front face of cylinder.
You should be able to accomplish this by drawing the cylinder twice, while culling the front faces the first time, and culling the back faces the second time. This way, you can draw the front and back parts differently, e.g. by making the front part transparent.
The code sequence could look like this:
// Draw back part of cylinder, opaque.
// Draw points.
// Draw front part of cylinder, transparent.
If I understand you right then no, you can't do it with blending alone.
If the cylinder's normals all point outward then you also won't be able to see the cylinder's internal parts no matter what you do.
I do something similar to show characters behind walls and it goes like this - render your scene normally and save it all to a framebuffer. Then render what you want shown behind with the buffer contents on top, using a custom shader to make a bubble of transparency around the thing you want shown behind.
Not sure if I am explaining it well or not but it unfortunately requires multiple steps to get the results you want.
Your problem is still a bit unclear to me despite the image but I will attempt to answer based on my perception of your issue.
You are drawing a cylinder and have geometry (lines or other models) inside the cylinder. You want the cylinder to look translucent so the inner objects are visible. Here is one way to do it. Assuming your render functions are drawCylinder() and drawPoints().
doing so will make sure that the points are drawn regardless of the cylinder. Try using lower values of alpha for your cylinder color.
Please note this is one way to do it. I suggest using shaders to have more control over blending as well as exploring fragment/pixel discard options.

OpenGL Light Scattering: FBO and Framebuffer blending

I am trying to create the Light Scattering effect using OpenGL.
I am following this tutorial.
At some point it says:
Switch to Orthogonal projection and blend the FBO with the framebuffer, activating the shader in order to generate the "God's ray" effect .
I don't understand what's the meaning of "blend the FBO with the Framebuffer". I looked for this "Blending" and I noticed that's a OpenGL pipeline step.
I was thinking that I should use the function glEnablei(GL_BLEND, fbo), but I don't know where I should call it.
To draw the mesh (the scene has one mesh and one light source) I use glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, n_of_verteces).
Can someone help me?
Ugh, the instructions you cited are written unneccessarily confusing. What it asks you to do is take the texture you've rendered your god rays to (using the FBO) and draw it on top what's in the main (non-FBO) frame buffer using a single, full viewport textured quad. And the instruction to "blend it" is asking you to enable blending (everything drawn thereafter will blend with what's been drawn in the steps before, including other blended stuff) and choose an appropriate blending function; (GL_ONE, GL_ONE) would be the obvious one for lighting effect stuff.

Shader transparancy not working with one half

glEnable (GL_BLEND);
and used this in the fragment shader.
I've used Alpha blend to get the transparency working however it only seems to work from one side.
Not sure what the problem is, am new to programming and shading. Link to see the picture
I think you see 2 distant faces blending where color is darker.
Maybe Culling is not activated.
Face culling is the ability to discard face drawing upon certain condition.
To achieve what you want, You have to discard faces not facing the camera which is call backface culling. You do this:
glEnableGL(GL_CULL_FACE); //(enable face culling)
glCullFace(GL_BACK); //(discard back faces)
Everything is fine. It's called Transparency Sorting.
Some more info:
Rendering transparent objects in OpenGL
opengl z-sorting transparency

transparency in opengl (using FLTK)

I'm drawing some 3D structures in a Fl_Gl_Window in FLTK's implementation of opengl. This images are drawn and rotated so the code looks something like
for (int side=0;side<num_sides;side++){
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
//draw shape
and it almost works apart from at different angles the transparency doesn't work properly. For example, if I draw a cube from one side it will look transparent all the way through without being able to discern the two sides but from the other one side will appear darker as it is supposed to. It's as if it calculates the transparency too 'early' as in before the rotation. Am I doing something wrong? Should I move the rotation to below the transparency effects (i.e. before them in execution) or does the order of the triangles matter?
The order of the triangles matters. To get the desired effect for transparency you need to render the triangles in back to front order because the hardware blending works by reading the color for the fragment in the depth buffer and blending it with the fragment currently being shaded. That's why you are getting different results when you rotate your cube since you are not changing the order of the triangles in the cube. You may also want to look into Order Independent Transparency techniques.
Depending on how many triangles you have sorting them every frame can get really expensive. One approximation technique is to presort the triangles along the x, y, and z axes and then choose the sorted ordered that most closely matches your viewing direction. This only works to a certain extent. One popular type of order independent transparency technique is depth peeling. Here's a tutorial with some code for implementing it: You might also want to read the original paper to get a better understanding of the technique:

Can you render two quads with transparency at the same point?

I'm learning about how to use JOGL and OpenGL to render texture-mapped quads. I have a test program and a test quad, and I figured out how to enable GL_BLEND so that I can specify the alpha value of a vertex to make a quad with a sort of gradient... but now I want this to show through to another textured quad at the same position.
Drawing two quads with the same vertex locations didn't work, it only renders the first quad. Is this possible then, or will I need to basically construct a custom texture on-the-fly based on what I want and then draw one quad with this texture? I was really hoping to take advantage of blending in this case...
Have a look at which glDepthFunc you're using, perhaps you're using GL_LESS/GL_GREATER and it could work if you're using GL_LEQUAL/GL_GEQUAL.
Its difficult to make out of the question what exactly you're trying to achieve but here's a try
For transparency to work correctly in OpenGL you need to draw the polygons from the furthest to the nearest to the camera. If you're scene is static this is definitely something you can do. But if it's rotating and moving then this is usually not feasible since you'll have to sort the polygons for each and every frame.
More on this can be found in this FAQ page:
For alpha blending, the renderer blends all colors behind the current transparent object (from the camera's point of view) at the time the transparent object is rendered. If the transparent object is rendered first, there is nothing behind it to blend with. If it's rendered second, it will have something to blend it with.
Try rendering your opaque quad first, then rendering your transparent quad second. Plus, make sure your opaque quad is slightly behind your transparent quad (relative to the camera) so you don't get z-buffer striping.