Why is the STL so heavily based on templates instead of inheritance? - c++

I mean, aside from its name the Standard Template Library (which evolved into the C++ standard library).
C++ initially introduce OOP concepts into C. That is: you could tell what a specific entity could and couldn't do (regardless of how it does it) based on its class and class hierarchy. Some compositions of abilities are more difficult to describe in this manner due to the complexities of multiple inheritance, and the fact that C++ supports interface-only inheritance in a somewhat clumsy way (compared to java, etc), but it's there (and could be improved).
And then templates came into play, along with the STL. The STL seems to take the classical OOP concepts and flush them down the drain, using templates instead.
There should be a distinction between cases when templates are used to generalize types where the types themselves are irrelevant for the operation of the template (containers, for examples). Having a vector<int> makes perfect sense.
However, in many other cases (iterators and algorithms), templated types are supposed to follow a "concept" (Input Iterator, Forward Iterator, etc...) where the actual details of the concept are defined entirely by the implementation of the template function/class, and not by the class of the type used with the template, which is a somewhat anti-usage of OOP.
For example, you can tell the function:
void MyFunc(ForwardIterator<...> *I);
Update: As it was unclear in the original question, ForwardIterator is ok to be templated itself to allow any ForwardIterator type. The contrary is having ForwardIterator as a concept.
expects a Forward Iterator only by looking at its definition, where you'd need either to look at the implementation or the documentation for:
template <typename Type> void MyFunc(Type *I);
Two claims I can make in favor of using templates: 1. Compiled code can be made more efficient, by recompiling the template for each used type, instead of using dynamic dispatch (mostly via vtables). 2. And the fact that templates can be used with native types.
However, I am looking for a more profound reason for abandoning classic OOP in favor of templating for the STL?

The short answer is "because C++ has moved on". Yes, back in the late 70's, Stroustrup intended to create an upgraded C with OOP capabilities, but that is a long time ago. By the time the language was standardized in 1998, it was no longer an OOP language. It was a multi-paradigm language. It certainly had some support for OOP code, but it also had a turing-complete template language overlaid, it allowed compile-time metaprogramming, and people had discovered generic programming. Suddenly, OOP just didn't seem all that important. Not when we can write simpler, more concise and more efficient code by using techniques available through templates and generic programming.
OOP is not the holy grail. It's a cute idea, and it was quite an improvement over procedural languages back in the 70's when it was invented. But it's honestly not all it's cracked up to be. In many cases it is clumsy and verbose and it doesn't really promote reusable code or modularity.
That is why the C++ community is today far more interested in generic programming, and why everyone is finally starting to realize that functional programming is quite clever as well. OOP on its own just isn't a pretty sight.
Try drawing a dependency graph of a hypothetical "OOP-ified" STL. How many classes would have to know about each other? There would be a lot of dependencies. Would you be able to include just the vector header, without also getting iterator or even iostream pulled in? The STL makes this easy. A vector knows about the iterator type it defines, and that's all. The STL algorithms know nothing. They don't even need to include an iterator header, even though they all accept iterators as parameters. Which is more modular then?
The STL may not follow the rules of OOP as Java defines it, but doesn't it achieve the goals of OOP? Doesn't it achieve reusability, low coupling, modularity and encapsulation?
And doesn't it achieve these goals better than an OOP-ified version would?
As for why the STL was adopted into the language, several things happened that led to the STL.
First, templates were added to C++. They were added for much the same reason that generics were added to .NET. It seemed a good idea to be able to write stuff like "containers of a type T" without throwing away type safety. Of course, the implementation they settled on was quite a lot more complex and powerful.
Then people discovered that the template mechanism they had added was even more powerful than expected. And someone started experimenting with using templates to write a more generic library. One inspired by functional programming, and one which used all the new capabilities of C++.
He presented it to the C++ language committee, who took quite a while to grow used to it because it looked so strange and different, but ultimately realized that it worked better than the traditional OOP equivalents they'd have to include otherwise. So they made a few adjustments to it, and adopted it into the standard library.
It wasn't an ideological choice, it wasn't a political choice of "do we want to be OOP or not", but a very pragmatic one. They evaluated the library, and saw that it worked very well.
In any case, both of the reasons you mention for favoring the STL are absolutely essential.
The C++ standard library has to be efficient. If it is less efficient than, say, the equivalent hand-rolled C code, then people would not use it. That would lower productivity, increase the likelihood of bugs, and overall just be a bad idea.
And the STL has to work with primitive types, because primitive types are all you have in C, and they're a major part of both languages. If the STL did not work with native arrays, it would be useless.
Your question has a strong assumption that OOP is "best". I'm curious to hear why. You ask why they "abandoned classical OOP". I'm wondering why they should have stuck with it. Which advantages would it have had?

The most direct answer to what I think you're asking/complaining about is this: The assumption that C++ is an OOP language is a false assumption.
C++ is a multi-paradigm language. It can be programmed using OOP principles, it can be programmed procedurally, it can be programmed generically (templates), and with C++11 (formerly known as C++0x) some things can even be programmed functionally.
The designers of C++ see this as an advantage, so they would argue that constraining C++ to act like a purely OOP language when generic programming solves the problem better and, well, more generically, would be a step backwards.

My understanding is that Stroustrup originally preferred an "OOP-styled" container design, and in fact didn't see any other way to do it. Alexander Stepanov is the one responsible for the STL, and his goals did not include "make it object oriented":
That is the fundamental point: algorithms are defined on algebraic structures. It took me another couple of years to realize that you have to extend the notion of structure by adding complexity requirements to regular axioms. ... I believe that iterator theories are as central to Computer Science as theories of rings or Banach spaces are central to Mathematics. Every time I would look at an algorithm I would try to find a structure on which it is defined. So what I wanted to do was to describe algorithms generically. That's what I like to do. I can spend a month working on a well known algorithm trying to find its generic representation. ...
STL, at least for me, represents the only way programming is possible. It is, indeed, quite different from C++ programming as it was presented and still is presented in most textbooks. But, you see, I was not trying to program in C++, I was trying to find the right way to deal with software. ...
I had many false starts. For example, I spent years trying to find some use for inheritance and virtuals, before I understood why that mechanism was fundamentally flawed and should not be used. I am very happy that nobody could see all the intermediate steps - most of them were very silly.
(He does explain why inheritance and virtuals -- a.k.a. object oriented design "was fundamentally flawed and should not be used" in the rest of the interview).
Once Stepanov presented his library to Stroustrup, Stroustrup and others went through herculean efforts to get it into the ISO C++ standard (same interview):
The support of Bjarne Stroustrup was crucial. Bjarne really wanted STL in the standard and if Bjarne wants something, he gets it. ... He even forced me to make changes in STL that I would never make for anybody else ... he is the most single minded person I know. He gets things done. It took him a while to understand what STL was all about, but when he did, he was prepared to push it through. He also contributed to STL by standing up for the view that more than one way of programming was valid - against no end of flak and hype for more than a decade, and pursuing a combination of flexibility, efficiency, overloading, and type-safety in templates that made STL possible. I would like to state quite clearly that Bjarne is the preeminent language designer of my generation.

The answer is found in this interview with Stepanov, the author of the STL:
Yes. STL is not object oriented. I
think that object orientedness is
almost as much of a hoax as Artificial
Intelligence. I have yet to see an
interesting piece of code that comes
from these OO people.

Why a pure OOP design to a Data Structure & Algorithms Library would be better ?!
OOP is not the solution for every thing.
IMHO, STL is the most elegant library I have seen ever :)
for your question,
you don't need runtime polymorphism, it is an advantage for STL actually to implement the Library using static polymorphism, that means efficiency.
Try to write a generic Sort or Distance or what ever algorithm that applies to ALL containers!
your Sort in Java would call functions that are dynamic through n-levels to be executed!
You need stupid thing like Boxing and Unboxing to hide nasty assumptions of the so called Pure OOP languages.
The only problem I see with STL, and templates in general is the awful error messages.
Which will be solved using Concepts in C++0X.
Comparing STL to Collections in Java is Like comparing Taj Mahal to my house :)

templated types are supposed to follow
a "concept" (Input Iterator, Forward
Iterator, etc...) where the actual
details of the concept are defined
entirely by the implementation of the
template function/class, and not by
the class of the type used with the
template, which is a somewhat
anti-usage of OOP.
I think you misunderstand the intended use of concepts by templates. Forward Iterator, for example, is a very well-defined concept. To find the expressions which must be valid in order for a class to be a Forward Iterator, and their semantics including computational complexity, you look at the standard or at http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ForwardIterator.html (you have to follow the links to Input, Output, and Trivial Iterator to see it all).
That document is a perfectly good interface, and "the actual details of the concept" are defined right there. They are not defined by the implementations of Forward Iterators, and neither are they defined by the algorithms which use Forward Iterators.
The differences in how interfaces are handled between STL and Java are three-fold:
1) STL defines valid expressions using the object, whereas Java defines methods which must be callable on the object. Of course a valid expression might be a method (member function) call, but it doesn't have to be.
2) Java interfaces are runtime objects, whereas STL concepts are not visible at runtime even with RTTI.
3) If you fail to make valid the required valid expressions for an STL concept, you get an unspecified compilation error when you instantiate some template with the type. If you fail to implement a required method of a Java interface, you get a specific compilation error saying so.
This third part is if you like a kind of (compile-time) "duck typing": interfaces can be implicit. In Java, interfaces are somewhat explicit: a class "is" Iterable if and only if it says it implements Iterable. The compiler can check that the signatures of its methods are all present and correct, but the semantics are still implicit (i.e. they're either documented or not, but only more code (unit tests) can tell you whether the implementation is correct).
In C++, like in Python, both semantics and syntax are implicit, although in C++ (and in Python if you get the strong-typing preprocessor) you do get some help from the compiler. If a programmer requires Java-like explicit declaration of interfaces by the implementing class, then the standard approach is to use type traits (and multiple inheritance can prevent this being too verbose). What's lacking, compared with Java, is a single template which I can instantiate with my type, and which will compile if and only if all the required expressions are valid for my type. This would tell me whether I've implemented all the required bits, "before I use it". That's a convenience, but it's not the core of OOP (and it still doesn't test semantics, and code to test semantics would naturally also test the validity of the expressions in question).
STL may or may not be sufficiently OO for your taste, but it certainly separates interface cleanly from implementation. It does lack Java's ability to do reflection over interfaces, and it reports breaches of interface requirements differently.
you can tell the function ... expects a Forward Iterator only by
looking at its definition, where you'd need either to look at the
implementation or the documentation for ...
Personally I think that implicit types are a strength, when used appropriately. The algorithm says what it does with its template parameters, and the implementer makes sure those things work: it's exactly the common denominator of what "interfaces" should do. Furthermore with STL, you're unlikely to be using, say, std::copy based on finding its forward declaration in a header file. Programmers should be working out what a function takes based on its documentation, not just on the function signature. This is true in C++, Python, or Java. There are limitations on what can be achieved with typing in any language, and trying to use typing to do something it doesn't do (check semantics) would be an error.
That said, STL algorithms usually name their template parameters in a way which makes it clear what concept is required. However this is to provide useful extra information in the first line of the documentation, not to make forward declarations more informative. There are more things you need to know than can be encapsulated in the types of the parameters, so you have to read the docs. (For example in algorithms which take an input range and an output iterator, chances are the output iterator needs enough "space" for a certain number of outputs based on the size of the input range and maybe the values therein. Try strongly typing that.)
Here's Bjarne on explicitly-declared interfaces: http://www.artima.com/cppsource/cpp0xP.html
In generics, an argument must be of a
class derived from an interface (the
C++ equivalent to interface is
abstract class) specified in the
definition of the generic. That means
that all generic argument types must
fit into a hierarchy. That imposes
unnecessary constraints on designs
requires unreasonable foresight on the
part of developers. For example, if
you write a generic and I define a
class, people can't use my class as an
argument to your generic unless I knew
about the interface you specified and
had derived my class from it. That's
Looking at it the other way around, with duck typing you can implement an interface without knowing that the interface exists. Or someone can write an interface deliberately such that your class implements it, having consulted your docs to see that they don't ask for anything you don't already do. That's flexible.

"OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP. There are possibly other systems in which this is possible, but I'm not aware of them." - Alan Kay, creator of Smalltalk.
C++, Java, and most other languages are all pretty far from classical OOP. That said, arguing for ideologies is not terribly productive. C++ is not pure in any sense, so it implements functionality that seems to make pragmatic sense at the time.

STL started off with the intention of provide a large library covering most commonly used algorithm -- with the target of consitent behavior and performance. Template came as a key factor to make that implementation and target feasible.
Just to provide another reference:
Al Stevens Interviews Alex Stepanov, in March 1995 of DDJ:
Stepanov explained his work experience and choice made towards a large library of algorithm, which eventually evolved into STL.
Tell us something about your long-term interest in generic programming
.....Then I was offered a job at Bell Laboratories working in the C++ group on C++ libraries. They asked me whether I could do it in C++. Of course, I didn't know C++ and, of course, I said I could. But I couldn't do it in C++, because in 1987 C++ didn't have templates, which are essential for enabling this style of programming. Inheritance was the only mechanism to obtain genericity and it was not sufficient.
Even now C++ inheritance is not of much use for generic programming. Let's discuss why. Many people have attempted to use inheritance to implement data structures and container classes. As we know now, there were few if any successful attempts. C++ inheritance, and the programming style associated with it are dramatically limited. It is impossible to implement a design which includes as trivial a thing as equality using it. If you start with a base class X at the root of your hierarchy and define a virtual equality operator on this class which takes an argument of the type X, then derive class Y from class X. What is the interface of the equality? It has equality which compares Y with X. Using animals as an example (OO people love animals), define mammal and derive giraffe from mammal. Then define a member function mate, where animal mates with animal and returns an animal. Then you derive giraffe from animal and, of course, it has a function mate where giraffe mates with animal and returns an animal. It's definitely not what you want. While mating may not be very important for C++ programmers, equality is. I do not know a single algorithm where equality of some kind is not used.

The basic problem with
void MyFunc(ForwardIterator *I);
is how do you safely get the type of the thing the iterator returns? With templates, this is done for you at compile time.

For a moment, let's think of the standard library as basically a database of collections and algorithms.
If you've studied the history of databases, you undoubtedly know that back in the beginning, databases were mostly "hierarchical". Hierarchical databases corresponded very closely to classical OOP--specifically, the single-inheritance variety, such as used by Smalltalk.
Over time, it became apparent that hierarchical databases could be used to model almost anything, but in some cases the single-inheritance model was fairly limiting. If you had a wooden door, it was handy to be able to look at it either as a door, or as a piece of some raw material (steel, wood, etc.)
So, they invented network model databases. Network model databases correspond very closely to multiple inheritance. C++ supports multiple inheritance completely, while Java supports a limited form (you can inherit from only one class, but can also implement as many interfaces as you like).
Both hierarchical model and network model databases have mostly faded from general purpose use (though a few remain in fairly specific niches). For most purposes, they've been replaced by relational databases.
Much of the reason relational databases took over was versatility. The relational model is functionally a superset of the network model (which is, in turn, a superset of the hierarchical model).
C++ has largely followed the same path. The correspondence between single inheritance and the hierarchical model and between multiple inheritance and the network model are fairly obvious. The correspondence between C++ templates and the hierarchical model may be less obvious, but it's a pretty close fit anyway.
I haven't seen a formal proof of it, but I believe the capabilities of templates are a superset of those provided by multiple inheritance (which is clearly a superset of single inerhitance). The one tricky part is that templates are mostly statically bound--that is, all the binding happens at compile time, not run time. As such, a formal proof that inheritance provides a superset of the capabilities of inheritance may well be somewhat difficult and complex (or may even be impossible).
In any case, I think that's most of the real reason C++ doesn't use inheritance for its containers--there's no real reason to do so, because inheritance provides only a subset of the capabilities provided by templates. Since templates are basically a necessity in some cases, they might as well be used nearly everywhere.

This question has many great answers. It should also be mentioned that templates supports an open design. With the current state of object oriented programming languages, one has to use the visitor pattern when dealing with such problems, and true OOP should support multiple dynamic binding. See Open Multi-Methods for C++, P. Pirkelbauer, et.al. for very intersting reading.
Another interesting point of templates are that they can be used on for runtime polymorphism as well. For example
template<class Value,class T>
Value euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,Value y_0,const T& func)
auto dt=(t_end-t_0)/N;
for(size_t k=0;k<N;++k)
{y_0+=func(t_0 + k*dt,y_0)*dt;}
return y_0;
Notice that this function will also work if Value is a vector of some kind (not std::vector, which should be called std::dynamic_array to avoid confusion)
If func is small, this function will gain a lot from inlining. Example usage
auto result=euler_fwd(10000,0.0,1.0,1.0,[](double x,double y)
{return y;});
In this case, you should know the exact answer (2.718...), but it is easy to construct a simple ODE without elementary solution (Hint: use a polynomial in y).
Now, you have a large expression in func, and you use the ODE solver in many places, so your executable gets polluted with template instantiations everywhere. What to do? First thing to notice is that a regular function pointer works. Then you want to add currying so you write an interface and an explicit instantiation
class OdeFunction
virtual double operator()(double t,double y) const=0;
double euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,double y_0,const OdeFunction& func);
But the above instantiation only works for double, why not write the interface as template:
template<class Value=double>
class OdeFunction
virtual Value operator()(double t,const Value& y) const=0;
and specialize for some common value types:
template double euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,double y_0,const OdeFunction<double>& func);
template vec4_t<double> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,vec4_t<double> y_0,const OdeFunction< vec4_t<double> >& func); // (Native AVX vector with four components)
template vec8_t<float> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,vec8_t<float> y_0,const OdeFunction< vec8_t<float> >& func); // (Native AVX vector with 8 components)
template Vector<double> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,Vector<double> y_0,const OdeFunction< Vector<double> >& func); // (A N-dimensional real vector, *not* `std::vector`, see above)
If the function had been designed around an interface first, then you would have been forced to inherit from that ABC. Now you have this option, as well as function pointer, lambda, or any other function object. The key here is that we must have operator()(), and we must be able to do use some arithmetic operators on its return type. Thus, the template machinery would break in this case if C++ did not have operator overloading.

How do you do comparisons with ForwardIterator*'s? That is, how do you check if the item you have is what you're looking for, or you've passed it by?
Most of the time, I would use something like this:
void MyFunc(ForwardIterator<MyType>& i)
which means I know that i is pointing to MyType's, and I know how to compare those. Though it looks like a template, it isn't really (no "template" keyword).

The concept of separating interface from interface and being able to swap out the implementations is not intrinsic to Object-Oriented Programming. I believe it's an idea that was hatched in Component-Based Development like Microsoft COM. (See my answer on What is Component-Driven Development?) Growing up and learning C++, people were hyped out inheritance and polymorphism. It wasn't until 90s people started to say "Program to an 'interface', not an 'implementation'" and "Favor 'object composition' over 'class inheritance'." (both of which quoted from GoF by the way).
Then Java came along with built-in garbage collector and interface keyword, and all of a sudden it became practical to actually separate interface and implementation. Before you know it the idea became part of the OO. C++, templates, and STL predates all of this.


Design rationale behind STL

I was looking at a few sources for STL implementations (SGI, STLport, libc++) and saw a few design patterns that seemd common to all or most implementations, but I could find no reason for. I assume there must be a good reson, and want to know what it is:
Many classes, including vector and list_iterator among others, were implemented as 2 classes, e.g. list_iterator_base with part of the functionality, and then list_iterator which inherits list_iterator_base with the rest of the interface. What is the point? It seems it could be done jut as easily in one class.
The iterators seem to not make use of the iterator class. Is there some performance penalty to using it?
Those are 2 questions I found in just a quick skim. If anyone knows of a good resource explaining the implementation rationale of a STL implementation, I will be happy to hear of it.
The answers are fairly straight forward:
STL is all about generic programming. The key idea is not to have duplicate code. The immediate goal is to not have duplicate source code but as it turns out it also makes sense to not duplicate binary code. Thus, it is quite common that STL components factor commonly used parts out and use them. The links for a list class or the type independent attributes of a vector are just two examples. For vectors there are even multiple layers: some parts are entirely independent of the type (e.g., the size), others only need the type itself (e.g., all the accessors, the iterators, etc.), and some parts need to know how to deal with resource allocation (e.g., insertion and destruction needs to know about the allocator being used).
It turns out that std::iterator<...> doesn't really work: The types defined in base classes depending on template parameters are not directly accessible in class template deriving from such a base. That is, the types need to be qualified with the base class and need to be marked as types using typename. To make matters worse, users could in theory allocate objects of the derived class and release them through a pointer to std::iterator<...> (yes, that would be a silly thing to do). That is, there is no benefit but a potential drawback, i.e., it is best avoided.
That said, I'm not aware of any good resource covering the techniques of implementing generic libraries. Most of the details applied in STL implementations were independently invented by multiple people but the literature on Generic Programming is still relatively scarce. I don't think that any of the papers describing STL actually discuss implementation techniques: They normally concentrate on design details. Given that only very few people seem to understand what STL is about, it isn't a big surprise that authors tend to concentrate on describing what STL is rather than how to implement it.

Why isn't there a common base for the standard library containers?

Just out of interest...
If I were to design a library of containers, I would surely derive them from a common base class, which would have (maybe abstract) declarations of methods like size() and insert() .
Is there a strong reason for the standard library containers not to be implemented like that?
In C++, inheritance is used for run-time polymorphy (read: run-time interface reuse). It comes with the overhead of a redirection via the vtable at runtime.
In order to have the same interface for multiple container classes (so that the API is predictable and algorithms can make assumptions), there's no need for inheritance. Just give them the same methods and you're done. The containers (and algorithms) in C++ are implemented as templates, which means that you get compile-time polymorphy.
This avoids any run-time overhead, and it is in line with the C++ mantra "Only pay for what you need".
Java collections (which you probably have in mind) have a bunch of common methods implemented in AbstractCollection, that sit on top of the size() and iterator() methods implemented in the concrete class. Then IIRC there are more such methods in AbstractList and so on. Some subclasses override most of those methods, a few can get away with implementing little more than the required abstract methods. Some of the methods genuinely are implemented in common across most or all collections sharing an interface. For example the one that gives you a non-modifiable view is a total PITA to write, in my bitter experience.
C++ containers have a few member functions in common to all containers, pretty much none of which could be implemented the same way for all containers[*]. Where there are common algorithms that can be performed using an iterator (like find), they are free functions in <algorithm>, far from anywhere that inheritance gets a look-in.
There are also member functions common to all sequences, to all associative arrays, etc. But again for each of those concepts there isn't much in common between the implementations for different concrete data structures.
So ultimately in comes down to a question of design philosophy. Both Java and C++ have some code reuse in respect of containers. In C++ this code reuse comes through function templates in <algorithm>. In Java some of it comes through inheritance.
The main practical difference probably is that in Java your function can accept a java.util.Collection without knowing what kind of collection it is. In C++ a function template can accept any container, but a non-template function cannot. This affects the coding style of users, and is also informed by it - Java programmers are more likely to reach for runtime polymorphism than C++ programmers.
From an implementer's point of view, if you're writing the library of C++ containers then there is nothing to stop you from sharing private base classes between different containers in std, if you feel that will help reuse code.
[*] Now that size() is guaranteed O(1) in C++11, empty() could probably be implemented in common. In C++03 size() merely "should" be O(1), and there were implementations of std::list that took advantage of this to implement one of the versions of splice in O(1) instead of the O(n) it would take to update the size.
There is no good reason to introduce such base class. Who would benefit from it? Where would it be useful?
Algorithms that require a 'generic' interface use iterators. There is no common way of inserting elements to different containers. In fact, you cannot even insert elements to some containers.
It would make sense if you could write code that is independent of the container you are using. But that's not the case. I recommend you to read this chapter "Item 2: Beware the illusion of container-independent code" of the book Effective STL.
From another viewpoint: right now, if you use them in a generic way, the compiler has about all the information it can have, enabling thorough optimization. Thanks to template implementations.
Now, if for example both list and vector would implement an abstract OO interface like push_backable, and you would use an abstract pointer (push_backable*)->push_back(...) in your code, the compiler would lose a lot of information and thus opportunities for optimization.
These are typical operations that might appear in inner loops and you really want the maximal possible optimization for them. See also Frerich Raabe's answer.

Why were concepts (generic programming) conceived when we already had classes and interfaces?

Also on programmers.stackexchange.com:
I understand that STL concepts had to exist, and that it would be silly to call them "classes" or "interfaces" when in fact they're only documented (human) concepts and couldn't be translated into C++ code at the time, but when given the opportunity to extend the language to accomodate concepts, why didn't they simply modify the capabilities of classes and/or introduced interfaces?
Isn't a concept very similar to an interface (100% abstract class with no data)? By looking at it, it seems to me interfaces only lack support for axioms, but maybe axioms could be introduced into C++'s interfaces (considering an hypothetical adoption of interfaces in C++ to take over concepts), couldn't them? I think even auto concepts could easily be added to such a C++ interface (auto interface LessThanComparable, anyone?).
Isn't a concept_map very similar to the Adapter pattern? If all the methods are inline, the adapter essentially doesn't exist beyond compile time; the compiler simply replaces calls to the interface with the inlined versions, calling the target object directly during runtime.
I've heard of something called Static Object-Oriented Programming, which essentially means effectively reusing the concepts of object-orientation in generic programming, thus permitting usage of most of OOP's power without incurring execution overhead. Why wasn't this idea further considered?
I hope this is clear enough. I can rewrite this if you think I was not; just let me know.
There is a big difference between OOP and Generic Programming, Predestination.
In OOP, when you design the class, you had the interfaces you think will be useful. And it's done.
In Generic Programming, on the other hand, as long as the class conforms to a given set of requirements (mainly methods, but also inner constants or types), then it fits the bill and may be used. The Concept proposal is about formalizing this, so that detection may occur directly when checking the method signature, rather than when instantiating the method body. It also makes checking template methods more easily, since some methods can be rejected without any instantiation if the concepts do not match.
The advantage of Concepts is that you do not suffer from Predestination, you can pick a class from Library1, pick a method from Library2, and if it fits, you're gold (if it does not, you may be able to use a concept map). In OO, you are required to write a full-fledged Adapter, every time.
You are right that both seem similar. The difference is mainly about the time of binding (and the fact that Concept still have static dispatch instead of dynamic dispatch like with interfaces). Concepts are more open, thus easier to use.
Classes are a form of named conformance. You indicate that class Foo conforms with interface I by inheriting from I.
Concepts are a form of structural and/or runtime conformance. A class Foo does not need to state up front which concepts it conforms to.
The result is that named conformance reduces the ability to reuse classes in places that were not expected up front, even though they would be usable.
The concepts are in fact not part of C++, they are just concepts! In C++ there is no way to "define a concept". All you have is, templates and classes (STL being all template classes, as the name says: S tandard T emplate L ibrary).
If you mean C++0x and not C++ (in which case I suggest you change the tag), please read here:
Some parts I am going to copy-paste for you:
In the pending C++0x revision of the C++ programming language, concepts and the related notion of axioms were a proposed extension to C++'s template system, designed to improve compiler diagnostics and to allow programmers to codify in the program some formal properties of templates that they write. Incorporating these limited formal specifications into the program (in addition to improving code clarity) can guide some compiler optimizations, and can potentially help improve program reliability through the use of formal verification tools to check that the implementation and specification actually match.
In July 2009, the C++0x committee decided to remove concepts from the draft standard, as they are considered "not ready" for C++0x.
The primary motivation of the introduction of concepts is to improve the quality of compiler error messages.
So as you can see, concepts are not there to replace interfaces etc, they are just there to help the compiler optimize better and produce better errors.
While I agree with all the posted answers, they seem to have missed one point which is performance. Unlike interfaces, concepts are checked in compile-time and therefore don't require virtual function calls.

C++, the term/idiom for programming using template

I keep reading the term :
template programming
generic programming
maybe another idiom/term..
for any c++ code that use template, which one is the correct or more accurate term of this?
Template programming is just referring to the classic "programming with templates", i.e. "I have a function/class that I want to make usable with any type, I'll just make it template".
It can also be can also be seen as the "catch-all" category that includes any programming technique that employs templates.
Generic programming can be synthetically described as the programming paradigm used by the STL.
Wikipedia defines it as
a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of to-be-specified-later types that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters
IMHO, it's better to say that all the containers are designed to be used with any type (without sacrificing type safety) and algorithms are designed to be generic enough to work on any container type (as long as it's sensible to use them, obviously, i.e. it makes no sense to sort an unordered container).
Notice that generic programming (with this definition) does not strictly require the use of templates, in facts it can be achieved with inheritance and dynamic polymorphism (thanks to Ben Voigt).
In general, I'd say that template programming and generic programming partially overlap, and many people use the terms generic programming and template programming interchangeably.
Template metaprogramming is a programming style in which templates are used to perform compile-time computations/decisions/checks normally not doable without templates (statical assertions, compile-time constants computations, ...).
Such code is often quite contrived, since C++ wasn't designed for this style of programming (which was actually "discovered" later), and may look unfamiliar to C++ programmers also because it often gets near to functional programming (without having nice syntax facilities for it) instead of following the imperative paradigm normally used in C++.
It's usually referred to as generic programming.
Template meta programming is something else than normal use of templates, in TMP types are manipulated at compile time (see boost.Mpl).

For C/C++, When is it beneficial not to use Object Oriented Programming?

I find myself always trying to fit everything into the OOP methodology, when I'm coding in C/C++. But I realize that I don't always have to force everything into this mold. What are some pros/cons for using the OOP methodology versus not? I'm more interested in the pros/cons of NOT using OOP (for example, are there optimization benefits to not using OOP?). Thanks, let me know.
Of course it's very easy to explain a million reasons why OOP is a good thing. These include: design patterns, abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance.
When not to use OOP:
Putting square pegs in round holes: Don't wrap everything in classes when they don't need to be. Sometimes there is no need and the extra overhead just makes your code slower and more complex.
Object state can get very complex: There is a really good quote from Joe Armstrong who invented Erlang:
The problem with object-oriented
languages is they’ve got all this
implicit environment that they carry
around with them. You wanted a banana
but what you got was a gorilla holding
the banana and the entire jungle.
Your code is already not OOP: It's not worth porting your code if your old code is not OOP. There is a quote from Richard Stallman in 1995
Adding OOP to Emacs is not clearly an
improvement; I used OOP when working
on the Lisp Machine window systems,
and I disagree with the usual view
that it is a superior way to program.
Portability with C: You may need to export a set of functions to C. Although you can simulate OOP in C by making a struct and a set of functions who's first parameter takes a pointer to that struct, it isn't always natural.
You may find more reasons in this paper entitled Bad Engineering Properties
of Object-Oriented Languages.
Wikipedia's Object Oriented Programming page also discusses some pros and cons.
One school of thought with object-oriented programming is that you should have all of the functions that operate on a class as methods on the class.
Scott Meyers, one of the C++ gurus, actually argues against this in this article:
How Non-Member Functions Improve Encapsulation.
He basically says, unless there's a real compelling reason to, you should keep the function SEPARATE from the class. Otherwise the class can turn into this big bloated unmanageable mess.
Based on experiences in a previous large project, I totally agree with him.
A benefit of non-oop functionality is that it often makes exporting your functionality to different languages easier. For example a simple DLL containing only functions is much easier to use in C#, you can use the P/Invoke to simply call the C++ functions. So in this sense it can be useful for writing extremely time critical algorithms that fit nicely into single/few function calls.
OOP is used a lot in GUI code, computer games, and simulations. Windows should be polymorphic - you can click on them, resize them, and so on. Computer game objects should be polymorphic - they probably have a location, a path to follow, they might have health, and they might have some AI behavior. Simulation objects also have behavior that is similar, but breaks down into classes.
For most things though, OOP is a bit of a waste of time. State usually just causes trouble, unless you have put it safely in the database where it belongs.
I suggest you read Bjarne's Paper about Why C++ is not just an Object-Oriented Programming Language
If we consider, for a moment, not object-orienatation itself but one
of the keystones of object-orientation: encapsulation.
It can be shown that change-propagation probability cannot increase
with distance from the change: if A depends on B and B depends on C,
and we change C, then the probability that A will change
cannot be larger than the proabability that B will
change. If B is a direct dependency on C and A is an indirect
dependency on C, then, more generally, to minimise the potential cost
of any change in a system we must miminimise the potential number of
direct dependencies.
The ISO defines encapsulation as the property that the information
contained in an object is accessible only through interactions at the
interfaces supported by the object.
We use encapsulation to minimise the number of potential dependencies
with the highest change-propagation probability. Basically,
encapsulation mitigates the ripple effect.
Thus one reason not to use encapsulation is when the system is so
small or so unchanging that the cost of potential ripple effects is
negligible. This is also, therefore, a case when OO might not be used
without potentially costly consequences.
Well, there are several alternatives. Non-OOP code in C++ may instead be:
C-style procedural code, or
C++-style generic programming
The only advantages to the first are the simplicity and backwards-compatibility. If you're writing a small trivial app, then messing around with classes is just a waste of time. If you're trying to write a "Hello World", just call printf already. Don't bother wrapping it in a class. And if you're working with an existing C codebase, it's probably not object-oriented, and trying to force it into a different paradigm than it already uses is just a recipe for pain.
For the latter, the situation is different, in that this approach is often superior to "traditional OOP".
Generic programming gives you greater performance (among other things because you often avoid the overhead of vtables, and because with less indirection, the compiler is better able to inline), better type safety (because the exact type is known, rather than hiding it behind an interface), and often cleaner and more concise code as well (STL iterators and algorithms enable much of this, without using a single instance of runtime polymorphism or virtual functions.
OOP is little more than an aging buzzword. A methodology that everyone misunderstood (The version supported by C++ and Java has little to do with what OOP originally meant, as in SmallTalk), and then pretended was the holy grail. There are aspects to it that are useful, certainly, but it is often not the best approach for designing an application.
Rather, express the overall logic by other means, for example generic programming, and when you need a class to encapsulate some simple concept, by all means design it according to OOP principles.
OOP is just a tool among many. The goal is not to write OOP code, but to write good code. Sometimes, the way to do this is by using OOP principles, but often, you can get better code using generic programmming principles, or functional programming.
It is a very project dependent decision. My general feel of OOP is that its useful for organizing large projects that involve multiple components. One area I find that OOP is especially pointless is school assignments. Excepting those specifically designed to teach OOP concepts, or large software design concepts, many of my assignments, specifically those in more algorithmy type classes are best suited to non-OOP design.
So specifically, smaller projects, that are not likely to grow large, and projects that center around a single algorithm seem to be non-OOP candidates in my books. Also, if you can write the specification as a linear set of steps, e.g., with no interactive GUI or state to maintain, this would also be an opportunity.
Of course, if you're required to use an OOP design, or an OOP toolkit, or if you have well defined 'objects' in you're spec, or if you need the features of polymorphism, etc. etc. etc...there are plenty of reasons to use it, the above seem to be indicators of when it would be simple not to.
Just my $0.02.
Having an Ada background, I develop in C in terms of packages containing data and their associated functions. This gives a code very modular with pieces of code that can be taken apart and reused on other projects. I don't feel the need to use OOP.
When I develop in Objective-C, objects are the natural container for data and code. I still develop with more or less the package concept in mind with some new cool features.
I'm used to be an OOP fanboy... Then realized using functions, generics and callbacks can often make a more elegant and change-friendly solution in C++ than classes and virtual functions.
Other big names realized it too: http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/OO_programming/
IMHO, I have a feeling that the OOP concept is not really suits the needs of the Big Data, as OOP assume all the stuff to be kept in memory (concept of Objects and member variables). This always result in memory demanding and heavy applications when OOP is used for example for big images processing. Instead, the simplicity of C maybe used with intensive parallel I/O making apps more efficient and easy to implement. It is the year 2019 I am writing this message...Everything may change in a year! :)
In my mind it comes down to what kind of model suits the problem at hand. It seems to me that OOP is best suited to coding GUI programs, in that the data and functionality for a graphical object is easily bundled together. Other problems- (such as a webserver, as an example off the top of my head), might be more easily modeled with a data centric approach, where there's no strong advantage to having a method and its data near each-other.
tl;dr depends on the problem.
I'd say the greatest benefit of C++ OOP is inheritance and polymorphism (Virtual function etc...) .
This allows for code reuse and extendibility
C++, use OOP - - - C, no, with certain exceptions
In C++ you should use OOP. It's a nice abstraction and it's the tool you are given. You either use it or leave it in the box where it can't help. You don't use the power saw for everything but I would read the manual and have it ready for the right job.
In C, it's a more difficult call. While you can certainly write arbitrarily object-oriented code in C, it's enough of a pain that you immediately find yourself fighting the language in order to use it. You may be more productive dropping the doesn't-fit-so-well design pattern and programming as C was intended to be used.
Furthermore, every time you make an array of function pointers or something in an OOP-in-C design pattern, you sever almost completely all visible links in the inheritance chain, making the code hard to maintain. In real OOP languages, there is an obvious chain of derived classes, often analyzed and documented for you. (mmm, javadoc.) Not so in OOP-in-C, and the tools available won't be able to see it.
So, I would argue in general against OOP in C. For a really complex program, you may well need the abstraction, and then you will have to do it despite needing to fight the language in the process and despite making the program quite hard to follow by anyone other than the original author.
But if you knew the program was going to become that complicated, you shouldn't have written it in C in the first place...
In C, there are some times when I 'emulate' the object oriented approach, by defining some sort of constructor with granular control over things like callbacks, when running several instances of it.
For instance, lets say I have some spiffy event handler library and I know that down the road I'm going to need many allocated copies:
So I would have (in C)
MyEvent *ev1 = new_eventhandler();
set_event_callback_func(ev1, callback_one);
MyEvent *ev2 = new_eventhandler();
set_event_callback_func(ev2, callback_two);
Obviously, I would later do something useful with that like handle received events in the two respective callback functions. I'm not going to really elaborate on the method of typing function pointers and structures to hold them, nor what would go on in the 'constructor' because its pretty obvious.
I think, this approach works for more advanced interfaces where its desirable to allow the user to define their own callbacks (and change them on the fly), or when working on complex non-blocking I/O services.
Otherwise, I much prefer a more procedural / functional approach.
Probably an unpopular idea but I think you should stick with non-OOP unless it adds something useful. In most practical problems OOP is useful but if I'm just playing with an idea I start writing non-object code and put functions and data into classes if it becomes useful.
Of course I still use other objects in my code (std::vector et al) and I use namespaces to help organise my functions but why put code into objects until it is useful? Equally don't shy away from free functions in an OO solution.
The question is tricky because OOP encompasses several concepts: object encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, etc. It's easy to take those ideas too far. Here's a concrete example:
When C++ first caught on, zillions of string classes sprung into being. Everything you could possibly imagine doing to a string (upcasing, downcasing, trimming, tokenizing, parsing, etc.) was a member function of some string class.
Notice, though, that std::strings from the STL don't have all these methods. STL is object-oriented--the state and implementation details of a string object are well encapsulated, only a small, orthogonal interface is exposed to the world. All the crazy manipulations that people used to include as member functions are now delegated to non-member functions.
This is powerful, because these functions can now work on any string class that exposes the same interface. If you use STL strings for most things and a specialty version tuned to your program's idiosyncracies, you don't have to duplicate member functions. You just have to implement the basic string interface and then you can re-use all those crazy manipulations.
Some people call this hybrid approach generic programming. It's still object-oriented programming, but it moves away from the "everything is a member-function" mentality that a lot of people associate with OOP.