I want to write some page with JavaFX applet. I want content on the applet to be dependent on user logged in.
I know I can call web services from JFX, but then what about login and session? Besides I think there might exist some better solutions for such communication than calling from applet a web service sitting on the machine applet comes from.
How can I do it?
You can build a servlet which returns the name of the logged in user.
Then in javafx you can use the class javafx.io.http.HttpRequest to call the servlet and read out the username. (The API also has some examples of how to use the HttpRequest)
The following javafx code prints out the return string of a Servlet:
var response: String;
def myRequest: HttpRequest = HttpRequest {
location: "http://localhost:8080/demo/foo.do";
method: HttpRequest.GET;
onInput: function(is: java.io.InputStream) {
var buff: StringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
var reader: BufferedReader
= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
var data: String;
while ((data = reader.readLine()) != null) {
response = buff.toString();
EDIT: You should also take a look at this article: http://blogs.oracle.com/warren/entry/authenticating_a_javafx_application_using which shows how to access the html document and cookies from within the applet which resides on the document. That should be a very interesting approach for authentication.
I've developing an Angular web application using ASP.Net Core 3.1 for the API.
So far, I've written some integration unit tests using a Custom WebApplicationFactory to create the test server.
All tests use the HttpClient to make GETs and POSTs to the API running under the Custom WebApplicationFactory. Most of these tests initially perform a login to obtain a token to use for subsequent requests.
I'd like to add Two Factor Authentication to the application, but this will inevitably break any tests, as they aren't able to get hold of the six digit code which would be sent via email.
Here is what a test currently looks like, without MFA being implemented.
Is there a way that the test can be given the MFA code so that it can continue to perform tests?
Do I simply need to seed a user that does not have MFA enabled?
I actually want all users to have MFA enabled in production.
Many thanks
using Xunit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MyCompany.ViewModels.Authentication;
using MyCompany.StaffPortal.Tests.Shared;
using StaffPortal;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using MyCompany.ServiceA.ViewModels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
namespace MyCompany.Tests.StaffPortal.ServiceA
public class ExtensionsControllerTests : TestBase
public ExtensionsControllerTests(CustomWebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory) : base(factory)
public async Task Test_GetExtensions()
//This line creates a new "web browser" and uses the login details provided to obtain and set up the token so that we can request information about an account.
HttpClient httpClient = await CreateAuthenticatedHttpClient("abcltd1#MyCompany.com", "test", 1);
//Perform any work and get the information from the API
//Contact the API using the token so check that it works
var getExtensionsResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync("/api/ServiceA/extensions/GetExtensions");
//Check that the response was OK
Assert.True(getExtensionsResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, "GetExtensions did not return an OK result.");
//Get and Convert the Content we received into a List of ServiceAExtensionViewModel, as that is what GetExtensions sends back to the browser.
var getExtensionsResponseContent = await getExtensionsResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
List<ServiceAExtensionViewModel> extensionList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ServiceAExtensionViewModel>>(getExtensionsResponseContent);
//Check the information received matches our expectations
Assert.True(extensionList.Count == 2);
Assert.True(extensionList[0].PropertyA == 123);
Assert.True(extensionList[0].PropertyB == 0161);
Assert.True(extensionList[0].PropertyC == true);
Here is the content's of CreateAuthenticatedHttpClient() for reference.
protected async Task<HttpClient> CreateAuthenticatedHttpClient(string username, string password, int companyAccountId)
var httpClient = _factory.CreateClient(
new WebApplicationFactoryClientOptions
AllowAutoRedirect = false
//Create the Login information to send to the server
var loginInformation = new LoginRequestModel
Username = username,
Password = password,
ReturnUrl = ""
//Convert it into Json which the server will understand
var validLoginRequestJson = ConvertToJson(loginInformation);
//Send the Json Login information to the server, and put the response we receive into loginResponse
//In the code below, httpClient is like a web browser. You give it the
var loginResponse = await httpClient.PostAsync("/api/authenticate", validLoginRequestJson);
//Check the loginResponse was a CREATED response, which means that the token was made
Assert.True(loginResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created, "New Token was not returned.");
//Check the response is identified as being in Json format
Assert.Equal("application/json; charset=utf-8", loginResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString());
//Next we have to convert the received Json information into whatever we are expecting.
//In this case, we are expecting a AuthenticationResponseViewModel (because that's what the API sends back to the person trying to log in)
//First we get hold of the Content (which is in Json format)
var responseJsonString = await loginResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//Second we convert the Json back into a real AuthenticationResponseViewModel
AuthenticationResponseViewModel authenticationResponseViewModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AuthenticationResponseViewModel>(responseJsonString);
//Now we take the Token from AuthenticationResponseViewModel, and add it into the httpClient so that we can check the Token works.
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authenticationResponseViewModel.token);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("CompanyId", companyAccountId.ToString());
return httpClient;
Identity server is implemented and working well. Google login is working and is returning several claims including email.
Facebook login is working, and my app is live and requests email permissions when a new user logs in.
The problem is that I can't get the email back from the oauth endpoint and I can't seem to find the access_token to manually request user information. All I have is a "code" returned from the facebook login endpoint.
Here's the IdentityServer setup.
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"]
Then of course I've customized the AuthenticateLocalAsync method, but the claims I'm receiving only include name. No email claim.
Digging through the source code for identity server, I realized that there are some claims things happening to transform facebook claims, so I extended that class to debug into it and see if it was stripping out any claims, which it's not.
I also watched the http calls with fiddler, and I only see the following (apologies as code formatting doesn't work very good on urls. I tried to format the querystring params one their own lines but it didn't take)
POST /cookie/consent/?pv=1&dpr=1 HTTP/1.1
(identity server)
I saw the code parameter on that last call and thought that maybe I could use the code there to get the access_token from the facebook API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow
However when I tried that I get a message from the API telling me the code has already been used.
I also tried to change the UserInformationEndpoint to the FacebookAuthenticationOptions to force it to ask for the email by appending ?fields=email to the end of the default endpoint location, but that causes identity server to spit out the error "There was an error logging into the external provider. The error message is: access_denied".
I might be able to fix this all if I can change the middleware to send the request with response_type=id_token but I can't figure out how to do that or how to extract that access token when it gets returned in the first place to be able to use the Facebook C# sdk.
So I guess any help or direction at all would be awesome. I've spent countless hours researching and trying to solve the problem. All I need to do is get the email address of the logged-in user via IdentityServer3. Doesn't sound so hard and yet I'm stuck.
I finally figured this out. The answer has something to do with Mitra's comments although neither of those answers quite seemed to fit the bill, so I'm putting another one here. First, you need to request the access_token, not code (authorization code) from Facebook's Authentication endpoint. To do that, set it up like this
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"],
Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new System.Security.Claims.Claim("urn:facebook:access_token", context.AccessToken, ClaimValueTypes.String, "Facebook"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
Then, you need to catch the response once it's logged in. I'm using the following file from the IdentityServer3 Samples Repository, which overrides (read, provides functionality) for the methods necessary to log a user in from external sites. From this response, I'm using the C# Facebook SDK with the newly returned access_token claim in the ExternalAuthenticationContext to request the fields I need and add them to the list of claims. Then I can use that information to create/log in the user.
public override async Task AuthenticateExternalAsync(ExternalAuthenticationContext ctx)
var externalUser = ctx.ExternalIdentity;
var claimsList = ctx.ExternalIdentity.Claims.ToList();
if (externalUser.Provider == "Facebook")
var extraClaims = GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(externalUser.Claims.First(claim => claim.Type == "urn:facebook:access_token"));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("email", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "email").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("given_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "first_name").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("family_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "last_name").Value.ToString()));
if (externalUser == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("externalUser");
var user = await userManager.FindAsync(new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserLoginInfo(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId));
if (user == null)
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessNewExternalAccountAsync(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessExistingExternalAccountAsync(user.Id, externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
And that's it! If you have any suggestions for simplifying this process, please let me know. I was going to modify this code to do perform the call to the API from FacebookAuthenticationOptions, but the Events property no longer exists apparently.
Edit: the GetAdditionalFacebookClaims method is simply a method that creates a new FacebookClient given the access token that was pulled out and queries the Facebook API for the other user claims you need. For example, my method looks like this:
protected static JsonObject GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(Claim accessToken)
var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken.Value);
return fb.Get("me", new {fields = new[] {"email", "first_name", "last_name"}}) as JsonObject;
I am interested in creating a google app script that on run would login into a specific website (third-party) and complete certain functions within the website (pressing buttons/copying text).
After browsing the stackoverflow and other forums I have created a script that allows me to login into my website (source1 source2).
However, I am having difficulties staying logged in and managing the data.
//The current code is just testing if I can get data from within the website.
//The results are displayed in a google app.
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
return app;
//logins into website and displays data
function display_basic_data() {
var data;
var url = "http://www.website.bla/users/sign_in";
var payload = {"user[username]":"usr","user[password]":"ps"};
var opt ={"method":"post","payload":payload, "followRedirects" : false};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,opt);
data = response;
return data;
Currently, the data returned from display_basic_data() is
"<html><body>You are being redirected.</body></html>".
If I try to change my script so that "followRedirects" is true, the data is equivalent to the HTML of the login page.
I understand I have to play around with cookies in order to 'stay' logged in but I have no idea what to do as the examples online provided to be fruitless for me.
Any help would be much appreciated!!!
You may want to do something like this:
var cookie = response.getAllHeaders()['Set-Cookie'];
//maybe parse cookies here, depends on what cookie is
var headers = {'Cookie':cookie};
var opt2 = {"headers":headers};
var pagedata = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://www.website.bla/home",opt2);
I've developed REST services. I can test the GET methods by the browser, or by a Client Application. But those who have PUT methods I don't know how to consume them by the browser...
For example, I have this method that turns a lamp on, after I insert the userId:
#Produces({"application/json", "text/plain"})
public boolean turnOnLamp(#FormParam("userId") String userId) throws Exception
boolean response = new LampManager().turnOnLamp(userId);
return response;
In my client application I do this, and it works:
String webPage = "http://localhost:8080/BliveServices/webresources/services.actuators/lampon";
URL urlToRequest = new URL(webPage);
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlToRequest.openConnection();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "multipart/form-data");
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userId", "2"));
But how can I send the userId by the browser?
Another thing, I get this message when I build my project:
SEVERE: Resource methods utilizing #FormParam and consuming "multipart/form-data" are no longer supported. See #FormDataParam.
If you want to test the REST-Webservice with your Browser you must install an plugin.
If you use Google Chrome you can install REST Console I also use these plugin to test my Webservice.
For Firefox install these REST-Client
REST CLient is also available for Safari
For Opera you can check out the Simple REST-Client
For your second Question
please try as Consumes value 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
To issue a put-request from a browser you could use jQuery's jQuery.ajax(). (http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/)
For example:
url: "test-url",
type: "PUT",
data: {userid: 1}
Would send a put-request to test-url with the specified data.
I have deployed a simple hello service in jboss server. I can view the wsdl file. Can someone help me with the client side. I mean how to access this service? Is there any way to access from web browser? Method deployed is
public String greet( #WebParam(name = "name")
String name )
return "Hello" + name;
Try to know what is the wsdl url to access the service which you have just exposed. It might most probably be something like "http://localhost: < port-number >/ems-ejb/?wsdl"
If you type the same in the browser, you should be able to see the wsdl file (page with full of xml tags).
Once done, follow the steps provided here
Example on how to call the method once client stub is generated
String endpoint = "your wsdl url";
GreetImplServiceLocator objGreetImplServiceLocator = new GreetImplServiceLocator();
java.net.URL url = new java.net.URL(endpoint);
GreetIntf objGreetIntf = objGreetImplServiceLocator.getFaultImplPort(url);
String greetings=objFaultIntf.greet("stackoverflow");