Django and Session Status Messages - django

I need to have a status message that is set while processing an initial request appear after a redirect occurs. A pretty normal thing to need to do but I'm unclear how to use the session object to do this in Django. I know there's a plugin someone made:
Is that the recommended way of handling this situation in Django or can something simpler be done with the default install of Django?

Looks like this is part of django as of 1.2:

There is no standardized (in Django) method yet for session messages.
Here's a good discussion of the issues: Towards a Standard for Django Session Messages
Besides the django-flash project you already found there is a least one other one: django-notify.


How to disable Request Method: OPTIONS with ember app kit

Since i'm using EAK, each time I save a model, I have an extra request method. It's more annoying then anything and I'd like to disable it. I haven't found anything in the documentation regarding this. Has anyone ever disabled it or am I stuck with it?
I may be wrong here, but this doesn't sound like a problem with Ember-App-Kit. Are you by any chance using CORS to send your requests? You say that it sends an OPTIONS request when you save a model, but you didn't mention that it sends one when it fetches a model. This makes me think that it's a preflighted request that is unavoidable if you're using CORS. We had this same issue about a month ago and we decided to ditch CORS in favor of a proxy server.
I've never used Ember-App-Kit, but it's just a build tool, so I can't imagine how it would affect your Ember-Data adapter.

Best approach to send data from one django app to another

When Django App A completes an action I want it to add some data to Django App B. They are currently on different domains but the same server.
Option 1.
I've tried doing POST requests both with jQuery and using python-requests but in both instances the POST is converted to a GET. Suspect this a cross-domain issue and have applied the cross-domain middleware and the various changes to the headers suggested but still not cracked it.
Is this the best approach to pursue?
Option 2
I could set up a shared database so A writes to it and B reviews it and picks up the data. This seems very clunky.
Option 3
Some sort of messaging/queueing system. Redis? Celery? From a read of the documentation it is not immediately obvious to me how I implement the setup I need.
Option X
Another approach?
Option 1: Try a webservice API framework for Django like TastyPie. JSON was designed for data interchange, it allows completely different systems to talk.
Option 2: Don't duplicate data. There is nothing wrong with both apps accessing the same database, infact this makes perfect sense.
Option 3 Option 3 makes little sense for what you are trying to do.

Unusual Error when Django App Is Deployed on apache2+mod_wsgi

I'm getting this weird AttributeError on the app I'm currently working on. I'm developing using the development web server i.e. "runserver" command of django toolsets. Then I decided to test the application on apache+mod-wsgi and I persistently get this error though it works fine sometimes. So I think there must be something wrong with that piece of code,
so I decided to comment it out and see what happens. And YES, it still give me the same error (See 2nd picture). <-- NOT RELEVANT NOW. The AttributeError I'm getting on custom User model, even if it actually contains the classmethod get_by_type_and_id() is what I'm interested on.
Have you even seen like this one before? What do you think is causing this? I've followed the tutorial here to deploy it. Note though that User is not the built-in django User model. I think it's a "customized,stripped-down" implementation based from the django's Auth module.
Note that I have not gotten this error on my development using django's own development server. This only happens when I deployed the app on Apache+mod_wsgi.
More Info:
Django version == 1.2.5
Thanks! I'd really appreciate any kind of help.
First Picture:
2nd Picture:
Few things to notice:
Are you sure that you have get_by_type_and_id method for the User?
You set pasword instead of password (typo)
I think you have to indent line 60 in your second screenshot
After hours of diving into the code, I had a eureka moment. So I thought, maybe at some point django.contrib.auth.models.User model is being put into action by some django module used in the application. Because like I mentioned, this app's User model is customized and the application is not using django.contrib.auth.* at least directly. This was my suspicion because this kind of error is not specific to that particular attribute. Sometimes it gets through that point, but then another AttributeError would occur on some other view referring to other User model attributes. Then at one point I noticed that the attributes of User in the error messages was that of django.contrib.auth.models.User.
So I decided to "remove" django.contrib.auth.models on my python path, and there it showed, an error occurred in one of the modules I'm using specifically django.contrib.messages. I removed it, and I'm not seeing the AttributeError again. It turned out that django's Message model has a foreign_key to django.contrib.auth.models.User.
But then, I lost the flexibility of django message framework, especially when I'm using it on view with a HttpResponseRedirect i.e. no way to put useful messages in a template's context. or maybe there is? :)
UPDATE 2 (Pretty Sure Now):
Yes, I'm pretty sure now that django.contrib.messages is the one causing the error. I tried reproducing the error on another application which uses the customized User model i.e. not django.contrib.auth.models.User. I enabled django.contrib.messages module and produced basically the same error. I would like to know why is this happening on Apache+mod_wsgi, but not on django's own development server.

Tricky issue with django sessions: sometimes session information is erased

I have a weird bug with django sessions in my app: some times (about 10 times for ~20000 per day) session information for user is erased. I traced it via log files: at page A there is information for user's session, after it he submits the form and at the next page his session is empty. I tried two types of storage: memcached+db and db only and this problem is for both of them. I tried to reproduce these scenarios, but all works as expected, as I said, it happens very rare. I also checked that this problem exists for different users, and for them is doesn't reproduce each time. I don't have any ideas how to catch the root cause and I don't know what else post here as a description. If someone has any ideas, please let me know. If it is important, I'm running my app with django 1.2 + FastCGI.
UPD: I checked and see that session key from uses is not changed during two sequential requests, at first request there is an actual session state, and at second session variables are relaced with empty.
As a way to debug this problem, I would subclass the standard Django session middleware (or whatever you're currently using):
and wrap process_request and (probably more importantly) process_response in some extra logging. Then install your subclassed session middleware in the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, rather than the stock Django one.
You could also validate that has actually committed its changes by attempting to read it back. It could be that the problem lies in session-state serialisation, and it's failing on a particular key or value that you're attempting to store.
None of this will fix your problem, but it might help you to establish what's going on.
As #Steve Mayne mentioned, it would be good to do some logging on the sessions middleware and sessions model save method. That's something I'd start with.
In addition I'd like to say that this could be a database related issue, especially if you're using MySQL database backend for sessions. You can check the log for database locks and other concurrency issues. I had to deal with similar issues before and the solution is clear: optimization and additional performance.
If you have some specific application middleware, you can check for functionality that interferes with Django sessions. Such parallel operations can cause problems, if not implemented properly.
Another thing I would do is to upgrade to the latest stable release of Django and migrate to a mod_wsgi setup.

How can one use Django Postman to set up a back end messaging system like Facebook?

I've done research on Django Postman and it seems to be the most solid private user to user messaging platform out there. I've looked at the Django Postman documentation but it's very template orientated. For developers who use Django as a back end and only care about the and, the documentation doesn't say much.
I did however find this:
It seems pretty promising so I'm going to give it a try. My only issue is how can one set up the postman views in and the urls in to create a messaging system similar to Facebook's?
(ie. A thread like messaging conversation system, a central inbox where all the messages come together from each user showing the last message from each user, messages in the inbox are sorted by conversation rather than the message, the time of the last message sent, allowing multiple recipients)
Below I've posted a picture of Facebook's messaging platform. This is what I am essentially trying to achieve with Django Postman.
Facebook Example
If you have any pointers, hints and ideas on how I can set up the, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank You
I've run into this issue before.
You need to strictly override some of the views in there by clonning/forking the project and install it from your own location, because as you noted, postman is template-oriented because it's meant to only get the needed templates configured and a few settings. I mean, the backend is meant to work as is.
What you need to do is override stuff like:
Message model's recipient field to be a ManyToManyField
customize the views based on your needs and be careful with Message.replied_at
make sure you allow a user to reply to their own messages (by default, it was not allowed when I ran into this, not sure now)
Depending on your needs, maybe you'll want to override something else, but this is a good start. If you need it facebook-like, you'll need to use some push libraries as Pusher or Juggernaut, maybe you're interested in them also.
Good luck! :)