I'm looking for a good, fully featured C++ assert macro for VisualStudio. With features like be able to ignore an assert once or always, to be able to break exactly where the macro gets called (and not inside macro code), and getting a stack trace.
Before I have to hunker down and write one, I figured I'd ask if anyone knows about any available ones out there.
Any suggestions?
See Charles Nicholson's blog for a good discussion of an assert macro. His solution breaks the debugger at the faulting line of code (and not inside the failed assertion handler), and he also solves the problem of not getting warnings about unused variables when assertions are disabled without incurring any runtime costs.
Here's a link to an article I wrote for DDJ that described, among other things, a library that does much of what you're looking for. Although I don't just use macros, I also implement functions in a DLL.
The article from a few years ago and, although I have made many additions, I still use it very liberally in my everyday code.
_ASSERTE breaks exactly where you want it - but does not meet your other criteria.
_ASSERTE is nice because it displays the actual assertion text along with the filename and line number. This means you can do this:
_ASSERTE(bufLen > 0 && "bufLen needs to be greater than 0");
OpenOffice has some assertion code that has an option of logging to a message box. Probably not exactly what you want, but instructive maybe?
I released PPK_ASSERT. While it doesn't open a dialog box, on Windows the default handler opens a console where you get to read the assertion message and get to decide which action to take.
#include <pempek_assert.h>
int main()
float min = 0.0f;
float max = 1.0f;
float v = 2.0f;
PPK_ASSERT(v > min && v < max, "invalid value: %f, must be between %f and %f", v, min, max);
return 0;
I am making a small system and I want to be able to toggle "verbose" text output in the whole system.
I have made a file called globals.h:
namespace REBr{
extern bool console_verbose = false;
If this is true I want all my classes to print a message to the console when they are constructing, destructing, copying or doing pretty much anything.
For example:
window(string title="",int width=1280,int height=720):
std::cout<<"Generating window #"<<this->instanceCounter;
this->glcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
std::cout<<"FATAL ERROR IN REBr::WINDOW::CONSTR_OPENGLCONTEXT: "<<SDL_GetError()<<std::endl;
else std::cout<<"FATAL ERROR IN REBr::WINDOW::CONSTR_WINDOW: "<<SDL_GetError()<<std::endl;
Now as you can see I have a lot of ifs in that constructor. And I REALLY dont want that since that will slow down my application. I need this to be as fast as possible without removing the "loading bar" (this helps me determine at which function the program stopped functioning).
What is the best/fastest way to accomplish this?
Everying in my system is under the namespace REBr
Some variants to achieve that:
Use some logger library. It is the best option as it gives you maximum flexibility and some useful experience ;) And you haven't to devise something. For example, look at Google GLOG.
Define some macro, allowing you to turn on/off all these logs by changing only the macro. But it isn't so easy to write such marco correctly.
Mark your conditional flag as constexpr. That way you may switch the flag and, depending on its value, compiler will optimise ifs in compiled program. But ifs will still be in code, so it looks kinda bulky.
Anyway, all these options require program recompilation. W/o recompilation it is impossible to achieve the maximum speed.
I often use a Logger class that supports debug levels. A call might look like:
logger->Log(debugLevel, "%s %s %d %d", timestamp, msg, value1, value2);
The Logger class supports multiple debug levels so that I can fine tune the debug output. This can be set at any time through the command line or with a debugger. The Log statement uses a variable length argument list much like printf.
Google's logging module is widely used in the industry and supports logging levels that you can set from the command line. For example (taken from their documentation)
VLOG(1) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=1 or higher";
VLOG(2) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=2 or higher";
You can find the code here https://github.com/google/glog and the documentation in the doc/ folder.
Is there any way to print to a text file the code that it's being executed for debugging purposes?
for example:
if (i == 1)
a = true;
a = false
So when i = 1 we print to a text file:
if (i == 1)
a = true;
and when i != 1 we print to the text file
if (i == 1)
a = false
I am not saying that this is a good practice. I know that gdb and other tools are much better to debug code so please don't get mad if you think that it's an awful idea. I was just wondering if it can be done. It would be like adding a printf after every line so we only print the lines that get executed. No thread save or anything like that.
I think what you want hasn't anything to do with debugging in the first place, but with unit testing and test coverage:
You'll need to create unit tests (e.g. using googletest) for your code and compile it with code coverage options switched on (e.g. --coverage for GCC). Then you can use a tool to create a coverage report (e.g. lcov/genhtml for the mentioned toolchain).
The unit tests will control the input for your cases (i = 1/0).
For debugging purposes I would say it is not practical. Yes, you can do a printf before/after each line of execution, but that would just clog up your program. Also, if you're talking about debugging the execution of loops, you will end up printing a bunch of junk over and over again and would have to look forever to find potential bugs. In short, use breakpoints.
However, from a theoretical standpoint, it is possible to create a program that outputs itself. This is a little different from what you want because you only need parts of your program, but my best guess is that with a little modification it can be done.
Hi I want to improve my math library,
when I compute lenght of something I do
assert( !equal(len,0.0));
const f32 invsqrt = 1.0/sqrt(len);
X*= invsqrt;
Y*= invsqrt;
Z*= invsqrt;
this code is nice and if I do wrongly the division by zero the code breaks
"Runtime has requested to break application at line .. Vector.h line 88"
This is nice, but I want to do better, I want to show where error is REALLY.
So instead of showing "vector.h" and line 88 I want to show "main.cpp" "line 15" (if the getLength function is called at line 15 in main).
Vector is header only, so I think that achieving that is possible (that's just a feeling).. but how?
Thanks in advance. I hope you can see how usefull would be doing that.
That's where the code is, so that where it will break.
I think what you mean is to see the call stack.
In visual studio it's at: Debug -> Windows -> Call Stack.
The call stack can show you how you got to that line of code (which function were called in the work flow)
At the moment I'm using an eclipse-like IDE and the corresponding debug perspective, that most of you are probably familiar with. While debugging code I quite often find myself stepping through many lines of code and observing variables and double checking if everything is as it is supposed to be.
But suppose there is something like this:
1. important line, e.g. generating a new object;
2. another important line, e.g. some tricky class method;
3. for (int i = 0; i < some_limit; ++i)
4. some_array[i]++;
5. more important stuff;
Obviously I'm interested in what happens in lines 1,2 and 5 (I know this is a poor example, but please bear with me for a little while longer) but I don't want to step through all hundreds (or even thousands) of iterations of lines 3/4.
So, finally, my question: Is there some way to step directly over the for-cycle? What I do right now is set a new breakpoint at line 5 and let the program run as soon as I hit line 3 and I believe this is not an optimal solution.
edit: The eclipse implementation of what ks1322 proposed is called "Run to line" and is mapped to ctrl-r
Use until command instead of next.
From gdb documentation:
Continue running until a source line past the current line, in the
current stack frame, is reached. This command is used to avoid single
stepping through a loop more than once.
If you will use until instead of next, gdb will step over loops only once, which almost exactly what you want.
I've read about the solutuon written here on a post a year ago
Now I have a windows application that will generate color frequency statistics that are saved in 3D arrays. Here is a part of my code as you will see on the code below the printing of the statistics is dependent on a slider which specifies the threshold.
void Project1Frm::WxButton2Click(wxCommandEvent& event)
char stat[32] ="";
int ***report = pGLCanvas->GetPixel();
float max = pGLCanvas->GetMaxval();
float dist = WxSlider5->GetValue();
for(int m=0; m<256; m++){
for(int n=0; n<256; n++){
for(int o=0; o<256; o++){
else if(dist==0) WxRichTextCtrl1->LoadFile("histodata.txt");
The solution I've tried so far is that when I am to print all the statistics I'll get it from a text file rather than going through the 3D array... I would like to ask if the Python implementation of the segmenting can be ported to C++ or are there better ways to deal with this problem. Thank you.
Another reason why I used a text file instead is that I observed that whenever I do sprintf only [with the line WxRichTextCtrl1->AppendText(wxT(stat)); was commented out] the computer starts to slow down.
Disclaimer: My answer is more of an alternative than a solution.
I don't believe that there's any situation in which a user of this application is going to find it useful to have a scrolled text window containing ~16 million lines of numbers. It would be impossible to scroll to one specific location in the list that the user might need to see easily. This is all assuming that every single number you output here has some significance to the user of course (you are showing them on the screen for a reason). Providing the user with controls to look up specific, fixed (reasonable) ranges of those numbers would be a better solution, not only in regards to a better user experience, but also in helping to resolve your issue here.
On the other hand, if you still insist on one single window containing all 64 million numbers, you seem to have a very rigid data structure here, which means you can (and should) take advantage of using a virtual grid control (wxGrid), which is intended to work smoothly even with incredibly large data sets like this. The user will likely find this control easier to read and find the section of data they are looking for.