What is the most useful way to document assessment of technological choices for a business problem? - templates

I would like to know if there are any templates for doing this in a clear and concise way to give the gist of the application and its inner workings and how it meets the business needs. I do not want to write a mythological story so looking for any new ways of doing this.

Mostly this is about documenting what you actually need from the system. You can't make a good choice if you don't know what you need.
Here is a doc-style approach.
This is a decision matrix approach outline. The formatting is rough, but this is a good approach. This one has better formatting, but is not about software (it doesn't really matter).

I'm not exactly sure if this is what you are asking for, but check out this paper. It's a sample implementation of the CMMI's "Decision and Analysis Resolution" process area. It basically documents a method for comparing alternatives, reaching a decision, and documenting that decision.
The SEI's site has the original definition of DAR (see page 181), as well as a pretty good presentation about it. You have to realize that their whole goal is to help companies define their processes, not to push a particular process. So the documents you find there tend to be pretty high level, discussing the goals that your process should achieve and the specific practices that should be covered.

Consult Eric Evans' "Domain Driven Design". At the end of the day, you're going to have to use your experience and judgment - and that of your team - to make the design decisions big and small, but Evans recommends formulating a one-page manifesto, written in business terms, to share with biz types that explains the value of your view of the domain to the business.


Industry approved set of template for both technical design and requirement gathering (IIBA, PMI, etc.)?

I am the Product Manager at a small startup, and I am trying to find a good set of templates to use for our design team. There are so many different variants out there, but I'd like something that I can standardize against. Obvious ones would be the IIBA and PMI templates, but they are more for Project Managers and pure BAs (very useful, but I need something more technical). I know back in my days at Nortel Networks, we used to do Design Specification Documents (DSDs), but I think it was just some cobbled together doc that someone made.
Can anyone point me in the right direction towards a set of "industry approved / accepted / recommended templates that I can use"? Something related to Architectural and Requirements that has boilerplate content that I just replace.
I was able to find the best answer. The best templates are to go to the source. PMI and IIBA:

How do you understand a large chunk of code?

I am a fresh college grad student that just started my job. In my ramp up period, I need to learn a lot of product code. There are some design docs but they do not help much.
Can you provide some general techniques to browse and understand huge product code (specifically C++)?
Run it through doxygen. This will generate html documentation which will be helpful even if the code does not have proper doxygen-style comments.
Another good advice is to look through the unit tests, if there are any. If there are no unit tests, a good way to understand the code is to write your own unit tests. The effort to do this will pay for itself many times over.
Use every method available to you (in no particular priority):
Use the product itself and understand what it does
Talk to the devs that maintained it or have worked with it previously
Debug through it and see how data flows and how classes interact ("when I click this button, what exactly happens, who is responsible?")
Look at architecture, UML, or class diagrams
One of my favorites: create your own diagrams of class hierarchies, class interactions, general control flow, high-level components, process/DLL interactions, object lifetimes and management
If they're not totally out-of-date, read the dev/test/user specs (goes well with #1)
Read the documentation on it
Most of all: be tenacious and persistent. If you don't put in the work, don't expect to understand it. If you don't understand something, dig and dig until you do. Software is not magic, it's just hard work :)
Some people will tell you to start with the data structures, but in a large system even that's not terribly helpful much of the time. I can think of four major points:
Take your time. Often, it's more like a whole series of gestalt shifts than it is a single, linear, gradual understanding. So be patient.
No matter how big it is, you should be able to put a breakpoint in and walk it in a debugger. Even in a large, complicated, multi-threaded system, you should be able walk through and see what's happening.
Ask for bugs, and start fixing them, no matter how crazy they seem. It's akin to dropping yourself into a foreign country; you'll pickup the language eventually.
Find a mentor. A jungle guide is invaluable.
I think there have been a few good responses already. My 2c worth...
Not sure what you class as huge (10 KLOC, 1000 KLOC, 10000 KLOC, etc), but one would hope that this is broken down in some way and is not a monolithic single program. Perhaps your management has some guidance on which 'module(s)' you are most likely to be spending time in at the moment. Hopefully this can help break down the problem scope.
Firstly, before you try to understand the code try to understand the product. What does it do? Then how does it do it? What does it interact with? Then how does it interact? etc...
When getting to the code try to understand the high level design and philosophy first, and work on the breadth before the depth. I agree with some of the above re fixing some bugs, but I also strongly suggest you continue to get a handle on the high level even if you need to get into the details to fix some bugs.
I also agree with the above in terms of generating some diagrams for yourself if you can't find any already in existence. And then share them, perhaps a team/product wiki? I'm curious as to why the existing doco does not help very much. Typically this is because this type of doco was generated from the early concepts and the product no longer bears any similarity, but if this is not the case then what can you contribute to this issue. One assumes that where you are today someone else will be in short enough order, and you are in an ideal position to know what essential doco is missing!
If the product is actually 'huge' then you have to accept that you will never be able to hold all of it in your head, so the best thing you can do is be familiar enough to know where to start looking (comes back to understanding the product, and approaching code breadth first).
This is obviously a pretty common question, and it's similar to this one (and the questions related to it): How to understand the design and code flow of any product quickly?
Dig through some of those answers / comments, for starters. Else, we'll just end up repeating them. :)

(student) interview questions - programming for a robotics lab

my robotics lab is looking for programmers to work on some projects we have at the moment.
We nailed down the requirements (mainly, c++ and experience with openGL and 3D), but due to obvious money constraints we can't afford to hire Great Developers. Instead we're going to settle for Talented Students, offering them projects for their dissertation/thesis and hoping for some fresh ideas and creativity from their side. We can also afford to pay students that just graduated (first job experience).
So my question is:
In your experience, how did you spot a Talented Student (computer scientist or engineer)? What questions did you ask? What else did help you in finding a candidate that turned out to be a Good Programmer? (note: they might not know much about a specific language, but might have the ability to learn pretty fast)
or, if you were the interviewee,
Which questions were asked that made you jump on the bandwagon? Or, if you had an awful experience, what - in retrospect - was an obvious warning signal that you ignored?
Please note that I am not looking for an argumentative answer. We can talk all day long about what's best for us and never agree.
Instead, I'm looking for tales from your experience. Anecdotes, stories, hints, everything will help.
A bit more background: working for academia here is slightly different than working for the private sector (here = Italy). There are no 'deadlines' to 'sell' a product; instead, it's all proof-of-concept based. Nothing you start working on has the guarantee to be functional.
A comic best describes it: reinventing the wheel
I am considering doing Coding Questions for their interview, but all my colleagues are scoffing at me (too scary, nobody will ever come to work for us again, nobody really know how to code, etc).
Coding-wise, programming done by researchers is ... ugly. I am fighting to get a version control system in constant use, people have to be chased down to report bugs and document their code, everything is coded-so-that-it-works and rarely we go back to old code to 'fix bugs'. Basically once it's somewhat working, the project is closed and people go work on another project.
Lots has been reinvented and rewritten over and over again (just because nobody knew it was already there). People come and go, future is uncertain, but we play with robots so it's very cool :)
Furthermore, being really understaffed, nobody can follow you and guide you in your project. At best you're the one that has to come up with a plan, background literature and a working prototype.
Hence, we are looking for people that:
have some background to get started
can be highly independent
do want to learn and build their own expertise in new fields
Actually, here's my best advice:
Recruit among your students.
Since you work for an academic institution I assume that either you or your colleagues teach. This provides you with a wealth of information about what potential recruits are capable of -- how fast they learn, how motivated they are, what they are good and bad at, how the code they turn in for the lab assignments and projects look like, etc.
Firstly, in industry, coding questions are very much the norm - I'd be worried if coding questions weren't asked!
I've been responsible for doing technical interviews for about ten years now. And yes, I ask coding questions. But the questions themselves aren't really the point. What I'm more interested in is getting an idea of whether the candidate can think, and articulate their thoughts.
One question I ask (asuming the simple earlier stuff has gone well) is about inheritance heirachies. There is no one right answer, although there are a lot of wrong ones. But what's important is how they approach the question, the points they come up with in favour of one design over another.
Background knowledge is useful, in that it shows that they have an interest in the area in which you're working - but really knowledge can be gained. Intelligence is much more important.
However it's quite possible to have intelligent people who are impossible to work with! I haven't figured out how to determine who they are.
I have done such a project when I was a student: ie a 4-months project, working half-time. It was not about robots, per se.
I think that the most obvious requirement is motivation/passion. Since they'll be mostly on their own you will need them to be somewhat independent and able to think for themselves, this requires motivation first and foremost.
In order to determine whether the candidate is motivated or not, begin by asking them about the project itself. If they only gave it a cursory glance, they're likely not motivated. Also look at their experience / courses: optional courses in CS, projects they've done, etc... anything indicating that they really care about CS / development in general and are not there just because they've heard it paid well.
Then comes the question of ability. Like you said it might not be easy to spot those who will be smart enough to figure stuff out by themselves and DO things. Once again, you can ask them about past projects, having them detail the issues they faced and how they solved it.
Finally, I agree with you that some demonstration of their abilities is in order. They might be a bit tense initially, so I would do this at the end, once the interview is already going, you might have had a chance to get them to relax with the previous questions this way.
You don't necessarily need them to do coding questions, I think it's most about reasoning. Try to pick problems related to your area work, for example one you really had in the past, and get them to analyze the problem. If possible they should take the lead and ask you questions about the problem itself here.
We've had an issue with the robot not being able to analyze the images the camera took, it could not correctly determine the moving objects itself, do you have an idea how you would do that ?
Then you'll need to get them to think about a solution. You need a whiteboard here, and ask them to think aloud so that you can follow their reflexion. You'll probably need to nudge them a bit from time to time to keep them on track, their reaction to your input is also a key-point here, since you want them to be able to accept criticism and build on it, otherwise you might have issues directing them afterward.
Frankly, try to avoid asking them for the quicksort algorithm, or the introsort, or the radix sort... If they need sorting, they'll just fire up their computer and browse the internet. On the other hand, getting them to analyze an existing algorithm unknown to them (for example, the median of 5 sort) and checking that they understand why it works, could be worth it. If they need to work on their own, they'll need to be able to learn on their own too :)
As others say, try to hire someone that's motivated!
For master thesis students I put more emphasis on knowing the basic skills (programming, knowing how to use version control) as they don't stay on long enough to learn everything along the way.
If they're going to work mostly on their own and you have no special requirements on language I wouldn't focus much on language questions. But every decent programmer knows at least one language fairly well, get a sample or their prior work or make them code some simple application to test that they don't suck.
I'd focus more on algorithm and data structures. Ask rudimentary stuff that every programmer should know - when to use a list and when to use a vector, why summing a row-major matrix by iterating over the columns first is bad, basic complexity analysis questions, etc. That will sort out many of the bad weeds.
Ask some design questions too perhaps, e.g. what is "coupling" and why is it bad, ask them if they know what a design pattern is, etc.
Check that the applicants have a solid grasp of linear algebra and coordinate system changes in particular if they're going to work with any 3D stuff like OpenGL. In my experience, learning the API is simple, wrapping your head around how the transformations work less so.
Obviously, if you except them to perform any real robotics-specific you should check for that knowledge as well. E.g. estimation (understanding simple EKF and particle filters is a requirement in my book), control theory, pattern recognition, machine learning, vision, or whatever is useful for the particular task.
If I were hiring someone for theoretical work I would perhaps loosen up on the CS/programming skills and focus more on math knowledge. Someone with solid math skills will pick up the CS easily, and programming is just programming.
Ask for references or to see some of the prior work. Many great students already have some interesting project to show after graduation.
I'm not sure how common this is at universities in general, but I would look for a games programming (or robotics) course on the transcript where the candidate, as a student, succeeded in completing a project with a team. It would ask the candidate to describe how that project worked (important technical details) and the role he had in the team. The only way to really tell if someone is good at something is to see what happens when they try it, and since you're in academia, recruiting students, that should not be a problem.

Questions to answer before proposing to use a new language?

What are the technical questions I simply must have answers for before I approach someone about introducing a new language?
I'm looking for the list of technical questions that without a really good answer, I should not even waste anyone's time by proposing that we use language X.
PS: (def X clojure)
A crash course in politics for engineers...
Despite all the mission-statement baloney meant to sound noble and emphasize community support, the real purpose of every business is return on investment or, equivalently, maximizing shareholder value. If it's a government agency, it's kind of still the same question but the legal owners will have no direct influence and instead you will have proxy owners, such as higher agencies or powerful individual officials.
Decisions, however, are almost always made by agents, and so the principal-agent problem (also called the agency dilemma) appears; the agents (the management) will make a decision in their interest, and not necessarily according to the shareholder's interest as is theoretically required. In a government agency this is almost 100% of the consideration.
Sadly, this stirs in all the Dilbert and Parkinson's Law complexities.
The best you can conclude is that decisions will be justified on the basis of risk, cost, and benefit, but will tend to be made on the basis of what credit and blame is in store for the agent and understood by the agent, which is a narrow risk consideration of questionable value to the principal but at least an identifiable one.
So, we should now apply this to the language question. Your manager is likely to avoid threats, risks, scandals, and controversies. His application of the principals's concerns will be mainly through the constraints of budgets and expectations. Here are some examples that should be mostly self-explanatory.
If you want to use Java or PHP:
Everyone is doing it this way
This is the industry-standard approach for this type of problem
This is the low-risk approach
Similar systems have been done many times in Java/PHP
(That's the "no one ever got fired for buying IBM" argument.)
If you want to use Ruby:
Ruby is in the Tiobe top-ten (not quite an industry standard, so this is the best you can do)
PHP and Java are higher-cost technologies (he probably has a budget as an attempt to mitigate the principal-agent problem)
PHP and Java are going to be out of fashion "soon" (maybe not, but phrased as a "risk of appearing to stupidly use old tech', and implying the lack of later credit and recognition)
Ruby is an advanced language with powerful abstractions for cost-effective development (a weak argument for the agent, but offers the possibility of credit. The least effective of all the arguments.)
If you want to use Clojure:
You better prototype the system on weekends and evenings and present it as a solved problem.
Emphasize parallel Java / Clojure development ("if necessary the entire system can be written in Clojure Java")
Make all the Java arguments and then say something about "the best of both worlds"
Productivity with a language is neither the only factor, nor a simple scalar in itself. Important questions include:
How easy is it to learn the language, if it's not already familiar to people on the team?
How easy is it to become expert at the language?
Does the team have access to one or more language experts who have the bandwidth to do the necessary mentoring?
Are good learning materials (books, blogs, tutorials) and support channels (fora, IRC, mailing lists) available?
Does the language (or some framework in that language) allow a competent programmer to write the software faster than what you're using now?
How maintainable is the language? How readable is the syntax to a competent programmer encountering someone else's code for the first time? (Think of APL and Perl.)
Is the language somehow better applicable to your problem domain than what you're using now (e.g., functional languages for distributed computing)?
How well does the language/platform meet business needs not related to development speed (e.g., performance, scalability)?
What are the available tools like, and what do they cost? Is there a debugger available? An IDE? Refactoring and unit test support built into the IDE? Build management and deployment tools?
So much depends on what you're currently using, what you're switching to and why that it's difficult to answer. But these are always important:
What can I do if I choose a new language that I could not do before?
What could I do faster than I can currently with the new language?
How will the rest of the team cope with the introduction of the new language?
If I left, could someone else new to the language pick up where I left off without too many problems?
What is the business case?
It comes down to ROI (Return On Investment).
It is not only about an individual's productivity but:
the whole team
impact on product lifecycle
How easy is it to pick up? I find this is not that important.
Does it have IDE support? Pretty important, but you can work without it.
Is there a debugger available? I think this is the most important question I would ask. Once you have a working debugger, you can usually get anything done.
We hired a team this year and decided to use Clojure as our weapon of choice. The team's background was primarily Java-based but also a wide variety of other languages for hobby work.
The criteria we considered were:
Can we leverage the Java/JVM background of the team and integrate with an existing Java-based product?
Can we achieve performance on par with Java?
Can we build thread-safe concurrent maintainable programs?
Can we leverage a higher level of abstraction
Can we hire/train people to work in the language?
Can we maintain a large codebase in the language?
Are sufficient tools available to work effectively in the language?
Is there an active community of people growing the language and libs?
We seriously considered Groovy, Scala, and Clojure. I really enjoy Groovy for lightweight apps but I had serious questions about performance. Scala and Clojure both have lots to offer on all of the points above. In the end, our problem domain involves a lot of symbolic manipulation and we felt that Clojure would be a better match but I suspect Scala also would work well.
What will your new language offer that an existing language doesn't already?
We have languages that do just about everything in every way today. So before introducing a new language, make sure there isn't one already existing that does everything your new language does. And make sure you know exactly what features your new language will offer that aren't offered in the same combination or at all by other languages.
Unless of course you're just doing this for your own education - in which case forget this question and have at it!
How will this improve my productivity?
If this cannot be answered pack up and go home.
What's the point? / Why?
How will it make my job easier?
Q1: Can I hire people with these skills?
Q2: When I call our outsourcing partner account managers, and ask how much would a typical fixed-cost project cost, if done in the usual way, or done using language X, is the multiplier more than 1?
Q3: Does everyone else in my department also have a favorite language that does about the same job as my favorite language, and should their favorite languages be used as well? What are the practical consequences of this?
A good question to ask is what is the size of the community around the language/framework. For instance, ruby/rails has a significant community around it, which would make me more comfortable that I would not be "the first kid on the block" to have to deal with a particular problem.
Why limit yourself to one language? Figure out which problems are solved best by which language and offer up services. If the bandwidth between the services is too high, then migrate the problematic services together based on which language solves both best.

How specific to get on design document?

I'm creating a design document for a security subsystem, to be written in C++. I've created a class diagram and sequence diagrams for the major use cases. I've also specified the public attributes, associations and methods for each of the classes. But, I haven't drilled the method definitions down to the C++ level yet. Since I'm new to C++ , as is the other developer, I wonder if it might not make sense go ahead and specify to this level. Thoughts?
edit: Wow - completely against, unanimous. I was thinking about, for example, the whole business about specifying const vs. non-const, passing references, handling default constructor and assigns, and so forth. I do believe it's been quite helpful to spec this out to this level of detail so far. I definitely have gotten a clearer idea of how the system will work. Maybe if I just do a few methods, as an example, before diving into the code?
I wouldn't recommend going to this level, but then again you've already gone past where I would go in a design specification. My personal feeling is that putting a lot of effort into detailed design up-front is going to be wasted as you find out in developing code that your guesses as to how the code will work are wrong. I would stick with a high-level design and think about using TDD (test driven development) to guide the low-level design and implementation.
I would say it makes no sense at all, and that you have gone too far already. If you are new to C++ you are in no position to write a detailed design document for a C++ project. I would recommend you try to implement what you already have in C++, learn by the inevitable mistakes (like public attributes) and then go back and revise it.
Since you're new, it probably makes sense not to drill down.
Reason: You're still figuring out the language and how things are best structured. That means you'll make mistakes initially and you'll want to correct them without constantly updating the documentation.
It really depends on who the design document is targeted at. If it's for a boss who is non-technical, then you are good with what you have.
If it's for yourself, then you are using the tool to help you, so you decide. I create method level design docs when I am creating a project, but it's at a high level so I can figure out what the features of the various classes should be. I've found that across languages, the primary functionalities of a class have little to do with the programming language we are working in. Some of the internal details and functions required certainly vary due to the chosen language, but those are implementation details that I don't bother with during the design phase.
It certainly helps me to know that for instance an authorization class might have an authenticate function that takes a User object as a parameter. I don't really care during design that I might need an internal string md5 function wrapper to accomplish some specific goal. I find out about that while coding.
The goal of initial design is to get organized so you can make progress with clarity and forethought rather than tearing out and reimplementing the same function 4 times because you forgot some scenario due to not planning.
EDIT: I work in PHP a lot, and I actually use PhpDoc to do some of the design docs, by simply writing the method signature with no implementation, then putting a detailed description of what the method should do in the method header comments. This helps anyone that is using my class in the future, because the design IS the documentation. I can also change the documentation if I do need to make some alterations while coding.
I work in php4 a lot, so I don't get to use interfaces. In php5, I create the interface, then implement it elsewhere.
The best way to specify how the code should actually fit together is in code. The design document is for other things that are not easily expressed in code. You should use it for describing the actual need the program fills, How it interacts with users, what the constraints are in terms of hardware and operating systems. Certainly describe the overall architecture of your application in a design document, but, for instance, the API should actually be described in the code that exposes the API.
You have already gone far enough with the documentation part. As you still a beginner in C++, when you would understand the language, you might want to change the structure of your program. Then you would have to do changes in the documentation. I would suggest that you have already gone too far with the documentation. No need to drill more into it
Like everyone else says, you've gone way past where you need to go with the design. Do you have a good set of requirements to the simple true/false statement level that you derived that design from? You can design all day long, but if you don't have requirements that simply say WHAT you're going to do, it doesn't matter how good your design is.