C++ 2D Integration Libraries [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone point out a good C++ library that can do 2D numerical integration. It needs to be able to accept a 2D array of known values, and the spacing between the points can be assumed to be constant (for a start).
It is preferable that it have a license which allows modifying the code as needed.

It's actually a C library, but if the GPL licensing terms work for you try:
You will want to check out the Monte Carlo integration options outlined here:

This Fortran library is easy to link to from C++ and is in public domain:
It's single precision but it's quite easy to modify the sources (get "full sources" and go through every function) to switch to double precision.

Try this. It can do what you ask for and more! And you can modify the code as much as you like.
I've read somewhere that you can extract libraries out of GNU Octave's code and use the C++ code in your own applications. I'm not sure if that's an easy task, but you can give it a try if you have the time.


Conditional Random Field (CRF) implementation / library [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for a free C++ conditional random field (CRF) implementation but not for text processing.
There are bunch of cool implementations:
CRFsuite (for text processing)
CRF++ (for text processing)
JGMT (Matlab - MEX not C++)
There are other packages like Darwin and HCRF with no usage examples in C++.
I'm wondering if anybody know any C++ CRF library other than what I mentioned above or know any example on how to setup and use Darwin or HCRF?
DGM is a very poserful but simple-to use CRF library, written on C++11. It was designed especially for image processing and includes many usage examples in tutorials.
It also includes the DenseCRF, mentioned in other answer.
DenseCRF is a great library that performs dense conditional random field (fully-connected CRF) very efficiently. The package comes with an easy to understand C++ demo and some examples. It is very fast and produces promising results on image data.
There is DGM C++ library implementing CRFs for image classification: http://research.project-10.de/dgm

tools for symbolic execution on binaries [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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are there any tools for symbolic execution on binaries. i mean using which, we do not require to modify the source code - like klee_make_symbolic
or we can do such changes in IR (llvm ir etc.)
thanks in advance
Maybe miasm can fit your requirements. It is a reverse engineer framework that supports static symbolic execution. As far as I know, it is more simple than KLEE and S2E.
Canonical list is in Awesome Symbolic Execution.
Symbolically executing binary code is much much harder, so i doubt there are such tools exist.
However note that you don't necessarily need to modify your code when using KLEE because it can model POSIX environment and C library (when compiled with support for this, of course). Using these features you can automatically symbolize argv arguments and keyboard interaction.

Convert string to mathematical evaluation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Okay, so what I want to do is to use a string as input (for instance "16*12+25"), convert it to a mathematical evaluation that the computer can comprehend and return the evaluated value. I could probably write this myself, but it would most likely take quite a while and in the end, it still wouldn't end up as good as I'd like it to unless I want to put even more time into it.
So my question is, is there any script, library or api that you know can do this for C++? I have found some for both java, python and .NET. But I am not working with any of these languages and I would like to remain within C++ for as long (hopefully throughout the entire project) as possible. Do you have any good ideas or links?
I found what I was looking for! The downloadable source is C++ and a CodeBlocks project. You can find it here: http://www.speqmath.com/tutorials/expression_parser_cpp/index.html
A far more sophisticated expression parser recommended by Jared: http://www.partow.net/programming/exprtk/index.html
There is nothing built into C++ for this; all the expression parsing code belongs in the compiler. You will need to use some external library. A quick Google search brings up muParser which looks pretty reasonable.

advance mathematics c++ libraries [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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what popular advance mathematics libraries for c++ are present out there, so that they can be used as a 1 stop solution and avoiding reinventing the wheel ?
Check out GNU Scientific Library -- it's in C, but I use it all the time to avoid re-writing the Numerical Recipes code.
Intel's MKL (Math Kernel Library) is to be looked at especially if doing large scale matrix operations; it's C based, but should not really be an issue IMO.
Other than that, maybe the boost math library could be interesting as it is free. (but I have no experience with it, so YMMV).
Like others have said, you will probably not find a single library to handle all of the areas you listed. For matrix algebra, I've heard good things about the Eigen C++ library from coworkers who are using it.
For commercial libraries, both NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group, http://www.nag.co.uk/) and IMSL ( http://www.vni.com/products/imsl/ ) are standards and provide industrial-strength numerical analysis algorithms.
look through the list and mix-and-match. You want very many things, unlikely any single package is going to do them all.
octave is the only one that is going to be more or less comprehensive (functionality comparable/clone to Matlab)
For group theory there is GAP.

What's a good convex optimization library? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a C++ library, and I am dealing with convex objective and constraint functions.
I am guessing your problem is non-linear. Where i work, we use SNOPT, Ipopt and another proprietary solver (not for sale). We have also tried and heard good things about Knitro.
As long as your problem is convex, all these solvers work well.
They all have their own API, but they all ask for the same information : values, first and second derivatives.
Assuming your problems are nonlinear, you can use free and open-sourced OPT++, available from Sandia Lab. I have used it in one project in C++ and it was easy to use and worked well.
From what I know, the CPLEX solver is the best convex optimization solver. Its the state of the art in LP solvers. Does convex optimization really well. While looking for it, I see that its IBM's software now. You can find it here : http://www-01.ibm.com/software/integration/optimization/cplex/