Boost comes with an example file in
called interpreter.hpp and interpreter_example.hpp
I am trying to create a situation where I have a bunch of functions of different arguments, return types, etc all register and be recorded to a single location. Then have the ability to pull out a function and execute it with some params.
After reading a few questions here, and from a few other sources I think the design implemented in this example file is as good as I will be able to get. It takes a function of any type and allows you to call it using a string argument list, which is parsed into the right data types.
Basically its a console command interpreter, and thats probably what its meant to illustrate.
I have been studying the code and poking around trying to get the same implementation to accept class member functions, but have been unsuccessful so far.
I was wondering if someone could suggest the modifications needed, or maybe worked on something similar and have some same code.
In the example you'll see
interpreter.register_function("echo", & echo);
interpreter.register_function("add", & add);
interpreter.register_function("repeat", & repeat);
I want to do something like
test x;
interpreter.register_function("classFunc", boost::bind( &test::classFunc, &x ) );
But this breaks the any number of arguments feature.
So I am thinking some kind of auto generating boost::bind( &test::classFunc, &x, _1, _2, _3 ... ) would be the ticket, I just am unsure of the best way to implement it.
I've been working on this issue and i've somewhat succeeded to make the boost interpreter accept the member function such as:
// Registers a function with the interpreter,
// will not compile if it's a member function.
template<typename Function>
typename boost::enable_if< ft::is_nonmember_callable_builtin<Function> >::type
register_function(std::string const& name, Function f);
// Registers a member function with the interpreter.
// Will not compile if it's a non-member function.
template<typename Function, typename TheClass>
typename boost::enable_if< ft::is_member_function_pointer<Function> >::type
register_function(std::string const& name, Function f, TheClass* theclass);
The enable_if statement is used to prevent the use of the wrong method at the compile time. Now, what you need to understand :
It uses the boost::mpl to parse trough the argument's parameter types of the callable builtin (which is basically a function pointer)
Then, prepares a fusion vector at the compile-time (which is a vector that can stock different objects of different types at the same time)
When the mpl is done parsing every arguments, the "parsing" apply method will fork in the "invoke" apply method, following the templates.
The main issue is that the first argument of a member callable builtin is the object which holds the called method.
As far a I know, the mpl cannot parse the arguments of something else than a callable builtin (i.e A Boost::Bind result)
So, what needs to be done is simply add one step to the "parsing" apply, which would be to add the concerned object to the apply loop! Here it goes:
template<typename Function, typename ClassT>
typename boost::enable_if< ft::is_member_function_pointer<Function> >::type
interpreter::register_function( std::string const& name,
Function f,
ClassT* theclass);
typedef invoker<Function> invoker;
// instantiate and store the invoker by name
= boost::bind(&invoker::template apply_object<fusion::nil,ClassT>
in interpreter::invoker
template<typename Args, typename TheClass>
static inline
apply_object( Function func,
TheClass* theclass,
parameters_parser & parser,
Args const & args)
typedef typename mpl::next<From>::type next_iter_type;
typedef interpreter::invoker<Function, next_iter_type, To> invoker;
invoker::apply( func, parser, fusion::push_back(args, theclass) );
This way, it will simply skip the first argument type and parse everything correctly.
The method can be called this way: invoker.register_function("SomeMethod",&TheClass::TheMethod,&my_object);
I am not into fusion and therefore don't see how to fix it in a simple and elegant way (i mainly don't see how member functions are supposed to work), but i worked on something similar that might be an alternative for you.
If you want to take a look at the result, it is in the Firebreath repository.
In short:
MethodConverter.h contains the main functionality
the ugly generates that header
ConverterUtils.h contains the utility functionality like conversion to the target types
TestJSAPIAuto.h and jsapiauto_test.h contain a unit test that shows it in action
The main changes would probably involve to strip the FB-specific types, tokenize the input sequence before invoking the functors and supply your own conversion functions.
One option is to make a set of templates
template <class T, class Ret>
void register_function(const char *name, Ret (T::*fn)()) { /* boost::bind or your way to register here */ }
template <class T, class Ret, class Arg1>
void register_function(const char *name, Ret (T::*fn)(Arg1)) { /*...*/ )
And so on.. Until C++0x come with its variadic templates, you can use Boost.Preprocessor to generate required amount of templates
so basically I'm trying to find a way to use C++ functions in Lua that are not lua_CFunctions (don't return and int and take a lua_State as a parameter). Basically your regular old C++ function. The catch, though, is I'm trying to find a way to do it without writing it's own dedicated lua_CFunction (so basically imagine I already have a program or a bunch of functions in C++ that I want to use in Lua, and I don't want to have to write a new function for each of them).
So, say I have a very simple C++ function:
static int doubleInt(int a) {
return a*2;
(with or without the static, it shouldn't(?) matter).
Say I want to use this function in Lua by calling doubleInt(10) in a lua script. Is there a way to do this without writing a separate
static int callFunc(lua_State *L) {
//do stuff to make the function work in lua
for every individual function? So something along the lines of what luaBind does with their def() function (and I know it sucks, but I can't really use a separate dedicated binding library; have to write my own).
I know I have to write a class with templates for this but I don't even have the slightest idea about how to go about getting the function in Lua. I don't think there is a way in C++ to automatically generate a custom function (presumably at compile time) - that would be amazing - so I don't even know where to start.
This is a very open-ended question.
I have been working on a lua binding library recently, so I can explain how I did this, but there are many ways you could do it.
You didn't tag this question C++11. I'm going to assume however that you are using C++11. If not, then it is extremely difficult and I would say not at all practical to roll your own especially if you don't already know enough about boost::mpl to have some idea how to do it. You should definitely just use luabind in that case.
The first thing you need is, you need to create some basic infrastructure that tells you how to convert C++ types to corresponding lua types and back.
IMO the best way to do this is using a type trait, and not one massive overloaded function. So, you will define a primary template:
namespace traits {
template <typename T>
struct push;
template <>
struct push<int> {
static void to_stack(lua_State * L, int x) { lua_pushinteger(L, x); }
template <>
struct push<double> {
static void to_stack(lua_State * L, double d) { lua_pushnumber(L, d); }
} // end namespace traits
Etc. You probably also want to specialize it for std::string and things like that.
Then you can make a generic push function like this:
template <typename T>
void push(lua_State * L, const T & t) {
traits::push<T>::to_stack(L, t);
The advantage here is that implicit conversions are not considered when you call push. Either the type you passed exactly matches something you defined the trait for, or it fails. And you can't get ambiguous overload problems between double and int etc., which can be a big pain in the butt.
Then, you have to do the same thing for read, so you have a trait that tells you how to read values of a given type off the stack. Your read technique needs to signal failures somehow, you can decide if that should be using exceptions or a different technique.
Once you have this, you can try to make an adapt template that will take an arbitrary function pointer and try to adapt it into a lua_CFunction that does roughly the same thing.
Basically, you want to use variadic templates so that you can specialize against all the parameters of the function pointer. You pass those types one by one to your read method, and use an index sequence to read from the correct stack positions. You try to read them all, and if you can do it without errors, then you can call the target function, and then you return its results.
If you want to also push generic C++ objects back as the return value, then you can call your push function at the end.
First, to help, you need an "index sequence" facility. If you are in C++14 you can use std::make_integer_sequence, if not then you have to roll your own. Mine looks like this:
namespace detail {
* Utility for manipulating lists of integers
template <std::size_t... Ss>
struct SizeList {
static constexpr std::size_t size = sizeof...(Ss);
template <typename L, typename R>
struct Concat;
template <std::size_t... TL, std::size_t... TR>
struct Concat<SizeList<TL...>, SizeList<TR...>> {
typedef SizeList<TL..., TR...> type;
* Count_t<n> produces a sizelist containing numbers 0 to n-1.
template <std::size_t n>
struct Count {
typename Concat<typename Count<n - 1>::type, SizeList<n - 1>>::type type;
template <>
struct Count<0> {
typedef SizeList<> type;
template <std::size_t n>
using Count_t = typename Count<n>::type;
} // end namespace detail
Here's what your adapt class might look like:
// Primary template
template <typename T, T>
class adapt;
// Specialization for C++ functions: int (lua_State *, ...)
template <typename... Args, int (*target_func)(lua_State * L, Args...)>
class adapt<int (*)(lua_State * L, Args...), target_func> {
template <typename T>
struct impl;
template <std::size_t... indices>
struct impl<detail::SizeList<indices...>> {
static int adapted(lua_State * L) {
try {
return target_func(L, read<Args>(L, 1 + indices)...);
} catch (std::exception & e) {
return luaL_error(L, "Caught an exception: %s", e.what());
static int adapted(lua_State * L) {
using I = detail::Count_t<sizeof...(Args)>;
return impl<I>::adapted(L);
The real code from my implementation is here. I decided to do it without using exceptions.
This technique also works at compile-time -- since you are passing a function pointer to an arbitrary C++ function as a non-type template parameter, and the adapt template produces a lua_CFunction as a static class member, when you take a pointer to adapt<...>::adapted, it has to all be resolved at compile-time. This means that all the different bits can be inlined by the compiler.
To work around the inability to deduce the type of a non-type template parameter like a function pointer (prior to C++17), I use a macro which looks like this:
#define PRIMER_ADAPT(F) &::primer::adapt<decltype(F), (F)>::adapted
So, I can take a complicated C++ function f, and then use PRIMER_ADAPT(&f) as if it were simply a lua_CFunction.
You should realize though that making all this stuff and testing it takes a really long time. I worked on this library more than a month, and it is refactored out from some code in another project where I had refined it longer. There are also a lot of pitfalls in lua related to "automating" stack operations like this, because it doesn't do any bounds checking for you and you need to call lua_checkstack to be strictly correct.
You should definitely use one of the existing libraries unless you have a really compelling need that prevents it.
If you're not limited to standard Lua lib, you can try LuaJIT. It has ffi support. Calling external function is as simple as:
local ffi = require("ffi")
int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
ffi.C.printf("Hello %s!", "world")
I want to know if it is possible to store variadic template arguments into a member variable, for example a tuple? So I can use it in another method. I want it to work something like this, see below:
class TempClass
//How can I Store the arguments with the help of a variable?
std::tuple<Template Args?> savedArgs;
template<typename ...Args>
void SaveTheseArgs(args&& ...args)
//Store the arguments into a variable for later use
savedArgs = std::make_tuple<Args>(args);
//Do something with the args...
void OtherMethod()
//I want to pass it back to the same method with the same arguments.
//I tried a struct template like this, but this actually doesn't store them unless I am doing something wrong.
template<typename... Args>
struct StoredArguments
std::tuple<Args...> StoredArgs;
I am fairly new to C++ programming. I have some experience in other languages such as C#, AS3, Java.
Assuming I read your mind right, you save the args by not saving the args.
First, write this:
void DoOperation( std::tuple<int, double, std::string> const& tup ) {
auto&& some_arg_name = std::get<0>(tup);
auto&& second_arg_name = std::get<1>(tup);
// etc
// do stuff with the args
typedef std::function<void(TempClass*)> saved_operation;
saved_operation BuildOperation( int a, double b, std::string s ) const {
auto tup = std::make_tuple(a,b,s);
return [tup](TempClass* self){
return self->DoOperation(tup);
DoOperation takes a tuple, and does the operation using those arguments.
BuildOperation takes arguments, bundles them into a tuple, and generates a saved_operation from them.
saved_operation is basically a saved method call. I don't store this because by avoiding that, the default copy ctor does the right thing. Instead, you pass this in each time you use it.
Now using the above, we implement your stuff:
saved_operation saved_op;
template<typename ...Args>
void SaveTheseArgs(args&& ...args)
saved_op = BuildOperation(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void OtherMethod()
A copy of the tuple is actually stored inside the saved_operation object, but that is an implementation detail.
The trick is we care not about the data, but rather what we will do with the data later.
I used some concrete types (the int double etc), but those can just as easily be template methods as well.
If you need the efficiency, a bit more care involving moving data around instead of copying can be useful. But I kept it relatively simple. If you really need a pack of any args, you might have to google the "indexes trick" to unpack the tuple of unknown content back into parameters.
In this case, std::function is a type erasure class that erases the details of what it is constructed from, except for the fact it can be copied, destroyed, invoked with a particular signature (and also cast-back-to-source-type, which few people use).
We exploit this to "forget" the tuple and instead just remember the operation we want to do on the tuple.
This technique can be used in more general situations: you can type erase anything with a fixed signature, or really anything that can be boiled down to a fixed signature (which is a bit broader).
Words to search for for more on this topic include "runtime concepts" and "type erasure". Examining how std::function can be implemented.
I'm using xsd to create c++ code from a xml schema file. For a xml type multiple functions are created (for serialization etc).
If the type is called XmlType multiple functions of the following form are created:
XmlType XmlType_(const XmlType& a, const string& b)
string XmlType_(const XmlType& a)
This are normal functions and not members of XmlType and they all have the same name.
For XmlType2 the functions would be called XmlType2_.
I would like to write a utility template class for all the different xml types of my xml scheme. The different functions are going to be called insight this class. What I have so far is something like this:
template<typename T>
using TFunc1 = T (*)(const T&, const string&);
template<typename T>
using TFunc2 = string (*)(const T&);
template<typename T, TFunc1<T> func2, TFunc2<T> func2>
class XmlUtil {
When create an instance of the XmlUtil class if have to do it like this:
XmlUtil<XmlType, XmlType_, XmlType_> util;
This feels a bit redundant and gets worse, when I have to pass more functions as parameters.
I would like to use the util class like this:
XmlUtil<XmlType, XmlType_> util;
or even better like this
XmlUtil<XmlType> util;
The only way I can think of is to somehow use define, but it doesn't feel right.
Is there an other way to do this?
I'm using a define now:
#define TRPL(name) name, name ## _, name ## _
XmlUtil<TRPL(XmlType)> util;
I'll edit this, if I find something better (maybe override sets like Yakk suggested in his answer).
XmlUtil<XmlType> util;
is impossible because there is no way to get from XmlType to XmlType_. Their relationship is discarded after the automatic code generator.
However this:
XmlUtil<XmlType_> util;
may be possible. You can deduce the function type of XmlType_ and then use the deduced return type which will be XmlType. I believe there are standard library function for this purpose.
As for the two different overloads, that may be trickier. I do not think that you can pass a function overload set as a template parameter, the resolution is done on the template argument in the context of the template parameter to one function. I don't think there is a way to defer this action without using the preprocessor.
So I would argue that you should use a #define. It is better than nothing.
This looks like a job for override sets.
static struct foo_override_set_type {
template<typename... Args>
auto operator()( Args...&& args ) const
decltype( foo( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )
{ return ( foo( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) ); }
template<typename T>
operator T() { return foo; }
} foo_override_set;
Objects of type foo_override_set_type represent the entire override set of foo. Calling them with operator() does an override set lookup on foo and calls the resulting function. Casting them to a function pointer does the same thing as casting the token foo to a function pointer (or other value).
Your code generation can auto-generate such override set types. It can also make a traits class that maps from your type XmlType to the override set of XmlType_ functions via specialization.
Then, your XmlUtil<XmlType> can access the override set of XmlType_ via that traits class. It first instantiates the override set variable, then invokes () on it.
As an aside, #Xeo has a proposal to make creating such objects as easy as typing []XmlType_ in C++1y or C++1z.
Default template arguments in the class definition?
template<typename T, TFunc1<T> func1 = XmlType_, TFunc2<T> func2 = XmlType_>
class XmlUtil {
// ...
You can use a trait class like this
template <typename T>
struct Trait{
typedef T type;
typedef T (*func1)(const T&, const string&);
typedef string (*func2)(const T&);
and make the class XmlUtil have one template parameter (let's name it Trait) and use Trait::type, Trait::func1 and Trait::func2. See here for full usage.
In the example, the type of XmlUtil goes like:
XmlUtil<Trait<XmlType> >
I've done it this way since I don't know well your problem. It might be the case that you can just define the Trait class right into XmlUtil and use
Other variations are possible, it just depend on what you need.
You can read a very brief introduction to trait classes here. If you want to read more about this topic I suggest you Modern C++ (Alexandrescu).
I am not sure I fully understand what you are asking. The common approach for serialization and deserialization would be to create a factory (abstract factory) and resolve the construction of the objects dynamically. Note that this can be improved for complex structures, where the code generator can create member functions to extract the exact type of each one of the members.
But again, I don't fully understand what you are really trying to do... As a recommendation I believe it would help if you provided more of a description of the problem to solve, as the question focuses on how to make your solution work, and that implicitly discards other approaches that might be better designs.
I am writing a few algorithms to build random forests, each forest will be
trained on separate data with separate functions (each tree will use a set of
functions with a fixed signature however different trees will be trained using
different sets of functions which could have a different signature), however I
would like to just write the code to build the random trees once, using
templates. I currently have something like the following:
template class T corresponds to the training data type (i.e. image patch, or
pixel) template class V corresponds to the function pointer type
template<class T, class V>
class RandomTree{
void build(RandomTreeNode<T>& current_node,
vector<V>& functions,
vector<T>& data) {
... some code that basically calls a function passing in data T
and I create the object like so:
typedef double (*function_ptr)(TrainingDataPoint& data_point);
RandomTree<TrainingDataPoint, function_ptr> tree = ...
The problem is that, for efficiency reasons, for one of the trees I'm
building, I want the set of functions (function_ptr's) to take in not only the
TrainingDataPoint(template type T) but a cache of data. So that my function
pointer will look like:
typedef double (*function_ptr)(TrainingDataPoint&,
unordered_map<string, cv::Mat>& preloaded_images);
Now the problem is, I cant think of a way to keep the RandomTree class generic
but have some function sets (template type V) that take more than just the
training point (template type T).
So far I have thought of:
Making the cache global so that the functions can access it
adding a pointer to the cache to each training data point (but who is responsible for the clean up?)
Adding a third template parameter to the RandomTree, but in this case if I am building a tree that doesn't require this third parameter, what do I put there?
None of these options seem particularly appealing to me, hopefully someone can lend some experience and tell me of a better way?
Use a functor for the functions that need state. A functor in C++ is a class (or struct) with an overloaded operator(), so that an instance of the functor can be "called like" a function. The arguments to the functor in the RandomTree should be exactly those parameters that vary and are under the control of the RandomTree, the rest should be bound outside. A sample functor with additional state that wraps a function:
template<typename Retval, typename Arg1, typename ExtraData>
struct BindExtraData
typedef Retval(*func_type)(Arg1, ExtraData);
BindExtraData( ExtraData const& d_, func_type func_ ):d(d_), func(func_) {};
ExtraData d;
func_type func;
Retval operator()( Arg1 a1 )
return func(a1, d);
but you can do better. If this is a one-off, there is no need to make it a template. bind2nd(well, binder2nd) is the standard library version of the above, and will be better written.
Can you add another paramter to RandomTree that takes in a Cache. The default would be an empty cache if not provided. For example
template<typename T, typename V, typename CacheDataType = EmptyCache>
class RandomTree{ ... }
RandomTree<TrainingDataPoint, function_ptr, ProloadedImageCache>
I wish to modify an existing templated class. The class's template arguments are (semi) variable and I would like to use them to generate a conditional/switch/map like function body.
My compiler does not support variadic templates so the (boost) preprocessor is currently used to generate the existing class:
template <typename item0, typename item1, typename item2 ..., typename itemN>
struct myclass { /*various operations*/ };
A new function func is required that will query variables at run-time and return an object of a that is one of the template arguments.
template <typename item0, typename item1, typename item2 ...>
struct my_class {
//...various operations
//automatic generatation possible?
std::string * func()
string s;
while(data) {
switch (data[0])
case item0::id:
s += item0::get_name();
case item1::id:
s += item1::get_name();
//... for each template arguemnt typename where typename is no void
return s;
typedef my_class<a, b, c> class_one;
typedef my_class<d, e, f> class_two;
typedef my_class<a, b, c, x, y, z> class_three;
int main()
class_one test;
I would like to generate the contents of func() because the number of items will be numerous, and the number of types of "myclass" will be even higher.
Can someone give me an idea of how any techniques that could accomplished this?
I already have a dependency on boost. My compiler is reasonably new (but does not support variadic templates). I would prefer not to take any new dependencies or introduce more complexity than necesssary.
I've written code like this before, so I can tell you it is possible. (It was for commercial, closed-source work, so I'm afraid I can't show you the code). You can find a really good example of how to do this in the Boost.Variant library, in particular . The code is very dense and advanced C++, so it might take a day or two to understand it thoroughly.
A quick summary: the boost::variant class template works like a union with an int storing which member of the union is valid. The "visitation" feature lets you supply a function object with an overloaded operator() that can take any of the possible members of the union, and it generates a switch statement that accesses the appropriate member and calls the right operator() overload on it. If you are already finding this complicated to follow, or you don't know about Boost.MPL yet, I suggest you stop reading here, read the Boost.Variant documentation, and then rewrite your class to be able to use that: the clever guys at Boost have already done the work for you. It's header-only, so if you're already using Boost there's no new dependency for you.
This file is in charge of generating the switch statement. In short, it has two alternative implementations. The first one (lines 72-90) uses a recursive template visitation_impl_step that works like the factorial function you might have seen as a template meta-programming example. The unspecialized template recursively calls the next one in the list (typename mpl::next<Iter>::type). The resulting code, once all the templates are expanded out, looks a bit like a series of functions function0, function1, &c. like this:
result_type functionN(variant vnt, visitor vr) {
if (v.which == N)
return vr(static_cast<Nth type>(vnt.value));
functionN-1(vnt, vr);
The second implementation (lines 193-285) uses the Boost.PP preprocessor magic library to generate a switch statement just like the one you want, with as many cases as a boost::variant can possibly have. The body of each case is a call to a template function (lines 120-185) which generates a call to the visitor on the Nth type. Most of the complexity in this implementation comes from having to worry about backing up the value inside the variant in order to preserve the strong exception guarantee if the visitor or any involved constructor throws.
Even if you decide to do it another way, I recommend reading and understanding the Boost.Variant source code, as a learning exercise. It will redefine your ideas of what is possible (and what is sensible) in C++!
Compiler will be able to generate code using exact template definition. There is no way to force compiler to generate additional cases in switch statement or additional iterations of loops depending on template parameters.
If you want to perform perform some action on instance of each type specified in template parameters you have to implement recursive template function. Please refer to this question for details.