Testing things that should be the same both ways - unit-testing

For example the Equals method. a should equal b and b should equal a. Would you say it is OK to check this in one test case using two asserts like the following:
public void Equals_TwoEqualObjects_ReturnsTrue()
var a = new Something();
var b = new Something();
Assert.That(a.Equals(b), Is.True);
Assert.That(b.Equals(a), Is.True);
Or do you think this should be done in two separate tests so that you won't have two asserts in the test?
I'm thinking having two asserts in this case may be cleaner, because I am not sure what I would call the two separate tests, and I am kind of thinking it doesn't matter which one of the asserts that break the test. But anyways, I am curious to know what others think about this since I am kind of a newbie in this area :)

I think it's absolutely fine to have them in one test.
The "one assert per test" idea feels more like dogma than anything useful to me. Be pragmatic with your testing.
Yes, test one piece of functionality per test - but don't restrict yourself to one assertion.

I'm going to say you have to have both tests in one place. It's not enough that one object equals the other and some other one object equals another. It's that the same two objects equal each other at the same time.
The intent of your test (to test that equals is commutative) is much clearer in the two assertions case.

It Depends.
If you're doing something complex where having this be commutative is a critical function and isnt a no-brainer, then having the tests granular enough to reflect that makes sense - it allows you to isolate problems much quicker.
In lots of cases, this will be overkill. A test has to have a point.
Saying that doesnt mean that you should shoe-horn in as many asserts as possible - that would be too far in the other direction.
Bottom line is there is not and should not be an absolute rule for this. But the general point is to keep tests
Useful in isolating issues
Useful in documenting behaviour

I would have them in two tests as if one of the links is incorrectly set up you will know exactly what one, remember a Unit test tests the smallest possible unit.

Both of your asserts test the same thing. That one object of a type is equal to another object of the same type. The Equals code doesn't have any way of telling which local variables it's being invoked on and which are parameters. I think it would suffice to have a single assert that says that any object of a type is equal to any other object of that type. If that is true, then commutativity holds.


Test Driven Development Understanding Problems

Maybe somebody can help me understanding the "Test Driven Development" Method. I tried the following example by myself and i dont know where my understanding problem is.
Assume that we need a function that gives back the sum of two numbers a and b
To ensure, that the function works right, i write several tests. Like creating the sum-object, checking if a and b are numbers and so on .. but the first "real test" of right calculating is the following
expected value: 6
The TDD method allows us only to do so many steps to let the test pass.
So the function looks like
sum(a, b){
return 6
The Test "3+3" will pass.
Next test is "4+10" maybe.
I'll run the tests and the last test will fail. What a surprise ...
I'll change my function to
sum(a, b){
if(a=3 and b=3)
return 6
return 14
The test will pass!
And this goes so on and on ... i will only add another cases for every test. The function will pass every of this tests, but for every other not listed case it will not and the result is an ineffective and stupid written function.
So is there a foolproof "trick" to not fall into this way of thinking?
I thought, test driven development is pretty straight forward and dumb proof. Where is the "break even" point when its time to say, that this way of doing tests isn't practicable anymore and switch to the right solution
return a+b;
This is a very simple example, but i could imagine, that there are more complex functions which are obviously not so easy to correct like this one.
The TDD workflow has a 3-part cycle ("red,green,refactor") and it's important not to skip the third part. For example, after your second version:
sum(a, b){
if(a=3 and b=3)
return 6
return 14
You should look at this and ask: is there a simpler way to write this? Well, yes, there is:
sum(a, b){
return a+b
Of course, this is an unrealistic trivial example, but in real-life coding, this third step will guide you to refine your code into a well-written, tested final version.
The basic idea of writing test is to know whenever your system is behaving as expected or not. In test we make expectations, assumptions. Basically, we make following
Set your expectations
Run the code
Check expectations against the actual output
We set our expectations for given conditions and test it against the actual output. As developer, product owner, we always know how the system should behave for any given condition and we write tests accordingly.
For example, for the below given pseudo code:
int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
Here method sum should return the sum of arguments a and b. We know that,
The argument should always be integer.
The output should always be integer type.
The output should be the sum of two numbers a, b.
So, we exactly know when it would fail and we should write test to cover at least 70% of those cases.
I am a PHP guy, so my examples are in PHP. Regarding, ways to supply the arguments a, b. we have something called data provider. I am giving PHP here as a reference, in PhpUnit the preferred way of passing different argument is to pass it through Dataprovider. Visit the dataprovider sample and you will see the example for additions.
And this goes so on and on ... i will only add another cases for every test. The function will pass every of this tests, but for every other not listed case it will not and the result is an ineffective and stupid written function.
Yes, we try to cover as much part of the cases as possible. The more test covered, the more confident we become on our code. Let's say we have written a method that returns the subsets of array each having 4 unique elements in it. Now how do you approach writing the test cases for it? One of the solution would be to compute the permutation and check the length of array that should not exceed maximum count of array (being each unique element).
Where is the "break even" point when its time to say, that this way of doing tests isn't practicable anymore and switch to the right solution
We don't have break even in test cases. But we make the choices among different types of test cases namely (unit tests, functional bests, behavioural test). It is upto the developer what type of tests should be implemented and depending upon the types of tests it may vary.
The best way is to implement the TDD in projects. Until we do it in real projects, the confusion would remain. I myself had very hard time getting to understand the Mock and Expectations. It's not something that can be learned overnight, so if you don't understand something it's normal. Try it yourself, give yourself sometime, do experiments ask with friends just don't get exhausted. Always be curious.
Let us know if you still have confusions on it.

Unit testing checking for nulls

This is a very basic question but I still cannot find the appropriate answer. In my test there is a possibility to have null values and because of that the last stage (Act) starts looking a little bit strange (it is no longer act only). What I mean is the following:
var newVariable = variable.Property;
var finalVariable = newVariable.AnotherProperty;
Assert.AreEqual(3, finalVariable.Count);
Now they are obviously related and I have to be sure that the values are not null, but also there are three asserts in one test and the act part starts to look not right.
So what is the general solution in such cases? Is there anything smarter than 3 tests with one assert each and checks for null before the asserts of the last 2?
Basically there are two ways of dealing with your problem:
Guard assertions: extra asserts making sure data is in known state before proper test takes place (that's what you're doing now).
Moving guard assertions to their own tests.
Which option to chose largely depends on code under test. If preconditions would be duplicated in other tests, it's a hint for separate test approach. If precondition has reflection in production code, it's again hint for separate test approach.
On the other hand, if it's only something you do to boost your confidence, maybe separate test is too much (yet as noted in other answers, it might be a sign that you're not in full control of your test or that you're testing too many things at once).
I think you should split this test into three tests and name them accordingly to what's happening. It's perfectly sensible even if your acts in those tests are same, you are testing different scenarios by checking return value of the method.
Nulls are royal pain. The question is, can they legitimately exist?
Let's separate our discussion to code and tests.
If the null shouldn't exist then the code itself, not the tests, should check and verify that they are not null. For this reason each and every method of my code is built using a snippet that checks the arguments:
public VideoPosition(FrameRate theFrameRate, TimeSpan theAirTime)
Logger.LogMethod("theVideoMovie", theFrameRate, "theAirTime", theAirTime);
#region VerifyInputs
Validator.VerifyTrue(theAirTime.Ticks >= 0, "theAirTime.Ticks >= 0");
If null ARE legitimate in the code, but you are testing a scenario where the returned values shouldn't be null, then of course you have to verify this in your testing code.
In your Unit Test you should be able to control every input to your class under test. This means that you control if your variable has a value or not.
So you would have one unit test that forces your variable to be null andnthen asserts this.
You will then have another test where you can be sure that your variable has a value and you omly need the other asserts.
I wrote a blog about this some time ago. Maybe it can help: Unit Testing, hell or heaven?

Unit testing: why is the expected argument always first in equality tests?

Why is it that every unit testing framework (that I know of) requires the expected value in equality tests to always be the first argument:
Assert.AreEqual(42, Util.GetAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything());
assertEquals(42, Util.GetAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything());
I'm quite used to it now, but every coder I try to teach unit testing makes the mistake of reversing the arguments, which I understand perfectly. Google didn't help, maybe one of the hard-core unit-testers here knows the answer?
It seems that most early frameworks used expected before actual (for some unknown reason though, dice roll perhaps?). Yet with programming languages development, and increased fluency of the code, that order got reversed. Most fluent interfaces usually try to mimic natural language and unit testing frameworks are no different.
In the assertion, we want to assure that some object matches some conditions. This is the natural language form, as if you were to explain your test code you'd probably say
"In this test, I make sure that computed value is equal to 5"
instead of
"In this test, I make sure that 5 is equal to computed value".
Difference may not be huge, but let's push it further. Consider this:
Assert.That(Roses, Are(Red));
Sounds about right. Now:
Assert.That(Red, Are(Roses));
Hm..? You probably wouldn't be too surprised if somebody told you that roses are red. Other way around, red are roses, raises suspicious questions. Yoda, anybody?
Yoda's making an important point - reversed order forces you to think.
It gets even more unnatural when your assertions are more complex:
Assert.That(Forest, Has.MoreThan(15, Trees));
How would you reverse that one? More than 15 trees are being had by forest?
This claim (fluency as a driving factor for modification) is somehow reflected in the change that NUnit has gone through - originally (Assert.AreEqual) it used expected before actual (old style). Fluent extensions (or to use NUnit's terminology, constraint based - Assert.That) reversed that order.
I think it is just a convention now and as you said it is adopted by "every unit testing framework (I know of)". If you are using a framework it would be annoying to switch to another framework that uses the opposite convention. So (if you are writing a new unit testing framework for example) it would be preferable for you as well to follow the existing convention.
I believe this comes from the way some developers prefer to write their equality tests:
if (4 == myVar)
To avoid any unwanted assignment, by mistake, writing one "=" instead of "==". In this case the compiler will catch this error and you will avoid a lot of troubles trying to fix a weird runtime bug.
Nobody knows and it is the source of never ending confusions. However not all frameworks follow this pattern (to a greater confusion):
FEST-Assert uses normal order:
assertThat(Util.GetAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything(), equalTo(42))
ScalaTest doesn't really make a distinction:
Util.GetAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything() should equal (42)
I don't know but I've been part of several animated discussions about the order of arguments to equality tests in general.
There are a lot of people who think
if (42 == answer) {
is preferable to
if (answer == 42) {
in C-based languages. The reason for this is that if you accidentally put a single equals sign:
if (42 = answer) {
will give you a compiler error, but
if (answer = 42) {
might not, and would definitely introduce a bug that might be hard to track down. So who knows, maybe the person/people who set up the unit testing framework were used to thinking of equality tests in this way -- or they were copying other unit testing frameworks that were already set up this way.
I think it's because JUnit was the precursor of most unit testing frameworks (not that it was the first unit testing framework, but it kicked off an explosion in unit testing). Since JUnit did it that way, all the subsequent frameworks copied this form and it became a convention.
why did JUnit do it that way? I don't know, ask Kent Beck!
My view for this would be to avoid any exceptions eg: 42.equals(null) vs null.equals(42)
where 42 is expected
null is actual
Well they had to pick one convention. If you want to reverse it try the Hamcrest matchers. They are meant to help increase readability. Here is a basic sample:
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is;
public HamcrestTest{
public void matcherShouldWork(){
assertThat( Math.pow( 2, 3 ), is( 8 ) );
Surely it makes logical sense to put the expected value first, as it's the first known value.
Think about it in the context of manual tests. A manual test will have the expected value written in, with the actual value recorded afterwards.

Designing a robust unit test - testing the same logic in several different ways?

In unit test design, it is very easy to fall into the trap of actually just calling your implementation logic.
For example, if testing an array of ints which should all be two higher than the other (2, 4, 6, 8, etc), is it really enough to get the return value from the method and assert that this pattern is the case?
Am I missing something? It does seem like a single unit test method needs to be made more robust by testing the same expectation in several ways. So the above expectation can be asserted by checking the increase of two is happening but also the next number is divisible by 2. Or is this just redundant logic?
So in short, should a unit test test the one expectation in several ways? For example, if I wanted to test that my trousers fit me, I would/could measure the length, put it next to my leg and see the comparison, etc. Is this the sort of logic needed for unit testing?
Your unit tests should check all of your assumptions. Whether you do that in 1 test or multiple tests is a personal preference.
In the example you stated above, you had two different assumptions: (1) Each value should increment by 2. (2) All values should be even.
Should (-8,-6,-4,-2) pass/fail?
Remember, ensuring your code fails when it's supposed to is just as important, if not more important, then making sure it passes when it's supposed to.
If you assert that your array contains 2,4,6,8 -- then your testing logic might be flawed because your test would pass if you just returned an array with those elements, but not with, say, 6,8,10,12. You need to test that calculation is correct. So you need to test it with multiple arrays, in this particular case.
I find that making sure the test fails, then making the test pass, in the true spirit of TDD, helps flush out what the correct test is...
The array you are testing, must be generated in some sort of logic. Isn't it better to test this logic to ensure that the resulting array always meets your requirements?
For example, if testing an array of
ints which should all be two higher
than the other (2, 4, 6, 8, etc), is
it really enough to get the return
value from the method and assert that
this pattern is the case?
Perhaps you need to think a little more about how the function would be used. Will it be use with very large numbers? If so, the you may want to try some tests with very large numbers. Will it be used with negative numbers?
Am I missing something? It does seem
like a single unit test method needs
to be made more robust by testing the
same expectation in several ways. So
the above expectation can be asserted
by checking the increase of two is
happening but also the next number is
divisible by 2. Or is this just
redundant logic?redundant logic?
Hmm... well 1,3,5,9 would pass the assertEachValueIncrementsByTwo test, but it would not pass the assertValuesDivisibleByTwo test. Does it matter that they are divisible by 2? If so, then you really should test that. If not, then it's a pointless redundant test.
You should try to find more than 1 test for your methods, but redundant tests for the sake of more testing is not going to help you. Adding the assertValuesDivisibleByTwo test when that is not really required will just confuse later developers who are trying to modify your code.
If you can't think of any more tests, try writing a random input function that will generate 100 random test arrays each time you run your tests. You'd be surprised how many bugs escape under the radar when you only check one or two input sets.
I'd recommend multiple tests. If you ever need to change the behaviour you'd like to have as few tests to change as possible. This also makes it easier to find what the problem is. If your really blow the implementation and get [1,3,4,5] your one test will fail, but you'll only get one failure for the first thing you test when there are actually two different problems.
Try naming your tests. If you can't say in one clear method name what you're testing break up the test.
Also don't forget the edge cases. The empty list will likely pass the 'each entry is 2 more than the previous' one and 'all entries are even' tests, but should it?

Unit testing specific values

Consider the following code (from a requirement that says that 3 is special for some reason):
bool IsSpecial(int value)
if (value == 3)
return true
return false
I would unit test this with a couple of functions - one called TEST(3IsSpecial) that asserts that when passed 3 the function returns true and another that passes some random value other than 3 and asserts that the function returns false.
When the requirement changes and say it now becomes 3 and 20 are special, I would write another test that verifies that when called with 20 this function returns true as well. That test would fail and I would then go and update the if condition in the function.
Now, what if there are people on my team who do not believe in unit testing and they make this change. They will directly go and change the code and since my second unit test might not test for 20 (it could be randomly picking an int or have some other int hardcoded). Now my tests aren't in sync with the code. How do I ensure that when they change the code some unit test or the other fails?
I could be doing something grossly wrong here so any other techniques to get around this are also welcome.
That's a good question. As you note a Not3IsNotSpecial test picking a random non-3 value would be the traditional approach. This wouldn't catch a change in the definition of "special".
In a .NET environment you can use the new code contracts capability to write the test predicate (the postcondition) directly in the method. The static analyzer would catch the defect you proposed. For example:
Contract.Ensures(value != 3 && Contract.Result<Boolean>() == false);
I think anybody that's a TDD fan is experimenting with contracts now to see use patterns. The idea that you have tools to prove correctness is very powerful. You can even specify these predicates for an interface.
The only testing approach I've seen that would address this is Model Based Testing. The idea is similar to the contracts approach. You set up the Not3IsNotSpecial condition abstractly (e.g., IsSpecial(x => x != 3) == false)) and let a model execution environment generate concrete tests. I'm not sure but I think these environments do static analysis as well. Anyway, you let the model execution environment run continuously against your SUT. I've never used such an environment, but the concept is interesting.
Unfortunately, that specific scenario is something that is difficult to guard against. With a function like IsSpecial, it's unrealistic to test all four billion negative test cases, so, no, you're not doing something grossly wrong.
Here's what comes to me off the top of my head. Many repositories have hooks that allow you to run some process on each check-in, such as running the unit tests. It's possible to set a criterion that newly checked in code must reach some threshold of code coverage under unit tests. If the commit does not meet certain metrics, it is rejected.
I've never had to set one of these systems up, so I don't know what is involved, but I do know it's possible.
And believe me, I feel your pain. I work with people who are similarly resistant to unit testing.
One thing you need to think about is why 3 is a special character and others are not. If it is defining some aspect of your application, you can take that aspect out and make an enum out of it.
Now you can check here that this test should fail if value doesn't exist in enum. And for enum class write a test to check for possible values. If there is new possible value being added your test should fail.
So your method will become:
bool IsSpecial(int value)
if (SpecialValues.has(value))
return true
return false
and your SpecialValues will be an enum like:
enum SpecialValues {
Three(3), Twenty(20)
public int value;
and now you should write to test possible values for enum. A simple test can be to check total number of possible values and another test can be to check the possible values itself
The other point to make is that in a less contrived example:
20 might have been some valid condition to test for based on knowledge of the business domain. Writing tests in a BDD style based on knowledge of the business problem might have helped you explicitly catch it.
4 might have been a good value to test for due to its status as a boundary condition. This may have been more likely to change in the real world so would more likely show up in a full test case.