How to avoid duplicating test code - unit-testing

I have written my units tests, and where external resources are needed it is dealt with by using fakes.
All is good so far. Now i' am faced with the other test phases, mainly integration where i want to repeat the unit test methods against real external resources e.g The Database.
So, What are the recommendations for structuring test projects for Unit Vs Integration testing? I understand some people prefer separate assemblies for unit and Integration?
How would one share common test code between the two assemblies? Should i create a thrid assembly which contains all the Abstract Test Classes and let the unit and integration inherit? I am looking for maximum re-usability...
I hear alot of noise about Dependency Injection (StructureMap), How could one utilise such a tool in the given Unit + Integration test setup?
can anyone share some wisdom? Thanks

I don't think you should physically separate the two. A good solution is to put the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerTools.Tasks.CategoryAttribute above your tests to identify regular and integration tests. When running tests (even with MSBuild) you can decide to run only the tests you're interested in.
Alternatively you can put them in seperate namespaces.

For code that will be executed in setup & teardown phases, the base class approach would work well. For integration tests, you can extract the functionality of your unit tests into well-parameterized non-test methods (preferably placed in another namespace) and call these "common" methods from both unit and integration tests. Putting unit tests, integration tests and common methods into separate namespaces would suffice, there would be no need for extra assemblies.

One approach would be to create a separate file with helper methods that would be used across multiple testing contexts, and then include that file in both your unit tests and your functional tests. For the parts that vary, you could use dependency injection - for example, by passing in different factories. In the unit tests, the factory could build a fake object, and in the functional tests it could insert a real object in to your test database.

Whether you split the tests into two projects or keep them in one might depend on the number of classes/tests you have. Too many classes in a single project would make it difficult to dig through. If you do split them out, helper/common methods could be thrown into a third assembly, or you could make them public in the unit test assembly, and let the integration assembly reference that one. Make things only as complex as you have to.

On our project we have both integration and unit tests together but in separate folders. Our project layout is such that we have separate assemblies for the main sections (Domain, Services, etc). Each assembly has a matching test assembly. Test assemblies are allowed to reference other test assemblies.
This means Services.Test can reference Domain.Test which makes sense to us because Services references Domain in the actual code.
In terms of reusable pieces we have
Builders - These provide a fluent interface for creating the most important/complex objects in our domain. These live in the main test folder for our domain. Our domain test assembly is referenced by all other test assemblies.
Mothers - These insert data into the database. They give back an Id for the inserted row which can be used to load the object if required. These live in the main test folder for our services.
Helpers - These are guys that do small things throughout our testing. For instance we prefer to allow access to collections via IEnuermable so we have a CollectionHelper.AssertCountIsEqualTo<_T>(int count, IEnumerable<_T> collection, string message) which wraps the IEnumerable in a List and asserts a count. Our Helpers all live in a common test which every other test references.
As for an IoC container if you can use one on your project they can be a huge help not only in testing (via auto mocking) but also in general development. With the overheard of registering everything with the contain though it might be a bit much for just testing.

After some experimenting this is how you can re-use test methods:
public abstract class TestBase
public void BaseTestMethod()
public class UnitTest : TestBase
public class IntegrationTest : TestBase
The unit and integration test class will pick up the base class test methods and run them as two separate tests.
You should be able to create a parametised constructor on the base class to inject your mocks or resources.
I think this method can olny be used with classed within the same assembly. So it looks like the single assembly approach will have to do for now.
Thanks for the tips ppl!

If the only difference between many of your unit tests and the corresponding integration tests is that the latter use "real" ressources rather than fakes (mocks), one approach is the following:
Make a flag is_unit_test available to your test class from the outside
In the class setup, make fake or real resources available depending on the flag. For instance if you need to use a DB API that is either real (an instance of class DBreal) or fake (an instance of class DBfake), your initialization may look like if is_unit_test then this.dbapi = new DBfake else this.dbapi = new DBreal. (DBreal and DBfake need to conform to the same interface, let's call it DBapi.)
From the point of view of your test methods, step 2 amounts to (manual) Dependency Injection: The method does not know what class actually implements its dependency (the DB API). Rather, the dependency is injected into the method from the outside.
Where your test cases require the DB API, they use this.dbapi
Now you execute one and the same test class with the flag set for unit testing and without the flag set for integration testing. (How to make the flag available depends on your unit testing framework.)
Obviously, the same approach can be used if you need more than one resource in a test class.
Some people will find the explicit if in step 2 ugly. To make it more "elegant", you could employ an Inversion of Control (IoC) container (in Java for instance Spring or PicoContainer) to semi-automate the Dependency Injection instead. The initialization would then look like this.dbapi = myContainer.create(DBapi).
In simple cases, an IoC container will only complicate things, because configuring the container is not trivial, involves learning, opens the possibility of a new class of mistakes, and involves additional files.
In more complex cases however, the container makes things easier, because if the creation of your resources requires still other resources, the container will take care of their initialization as well and complexity would indeed go down. But unless you really get there, I suggest to KISS.
Unless you have an important reason for separate assemblies, they violate KISS. I suggest to wait for that reason first.
(Note that some people may tell you that Dependency Injection is only done at the class level.
I consider this unwarranted dogmatism. Injection simply means that a caller does not know the exact class it is calling, no matter how it obtained the object. It often becomes more useful when applied at the class level, but depending on your test framework this may make things overly complicated in the above case. Note that some test frameworks have their own injection capabilities, though.)


How to avoid overusing interfaces when unit testing

In an attempt to make my code friendly for unit testing, it seems wise to utilize depenency injection. This requires that any dependent class must implement an interface with the exact same set of methods.
I also see advice saying that I shouldn't have an interface for every class, but I don't see how I could possibly follow both pieces of advice. If I want unit testing, every single useful class must adhere to an interface.
Proof: Suppose there exists a class that does not implement any interfaces. If I am able to unit test my entire program, then no other code depends on this class. Therefore this class is useless and might as well be deleted.
Is there something I am misunderstanding? Is there a way to unit test without copy/pasting all of my classes into equivalently structured interfaces?
In order to write effective tests, you do need seams in your code (a place that let's you break your dependencies apart) to allow you to control any dependencies in your code. Interfaces are possibly the most obvious way to do this, but you can use other techniques such as wrapping your dependency in a method on your class under test and declaring that method as protected virtual (c#) and overriding the class for your unit tests. There is a great series of videos on YouTube around TDD that deal with design decisions when doing TDD. Search for "is TDD dead".
When unit testing, you usually just want to mock classes that make external calls (be it a database query or hitting an API). Consequently, you need to have an interface for these classes. However, a lot of times you may have random DTOs or utility classes that do small simple things and don't need to be mocked.
Some languages have tools that let you mock classes without writing a corresponding interface; for instance, Python allows patching arbitrary classes in test code, and the Mockito library for Java can generate a mock object from any class.
There is a school of thought that says when writing unit tests, only the "leaves", i.e. classes and methods which don't invoke other classes within the application, should be unit tested in isolation, and classes that are involved in orchestrating the behavior of other classes should be tested at the acceptance or integration level. This style of testing avoids writing unit tests that depend on mocking most of the classes in your application, and so avoids the need to write interfaces. Martin Fowler's article on mocks covers some of the differences between different styles of testing regarding mocks.

Is it acceptable to use a 'real' utility class instead of mocking in TDD?

I have a project I am trying to learn unit testing and TDD practices with. I'm finding that I'm getting to quite confusing cases where I am spending a long time setting up mocks for a utility class that's used practically everywhere.
From what I've read about unit testing, if I am testing MyClass, I should be mocking any other functionality (such as provided by UtilityClass). Is it acceptable (assuming that UtilityClass itself has a comprehensive set of tests) to just use the UtilityClass rather than setting up mocks for all the different test cases?
Edit: One of the things I am making a lot of setup for.
I am modelling a map, with different objects in different locations. One of the common methods on my utility class is GetDistanceBetween. I am testing methods that have effects on things depending on their individual properties, so for example a test that selects all objects within 5 units of a point and an age over 3 will need several tests (gets old objects in range, ignores old objects out of range, ignores young objects in range, works correctly with multiples of each case) and all of those tests need setup of the GetDistanceBetween method. Multiply that out by every method that uses GetDistanceBetween (almost every one) and the different results that the method should return in different circumstances, and it gets to be a lot of setup.
I can see as I develop this further, there may be more utility class calls, large numbers of objects and a lot of setup on those mock utility classes.
The rule is not "mock everything" but "make tests simple". Mocking should be used if
You can't create an instance with reasonable effort (read: you need a single method call but to create the instance, you need a working database, a DB connection, and five other classes).
Creation of the additional classes is expensive.
The additional classes return unstable values (like the current time or primary keys from a database)
TDD isn't really about testing. Its main benefit is to help you design clean, easy-to-use code that other people can understand and change. If its main benefit was to test then you would be able to write tests after your code, rather than before, with much of the same effect.
If you can, I recommend you stop thinking of them as "unit tests". Instead, think of your tests as examples of how you can use your code, together with descriptions of its behaviour which show why your code is valuable.
As part of that behaviour, your class may want to use some collaborating classes. You can mock these out.
If your utility classes are a core part of your class's behaviour, and your class has no value or its behaviour makes no sense without them, then don't mock them out.
Aaron Digulla's answer is pretty good; I'd rephrase each of his answers according to these principles as:
The behaviour of the collaborating class is complex and independent of the behaviour of the class you're interested in.
Creation of the collaborating class is not a valuable aspect of your class and does not need to be part of your class's responsibility.
The collaborating class provides context which changes the behaviour of your class, and therefore plays into the examples of how you can use it and what kind of behaviour you might expect.
Hope that makes sense! If you liked it, take a look at BDD which uses this kind of vocabulary far more than "test".
In theory you should try to mock all dependencies, but in reality it's never possible. E.g. you are not going to mock the basic classes from the standard library. In your case if the utility class just contains some basic helper methods I think I wouldn't bother to mock it.
If it's more complicated than that or connects to some external resources, you have to mock it. You could consider creating a dedicated mock builder class, that would create you a standard mock (with some standard stubs defined etc), so that you can avoid mocking code duplication in all test classes.
No, it is not acceptable because you are no longer testing the class in isolation which is one of the most important aspects of a unit test. You are testing it with its dependency to this utility even if the utility has its own set of tests. To simplify the creation of mock objects you could use a mock framework. Here are some popular choices:
Rhino Mocks
Of course if this utility class is private and can only be used within the scope of the class under test then you don't need to mock it.
Yes, it is acceptable. What's important is to have the UtilityClass thoroughly unit tested and to be able to differentiate if a test is failing because of the Class under test or because of the UtilityClass.
Testing a class in isolation means testing it in a controlled environment, in an environment where one control how the objects behave.
Having to create too many objects in a test setup is a sign that the environment is getting too large and thus is not controlled enough. Time has come to revert to mock objects.
All the previous answers are very good and really match with my point of view about static utility classes and mocking.
You have two types of utilities classes, your own classes you write and the third party utility classes.
As the purpose of an utility class is to provide small set of helper methods, your utility classes or a third party utility classes should be very well tested.
First Case: the first condition to use your own utility class (even if static) without mocking, is to provide a set of valid unit tests for this class.
Second Case: if you use a third party utility library, you should have enough confidence to this library. Most of the time, those libraries are well tested and well maintained. You can use it without mocking its methods.

Why would I write a fake class and unit test it?

I understand the need to test a class that has logic (for instance, one that can calculate discounts), where you can test the actual class.
But I just started writing unit tests for a project that will act as a repository (get objects from a database). I find myself writing a 'fake' repository that implements an ISomethingRepository interface. It uses a Dictionary<Guid, Something> for storage internally. It implements the Add(Something) and GetById(Guid) methods of the interface.
Why am I writing this? Nothing I'm writing will actually be used by the software when it's deployed, right? I don't really see the value of this exercise.
I also got the advice to use a mock object that I can setup in advance to meet certain expectations. That seems even more pointless to me: of course the test will succeed, I have mocked/faked it to succeed! And I'm still not sure the actual software will perform as it should when connecting to the database...
Can someone point me in the right direction to help me understand this?
Thank you!
You are not testing your mock object but some other class that is interacting with it. So you could for example test that a controller forwards a save method call to your fake repository. There is something wrong if you are "testing your fake objects"
Don't test the mock class. Do test the production class using the mock class.
The whole point of the test support class is to have something that you can predict its behavior. If you need to test the test support class in order to predict its behavior, there is a problem.
In the fake database article you linked in a comment, the author needs to unit test his fake database because it is his product (at least in the context of the article).
Edit: updated terms to be more consistent.
Mock - created by mocking framework
Fake - created manually, might actually function some.
Test Support - Mocks, Fakes, Stubs, and all the rest. Not production.
The purpose of the mock/stub object is not to be tested instead of the unit you're trying to test, it's to allow you to test that unit without needing other classes.
It's basically so that you can test classes one at a time without having to test all the classes they're also dependent on.
You should not be testing the mock class.
What you normally do is: you create mock classes for all the classes that the class you are testing interact with.
Let's say you are testing a class called Bicycle which takes in the constructor objects of classes Wheel, Saddle, HandleBar,etc.
And then within the class Bike you you want to test test its method GetWeight which probably iterates through each part and calls property/method Weight of them and then returns the total.
What you do:
you write a mock class for each part
(Wheel, saddle etc) which simply
implements the Weight bit
then you pass those mock classes to the Bicycle
test the GetWeight method on the Bicycle class
It that way you can focus on testing the GetWeight on the Bicycle class, in a manner that is independent on other classes (say they are not implemented yet, not deterministic etc.)
Who watches the watchers?
It is interesting for example if the mock implementation throws specific Exceptions for the corner cases, so you know that the classes that use or depend the IRepositorySomething can handle the exceptions that are thrown in real life. Some of these exceptions you can't generate easily with a test database.
You do not test the Mock object with a unit test, but you use it to test classes that depend on it.
Instead of writing a fake class by yourself, you can use a tool (like Rhino or Typemock) to mock it. It is much easier than writing all the mocks yourself. And like others said, there's no need to test fake code, which is no code if you use the tool.
I have actually found two uses for the mock classes that we use in repository implementation testing.
The first is to test the services that use an implementation of the "ISomethingRepository" equivalent that you mention. However, our repository implementations are created by a factory. This means that we do write tests against the "ISomethingRepository", but not against the "MockSomethingRepository" directly. By testing against the interface, we can easily assert that the code coverage for our tests cover 100% of the interface. Code reviews provide simple verification that new interface members are tested. Even if the developers are running against the mock that the factory returns, the build server has a different configuration that tests against the concrete implementation that the factory returns within the nightly builds. It provides the best of both worlds, in terms of test coverage and local performance.
The second use is one that I am surprised that no one else has mentioned. My team is responsible for the middle tier. Our web developers are responsible for the front end of the web products. By building out mock repository implementations, there is not the artificial obstacle of waiting for the database to be modeled and implemented prior to the front-end work starting. Views can be written that will be built off of the mock to provide a minimal amount of "real" data to meet the expectations of the web developers, as well. For example, data can be provided to contain minimum and maximum length string data to verify that neither break their implementation, etc.
Since the factories we use are wired as to which "ISomethingRepository" to return, we have local testing configurations, build testing configurations, production configurations, etc. We purposely are trying to make sure that no team on the project has unreasonable wait times because of another team's implementation time. The largest chunk of wait time is still provided by the development team, but we are able to crank out our domain objects, repositories, and services at a faster pace than the front-end development.
Of course, YMMV. ;-)
You write "fake" class called Stub or Mock object because you want to test an implementation in a simple way without testing the real concrete class. The purpose is to simplify the testing by testing only the Interface (or abstract class).
In your example, you are testing something that has a dictionnary. It might be fill up in real by the database or have a lot of logic behind it. In your "fake" object, you can simplify everything by having all data constant. This way you test only the behavior of the interface and not how the concrete object is built.
There is generally no need to run classical unit tests in the Data Access Layer.
Perhaps you can write integrational style unit test for your Data Acess Classes, that is, Integration Test (= integrating your Data Access Layer Code with the DB) using the features of Unit Testing Frameworks.
For example, in a Spring project you can use Spring Testcontext to start your Spring context inside a unit test, and then connect to a real database and test that the queries returns correct results. You need probably an own database for unit tests, or perhaps you can connect them with a developer DB.
Have a look at the following article for a good explanation of this:
Basically, if you write a fake object and it turns out to be fairly complex, it is sometimes worth it to unit test the fake to make sure it works as expected.
Since a repository can be complex, writing unit tests for it often makes sense.

Unit testing Visitor pattern architecture

I've introduced visitors as one of core architecture ideas in one of my apps. I have several visitors that operate on a same stuff. Now, how should I test it? Some tests I'm thinking of are a bit larger then a unit test should be (integration test? whatever) but I still wanna do it. How would you test code like the C++ sample from wiki art on Visitor Pattern
Unit testing isn't really about testing patterns, it is about testing the correct implementation of methods and functions. The visitor pattern is a specific class structure, and for each of the classes (ConcreteVisitor and ConcreteElement, specifically) involved you'll want unit tests.
When you've developed confidence that your class methods are behaving OK, you could use your unit test framework to develop integration tests as well. Do not start integration testing rightaway: you'll find that you develop a lot of integration tests that are actually testing the behavior of a specific class, i.e. unit tests.
Whether you need mock objects or can use 'real' objects is a different matter. This depends a lot on whether the objects behave nice enough for unit test purposes (i.e. they do not pull in a lot of additional dependencies etc.), and whether the objects themselves are unit tested (i.e. you need to be able to trust these objects 100%). The mock vs. real objects issue has been addressed on stackflow before, so search the unittest tags.
make a test visitor object and make it visit things.... test that it visited the right things.
You can create mock objects and have your visitors visit them, and then create mock visitors, and test that the right actions were performed.

What are the best practices in your tests?

I would like to know what are your practices when you test your classes.
For example, I like to use inheritance, with my fixtures.
Given two classes BaseClass, SubClass, I make two other classes BaseClassFixture and SubClassFixture (SubClassFixture is a sub class of BaseClassFixture). So I'm sure that I don't break code which use SubClass as a BaseClass (And people who extends my class can be sure if they do things right, by creating another sub class of my fixture).
I do fixture inheritance with interfaces too.
For example, when I create a fixture for IList, I check that any Add, increase Count by one.
When I have a concrete class which implements IList I just create a fixture named MyConcreteClassIListFixture.
In that case, the fixture for my interface is abstract and I let my subclass create the instance for my tests.
I think it's a kind of design by contracts (see Bertrand Meyer), because I check invariant before and after any tests.
I do this especially with published interfaces or classes.
And you... what are your practices ??
My most important rule is that each test should be atomic and should run in no particular order.
For unit tests, they should strictly obey seperation of concerns.
For integration tests, I pay extra attention to make sure they follow the most important rule.
Also, tests should follow the DRY rule as much as possible along with the code.
There are couple of important things when writing unit test.
1) Unit Tests should be independent:
Unit Tests must be independent. This means that your unit test should not depend on external things to run. This includes internet connection, external web services etc.
2) Unit Tests should be fast:
Unit Tests should run fast. You can write unit tests in multiple ways. Some of them include the dataaccess even though you don't need to access data to run the test. You can always use mock objects and mock the data access layer.
3) Good naming convention:
Unit Tests should have good naming convention and should read like stories.
Here is one example:
public class when_user_transfer_money_from_source_account_to_destination_account
public void make_sure_error_is_thrown_when_source_account_has_insufficient_funds()
Here is a good screencast that covers many of the above points: