Preventing Resource DLLs from being hacked - c++

I develop in C++/MFC and have placed all the resources in a separate DLL.
I have seen cases where the resource DLL is modified and the product is sold illegally with different name, graphics etc.
How do I prevent the resource DLL from being modified/hacked?

Sign it and then check thef signature is valid and there. I would use some sort of official certificate for the company but a self-signed will do.
A quick google turned up:
Digital Code Signing Step-by-Step Guide (altho it looks like it's for Office XP)
Prevent DLL Tampering on Windows Apps
It also pays to sign the EXE as well.
As pointed out in the comment, there is no way you can stop someone with enough skill from tampering with your application. It's all about risk management. How much to you want to 'risk' someone tampering with your application. Is it worth the time and effort to rise the bar so that you need a more highly skilled person to temper with your application? That's up to you.
I would at least sign all your code files that you release anyway. It verifies that those files come from you and have not been tampered with.

If you trust your app you could just calculate a hash on your resource dll before shipping and reject dll:s with other hashes.

You can't. Such issues have to be dealt with through the law, not code. Also note any such "solution" would likely violate user's fair use rights. I have often played around with modifying program resources for fun (e.g. putting a Tux on the Windows login page). I wasn't out to deceive anyone and didn't even distribute the result.

You could checksum the dll binary, check it from the main program and quit / disable features if it's different. It won't stop someone hell bent on ripping off your stuff since they could hack out the checking code in your exe but at least it won't be so easy.

As everyone is saying you can only raise the bar to make it more difficult to hack, I wouldn't spend more time on it than having a hash as disown suggests. An alternate way of thinking about this (if you software allows it) is to make your software attractive in the long term with updates etc. That way people will want an account with you rather than a hacked version.

You can't prevent your application from being hacked any more than you can't prevent your car from being stolen, sure, you can have state of the art alarm system and have it blow fire if it detects it's not the owner, but someone could just break the glass or wear fire-proof suit. In short, you can't.

If this is commercial software and you are worried about theft then you should look at third party solutions. There is plenty of software designed to protect from shareware up. They are different prices with different features.
As others have said no pure software solution is completely safe. But I would recommend outsourcing this and concentrate on the business value your application provides.

You could zip it with an encrypted password and unzip it into a temporary location before reloading it. Something like
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
CString TempName = TempFileName();
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(TempName);
There are a number of free zip libraries that can cover the unzipping and password protection abovw


Prevent piracy of desktop application which doesnt need Internet connection?

Suppose for an application which will never receive internet connection during its lifetime, how can you prevent the piracy of the software?
There cannot be a single product key requirement during installation because, once installed legitimately anybody can copy the installation and re-distribute it.
So every time the application runs it should check for something and crash if the check fails.
Now what could it possibly check?
Initially I thought keeping an encrypted binary file will do the job, but as answered here, that seems a negligible prevention.
Any hacker can modify the executable so that instead of crashing when the check fails it should continue running.
So no matter how difficult the check is, the cracked application will always run.
Now I cannot see any possible solution to this problem.
PS: I am a single independent developer who is developing productivity software with very low charge. Seeing this question I believe I just have to let it go. Sigh....
EDIT: I would like to thank all the contributors in this discussion in letting me know the grim reality...
What I understand now is that you are indirectly submitting the source code of your application in the form of the target executable. Its source code can be modified by anybody using a debugger, thus ANY method of preventing piracy through source code of your application is useless. The only possible solution to this problem is to keep your legitimate customers happy by providing them services (apart from the software) and keep your price below their expectations.
I was think of solving this problem for past 3 days and now all seems worthwhile but still learnt a lot in this process, which I wouldn't have otherwise...
I ha
The only standalone thing I've seen that is semi-effective is hardware keys that come with the boxed software. They used to attach to a parallel port or a serial port and get checked when you started the program.
AutoCad and similar programs used to do this, but it is a BIG PAIN for your customers. Any time it doesn't read it, or a key goes bad, customer productivity suffers. It hurts your legitimate customers far more than those who end up pirating it anyway, and a sufficiently motivated pirate can make a VM that will overcome this. Modern versions of this use USB.
My recommendation is to trust people. Upon install, make them click a "I promise I paid for this" button and be done with it. If they click "I didn't pay for this" show them a small paragraph about how to help keep good software coming and prevent customer-harming DRM schemes by simply contributing to the success of good software authors.
You could generate a unique copy for each user, create a database, and check it agents copies you find online if you like playing the biggest game of wack-a-mole ever.

What would be a good Coldfusion-based bug tracking software?

What I am looking for is a tool that easily or automatically sends coldfusion error messages to their system.
Then I can use the web-based interface, to manage priorities, track who fixed what and so forth.
But I want to use this to help us deal with errors better, but also to show the importance of a bug tracking system to my fellow works.
System Requirements: Apache, Windows, Coldfusion 8 Standard, Sql Server 2005.
Financial Requirements: Free or Open Source
Goal Or Purpose: To encourage my fellow workers to want and use a bug tracking system.
Does this re-write make more sense?
Wiki has a list of issue tracking software, maybe this list could help.
You may be able to find a hosted service and use either email or web services to create the ticket using onError. With that said, a simple issue tracking app could be created for your site using the same DB used to drive the content. 2 or 3 tables would take care of the data storage and you're already using CF so the application layer is already there.
I have been heavily using this type of a setup for several years by email only, and the last 3 years with a Bug Tracking Software.
I must say, the bug tracking software has made my life so much more peaceful. Nothing is left, forgotten, or slips through the cracks. It's easy to find trends in errors, and remember "all the times" it happened.
Our setup is like this:
1) Coldfusion + Appropriate framework with error reporting - It doesn't matter what you use. I have used Fusebox extensively and am making the transition to ColdBox. Both are very capable, in addition to Mach-II, FW/1, Model-Glue, etc. The key part you have to find in them is their ability to catch "onError", usualy in the application CFC.
2) Custom OnError Script - Wherever an error occurs, you want to capture the maximum amount of information about that error and email it in. What we do is, when an error occurs, we log the user out with a message of "oops, log in again". Before logging them out, the application captures the error and emails it to Fogbugz. Along with it, at the top we include the CGI variables for the IP address, browser being used, etc. Over time you will find the things you need to add.
3) Routing in Fogbugz. A 2 user version of Fogbugz is free, and hosted online. There are two main ways to submit bugs. One is to email one in at a time. So if an error happens 2000 times, you get 2000 emails, and 2000 cases. Not always the best to link them together, etc. They have a feature called BugzScout, which is essentially an HTTP address that you do a form post to with cfform with all of the same information you would have put into the email. There's plenty of documentation on this and something I've always wanted to get around to. I had a scenario of 2000 emails for the first time happen a few weeks ago so I'll be switching over to this.
Hope that helps. Share what you ended up doing and why so we all can learn too!
I'm surprised no one mentioned LighthousePro ( Open source - 100% free - and ColdFusion. As the author I'm a bit biased though. :)
Hard question to answer not knowing what kind of restrictions are there? Do you have any permissions to install anything? Also most bug-tracking systems require some kind of database support.
I have a suggestion. You can put in place a basic bug-tracking system, that just allows people to create tickets, and allows you/someone else to close it.
More Windows based tools are mentioned here
Good open-source bug tracking / issue tracking sofware for Windows
Any reason why coldfusion specifically?
I really like Fogbugz from the makers of Stack Overflow. For one user it's quite reasonably priced. I enter some bugs manually and have others emailed in.
A lot of bug tracking software will expose SOAP methods for entering data into them.
For example, we used Axosoft's OnTime and that exposed some WSDL pages that I consumed in my application. I was told that Jira did as well.
There are few in CF411 list: Bug Tracking/Defect Tracking/Trouble Ticket/Help Desk Tools Written in CFML
We use HopToad. There is another bug-tracking app called LightHouse that integrates with HopToad so you can easily create a [bug] ticket from an incoming exception. HopToad has an API of which there are many clients, you want the CF based one:
Even if you dont use HopToad and you end up using a different service or roll your own, if you needed to write your own API client you could leverage the code or pattern(s) of the above HopToad client.
A lot of good information from everyone, and I really do appreciate the efforts given. But not the answer i was looking for. Which maybe means, that what i want does not exist, yet.
So i may have to roll my own solution...Or maybe integrate with another existing app...
Thank You all.

Restrict functionality to a certain computer

I have a program that is using a configuration file.
I would like to tie the configuration file to the PC, so copying the file on another PC with the same configuration won't work.
I know that Windows Activation Mecanism is monitoring hardware to detect changes and that it can tolerates some minor changes to the hardware.
Is there any library that can help me doing that?
My other option is to use WMI to get Hardware configuration and to program my own tolerance mecanism.
Thanks a lot,
Microsoft Software Licensing and Protection Services has functionality to bind a license to hardware. It might be worth looking into. Here's a blog posting that might be of interest to you as well.
If you wish to restrict the use of data to a particular PC you'll have to implement this yourself, or find a third-party solution that can do this. There are no general Windows API's that offer this functionality.
You'll need to define what you currently call a "machine."
If I replace the CPU, memory, and hard drive, is it still the same computer? Network adaptor, video card?
What defines a machine?
There are many, many licensing libraries out there to do this for you, but almost all are for pay (because, ostensibly, you'd only ever want to protect commercial software this way). Check out what RSA, Verisign, and even microsoft have to offer. The windows API does not expose this, ostensibly to prevent hacking.
Alternately, do it yourself. It's not hard to do, the difficult part is defining what you believe a machine to be.
If you decide to track 5 things (HD, Network card, Video card, motherboard, memory sticks) and you allow 3 changes before requiring a new license, then users can duplicate the hard drive, take out two of the above, put them in a new machine, replace them with new parts in the old machine and run your program on the two separate PCs.
So it does require some thought.
If the machine has a network card you could always check its mac address. This is supposed to be unique and checking it as part of the program's startup routine should guarantee that it only works in one machine at a time... even if you remove the network card and put it another machine it will then only work in that machine. This will prevent network card upgrades though.
Maybe you could just keep something in the registry? Like the last modification timestamp for this file - if there's no entry in the registry or the timestamps do not match then fall back to defaults - would that work? (there's more then one way to skin a cat ;) )

What is the normal way to send crash reports, product registrations, etc in C++?

What is the normal way to send crash reports, product registrations, etc? In other words, how do you guarantee your C++ Windows apps can 'call home'?
I'm not a novice by any means but I'm completely lost in this area. I've never done it before so would appreciate any advice.
Kind Regards,
For crash reports I would strongly recommend taking advantage of Microsoft's WinQual service rather than attempting to create your own. It's free and seamlessly integrated with Windows, at least since XP. It also requires no code or client-side changes at all at its most basic level. To take advantage of more advanced features you can use the Windows Error Reporting APIs.
Code I've written simply creates an email with the required information using the users default email application with information in plain text. I always get the permission of the user to send it, explaining clearly why I think the information is necessary. Nothing is sent without their express permission.
I also prefer to use plain text (not alway possible with memory dumps and such) so they can check what's being sent and no personal or identifying information.
I'm very careful with that stuff since there are possible legal implications with doing it, at least in the jurisdiction where I operate. In any case, it should always be done with the users permission as a matter of courtesy.
As far as crash reporting is concerned, there's WER for starters. It has its drawbacks (the biggest being you have to sign up for it at microsoft and all reports are sent to a central microsoft server) and is best for driver software.
If you need anything else (add your own wishes here), you can either roll your own solution ( search provides a few alternatives - just go "crash report").
Regarding product registration - there must be 3rd party solution available as well. I have not heard of anything "built-in" for that, but it is a vast topic - you have to be more specific on features you're after.

How to get unique hardware/software signature from a windows pc in c/c++

I'm developing a small windows app using c++ and i would like to get some kind of fingerprint of the software/hardware on a pc so that i can allow the app to be run only on certain pc's.
I am aware that the app can be cracked but i'm really interested in implementing something like this.
Any ideas how could i achieve this?
It basically depends on how tight you want to couple your software to the underlying hardware. For example you could get some hardware information from the registry, read out the MAC address from the LAN card, retrieve the gfx manufacturer, the CPU id, etc. and hash all these data.
You could then use this hash as a challenge code which is sent to your company. The customer then receives the signed (with your private key) version of this hash.
Upon start up your application is able to check if the signature of the hash is good or bad (i.e. has been signed by your company).
This not only binds your software to a certain hardware configuration, but also forces the crackers to patch your application (because they would need to patch the public key from your executable and replace it in order to write a keygen). Many people consider twice installing a crack obtained from various sources in contrast to just entering a valid serial copied from a keygen.
In order to check the signature of the hash, anything from RSA over DSA to ECC can be used. I can recommend Crypto++ or libTomCrypt for that.
There's no reliable way known to do this in a vanilla PC; people have been trying for years. The problem is that you might change any component at any time, including the CPU and the BIOS ROMs. The closest people have come is using a cryptographically protected "dongle" but that has proven both to be unsatisfactory in operation, and not very secure.
If you come up with something, patent it; it would be very valuable.
As the others have said there is nothing perfect for what you want. I made a half-hearted attempt for a similar issue and ended up with a mix of drive volume ID (not good because it can be reformatted) and the OS key (from windows).
In the end I didn't spend much time on it as if people really want to crack your software they'll probably be able to do it. I left the dinky licensing "protection", but it is pretty poor.
Spend the time/effort on making them want to buy it by making it outstanding.