I'm currently working on a project using C++ and DirectX9 and I'm looking into creating a light source which varies in colour as time goes on.
I know C++ has a timeGetTime() function, but was wondering if anyone knows of a function in HLSL that will allow me to do this?
Use a shader constant in HLSL (see this introduction). Here is example HLSL code that uses timeInSeconds to modify the texture coordinate:
float4x4 view_proj_matrix;
float4x4 texture_matrix0;
// My time in seconds, passed in by CPU program
float timeInSeconds;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float3 Pshade : TEXCOORD0;
VS_OUTPUT main (float4 vPosition : POSITION)
// Transform position to clip space
Out.Pos = mul (view_proj_matrix, vPosition);
// Transform Pshade
Out.Pshade = mul (texture_matrix0, vPosition);
// Transform according to time
Out.Pshade = MyFunctionOfTime( Out.Pshade, timeInSeconds );
return Out;
And then in your rendering (CPU) code before you call Begin() on the effect you should call:
// C++
myLightSourceTime = GetTime(); // Or system equivalent here:
m_pEffect->SetFloat ("timeInSeconds ", &myLightSourceTime);
If you don't understand the concept of shader constants, have a quick read of the PDF. You can use any HLSL data type as a constant (eg bool, float, float4, float4x4 and friends).
I am not familiar with HLSL, but I am with GLSL.
Shaders have no concept of 'time' or 'frames'. Vertex shader "understands" vertices to render, and pixel shader "understands" textures to render.
Your only option is to pass a variable to the shader program, in GLSL it is called a 'uniform', but I am not sure about HLSL.
I'm looking into creating a light
source which varies in colour as time
goes on.
There is no need to pass anything with that, though. You can directly set the light source's color (at least, you can in OpenGL). Simply change the light color on the rendering scene and the shader should pick it up from the built-in uniforms.
Nope. Shaders are essentially "one-way". The CPU can affect what's happening on the GPU (specify which shader program to run, upload textures and constants and such), but the GPU can not access anything on the CPU side of the fence. If the GPU (and your shader) needs a piece of data, it must be set by the CPU as a constant or written as a texture (or as part of the vertex data)
If you're using HLSL to write a shader for Unity, a time in seconds variable is exposed as _Time.
SPIR-V allows for very verbose data formats.
GLSL has only basic data types (Chapter 4) that do not specify bit length.
As far as I am aware the most convenient way to program shaders for Vulkan is to program them in GLSL, then use the Vulkan SDK provided compiler (glslc.exe) to convert the file into a SPIR-V binary.
My question is how does one use these verbose data formats such as the VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 (found in the SPIR-V link above) In GLSL while using glslc.exe to compile our shader code. Are there special data types that the compiler allows for? If not is there an alternative higher level language that one could use and then compile into the binary?
For example if this was the attribute descriptions used in the graphics pipeline:
struct Attributes {
vec2 pos;
char flags;
static inline std::array<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription, 3> getAttributeDescriptions() {
std::array<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription, 3> attributeDescriptions{};
attributeDescriptions[0].binding = 0;
attributeDescriptions[0].location = 0;
attributeDescriptions[0].format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT;
attributeDescriptions[0].offset = offsetof(Attributes, pos);
attributeDescriptions[1].binding = 0;
attributeDescriptions[1].location = 1;
attributeDescriptions[1].format = VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8;
attributeDescriptions[1].offset = offsetof(Attributes, flags);
return attributeDescriptions;
The proceeding GLSL shader code would look something like this:
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
//Instance Attributes
layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos;
layout(location = 1) in 4BitVec2DataType flags;
//4BitVec2DataType is a placeholder for whatever GLSL's equivalent of SPIR-V's VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 would be
void main() {
The proceeding GLSL shader code would look something like this:
No, it wouldn't. You would receive a vec2 in the shader, because that's how vertex attributes work. The vertex format is not meant to exactly match the data format; the data will be converted from that format to the shader-expected bitdepth. Unsigned normalized values are floating-point data, so a 2-vector UNORM maps to a GLSL vec2.
And BTW, SPIR-V does not change this. The shader's input size need not exactly match the given data size; any conversion is just baked into the shader (this is also part of why the vertex format is part of the pipeline).
The GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage extension offers more flexibility in GLSL for creating unusual sizes of data types within buffer-backed interface blocks. But these are specifically for data in UBOs/SSBOs, not vertex formats. However, this extension requires the SPV_KHR_16bit_storage and SPV_KHR_8bit_storage SPIR-V extensions.
I'm writing ray-tracing on OGL computing shaders, to pass data to and from shaders I use buffers.
When size of vec2 output buffer (which is equal to number of rays multiplied by number of faces) reaches ~30Mb attempt of mapping buffer is stable returning NULL pointer. Range mapping also fails.
I can't find any info about GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER limitations in ogl documentation, but maybe someone can help me, is ~30Mb limit or this mapping-fail may happen because of something different?
And is there any way to avoid this except for calling shader multiple times?
Data declaration in shader:
#version 440
layout(std430, binding=0) buffer rays{
vec4 r[];
layout(std430, binding=1) buffer faces{
vec4 f[];
layout(std430, binding=2) buffer outputs{
vec2 o[];
uniform int face_count;
uniform vec4 origin;
Calling code (using some Qt5 wrappers):
QOpenGLBuffer ray_buffer;
QOpenGLBuffer face_buffer;
QOpenGLBuffer output_buffer;
QVector<QVector2D> output;
if(!ray_buffer.create()) { /*...*/ }
if(!ray_buffer.bind()) { /*...*/ }
ray_buffer.allocate(rays.data(), rays.size()*sizeof(QVector4D));
if(!face_buffer.create()) { /*...*/ }
if(!face_buffer.bind()) { /*...*/ }
face_buffer.allocate(faces.data(), faces.size()*sizeof(QVector4D));
if(!output_buffer.create()) { /*...*/ }
if(!output_buffer.bind()) { /*...*/ }
ogl->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, ray_buffer.bufferId());
ogl->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, face_buffer.bufferId());
ogl->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, output_buffer.bufferId());
int face_count = faces.size();
compute.setUniformValue("face_count", face_count);
compute.setUniformValue("origin", pos);
ogl->glDispatchCompute(rays.size()/256, faces.size(), 1);
QVector2D* data = (QVector2D*)output_buffer.map(QOpenGLBuffer::ReadOnly);
First of all, you have to understand that the OpenGL specification defines minimum maxima for a variety of values (the ones starting with a MAX_{*} prefix). That means that implementations are required to at least provide the specified amount as the maximum value, but are free to increase the limit as implementors see fit. This way, developers can at least rely on some upper bound, but can still make provisions for possibly larger values.
Section 23 - State Tables summarizes what has been previously specified in the corresponding sections. The information you were looking for is found in table 23.64 - Implementation Dependent Aggregate Shader Limits (cont.). If you want to know about which state belongs where (because there is per-object state, quasi-global state, program state and so on), you go to section 23.
The minimum maximum size of a shader storage buffer is represented by the symbolic constant MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE as per section 7.8 of the core OpenGL 4.5 specification.
Since their adoption into core, the required size (i.e. the minimum maximum) has been significantly increased. In core OpenGL 4.3 and 4.4, the minimum maximum was pow(2, 24) (or 16MB with 1 byte basic machine units and 1MB = 1024^2 bytes) - in core OpenGL 4.5 this value is now pow(2, 27) (or 128MB)
Summary: When in doubt about OpenGL state, refer to section 23 of the core specification.
From OpenGL Wiki:
SSBOs can be much larger. The OpenGL spec guarantees that UBOs can be
up to 16KB in size (implementations can allow them to be bigger). The
spec guarantees that SSBOs can be up to 128MB. Most implementations
will let you allocate a size up to the limit of GPU memory.
OpenGL < 4.5 guarantees only 16MiB (OpenGL 4.5 increased the minimum to 128MiB) , you can try using glGet() to query if you can bind more.
GLint64 max;
In fact problem seems to be in Qt wrappers. Didn't look in-depth, but when I've changed QOpenGLBuffer's create(), bind(), allocate() and map() to glCreateBuffers(), glBindBuffer(), glNamedBufferData() and glMapNamedBuffer(), all called through QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Core, memory problem was gone until I reached 2Gb (which is GPU physical memory limit).
Second error I've made was not using glMemoryBarrier(), but it didn't help while QOpenGLBuffer was in use.
If I have the following code in a GLSL fragment shader:
float r = 0.386;
float a = 26.6;
float xd = r*cos(0.0174532924*(a+0));
float yd = r*sin(0.0174532924*(a+0));
float xe = r*cos(0.0174532924*(a+90));
float ye = r*sin(0.0174532924*(a+90));
is it a sane assumption that the compiler will evaluate those trigonometric functions instead of have them be evaluated in every fragment execution?
In this case, sadly, you can't know much, since the compilation is done by the GPU. I would say it is implementation dependent, since some compilers may be better optimized.
However, as WearyWanderer sayed, you can hardcode the values or pass them through uniforms/UBO.
As you mentioned you could calculate the values and directly assign them, but want to let it for documentation purposes, I assum the values will be the same in every execution of the shader code.
Uniform Variables are variables that you can calculate once, send to a shader, and are the same for every execution, unless you change the uniform variable at some point. For example:
float r = 0.386;
float a = 26.6;
float xd_val = r*cos(0.0174532924*(a+0));
GLuint xd_id = glGetUniformLocation(pShaderProgram, "xd");
glUniform1f(xd_id, xd_val);
This calculates the value only once on the CPU, passes it to the shader program as a uniform variable, and the shader has access to the value for every execution without recaulcating it, but still leaves the code in here for your documentation that you wanted.
Uniform's are commonly used for object wide values, I.E an alpha-value, passing in scene lights for phong shader model, etc.
I'm trying to draw 2 simple triangles nothing special and this is the shader code :
#version 430 core
layout(location=0) in vec4 vPosition;
As you can see the shader code is really small and has nothing special.
When I try to compile this code I get a
undefined variable "gl_position"
I don't understand why because I thought all the gl_... variables were global variables.
What can I do ?
GLSL is case sensitive (as most programming languages), so its gl_Position, not gl_position.
It is gl_Position. P is uppercase.
I have some Cg Vertex shader and want to get the compiled binary from it to cache.
The way I load the Cg vertex is using glProgramStringARB, the problem with that is that I can't retrieve any value from glGetProgramiv and glGetProgramBinary.
Here is a example code of what I'm doing:
CGprogram program = cgCreateProgram(context, CG_SOURCE, source, ...);
const char* programARB = static_cast<char*>(cgGetProgramString(program,
GLuint id;
glGenProgramsARB(1, id);
static_cast<GLsizei>(strlen(programARB)), programARB);
GLint length = -10;
printf("LENGTH: %d\n", length);
I initialized length with -10 just to see if the variable would change with glGetProgramiv call, but I always get the -10 as result.
the problem with that is that I can't retrieve any value from glGetProgramiv and glGetProgramBinary.
Of course you can't. You're confusing ARB_vertex_program with GLSL programs. They're not the same thing.
glGetProgramiv takes a GLSL program object (among other things). Odds are good that OpenGL is giving you a GL_INVALID_VALUE error, since the first argument is almost certainly not a valid program object created by glCreateProgram.
You can't get a program binary for an ARB_vertex_program. You would need to compile your Cg shader to GLSL, then use the standard GLSL compile/link process, and get the binary from that.