Passing another class amongst instances - c++

I was wondering what is the best practice re. passing (another class) amongst two instances of the same class (lets call this 'Primary'). So, essentially in the constructor for the first, i can initialize the outside instance (lets call this 'Shared') - and then set it to a particular value whilst im processing this class in main().
So 'Shared', may be an int, say 999 by now.
Now what if i create another instance of the main class 'Primary'? whats the best way to access the already initialized outside instance of 'Shared' - because if i don't handle this correctly, the constructor for 'Primary', when called again will just go ahead and create one more instance of 'Shared', and thus i loose the value 999.. i can think of some messy solutions involving dynamic pointers and if statements (just) but i have a feeling there might be a simpler, cleaner solution?

As I understand it:
You have a class A
You have a class B
For all members of class A there is a single instance of class B
You did not mention if any parameters from the A constructor are used to initialize B!
What happens to the parameters of the second A that are used for B?
So we will assume that B is default constructed.
We will also assume that you need the instance of B to be lazily evaluated otherwise you would just use a static member.
class A
B& bRef;
:bRef(getLazyB()) // Get a reference to the only B for your object.
static B& getLazyB()
static B instance; // Created on first use
return instance; // returned to all users.

Make the constructor take a pointer or reference to the shared class. It is easier to construct outside.
class Shared;
class Same
shared& shared_;
Same( Shared& s ) { shared_ = s; }
With appropiate use of const and other constructors etc.

This depends on the semantics of your classes. If the outside class is not really outside but some obscure implementation detail that happens to be shared between instances, pass the first instance to the constructor of the second instance and get a reference to the outside instance there.
If the outside class is really an outside class with a meaning by itself, create it outside and pass it to the constructor just as Mark suggested.
If not only two specific instances but all instances share the same instance of the outside class, think about making it a static member of the class, as Martin York suggested.


C++ Constructor member initializer lists, Object Slicing

I have two classes
class A {
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
class B : public A {
int x;
virtual void doStuff() override { x = x*2;} //just example function
And another class that modify and use data from the previous
class Foo {
A a;
Foo::Foo(A &a_) : a(a_) {}
now I create the objects, and passes to the Foo class
B b;
// edit b attributes,
Foo foo(b);
So at the argument list for the class constructor I know there is not the problem of object slicing, because is a reference, but what is the case at the moment of assign the variable a(a_)?
Since I don't know how much time the object b is going to live I need to make a secure copy. I have a lot of different derived classes from A, even derived from the derived.
Will there be a object slicing?,
Is there a solution to this, or I need to pass pointers (don't want this approach)?
This causes slicing. C++ built in polymorphism only works with pointer/reference semantics.
In fact:
class Foo {
A a;
that won't even compile, because A is not a concrete class.
To fix this, first make virtual ~A(){}; and then pass smart pointers to A around. Either unique or shared.
Failing that you can use your own bespoke polymorphism. The easiers way is to stuff a pImpl smart pointer as a private member of a class and implement copy/move semantics in the holding class. The pImpl can have a virtual interface, and the wrapping class just forwards the non-overridable part of the behaviour to it.
This technique can be extended with the small buffer optimization, or even bounded size instances, in order to avoid heap allocation.
All of this is harder than just using the built in C++ object model directly, but it can have payoff.
To see a famous example of this, examine std::function<Sig> which is a value type that behaves polymorphically.
There will be object slicing with what you currently have. You're calling the A copy-constructor in Foo's constructor, and there aren't virtual constructors.
Having a member variable of type A only reserves enough space within an instance of Foo for an instance of A. There is only dynamic binding with pointers and references (which are pointers under the hood), not with member variables.
You would have to use pointers to get around this or you could rethink whether you really need a set-up like this.
Yes, there is slicing.
There has to be slicing, because a B does not fit inside a A, but it is an A that you are storing inside the class Foo. The B part is "sliced off" to fit; hence the name.

C++: Incorporating inheritance, polymorphism, and factories

I'm currently trying to make a pair of classes which depend on each other. Essentially, objects of class B create objects of class A. However, I am also using an inheritance hierarchy, so all derivatives of class B must also be able to create derivatives of class A (each derivative of B corresponds to a derivative of A, so DerB1 makes DerA1 objects, and DerB2 makes DerA2 objects).
I'm having problems with my implementation, and it may be silly, but I would like to see if anyone knows what to do. My code is below (I HATE reading other people's code, so I tried to make it as easy to read as possible...only a few important bits, which I commented to explain)
class BaseB {} // Declare BaseB early to use in BaseA constructor
class BaseA
BaseA(BaseB* b) {}; // Declare the BaseA constructor (callable by all B classes, which pass a pointer to themselves to the constructor so the A objects can keep track of their parent)
class DerA:public BaseA
DerA(BaseB* b):BaseA(b) {}; // Inherit the BaseA constructor, and use initialization list
class BaseB
virtual BaseA createA() = 0; // Virtual function, representing method to create A objects
class DerB:public BaseB
BaseA createA() {
DerA* a = new DerA(this); // Definition of createA to make a new A object, specifically one of type DerA (Error1: No instance of constructor "DerA::DerA" matches the argument list)
return a; // Error2: Cannot return DerA for BaseA function
So, I have two main problems, one is practical (Error1, as I seem to simply be calling the function wrong, even if I try to typecast this), one is philosophical (Error 2, as I don't know how to implement the features I want. If anyone could point out why Error1 is occurring, that would be wonderful! Error2, however, requires some explanation.
I would like my user (programmer) to interact with all A objects the same way. They will have the same exact public functions, but each will have VERY different implementations of these functions. Some will be using different data types (and so will require function contracts), but many will have the same data types just with different algorithms that they use on them. I would like some piece of code to work exactly the same way if one class A derivative is used or another is. However, in my current implementation, it seems that I need to return a DerA object instead of a BaseA object (at the site of Error2). This means that I will need to write a segment of main code SPECIFICALLY for a DerA object, instead of any arbitrary A object. I would like something like:
BaseB b = new DerB(); // Declare which derivative of BaseB I want to use
BaseA a = b->createA(b); // Call the createA function in that derivative, which will automatically make a corresponding A object
This way, I can simply choose which type of B object I would like in the first line (by my choice of B constructor, or tag, or template, or something), and the rest of the code will look the same for any type of object B (as each has the same public member functions, even though each object will perform those functions differently).
Would I be better off using templates or some other method instead of inheritance? (I apologize for being intentionally vague, but I hope my class A/B example should mostly explain what I need).
Thank you for any help. I apologize for asking two questions in one post and for being long-winded, but I am trying to learn the best way to approach a rather large redesign of some software.
You have several syntactical issues to get the errors solved:
Add the ; after each class definitions.
The first line should be a forward declaration: class BaseB /*{} NO!!*/ ;
Add public: to make constructor of DerA accessible for DerB
BaseA createA() should return a value, not a pointner (according to signature): return *a;
There is another potential hidden slicing issue, as createA() returns a value, an not a pointer. This means that your returned object (here *a), would be copied but as a real BaseA object. So only the BaseA part of the object will be copied, not the derived part. This could lead to some unexpected surprises.
In order to avoid slicing, consider returning a pointer, changing the signature of createA() accordingly. The object pointed to would then keep the right type without loosing anything.
If you would later need to copy the object, you could use a static cast if you are absolutely sure of the real type of the object pointed to:
BaseA *pba = pdb->createA(); // get pointer returned
DerA da = *static_cast<DerA*>(pba); // static cast with pointer
If you would need to copy pointed BaseA objects without necessarily knwowing for sure their real type, you could implement a virtual clone function in DerA (e.g. prototype design pattern)

Can one somehow retrieve the "host instance" from a private class?

I have the following setup (simplified):
class A {
void doBar() { B b;; }
int foo;
class B {
public: void bar() { /* do somehting with foo */ }
Now, VS tells me:
A non static member reference must be relative to a specific object
Well, okay, that sounds reasonable. However, as this class B is private to A I can be sure that it will never be used outside of an instance of a (specific) instance of A (okay, static methods of A are an exception).
So bottom line, is there any chance to get the current instance of A from a method of B, i.e., the instance from which B b was instantiated? I'm especially looking for a clean solution because otherwise I'd just pass in a reference.
Declaring a class within another class doesn't create "containment", only scope of the class declaration. Your B objects are not - generally speaking - contained by A objects, unless you make them so by virtue of how you hold references to each other.
So, no; there is no mechanism by which a B is able to determine which instance of A created it, because there is nothing special about this situation.
And think about it: the B object is created on the stack in your example, but it could have been heap-allocated. The A object might have also been created on the heap with 'new', or on the stack, or on a custom heap, or via 'placement-new'. There is no relation at all between the two objects in memory.

C++: How to manage object lifetimes and dependencies?

A concrete problem:
I have a Main application which has objects of type A and type B (among other types).
Object of type B requires A object to be properly constructed (so there is a constructor
A(const B& b). However Main may change B object it holds at any time. How do I make
sure that when Main changes its B object then the A object's internal reference is changed ?
In general, what are some good practices to manage object lifetimes, where objects
have dependencies ?
If A never caches any of B properties, and always references the instance of B it holds to generate any dependent output, any changes that are made to B should be reflected in subsequent calls to A. I am assuming you're simply storing a reference to B within the constructor and not creating a local copy.
If I understand correctly, you want to not just change the B object but completely replace it with a different B. References can't be changed once created, so you'll want to use pointers instead.
You may want to use the Observer Pattern to let the A objects know when their B should be replaced:
In general: Always make sure you know about the ownership. Whenever you create an object, wither another object needs to be the owner or it has to be a local variable. In your case the main routine would be the owner of the instance to B. If you have a reference to B in your A instance, A will see all changes to the instance - just make sure you do not copy (not having a reference does implicit copying). So in your code you would have something like
const B& theReference;
B& theReference;
if you need to call non-const methods (remember to also change your constructor in that case).
If I understood you correctly, if you make modifications to an object that main holds, it should in turn effect the object what A holds. For this you may take the help of constructor initializer.
#include <iostream>
class B{
int num ;
B(int arg):num(arg) {}
class A{
const B& ref ;
A( const B& arg ): ref(arg){}
int main()
B objOne(10) ;
A objTwo(objOne) ;
std::cout << objTwo.ref.num << std::endl ;
objOne.num = 20 ;
std::cout << objTwo.ref.num << std::endl ;
Output :
Keep in mind:
All problems can be solved with one more layer of indirection.
Object ownership must be obvious.
In your case, if the B instance can come-and-go at any time (the old instance is deleted, a new one is "newed"), then you can create a "utility handle" class that "wraps" the B instance:
class BHandle {
B* b_; // can change at any time
Then, your A class would reference a BHandle instance, or wholly contain a BHandle instance. Then, B instances can come-and-go, but A::my_b_handle_ would always reflect where the "current" B instance is.
On the other hand, if the B instance merely has data members that change (its instance itself does not come-and-go), then you don't need to do anything (A will always reference the same B instance, and you may in some cases merely need to "notify" A that properties changed in the B object it references).
Here's how I handled the problem. User code looks like this:
class Env
void *priv;
class MyInterface
MyInterface(Env &e) : e(e) { }
int create_A();
void use_A(int a);
Env &e;
void *priv;
int main()
Env e;
MyInterface i(e);
int a = i.create_A();
This way every dependency is visible in the user code. The dependencies between objects are nicely stored inside a std::vectors in a Env class. Indexes to the vectors will be returned from the functions. create_A() and use_A() can communicate via ints. The objects will all be destroyed at the same time when Env class goes out of the scope. Your objects could be deriving from a base class which has virtual destructor.
If you have more than one int, recommended way is this:
struct ID { int i; };
Implementation of the interface would rely on the following functions:
A *find_a(const Env &e, ID i);
ID create_a(Env &e, A *ptr);
The above approach solves the following problems with object lifetimes:
lifetime of the objects
dependencies between the objects (via ints)
identifying the objects
the dependencies could be stored either via int's or via pointers
destroying the objects when lifetime ends

Inheritance - initialization problem

I have a c++ class derived from a base class in a framework.
The derived class doesn't have any data members because I need it to be freely convertible into a base class and back - the framework is responsible for loading and saving the objects and I can't change it. My derived class just has functions for accessing the data.
But there are a couple of places where I need to store some temporary local variables to speed up access to data in the base class.
mydata* MyClass::getData() {
if ( !m_mydata ) { // set to NULL in the constructor
m_mydata = some_long_and complex_operation_to_get_the_data_in_the_base()
return m_mydata;
The problem is if I just access the object by casting the base class pointer returned from the framework to MyClass* the ctor for MyClass is never called and m_mydata is junk.
Is there a way of only initializing the m_mydata pointer once?
It doesn't have members and you must maintain bit-for-bit memory layout compatibility… except it does and C++ doesn't have a concept of freely-convertible.
If the existing framework allocates the base objects, you really can't derive from it. In that case, I can think of two options:
Define your own class Cached which links to Base by reference. Make the reference public and/or duplicate Base's interface without inheritance.
Use a hash table, unordered_map< Base *, mydata > mydata_cache;. This seems most appropriate to me. Use free functions to look up cache data before delegating to the Base *.
You could initialize your private variables in a separate initialization member function, so something like this:
class MyClass {
init() {
if (!m_mydata) {
m_mydata = f();
framework_class_t *fclass = framework.classfactory.makeclass();
MyClass *myclass = (MyClass*)fclass;
char *mydata = myclass->getData();
It's hard to say if this is a good idea or not without knowing what framework you're using, or seeing your code. This is just the first thing that came to mind after reading your description.
You could create a wrapper for the factory of the framework. The wrapper would have the same interface, delegate calls to the framework but it could initialize the created base class instance before returning it. Of course, this requires you to change your code to use the wrapper everywhere, but if it is possible, after that you can be sure that the initialization happens properly.
A variation on this: use RAiI by wrapping the base class instances into a custom autopointer which could do the initialization in its constructor. Again, if you manage to change the code everywhere to use the new wrapper type instead of the derived class directly, you are safe.