Using a singleton to store global application parameters - c++

i'm developing a simple simulation with OpenGL and this simulation has some global constants that are changed by the user during the simulation execution. I would like to know if the Singleton design pattern is the best way to work as a temporary, execution time, "configuration repository"

A singleton is probably the best option if you need to keep these settings truly "global".
However, for simulation purposes, I'd consider whether you can design your algorithms to pass a reference to a configuration instance, instead. This would make it much easier to store configurations per simulation, and eventually allow you to process multiple simulations with separate configurations concurrently, if requirements change.
Often, trying to avoid global state is a better, long term approach.

I think in the past I've used namespaces for this purpose, not singleton classes, but this should work too (probably even better).
Of course, if you want to be able to change the configuration without recompiling, you might want to move everything to a separate properties file (or XML or YAML or CSV or whatever you prefer) and then load it at application start up. Then you WOULD need a "config" class to store all the values in a hashmap (or something like that).


C++ Singleton Design pattern alternatives

I hate to beat a dead horse, that said, I've gone over so many conflicting articles over the past few days in regards to the use of the singleton pattern.
This question isn't be about which is the better choice in general, rather what makes sense for my use case.
The pet project I'm working on is a game. Some of the code that I'm currently working on, I'm leaning towards using a singleton pattern.
The use cases are as follows:
a globally accessible logger.
an OpenGL rendering manager.
file system access.
network access.
Now for clarification, more than a couple of the above require shared state between accesses. For instance, the logger is wrapping a logging library and requires a pointer to the output log, the network requires an established open connection, etc.
Now from what I can tell it's more suggested that singletons be avoided, so lets look at how we may do that. A lot of the articles simply say to create the instance at the top and pass it down as a parameter to anywhere that is needed. While I agree that this is technically doable, my question then becomes, how does one manage the potentially massive number of parameters? Well what comes to mind is wrapping the different instances in a sort of "context" object and passing that, then doing something like context->log("Hello World"). Now sure that isn't to bad, but what if you have a sort of framework like so:
->only use ctx->log() in some freak edge case in this function.
//maybe ctx never uses log here.
You get the point... in some areas, some aspects of the "ctx" aren't ever used but you're still stuck passing it literally everywhere in case you may want to debug something down the line using logger, or maybe later in development, you actually want networking or whatever in that section of code.
I feel like the above example would much rather be suited to a globally accessible singleton, but I must admit, I'm coming from a C#/Java/JS background which may color my view. I want to adopt the mindset/best practices of a C++ programmer, yet like I said, I can't seem to find a straight answer. I also noticed that the articles that suggest just passing the "singleton" as a parameter only give very simplistic use cases that anyone would agree a parameter would be the better way to go.
In this game example, you probably wan't to access logging everywhere even if you don't plan on using it immediately. File system stuff may be all over but until you build out the project, it's really hard to say when/where it will be most useful.
So do I:
Stick with using singletons for these use cases regardless of how "evil/bad" people say it is.
Wrap everything in a context object, and pass it literally everywhere. (seems kinda gross IMO, but if that's the "more accepted/better" way of doing it, so be it.)
Something completely else. (Really lost as to what that might be.)
If option 1, from a performance standpoint, should I switch to using namespace functions, and hiding the "private" variables / functions in anonymous namespaces like most people do in C? (I'm guessing there will be a small boost in performance, but then I'll be stuck having to call an "init" and "destroy" method on a few of these rather than being able to just allow the constructor/destructor to do that for me, still might be worth while?)
Now I realize this may be a bit opinion based, but I'm hoping I can still get a relatively good answer when a more complicated/nested code base is in question.
After much more deliberation I've decided to use the "Service Locator" pattern instead. To prevent a global/singleton of the Service Locator I'm making anything that may use the services inherit from a abstract base class that requires the Service Locator be passed when constructed.
I haven't implemented everything yet so I'm still unsure if I'll run into any problems with this approach, and would still love feedback on if this is a reasonable alternative to the singleton / global scope dilemma.
I had read that Service Locator is also somewhat of an anti-pattern, that said, many of the example I found implemented it with statics and/or as a singleton, perhaps using it as I've described removes the aspects that cause it to be an anti-pattern?
Whenever you think you want to use a Singleton, ask yourself the following question: Why is it that it must be ensured at all cost that there never exists more than one instance of this class at any point in time? Because the whole point of the Singleton pattern is to make sure that there can never be more than one instance of the Singleton. That's what the term "singleton" is all about: there only being one. That's why it's called the Singleton pattern. That's why the pattern calls for the constructor to be private. The point of the Singleton pattern is not and never was to give you a globally-accessible instance of something. The fact that there is a global access point to the sole instance is just a consequence of the Singleton pattern. It is not the objective the Singleton pattern is meant to achieve. If all you want is a globally accessible instance of something, then use a global variable. That's exactly what global variables are for…
The Singleton pattern is probably the one design pattern that's singularly more often misunderstood than not. Is it an intrinsic aspect of the very concept of a network connection that there can only ever be one network connection at a time, and the world would come to an end if that constraint was ever to be violated? If the answer is no, then there is no justification for a network connection to ever be modeled as a Singleton. But don't take my word for it, convince yourself by checking out page 127 of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software where the Singleton pattern was originally described…😉
Concerning your example: If you're ending up having to pass a massive number of parameters into some place then that first and foremost tells you one thing: there are too many responsibilities in that place. This fact is not changed by the use of Singletons. The use of Singletons simply obfuscates this fact because you're not forced to pass all stuff in through one door in the form of parameters but rather just access whatever you want directly all over the place. But you're still accessing these things. So the dependencies of your piece of code are the same. These dependencies are just not expressed explicitly anymore at some interface level but creep around in the mists. And you never know upfront what stuff a certain piece of code depends on until the moment your build breaks after trying to take away one thing that something else happened to depend upon. Note that this issue is not specific to the Singleton pattern. This is a concern with any kind of global entity in general…
So rather than ask the question of how to best pass a massive number of parameters, you should ask the question of why the hell does this one piece of code need access to that many things? For example, do you really need to explicitly pass the network connection to the game loop? Should the game loop not maybe just know the physics world object and that physics world object is at the moment of creation given some object that handles the network communication. And that object in turn is upon initialization told the network connection it is supposed to use? The log could just be a global variable (or is there really anything about the very idea of a log itself that prohibits there ever being more than one log?). Or maybe it would actually make sense for each thread to have its own log (could be a thread-local variable) so that you get a log from each thread in the order of the control flow that thread happened to take rather than some (at best) interleaved mess that would be the output from multiple threads for which you'd probably want to write some tool so that you'd at least have some hope of making sense of it at all…
Concerning performance, consider that, in a game, you'll typically have some parent objects that each manage collections of small child objects. Performance-critical stuff would generally be happening in places where something has to be done to all child objects in such a collection. The relative overhead of first getting to the parent object itself should generally be negligible…
PS: You might wanna have a look at the Entity Component System pattern…

Avoiding singletons in plugins to be shared among all the instances

I'm building a plugin which will be used in a host. This plugin is using a singleton for services I would like to easily access anywhere. The problem comes when I instance several times the same plugin, the same (static) singleton, being specific to the runnable, will be shard among all the instanced plugins. Is there, generally speaking, a way to reduce the scope of the singleton (c++) ?
As each plugin is an instance in itself, I could obviously pass the root class of the plugin to all of it's subclasses but I would like to keep the same global singleton design as possible.
Is there a reason for having a singleton? The rationale is when you need to enforce that there is only one, and need to provide a single point of access. If these aren't really requirements, then just create one and pass it around where needed.
I would gradually get rid of the singleton.
Does the singleton do a lot, or not much?
You might need to divide it up into parts.
If it doesn't do much, just pass it where is is needed, and get rid of its singleton-ness.
If it provides lots of services, create interfaces for each service and pass those around where they are needed. Your design will improve and become more testable and easier to comprehend.
At first, the implementations of the interfaces could delegate to the original singleton, but you want to make them self contained eventually.
A singleton do internally make use of a static variable.
The scope of this static variable is specified by the source file where it is defined and partitioned by its current runnable. For those reason, while running under the same host (and then the same runnable) both plugins (which are the same code) do share the same static variable (and by extension the same singleton).
As we assume in this question the code to be the same for each plugin, the only way to split those singletons would then be to run a new executable. This could be done using the fork unix command for example where both process will then hold their own memory range.
Obviously (as most of you commented) it is a much better approach to avoid using singletons in this case as forking a process is just adding useless complexity.

Hardcoding Parameters vs. loading from a file

I am working on a motion control system, and will have at least 5 motors, each with parameters such as "gearbox ratio", "ticks per rev" "Kp", "Ki", "Kd", etc. that will be referenced upon construction of instances of the motors.
My question to StackOverflow is how should I organize these numbers? I know this is likely a preferential thing, but being new to coding I figure I could get some good opinions from you.
The three approaches I immediately see are as follows:
Write in the call to the constructor, either via variables or numbers-- PROS: limited coding, could be implemented in a way that it's easy to change, but possibly harder than #define's
Use #define's to accomplish similar to above -- PROS: least coding, easy to change (assuming you want to look at the source code)
Load a file (possibly named "motorparameters.txt") and load the parameters into an array and populate from that array. If I really wanted to I could add a GUI approach to changing this file rather than manual. -- PROS:easiest to change without diving into source code.
These parameters could change over time, and while there are other coders at the company, I would like to leave it in a way that's easy to configure. Do any of you see a particular benefit of #define vs. variables? I have a "constants.h" file already that I could easily add the #defines to, or I could add variables near the call to the constructor.
There's a principle know as YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It) which says do the simplest thing first, then change it when (if) your requirements expand.
Sounds to me like the thing to do is:
Write a flexible motor class, that can handle any values (within reason), even though there are only 5 different sets of values you currently care about.
Define a component that returns the "right" values for the 5 motors in your system (or that constructs the 5 motors for your system using the "right values")
Initially implement that component to use some hard-coded values out of a header file
Retain the option to replace that component in future with an implementation of the same API, but that reads values out of a resource file, text file, XML file, GUI interaction with the user, off the internet, by making queries to the hardware to find out what motors it thinks it has, whatever.
I say this on the basis that you minimize expected effort by putting in a point of customizability where you suspect you'll want one (to prevent a lot of work when you change it later), but implement using the simplest thing that satisfies your current certain requirements.
Some people might say that it's not actually worth doing the typing (a) to define the component, better just to construct 5 motors in main() (b) to use constants from a header file, better just to type numeric literals in main(). The (b) people are widely despised as peddlers of "magic constants" (which doesn't mean they're necessarily wrong about relative total programming time by implementer and future maintainers, they just probably are) and the (a) people divide opinion. I tend to figure that defining this kind of thing takes a few minutes, so I don't really care whether it's worth it or not. Loading the values out of a file involves specifying a file format that I might regret as soon as I encounter a real reason to customize, so personally I can't be bothered with that until the requirement arises.
The general idea is to separate the portions of your code that will change from those that won't. The more likely something is to change, the more you need to make it easy to change.
If you're building a commercial app where hundreds or thousands of users will use many different motors, it might make sense to code up a UI and store the data in a config file.
If this is development code and these parameters are unlikely to change, then stuffing them into #defines in your constants.h file is probably the way to go.
Number 3 is a great option if you don't have security or IP concerns. Anytime you or someone else touches your code, you introduce the possibility of regressions. By keeping your parameters in a text file, not only are you making life easier on yourself, you're also reducing the scope of possible errors down the road.

What's a pattern for getting two "deep" parts of a multi-threaded program talking to each other?

I have this general problem in design, refactoring or "triage":
I have an existing multi-threaded C++ application which searches for data using a number of plugin libraries. With the current search interface, a given plugin receives a search string and a pointer to a QList object. Running on a different thread, the plugin goes out and searches various data sources (locally and on the web) and adds the objects of interest to the list. When the plugin returns, the main program, still on the separate thread, adds this data to the local data store (with further processing), guarding this insertion point using a mutex. Thus each plugin can return data asynchronously.
The QT-base plugin library is based on message passing. There are a fair number of plugins which are already written and tested for the application and they work fairly well.
I would like to write some more plugins and leverage the existing application.
The problem is that the new plugins will need more information from the application. They will to need intermittent access to the local data store itself as they search. So to get this, they would need direct or indirect access both the hash array storing the data and the mutex which guards multiple access to the store. I assume the access would be encapsulated by adding an extra method in a "catalog" object.
I can see three ways to write these new plugins.
When loading a plugin, pass them
a pointer to my "catalog" at the
start. This becomes an extra,
"invisible" interface for the new
plugins. This seems quick, easy,
completely wrong according to OO but
I can't see what the future problems would be.
Add a method/message to the
existing interface so I have a
second function which could be
called for the new plugin libraries,
the message would pass a pointer to
the catalog to the plugins. This
would be easy for the plugins but it
would complicate my main code and
seems generally bad.
Redesign the plugin interface.
This seems "best" according to OO,
could have other added benefits but
would require all sorts of
So, my questions are
A. Can anyone tell me the concrete dangers of option 1?
B. Is there a known pattern that fits this kind of problem?
A typical function for calling the plugin routines looks like:
QList<CatItem> results;
plugins->getResult(spec, &results);
void PluginHandler::getResults(QString* spec, QList<CatItem>* results)
if (id->count() == 0) return;
foreach(PluginInfo info, plugins) {
if (info.loaded)
info.obj->msg(MSG_GET_RESULTS, (void*) spec, (void*) results);
It's a repeated through-out the code. I'd rather extend it than break it.
Why is it "completely wrong according to OO"? If your plugin needs access to that object, and it doesn't violate any abstraction you want to preserve, it is the correct solution.
To me it seems like you blew your abstractions the moment you decided that your plugin needs access to the list itself. You just blew up your entire application's architecture. Are you sure you need access to the actual list itself? Why? What do you need from it? Can that information be provided in a more sensible way? One which doesn't 1) increase contention over a shared resource (and increase the risk of subtle multithreading bugs like race conditions and deadlocks), and 2) doesn't undermine the architecture of the rest of the app (which specifically preserves a separation between the list and its clients, to allow asynchronicity)
If you think it's bad OO, then it is because of what you're fundamentally trying to do (violate the basic architecture of your application), not how you're doing it.
Well, option 1 is option 3, in the end. You are redesigning your plugin API to receive extra data from the main app.
It's a simple redesign that, as long as the 'catalog' is well implemented and hide every implementation detail of your hash and mutex backing store, is not bad, and can serve the purpose well enough IMO.
Now if the catalog leaks implementation details then you would better use messages to query the store, receiving responses with the needed data.
Sorry, I just re-read your question 3 times and I think my answer may have been too simple.
Is your "Catalog" an independent object? If not, you could wrap it as it's own object. The Catalog should be completely safe (including threadsafe)--or better yet immutable.
With this done, it would be perfectly valid OO to pass your catalog to the new plugins. If you are worried about passing them through many layers, you can create a factory for the catalog.
Sorry if I'm still misunderstanding something, but I don't see anything wrong with this approach. If your catalog is an object outside your control, however, such as a database object or collection then you really HAVE to encapsulate it in something you can control with a nice, clean interface.
If your Catalog is used by many pieces across your program, you might look at a factory (which, at it's simplest degrades to a Singleton). Using a factory you should be able to summon your Catalog with a Catalog.getType("Clothes"); or whatever. That way you are giving out the same object to everyone who wants one without passing it around.
(this is very similar to a singleton, by the way, but coding it as a factory reminds you that there will almost certainly be more than one--also remember to allow a Catalog.setType("Clothes", ...); for testing.

Best way to create an Environment object in C++

I want to create an environment class that is accessible from all of my classes in my program but I dont want to initialize the environment object everytime I want to access its members from my other classes. What is the best way to go around doing this in C++?
I want to do this because I have the environment object store all my config values that other classes may use. Those values are read from multiple places, including different files. I dont want to parse the files every time I create a new environment object in my classes.
A Singleton object isn't always the solution. While sometimes it seems like an easy solution, it does have some disadvantages (see this question for example).
How many of your classes actually need access to this Environment object? If you literally meant that every class you have do then it sounds like your design is flawed.
Quite often a better alternative to a singleton is just to pass the object around to those who actually need it.
What you need to do is to wrap your environment class in a Singleton Pattern. See this SO question for more info: C++ Singleton design Pattern
As has been pointed out, what you are looking for is the Singleton pattern. However, the Singleton pattern is frequently the result of poor design. Whenever you find yourself using the Singleton pattern, or, for that matter, any pattern that requires what are, in effect, global variables, you should consider whether there might be a better approach to the problem. With respect to your particular problem, I recommend you take a look at the QSettings class, which is a part of the Qt Framework, a free and high quality open source library.
The QSetttings class will allow you to load/save configuration settings using the preferred native mechanism (the registry on Windows, a property list file on Mac OS X, and a gconf XML file on Linux). Also, you might want to see my post Environment Variables are Evil, in case you were considering using environment variables for the configuration (the name "environment" for the configuration sounds awfully ominous).
Sounds like you want a singleton pattern. This will let you create and use one object/instance of a class, but no more, even if you access it many times. See:
You can create a service which is a static singleton. This service contains all your object collection(s) and provide functions to access these objects.