OpenId + remember me / staying logged in - cookies

I have a question as to how / what the best approaches are to using OpenId and also providing the ability to stay logged in.
If i look at Stackoverflow for example i have logged in using Google and if i close by browser and come back it still has me as logged in.
However, i am not logged into Google and moreoever I have removed stackoverflow from the list of authorised services which have access to your Google account. I would naively expect that stackoverflow would prompt me to login again but it doesn't.
So my question is, what are the best practices regarding OpenId and remembering authenticated users across sessions?

OpenID is still pretty new and several relying parties are trying out new and different ways to implement OpenID. There is a work in progress best practices document for relying parties hosted by the OpenID foundation. In particular, they address the question of cookies and session lengths in their last section. Definitely an interesting idea to use persistent claimed_id cookies rather than persistent session cookies in order to make the user's life easier -- they only have to log out of their OP and close the browser.
Personally I find the behavior you're describing on StackOverflow pretty natural. If OpenID were out of the picture and you were logged into a username/password web site on two different computers with a persistent cookie (a very common scenario), and you changed your password on one, I wouldn't be surprised if the other computer still had me logged in. You could call that a security hole, but it's still normal practice. So normal in fact that Gmail recently added a display at the bottom of your Inbox screen that tells you where else you're logged in and gives you the opportunity to invalidate their session cookie.
I would suggest that a similar approach could be taken by any RP, regardless of the authentication method. And that would probably mitigate the security concern you have.

Stack overflow probably uses a cookie to remember you as user number xyz or session id 1234. After authentication, OpenID has nothing at all to do with the session anymore. SO doesn't have the ability to see if you are still logged in to Google so this seems only natural.


Do I need to sign out a user if they leave my homepage and signed on through their Google account?

I'm developing a login page for my Django application and am using Google login for users to gain access. My question is if they sign on successfully, do I need some way to change the state of their sign on for security purposes?
Might be a silly question but I honestly have no idea and want to be sure.
No, not a silly question but a thoughtful one.
Using Google or other OAuth2 providers for your login is Ok, you request a set of scopes and when your user login and accepts to continue, you can make requests within those scopes. The flow is outlined here for Google
Generally, you won't have far-reaching access to manipulate users' accounts and for some scopes, your app needs to be verified. For web applications, remember your users will see the scopes you are requesting and can always decline. Because of this, it's generally a good pattern to request the scopes when you need them.
If your public application uses scopes that permit access to certain user data, it must complete a verification process. If you see unverified app on the screen when testing your application, you must submit a verification request to remove it. Find out more about unverified apps and get answers to frequently asked questions about app verification in the Help Center.
That's Google trying to keep users safe.
By the way, users can always revoke the access they have given your app at any time and for any reason.

Google OAuth - How to check which users are connected, and manually disconnect them?

I'm struggling with a the new OAuth verification process that Google has introduced. Earlier, my OAuth app was using sensitive scopes, and I made changes to ensure that the sensitive scopes are no longer required, and removed them from the OAuth consent screen configuration.
However, my OAuth consent screen is still being forced to go through the verification process (which is a black box and never seems to complete!)
I noticed the following user-cap being breached. Could the forced verification be because of this? How do I check which users are connected to my app, and also manually disconnect them? I have never bothered about this user-cap in the past, so it is quite possible that a number of these are internal/test users when the app was under active development and was being tested in production. Btw, if app simply deletes a user's refreshToken from the DB, and the user is forced to re-connect, will that count as +2 or +1 while calculating users against this cap?
Possibly related to How can I confirm the user limit of my google cloud/API? -- but that doesn't answer this question in detail.
I noticed the following user-cap being breached. Could the forced verification be because of this?
probably but only google can really anwser that
How do I check which users are connected to my app, and also manually disconnect them?
You cant there is no way for you to know what users where connected to your app and disconnect them unless you have saved a refresh token for these users if you have then you could remove them using the revoke command.
However this is no guarantee that the number google is displaying is going to change as it could be just a running total of users who have consented to your application in the past and not the ones who have currently consented. There is no way of know ing this as google hasnt told use.
if app simply deletes a user's refreshToken from the DB, and the user is forced to re-connect, will that count as +2 or +1 while calculating users against this cap
This may be true but that doesn't mean that the user has revoked your access to their application though their account. The only way to remove access is for the user to remove it in their account or for you to use the revoke endpoint to revoke them by force. Your application not having a refresh token doesn't mean that the user hasn't granted your application access.
Long story short your going to have to go though the verification process and wait for google to remove it when they see that you are no longer using the scopes that would require it.
Update: I have pinged someone on the team to see if this is working as intended or if it could be a bug. I will update this when i know more.

How do sites like quora track users without cookies?

If you clear your cookies and go to, suddenly you are logged in to quora. How does quora do that?
You can try that yourself. Does site now can check if a visitor is logged in to facebook and act appropiately?
The Quora home page actually has multiple cookie variables. Please analyze the scripting code below:
You will find that there are actually three object classes within the initial script load that will check whether you are logged into Quora or a partner site of Quora's which you have indicated that you will allow the associated login as your proxy login for Quora.
Quora also maintains session data via an internal Session_Table which will keep you "logged-in" to the Quora system unless you specifically "log-out".
The detail logs the IP Address along with Geography, as well as specific browser detail and is pushed through the HTML on Log-Out.
This functionality is not dissimilar to the functionality/strategy that Facebook uses and the "more logged-in" functionality that Eric Schmidt had mentioned that Google was looking to pursue some years back; however, with the exception of GMAIL there still hasn't been a socially interactive app that Google has unveiled that would make people WANT to access again and again without re-login.

Facebook OAuth offline login

I am building an in-house application which would accumulate the information from several social networks at once. Possibly, the URL of the application will not be known or it will not be allowed anywhere outside localhost.
One of the information pieces I will be accumulating is FQL insights table information: . As you may notice, this information is private, so I just cannot fetch it anonymously.
The application itself is written in a "configure once and use forever" fashion, and possibly the person using the application will not be allowed to the Facebook login credentials at all.
My problem is the Facebook login. As I understand the login with "forever access" is now deprecated and Facebook does not allow API access the same way as Twitter does (creating the forever lasting key and forgetting about it). Question is:
Is there any way to overcome the fact that I need to ask the person for permissions every time I would like to fetch them? What can be the longest period between asking?
My current thoughts about it are:
Creating a dummy user for the 'manager' and giving him read-only
access to FB pages, therefore enabling him to log in to the account.
Then asking him for the permissions every (n) hours when I need them.
Automatic log in to the FB account given that we have the
login/password for the account and obtaining the API key myself.
Which is doable? Did anyone have any experience in doing this kind of things?
What can be the longest period between asking?
You can use Long-lived user access_token which is valid for 60 days.Use below FB call to get extended access token:
You can check more details here:
One more point which is worth to note here:
When a user change his password, deauthorizes an app their OAuth token get expired.
Hope this help !

What are the risks of storing a user password in a Cookie, when the connection is via https?

A Note
I have a very good understanding of sessions and the theory of secure web-based authentication, etc., so please don't start with the basics, or give ambiguous answers. I am not looking for Best Practices, because I am aware of them. I am looking for the real risks behind them, that make the Best Practices what they are.
I have read, and agree with the principals that nothing more than a Session identifier should be stored in a Cookie at any given time.
The Story
However... I've inherited a rusty old app that stores the Username, Password, and an additional ID, in a Cookie, which is checked throughout the site as verification/authorization.
This site is always (can only be) accessed via HTTPS, and depending on your stance, is a "low-risk" website.
The application, in its current state, cannot be re-written in such a way as to handle Sessions - to properly implement such a thing would require, essentially, re-writing the entire application.
The Question
When suggesting to the-powers-that-be that storing their user's IDs/Passwords in plaintext, in a Cookie, is an extremely bad idea, what real risks are involved, considering the connection is always initiated and manipulated via HTTPS?
For example: is the only obvious way to compromise this information via Physical Access to the machine containing the Cookie? What other real risks exist?
HTTPS just protects against a man-in-the-middle attack by encrypting the data that goes across the wire. The information would still be in plain text on the client. So anything on the client's computer can go through that cookie information and extract the pertinent information.
Some other risks include cross-site scripting attacks which can enable cookie theft and who knows what kind of browser vulnerabilities which can enable cookie theft.
A given browser's "cookie jar" might not be stored securely, i.e., an attacker might be able to read it without physical access to the machine, over a LAN, or from a distributed filesystem (e.g., if the machine's storing user homes on a storage server, to allow for roaming), or via an application running on the machine.
Some browsers keep cookies in a file that can be displayed on the computer. IE6 comes to mind.
It seems to me that cookies are not all that restricted to a single site. Lots of advertising uses cookies across multiple sites. If I go to NextTag and look for a Nikon D700 camera then
I see NextTag advertisements on This is an example of a cross-site cookie. Most users use the same password all over the web so if you store the password to one site and make it even a little easy to get to then malicious folks will sooner or later get to it.
To summarize this would be a very very very bad idea. On sites that I work on we don't save users passwords at all. We convert them to a hash key and save the hash key. That way we can validate the user but if we loose the content then there is no exposure of passwords. And this is on the server side, not the browser side!
Most cookies are limited time credentials. For example, session identifiers that expire after a couple hours or are forgotten when the browser windows. Even if the attacker gains access to the session cookie, they are guaranteed neither continued access to the account nor the ability to prevent the original account holder from logging in. Preventing long term account compromise is one of the reasons users are asked for their old password before being allowed to enter a new one.
A cookie containing a username and password, if disclosed, is much longer lived. Also, many users share their passwords between websites. As others have pointed out, the cookie could easily be disclosed via Cross-Site Scripting.
Finally, is the cookie marked with the "Secure" flag? If its not, an active network attack can easily force the browser to disclose it, even if HTTPS is used to serve the entire site.
People here already mentioned the "man in the middle" attack. The thing is that even with https it is still possible. There are different ways to do this - some of them relay on physical access to the network some of them do not.
The bottom line here is that even with https it is still possible for somebody to insert itself between your app and the browser. Everything will be passed through and will look from the browser exactly the same EXCEPT the server certificate. The intruder will have to send his own instead of the real one.
The browser will detect that there are problems with the certificate - usually it will either be issued to a different dns name or, more likely it will not be verified.
And here is the problem: how this violation is presented to the end user and how end user will react. In older versions of IE all indication of the problem was a small broken lock icon on the right side of the status bar - something which many people would not even notice.
How much risk this introduces depends on what is the environment and who (how trainable) the users are
Two two main vulnerabilities are cross site scripting attacks and someone accessing the user's machine.
Have you thought about just storing a password hash in the cookie instead of the raw password? It would require some coding changes but not nearly as many as swapping out your entire authentication system.