fpga: choosing c++ to program fpga - c++

I keep hearing mostly from electrical engineers that C is used for fpga work.
What about C++? Are there any disadvantages to using C++? I would think that the parallelism desired when programming for hardware would be better served by C++ more than C, no?
Also what do I use after that to make compatible c++ with the hardware?

I'm pretty sure that FPGAs are programmed either in VHDL or Verilog.
I know that Altera also offers some C to HDL translators. I doubt that they are usable for anything but tiny designs though.

By far and away the easiest way to program an FPGA is via LabView's FPGA module. However this also ties you into their hardware and software. Not a cheap solution, but certainly the fastest way to get your program in hardware without having to learn anything but LabVIEW.

You can use C or C++ to program FPGAs but it requires some very expensive Highlevel Synthesis software. CatapultC is a product from Mentor Graphics which allows you to write your algorithm in untimed C++. It then synthesizes that C++ into RTL VHDL or Verilog. But CatapultC sells for well over $100,000 so it's definitely not for hobbyists. There's another product called ImpulseC which allows you to write C code which then gets synthesized into RTL, but I'm pretty sure that it only handles C not C++. ImpulseC is about $2000.
For hobbyists, you're probably best off sticking with VHDL or Verilog to describe your design and then using the free tools from Xilinx or Altera to synthesize that code and program the FPGA.

There is a big difference between compiling for CPUs and compiling for FPGAs. "Normal" compilers generate binary program code. The special FPGA compilers generate "hardware". There are compilers out there that turn some C-like code into "hardware". But it's not exactly C. It may be a C derivative extented with integer types of arbitrary bit lengths and is probably restricted to iteration and non-recursive function calls.
I am a big fan of C++ but even I see that many parts of it are just not appropriate for FPGAs: virtual functions, RTTI, exceptions. At least that's my impression. I didn't test those C-like FPGA compilers myself but a buddy of mine worked with them and it's supposedly a PITA.

They're probably using C to interface with the FPGA. When working with one in a design class, we used Verilog to program the FPGA and C in the attached Linux board. In that case, they're likely using C as it's easier to bang out a small program in C than in C++.

You're probably talking about SystemC, which is a set of C++ classes and macros used mainly for (transaction-level) modeling, not for synthesis. The high-level model can then be used as a golden reference to verifiy the register transfer level (RTL) description, which is typically coded in VHDL or Verilog.

as some of you I'm a fan of C++. I think it would be great to use SystemC to work with fpga's. So looking for that I found the next page. Maybe it could interest some of you.

What you are referring to is "behavioral synthesis", a compilation technique that allows to take sequential code as input (C, SystemC, C++) and generate automatically a FSM+Datapath pair in VHDL or Verilog, that can then be synthesized using regular Xilinx or Altera synthesizers.
To date, there are many "behavioral synthesizers" :
CatapultC from Mentor Graphics allows you to use a big subset of C and also C++
Cynthesizer from Forte Design System (systemC based) [edit 2015: now Cadence]
for FPGA, ImpulseC seems quite mature
[edit 2015] for Xilinx FPGA : Vivado-HLS
Hope this helps

Two that I can think of off the top of my head: C++ is much more complicated to write compilers (in this case HDL translators) for and has too many features that just would not be useful in such low level programming as fpga programming calls for.

Like others have said most FPGA's are designed using VHDL or Verilog. I have also seen PALASM used several years ago for small designs. The design is a logic description that is converted to settings that configure the FPGA. Verilog is based on c so knowing c will help with learning verilog however FPGAs are by nature parallel so even though the syntax might look similar not much else translates.

They might be talking about a programming language like Handel-C, which is some kind of C dialect, targeted for hardware programming. Handel-C can be directly or indirectly compiled to HDL, which in turn creates an FPGA configuration (i.e., the "program" on an FPGA).
Although VHDL and Verilog are much harder to learn, I suggest you start right away. When you're doing FPGA-related stuff, you're usually interested in efficiency. Handel-C will most likely make less efficient code than the code that you can write by hand (in VHDL or Verilog).
Edit: There's no C++ variant of Handel-C or related compilers I have ever head of.

You could use a soft processor running on the FPGA and code in C from there (NIOS from Altera, Microblaze from Xilinx etc).
SOC FPGA using OpenCL to interface with the FPGA from the ARM processor.

You can use C/C++ to program FPGAs. Xilinx has SDSoC, an eclipse based tool to program your FPGAs using C/C++. This basically builds hardware accelerator for part of code flagged to be synthesized. This assumes ARM+FPGA based zynq devices, host code is running on ARM
There is another flow SDAccel for PC based solution. With host code on X86 & accelerator on FPGA connected to your PCIe slot.

FPGA code describes hardware. What that means is you design a digital system and then use code to "describe" the hardware to the compiler. This is mainly done in VHDL or Verilog.
Modern compilers provide inerfaces between software and hardware platforms to let you write C code that can be run on FPGAs. Its not really code that will be uploaded to the FPGA but merely lets the compiler make code for the FPGA based on your C code. For an optimal system, there will need to be a Hardware Engineer who can make changes to the compiler generated code.
Here's a nice article on the issue: https://www.eetimes.com/c-language-techniques-for-fpga-acceleration-of-embedded-software/#
There are some programs like Intel Monitor Program which let you run C code on FPGAs but what it does is create a 'Computer' using the Microprocessor already on Chip to let you see how the code works. Its more of a learning tool.

Not sure if this has been said yet (I didn't read all the responses) but it is a possibility that what you are hearing is a running software in a soft core... For instance Altera has Nios II which can run a linux kernel (uCLinux) which will allow some pre-loaded C programs to run on that soft core which in turn communicates with the FPGA. So an FPGA will still be programmed with VHDL/Verilog for the hardware side, then whatever data it holds could be accessible to a small app running on the OS in the soft core. I'm sure C++ would be allowed so long as uCLinux/whatever kernel is running supports the language.

You usually get a larger standard library with C++ and with C, and C is closer to the way that the hardware operates, i.e. easier for electrical engineers.


Micro-Controllers programming

I'm having this robotic arm project along with some engineers we haven't settled for the Micro Controller of choice yet but currently a PIC is being tested. I was wondering if there were Micros that support C++ ?
I'm a (Java) software developer, beginner in Embedded systems, currently programming using Mikro Elektronika IDE and C language.
AVR, MSP-430, Blackfin, almost anything 32 bit (ARM, AVR32, Renasis RX family).
If you are starting from nothing, an ARM is probably the best way to go. Atmel, NXP, TI and others have single chip ARM microcontrollers with inexpensive development kits.
I know you're asking for C++, but I just got a netduino that runs C# (very similar in syntax and concept to Java) and I'm loving it.
The whole dev board (which in many aspects is compatible with readily available arduino shields) costs less than 40 bucks.
I would add to hexa's answer that for ARM llvm is also a good compiler (I use binutils to assemble and link).
Going metal with C++ is not optimal for a number of reasons, simply because you are not running on top of an operating system and, to name one, dynamic memory allocation simply doesn't exists. No new no malloc. I don't mean you CAN'T go C++, but I would refrain.
I've used Mikroe C for PICs, it's ok but I'd go with MPLAB, just a matter of personal taste.
If you wanna go ARM, go GCC.
Why don't you try the mbed plattform? It's an open source arduino-like board which I consider to be more powerful. It is programmed in C/C++ and the good part is that there are literally thousands of APIs you can use in your project.
Hope this helps

C or C++ for a Robot?

I am trying to decide between C and C++ for my robot. I am a 5+ year veteran of Visual Basic.NET, however I'm going with Linux (Ubuntu) on this robot, and there is a compatibility problem between Linux and the .NET Framework. I want to stick with whichever language I choose for all of my projects, so I want to make sure that I choose the most appropriate one for the task.
For reference, I will describe my current robot in progress and what I am going to do with it. I am in the process of building a full-sized R4 Astromech (yep, I'm one of those guys). I have incorporated a PC motherboard with an Intel Core 2 2.1 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM. I will be using a scratch-built parallel interface card to control the drive motors, head motor, as well as a secondary parallel interface card (going to a second parallel port) which all of the sensors (IR, Ultrasonic Ranging, Visual Recognition via webcam, etc.) will be going to. Commands will be given using speech recognition (currently have a VB.NET scratch-built recognition program that I will be adapting to the new language).
Given the specifications and desired goals listed above, would I be better off with C or C++? I greatly appreciate any suggestions that you might have.
What do you mean by a compatibility problem? Have you looked at Mono? It's an open-source implementation of the .NET libraries. It's geared toward C# not VB.NET but if you're more comfortable in a .NET environment use that. Speed isn't really an issue here as a Core2Duo is plenty fast for what you need to do.
If Mono won't work for you, I'd recommend C++. There are a lot more libraries out there for C++ (or at least, I am familiar with more, e.g. Boost), which can use most C libraries too. There's no real speed penalty for using C++. While using C wouldn't be bad per-se, C++ has some benefits and no drawbacks, so it's probably the better choice.
I would recommend using ROS. It will let you get started with a sophisticated Inter-Process Communications manager, as well as a large library of sophisticated robotics code, including multiple implementations of SLAM and other critical robotics algorithms. ROS also lets you program in multiple languages, including C, C++, and Python, so you aren't stuck with one language or another down the road.
I would also recommend C++ and ROS. In our company we're migrating to it, because there's so many people working on it, expanding it, and adding lots of cool features.
With this, you can forget about implementing most of the basic low-level stuff and start working on what you intend to research.
It's really easy to set up and start developing.
Since you're running Linux on it, I'd recommend a split approach, where you do the lower-level (device interface, where you may need fast performance) stuff in C (or C++), and the higher level stuff in a modern language like C# (using Mono) or Java, or even Python.
Python especially is hugely expressive, has a large set of libraries, and has a pretty straightforward C interface.
Writing your high-level control stuff in a low-level language like C/C++ will get old fast (IMHO). Robots should be fun!
Have you considered D? It's a fairly new language, is compiled to native code and can link directly to C. (The entire C standard library is even available from D, and bindings to the POSIX API are included in the standard library.) Basically all you need to do to use any C library from D is compile it with a C compiler and translate the function prototypes, constant declarations, etc. in the header file.
D is low-level enough that an experimental kernel is written in it, but has modern features like garbage collection (though manual memory management is still permitted), builtin strings and arrays, and more advanced/easier to use template metaprogramming facilities than C++. The biggest disadvantage is lack of a mature toolchain and libraries for enterprise-y things, but for your purposes that probably doesn't matter. BTW, if you need to do a bunch of matrix manipulation and stuff, there's the SciD project, which provides nice templated wrappers over LAPACK and BLAS.
Use C++. You have the space. You can use it "as a better C" to start with.
C++ is a bigger tool bag; why would you not want that!? You need not use all the tools, but with C you'd have no choice. Most importantly with C++ you have the choice of using both C and C++ third-party libraries.

c++ device driver development in linux

I wanted to get more details for writing Graphics device drivers and audio device drivers using c++ for Linux box.
I am newbie at developing device drivers , Please provide me development/documentation details for the same.
Coming to this page late, the question itself has been answered by Chris Stratton, but it's important to correct a couple of things Chris Becke put here that are common misconceptions with people that are not familiar with C++:
C++ does not create implicit code or data, just what you request. Even for an average C++ programmer, there will be no extra code or data. I found it out through knowing the asm behind C++, but just read Scott Meyers books it's good enough.
Not only are exceptions optional in C++, their entire code can be excluded in linkage for mostly every tool out there. This is in fact done in RT apps.
This is to address the misconceptions posted here. To add more however:
1) A novice C++ programmer may do nonsense, but a novice C programmer trying to implement by himself polymorphism and inheritance as done time and time again in the kernel just without calling it as such, will do lots more inefficient undebuggable nonsense.
2) Saying that, the only thing that may be created in base C++ is a virtual pointer IF YOU NEED IT and specify "virtual", and then also C programmers usually just create such a pointer manipulate it by themselves add lookup tables and get much harder bugs down the line due to it. As always in C++, if you don't mention "virtual" then you don't even get this pointer. Inheritance and encapsulation are of course completely free of overhead.
3) C++ creates the same amount of asm and memory as C if you don't EXPLICITLY request special features, but there is a common case when C++ is more efficient - when passing function pointers. If you use C++'s functors you can inline the pointed function. This is EXTREMELY useful in embedded apps.
4) If embedded RT uses C++ why linux doesn't? Just because of myths, so please do read this message carefully, and refer to scott meyers or better yet the asm itself. I am 20 years in RT and had the same disbelief in C++ when I switch 14 years ago, but the facts do not confirm any such distrust.
TL;DR - it's very easy to write as efficient and in a common case more efficient code in C++, studies, much industry experience and books are abound on this subject.
Linux kernel device drivers are written in C rather than C++.
Most device drivers are accessed via a special device file (/dev/yourdevice0) on which control as well as read and write operations can be performed.
User mode client programs and user mode drivers open the device file and use it as a pathway to talk to the kernel mode driver. These user mode drivers could conceivably be written in C++ or any other language.
Generally the best way to get started is to have a device which needs a driver, and learn what you need to in order to write it. And often the best way to do that is to find an existing driver for either a related device, or one with similar interface paradigms, and start by modifying that until it works for your new device instead or as well.
As there is no C++ runtime in the kernel, you will run into problems quickly. I suppose you could make a C++ runtime to run inside the kernel, but it would require some pretty good skills. Much greater skills than writing the driver in C.
Also, you would be put down instantly by Linux kernel developers. I mean REALLY put down. They'd flame you so bad, you'd never recover from it. Chances are that you would say "Screw Linux and their elitist bastards".
I don't want to sound negative, but I'm a mild and suitable voice in comparison to what you'd hear from others.
Linux drivers are developed in C. If you want to learn more about Linux drivers development, you should read this free eBook: http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/
A tarball of all pdf chapters is also available: http://lwn.net/images/pdf/LDD3/ldd3_pdf.tar.bz2
C, not C++ is the language for writing (kernel mode) device drivers, and the reason ultimately is simple: C++ is an inappropriate language to use to write driver software. As a side effect of this, there is no c++ runtime available in kernel mode.
As to why c++ is inappropriate: There are at least two reasons:
Device drivers on all OS require strict code placement - some code needs to be in non pageable blocks, and non pageable memory is a limited resource. c++ generates lots of implicit code, being implicit its impossible to (a) audit, and (b) bracket with the necessary directives to guarantee placement.
exceptions have become non optional in c++. c++ exceptions are typically implemented in terms of CPU exceptions and a lot of driver code on is executed at levels where (cpu) exceptions cannot be tolerated (hence the requirement for non pageable blocks of code).
I think there are some other aspects I am forgetting, but, ideomatic c++ violates a number of constraints placed on drivers. Which is why C is preferred.
This is an old post, but I decide to write an answer since there is no answer explaining about how to do it without getting backfired.
Short Answer:
The answer is "yes, you can" … with tremendous effort. Let's just ignore Linus Trovald's opinion about C++
Long Answer:
My suggestion is writing it in C++ when you REALLY need it.
There are many pitfalls in the way of running C++ in kernel.
I recently study this subject and here’s my summarize:
There is no implementation for new and delete
It is the easiest thing to overcome.
The stack size on kernel is less than 8 kb (for 32bit) and 16kb (for 64bit).
Opps...not getting stack overrun would be challenging.
Following are not allowed
Global non-trivial variables ( there is no C++ runtime initializes it for your, using singleton would be better )
STL ( One of super powers of C++, you need to port C++ stdlib to make it working in kernel )
It’s PIA to let C++ read a kernel header. If you like challenges, please at least read C++ in the Linux kernel before you go. Don't forget it has to be done every time while upgrading old code to a newer kernel.
If you’d like to know more in-depth knowledge, check out following articles.
C++ in the Linux kernel (2016)
Porting C++ code to Linux kernel (2009)
C++ article in OSDev.org
Also korisk has a demo repo in github for a barebone kernel module.
Again, my sincere opinion, assess the effort for running C++ in kernel module before you go.
Third time, it's better to assess the effort for running C++ in kernel module before you go!
Unfortunately, the current Linux header files are not compilable in C++ as they use new as a variable name, declare false, true and have some other issues.
You can use C++ in a Linux module but it's useless without including Linux headers. So you can't go far away from the simplest hello-world module.

Low level systems programming with C++

I have been using C++ for a while now and I began to get interested in lower level system programming like drivers and stuff. Even some kind of primitive operating system could be very interesting project!
I have no clue where I could start. Are there any not-too-challenging things I could get started with and are there anything about C++ I should try to avoid like exceptions in performance critical code?
My current OS is Windows 7 if that matters much.
Writing Windows device drivers in C++ isn't impossible, there are not many CRT functions that you could use to get you into trouble. The new operator is unusable for example, you don't have to fear a std::bad_alloc. Unless you replace it, that cuts out a rather large swath of standard C++ library classes.
But that's not really the point of a device driver, it is rather important that you make it as small as possible. C++ pays off when you write complex code. You explicitly do not want to write complex code in a device driver. Debugging it is redrum.
Linus really likes C in the kernel. There's a good reason for that.
C++ doesn't provide quite all of the tools you will need to actually implement a full operating system in it. There are a few machine specific things that cannot be done in c++. These things are handling and raising interrupts, controlling the MMU, controlling access to supervisor cpu instructions, and a handful of other small odds and ends.
Fortunately, these things are few enough that they can be written in assembly language accessed from C++.
Have a look at osdev.org (lots of questions that will pop into your mind when considering developing your own OS are answered here).
I would strongly suggest you start by hacking existing open source device-drivers and kernels, which you can really only do in Linux or *BSD. The experience will also give you a good sense of whether you're cut out for this kind of programming.
I have heard the recently open sourced Symbian OS is written using C and C++. Not sure which parts of it are done with C++ as I have not read the code base. Consider looking into it.
Kerneltrap.org has some very good discussions about why the Linux kernel does not have C++ in its code base. Consider reading that as well.
Symbian OS is written in a variant of C++. Of course, there's assembly code for low-level things, but that is all wrapped up. You cannot use exceptions, and for real-time drivers you cannot do normal things like dynamic memory allocation, not even in C.
I recommend C Programming Language and assembler. I'm not sure if it's possible to low-level much with C++.

Using C++ in an embedded environment

Today I got into a very interesting conversation with a coworker, of which one subject got me thinking and googling this evening. Using C++ (as opposed to C) in an embedded environment. Looking around, there seems to be some good trades for and against the features C++ provides, but others Meyers clearly support it. So, I was wondering who would be able to shed some light on this topic and what the general consensus of the community was.
C++ for embedded platforms is perfectly fine - as long as you treat it as a better C. I love the fact that the language is slightly more structured. You can still do all the things that you want to do with C. Just remember to stick to an embedded C library like Newlib or uClibc.
I particularly like the abstraction that we can build using C++, particularly for I/O devices. So, we can have a class for UART and a class for GPIO and what nots. It is cleaner than having a bunch of functions (IMHO).
The fear of C++ among embedded developers is largely a thing of the past, when C++ compilers were not as good as C compilers (optimizations and code quality wise).
This applies especially to modern platforms with 32 bit architectures.
But, C is certainly still the preferred choice for more confined environments (as is assembler for 8 bit or 4 bit targets).
So, it really boils down to the resources your target platform provides, and how much of these resources you are likely to actually require, i.e. if you can afford the 'luxury' of doing embedded development in C++ (or even Java for that matter), because you know that you'll hardly have any issues regarding memory or CPU constraints.
Nowadays, many modern embedded platforms (think gaming consoles, mobile phones, PDAs etc), have really become very capable targets, with RISC architectures, several MB of RAM, and 3D hardware acceleration.
It would be a poor decision, to program such platforms using just C or even assembler out of uninformed performance considerations, on the other hand programming a 16 bit PIC in C++ would probably also be a controversial decision.
So, it's really a matter of asking yourself how much of the power, you'll actually need and how much you can afford to sacrifice, in order to improve the development experience (high level language, faster development, less tedious/redundant tasks).
It sort of depends on the particular nature of your embedded system and which features of C++ you use. The language itself doesn't necessarily generate bulkier code than C.
For example, if memory is your tightest constraint, you can just use C++ like "C with classes" -- that is, only using direct member functions, disabling RTTI, and not having any virtual functions or templates. That will fit in pretty much the same space as the equivalent C code, since you've no type information, vtables, or redundant functions to clutter things up.
I've found that templates are the biggest thing to avoid when memory is really tight, since you get one copy of each template function for each type it's specialized on, and that can rapidly bloat code segment.
In the console video games industry (which is sort of the beefy end of the embedded world) C++ is king. Our constraints are hard limits on memory (512mb on current generation) and realtime performance. Generally virtual functions and templates are used, but not exceptions, since they bloat the stack and are too perf-costly. In fact, one major manufacturer's compiler doesn't even support exceptions at all.
In my previous company all embedded code was written in a small subset of C code due to security (SIL-2) and memory reasons. By introducing a richer language like C++ in that particular scenario would have maybe cause more trouble than benefits.
In all due respect to C++ (which is a language I really love) but I think C - in our particular scenario - was the better choice.
I bet in some cases C++ is just fine to use for embedded applications but it really depends on the application - there is a difference if your program is controlling a nuclear plant or administrating an address book on your cell phone.
I don't know about "general consensus", only the company I work for (which does a lot of development for mobile phones, car navigation systems, DPFs, etc.).
The main drawback I've encountered to using C++ on embedded platforms as opposed to C is that it isn't quite as portable - there are many more cases of compilers that don't adhere to the standard which can cause problems if you need to build your code with more than 1 compiler or outright have bugs in the implementation. Then there are environments where C++ code simply won't run - BREW's issues with relocatable code and its "native OOP" don't play so well with "regular" C++ classes and inheritance.
In the end, though, if you're only targeting 1 platform, I'd say use whatever you think is "better" (faster, less bugs, better design) for your development - in most cases the issues can be worked around quite easily.
Depends what kind of embedded development you are doing. I've done embedded development with both C++, C, and Assembly on various platforms, you can even use Java to write applications on smart phones.
For instance on a smart phone like device that's running Windows CE 5, almost all of the code is C++, including in the operating system. Only small bits are written in C or assembly.
On the other hand I've written code for an MSP430 microcontroller, which was in C, and I probably would have done that in C++ had the compiler been more reliable and standards compliant.
Also I seem to recall a university lecturer of mine talking about writing embedded code in Forth or something. So really any language can do.
Now a days it will all boil down to the C++ runtime support of the platform. You're likely to find a way to compile C++ code down to almost any embedded platform with GCC, but if you can't find a suitable C++ runtime for the platform your efforts will be futile, unless you write your own C++ runtime.
One of the few things I tend to agree with Linus is his opinion about C++ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/57643/focus=57918
Besides this, if you really really want to use C++ you might want to have a look at http://www.caravan.net/ec2plus/ which describes Embedded C++, or better to say you should not use in C++ for embedded systems.
The big thing keeping us with using C++ for a long time was the VxWorks support for it, which truly sucked. That supposidly has gotten better on VxWorks 6 (yes, it's been out a while... good 'ole vendor lock-in and lack of company vision has kept us stuck on VxWorks 5.5).
So for us it's mostly a question of the environment. After that, C++ can obviously be just as good as C... it's a matter of people understanding what their tool does and how to use it. C++ may make it easier to write incredibly inefficient code, but that doesn't mean we have to succomb to it.
I am currently fighting a problem with exceptions in an embedded Linux application. We are trying to port software written for a different platform that seemed to support exceptions well, but the new compiler tools (a port of gcc) reports errors when creating the eh_frame. I was against using exceptions for this tool, but the developer reassured me that modern compilers would support it well.
My opinion is that there are some advantages to C++, but I would stay away from exceptions and the standard template library. We haven't had problems using virtual functions.
C++ is suitable for microcontrollers and devices without an OS. You just have to know the architecture of the system and be conscious of time and space constrains, especially when doing mission critical programming.
With C++ you can do abstraction which often leads to an increased footprint in the code. You do not want this when programming for a resource-limited machine such as an 8-bit MCU.
Generally, avoid:
Dynamic memory allocation because it represents uncertainty in timing
RTTI because the memory cost is large
Exceptions because of the execution speed lowering
Be cautious with virtual functions as they have a resource cost of a vtable per class and one pointer to the vtable per object. Also, use const in place of #define.
As you move up to 16 and 32-bit MCUs, with 10s or 100s of MB RAM, heavier features like the ones mentioned above may be used.
So to round up, C++ is useful for embedded systems. A main benefit is that OOP can be useful when you want to abstract aspects of the microcontroller, for example UART or state machines. But you may want to avoid certain features all of the time and some of the features some of the time, depending on the target you are programming for.