Two classes that refer to each other - c++

I'm new to C++, so this question may be basic:
I have two classes that need to refer to each other. Each is in its own header file, and #include's the other's header file. When I try to compile I get the error "ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Foo’ with no type" for one of the classes. If I switch things so the opposite header gets parsed first I get the same error with the other class.
Is it possible in C++ to have two classes that need references to each other?
For more detail: I have an "App" class and a "Window" class. App needs to refer to Window to make the window. Window has a button that calls back to App, so it needs a reference to App. If I can't have two classes refer to each other, is there a better way to implement this?

You can use forward declarations in the header files to get around the circular dependencies as long as you don't have implementation dependencies in the headers. In Window.h, add this line:
class App;
In App.h, add this line:
class Window;
Add these lines before the class definitions.
Then in the source files, you include the headers for the actual class definitions.
If your class definitions reference members of the other class (for example, in inlines), then they need to be moved to the source file (no longer inline).

Forward declaration is the way to go.
If you are using pointers\reference in class header then Forward declaration at both sides would work for you.
If you are creating the object as a class member then you must include header itself. ( Forward declaration won't work as compiler needs class definition for knowing the size).
Refer C++ FAQ for solving such senario:
If you are creating the Window as member then include the Window header in App but at the same time Window shouldn't include the App's header. Use the combination of pointer to App and the forward declaration there.


How to avoid include files spreading due to template classes

Due to the implementation of a template class in a header file, I have to include the other includes used in the implementation of the class in the header file.
Because of that, each time I include my template class that bring all other the inclusions and so on.
This could bring to an eccessive spread of inclusion, or even unnecessary for the context.
So what's the best way to deal with this issue?
Edit: Since I've not explictely mentioned it, I'm not talking about cases where forward declaration could solve it like in a normal .h/.cpp separation, but when you have to include the header, and since you don't have the cpp, you are force to use it in .h
Edit 2: Let's say my template class has a function with a dependency with a third class library. Each class using my template class now has the same depency, or can access to that header which both I could not want to. Does it exists a way to avoid that?
Use forward declaration where ever appropriate instead of #include.
Header file should #include only the needed and rest should go in source file.

Accessing classes in the same C++ project

In my C++ project, one of the .cpp files has a class declared. Now I want to instantiate this class in another .cpp file in the same project, but I get this error message:
error C2248: 'Processor' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Processor'
c:\Test\wrapper.cpp : see declaration of 'Processor'
We can't redefine the class using a different access specifier, it gets the default private access specifier.
How can I make this work?
You can't (in a clean way at least), and you shouldn't.
Making fields private (even by default) is the programmer's way of telling you you're not supposed to instantiate this class.
Also, if a class is defined inside a cpp file, it's only visible in that translation unit. You don't include cpp files. If you must, move the definition inside a header and include that, but not the cpp.
Do not include the cpp file directly in your cpp file, it might cause all sort of problems. The class is inside a cpp file means that you are not supposed to use it from any other cpp file, if you really need that class then you need to move that class to an appropriate header and include the header file. But before doing that, first check whether any alternate ways to do what you are trying to do without exposing the new class.

(C++) where do I put all my templates?

I have different classes all arranged in a hierarchy.
To reduce the amount of code, I started creating template functions. The base class will use the template functions and some of the derived classes will also use the same functions. Where am I suppose to put all of these templates so I don't get undefined reference issues like I have been? Should I put all the definitions in a header file and then just include that header files in the .cpp part of the class that call the functions. will that work? As of right now, all of my classes(class.cpp, class.h) compile fine, but everything blows up during the linking. I tried to put all the templates in a namespace and then include that namespace in the implementation of all my classes but that doesn't seem to work. My question is, how would you go about making a separate entity that just holds templated functions that any class can use on it's data members?
The definitions of template functions and template classes belong in header files, not .cpp files.
This is because the compiler essentially has to generate a brand new function for each set of template parameters that's used in the file that #includes the header. If the template function were defined in a .cpp file, then all of the appropriate versions of these functions would have to be generated without knowing what the calling code looks like, and that's basically impossible. (You do get duplicate definitions of template functions this way, but the linker removes those and makes sure there's only one copy if each template instantiation in the final binary.)
I see a lot of people confused by this thing... templates are not types.
They become types when instantiated.
For this reason members of templates must stay in the same data unit you are going to use them.
If you template is generic and you want to use it in all your code, just put everything in header files.
Now, if you don't like (and i would understand that) that you show declarations and definitions and implementation all in the same file, you can split templates in two different files.
For example, "list.h" with your declaration and "" with your implementation.
To make it work, you have to include both.

Member function definition

What is the right approach to take:
Define the member (class) function inside the class?
Define the member (class) function outside the class?
Assuming you're talking about these three possibilities:
Method defined in class definition in header file.
Method define outside class definition in header file.
Method define outside class definition in implementation file.
Then project and company guidelines may force you to use (1) or (3) always.
When you have a choice, it's IMHO best to adapt to circumstances at hand, considering things such as
Do you want a header-only module? Then (1) as default, (2) possible.
Is the method a large beast? Then (2) or (3).
Template method specialization? Then (2) or (3).
There is a build-time problem (slow builds)? Indicates (3).
Template class? (1) or possibly (2)
But except where the choice is effectively forced on you, above all consider the clarity of your code.
Cheers & hth.,
A common advice is to keep headers as simple and clean as possible. Headers will be included by external code, and they will have to process everything that you have written there. If you write a method in the header, all translation units will compile that function, only so that the linker can discard all but one of them later on.
If your code has an internal dependency on a type or library that is not part of your interface, then by inlining the code of the member function in the class declaration the definition of that class or the headers of that library will have to be included in your header, and that means that you are leaking your implementation details to your users.
Unless the member function definition is trivial (in an informal sense) and doesn't introduce any additional dependencies I would normally define a member function outside of the class body in a separate source file.
It's often a matter of style but there are some cases in which it is necessary and many other cases in which it is desirable to define function outside of the class body.
For example, in the cases where you have interdependent classes and only a forward declaration of another class can be made available before the class definition, a member function which uses the definition of that other class can only be defined outside of the class body after a full definition of the other class has been provided.
Do you mean "in the class declaration / .h file" vs "in a .cpp file using ::" ?
If so I always go for the latter. When it comes to debugging, it's a lot easier to step through and see what's going on. It also helps declutter the class declaration, which doesn't need to know any implementation details"
If you want to define a function within a class the most basic syntax looks generally like:
class Object
int property;
void doSomething()
If you want to define a function outside it is similar to declaring functions before main and in library files. In your class you have:
class Object
int property;
void doSomething();
Then somewhere after your class, after the main() function or in an included file you can have the definition:
void Object::doSomething()
Some place classes in a header file and the definitions in a cpp file used by that header. Various techniques possible.
Both of these approaches are valid. Often I will include very small and/or core class functionality directly within the class and other functions which do heavier bulk work I tend to separate. Try to think the difference in coming upon your code and wanting to alter it.
if we see according to performance issue than it is more effective way to declare the function in the class . becouse at the compile time it conects all the funcation calls and other components so it will easy and must be faster to get all in one source...

C++ project layout

I am completely confused as to the proper way to layout a C++ project.
I had all my classes in separate .cpp files, with their definitions in .h files. I then had one "header.h" which contained all the class headers, external dependencies and a few other things. But I wasn't able to use class names in the header files, where I needed to declare a pointer to one.
Can someone please explain the proper object-orientated layout for a C++ project.
You can fix the problem "wasn't able to use class names in the header files, where I needed to declare a pointer to one" by using forward class declarations, like:
class myClass;
However, having every class include a header.h that then includes every class is overkill. Instead, you should have each class specifically include only the classes and external dependencies that it actually needs.