STL containers on the stack and the heap - c++

If std::vector and friends are self resizing, does that mean if I declare a vector like so:
std::vector<string> myvec;
Then it'll resize using more stack, whereas:
std::vector<string> *myvec = new std::vector<string>();
Would resize using more heap?

Vectors allocate on the heap in their internals.
The only thing you pay for in the stack for a stack based bector is a couple of bytes, the inner buffer will always be allocated from the heap.
So effectively when you do a vec = new vector() you are allocating a small quantity, which may not be really good.

In the first case, you are creating the vector on stack. That doesn't mean that all the vectors internal objects are on stack as well. In fact, vector will still allocate the memory required to hold the objects on heap only. This is because, to allocate on stack you should know how many objects to create. But this information is not available, so the only remaining option is to allocate the memory for the contained object from heap.

std::vector always has its buffer allocated on heap. So regardless of where the vector itself is allocated resizing it will only affect the heap.


C++ stack-based object allocation

In C++ there are two ways one can declare an object. For example:
// The first way
vector<int> *nums = new vector<int>;
// The second way
vector<int> nums;
People say that the first declaration allocates the object in the heap and the second on the stack. I can imagine how it works if the vector object is in the heap. The compiler would just find a free block in the heap to store the vector. But what would happen if the object is allocated on the stack as I keep pushing new elements to the vector? Will there be enough memory space? If not, how would the compiler find a sufficiently big memory block on the stack to store the vector when the size of the vector can change?
Putting vector object on stack doesn't mean it will put its elements on stack. Check documentation:
Internally, vectors use a dynamically allocated array to store their elements. This array may need to be reallocated in order to grow in size when new elements are inserted, which implies allocating a new array and moving all elements to it.

Is an array of vectors entirely contiguous memory?

I know vectors are guaranteed to be contiguous memory, and so are arrays. So what happens when I do something like this:
std::vector<uint8_t> my_array[10];
What would the memory look like? If both need to be contiguous, would every element of the array after my_array[2] be pushed forward a byte every time I do a push_back() on my_array[2]?
Would this be the same situation as when I have an array of structs, where the structs have a member that has a variable size, such as a string or another vector?
Memory footprint of std::vector consists of two parts:
The memory for the std::vector object itself (very small, and independent of the size), and
The memory for the data of the vector (depends on the number of elements in the vector).
The first kind of data will be contiguous in an array; the second kind of data is allocated dynamically, so it would not be contiguous in an array.
This would not be the same as with a C struct that has a flexible data member, because the data portion of std::vector is not always allocated in the same kind of memory, let alone being adjacent to it. The vector itself may be allocated in static, dynamic, or automatic memory areas, while its data is always in the dynamic area. Moreover, when vector is resized, the memory for its data may be moved to a different region.
Each time you call push_back, std::vector checks if it has enough dynamic memory to accommodate the next data element. If there is not enough memory, then the vector allocates a bigger chunk of memory, and moves its current content there before pushing the new item.
The vector memory structure is contiguous in memory; however std::vector's all contain a pointer pointing to dynamically allocated memory for the actual storage (which is very very likely not contiguous).
Knowing this, std::vector::push_back will only check to see if the (external) dynamically allocated array has enough capacity to hold the new item, if not it will reallocate space. A push_back on the first vector that overflows will not cause the second vector in the array to reallocate memory, that isn't how it works.
Also, there is no such thing as a struct having a variable size, the size of structures and classes have to be known at compile time.
std::string also has a fixed size, although you may think it is variable, because it also (like vector) has a pointer to the char* it contains.

c++ memory issue about pointer + non pointer

Let's say I have declared a variable
vector<int>* interList = new vector<int>();
First question is when I push_back an int, a memory space will be consumed?
Second question if I (delete interList), will the memory consume by 1,2,3,4 be released automatically?
EDIT: free --> delete
Yes, the vector class will probably automatically allocate a larger space than needed in case you want to store more data in it later, so it probably won't allocate new space each time you push_back().
Yes, but you should use delete interList; instead of free().
std::vector allocates continuos block of memory at once for some amount of elements. So every time you insert new element it is inserted into reserved block, and the memory space remains the same, no new allocation happens.
If you insert element beyond the allocated block (capacity of the vector) then it allocates a bigger block (resize), copies all the previous elements into it and destroys the old block. So vector manages memory by itself, not each inserted element cause reallocation of the internal buffer.
Second question - yes, vector will clean up all the memory if you delete vector itself.
delete interList;
push_back copies the elements to the heap where the vector will allocate array to store the elements. The capacity of vector can be greater than required or greater than how many elements the vector has. Every time a push back happens the vector checks if there is enough space and if there isn't then it moves all the elements to bigger space and then push elements to the array. The vector always puts elements to contiguous memory blocks and hence if the memory block is not large enough to hold all elements together then it moves all the elements to larger block and appends new elements. In order to avoid this frequent moving the vector would usually allocated bigger memory block.
delete interList would destroy the vector and the integers hold by the vector. Here the vector would be on heap as well as the integers also would be on heap. Actually it is better to create the vector on stack or as a member of other object like vector<int> interList; The vector though on stack stores the elements of int on heap as a array. And as ints are stored as value types then once the vector goes out of scope then the memory of ints would be reclaimed.
Because the vector has value types. They are copied to heap by the vector and stored and managed as arrays and their lifetime is attached with vector's lifetime. If you have a vector of pointers then you have to worry. Like vector<T*> list; list.push_back(new T()); The list stores pointers to objects of type T. When you destroy such vector the T objects would not be deleted. This is same like a class with a pointer to a T*. You have to loop through all the element and call delete on pointers or use vector of shared pointers. Vector of shared pointers or unique pointers is recommended.
You are better off not directly allocating the vector if you can help it. So your code would look like this:
vector<int> interList;
Now when interList goes out of scope all memory is freed. In fact this is basis of all resource management of C++, somewhat prosaically called RAII (resource acquisition is initialization).
Now if you felt that you absolutely had to allocate your vector you should use one of the resource management smart pointers. In this case I'm using shared_ptr
auto interList = std::make_shared<vector<int>>();
This will now also free all memory and you never need to call delete. What's more you can pass you interList around and it will reference count it for you. When the last reference is lost the vector will be freed.

If pointers can dynamically change the size of arrays at run time, why is it necessary to initialize the array with a size?

For instance:
int* pArray;
pArray = new array[];
instead of:
int* pArray;
pArray = new array[someNumber];
Since pointers are able to dynamically change the size of an array at run time, and the name of the pointer points to the first element of an array, shouldn't the default size be [1]? Does anyone know what's happening behind the scene?
Since pointers are able to dynamically change the size of an array at run time
This is not true. They can't change the size unless you allocate a new array with the new size.
If you want to have an array-like object that dynamically changes the size you should use the std::vector.
std::vector<int> array;
std::cout << array.size() << std::endl; // should be 4
When you create an array with new, you are allocating a specific amount of memory for that array. You need to tell it how many items are to be stored so it can allocate enough memory.
When you "resize" the array, you are creating a new array (one with even more memory) and copying the items over before deleting the old array (or else you have a memory leak).
Quite simply, C++ arrays have no facility to change their size automatically. Therefore, when allocating an array you must specify it size.
Pointers cannot change an array. They can be made to point to different arrays at runtime, though.
However, I suggest you stay away from anything involving new until you have learned more about the language. For arrays changing their size dynamically use std::vector.
Pointers point to dynamically allocated memory. The memory is on the heap rather than the stack. It is dynamic because you can call new and delete on it, adding to it and removing from it at run time (in simple terms). The pointer has nothing to do with that - a pointer can point to anything and in this case, it just happens to point to the beginning of your dynamic memory. The resizing and management of that memory is completely your responsibility (or the responsibility of the container you may use, e.g. std::vector manages dynamic memory and acts as a dynamic array).
They cannot change the size dynamically. You can get the pointer to point to a new allocation of memory from the heap.
Behind the scenes there is memory allocated, a little chunk of silicium somewhere in your machine is now dedicated to the array you just newed.
When you want to "resize" your array, it is only possible to do so in place if the chunk of silicium has some free space around it. Most of the times, it is instead necessary to reserve another, bigger, chunk and copy the data that were in the first... and obviously relinquish the first (otherwise you have a memory leak).
This is done automatically by STL containers (like std::vector or std::deque), but manually when you yourself call new. Therefore, the best solution to avoid leaks is to use the Standard Library instead of trying to emulate it yourself.
int *pArray = new int; can be considered an array of size 1 and it kinda does what you want "by default".
But what if I need an array of 10 elements?
Pointers do not have any magical abilites, they just point to memory, therefore:
pArray[5] = 10; will just yield a run-time error (if you are lucky).
Therefore there is a possibility to allocate an array of needed size by calling new type[size].

When/How do container data types (string, vector, etc.) in C++ free their dynamically allocated memory?

Since container data types have dynamic size I'm assuming they allocate memory on the heap. But when/how do they free this allocated memory?
They get freed either when they go out of scope (if the container was created in the stack), or when you explicitly call delete on the container(in case of heap-based container). When this happens, the destructor of the container automatically gets called and the heap memory allocated for the container (that contains the data) are freed then.
Simply removing an element in the container won't necessarily free the memory right away, since STL containers generally use caching to speed things up. Remember, new/delete operations are relatively costly.
They free the memory in their destructors when they are destroyed. (And they are destroyed by having delete or delete [] called if the container itself is heap allocated, or by going out of scope if it is stack allocated)
Short answer: When you remove elements from it.
Generally it happens when you remove element from the container blow its previous growth threshold. It's an implementation detail, but usually for example a vector creates an internal array of N T's.
When you insert more than N of T's, then the vector realocates it memory and grows to some multiple of N (again - implementation detail) to store the new elements, same happens with removal - when your remove elements from your vector it shrinks whenever it reaches the previous multiple of N... until you end up with only one multiple of N, or 0 if you clear it and shrink it with
The heap memory (node storage) is deleted also when the vector object is destructed.