How to send an SMS in hebrew with clickatell - web-services

How can I send an SMS in hebrew through Clickatell?
It arrives on the device as gibberish.

I couldn't find any working example so, i wrote my own:
Try this:
UnicodeEncoding unicode = new UnicodeEncoding(true, false);
return string.Concat(unicode.GetBytes(val).Select(c => string.Format("{0:x2}", c)));

Is it in unicode ? If I remember correctly they require unicode to be escaped into hexadecimal representation. This should be in their docs.
However, I found out when I did this that this is not the only issue, many phones do not support displaying unicode characters properly.
Also, sending unicode may incur a higher cost since it may be split up.

Encode your message as unicode, see this FAQ page for details.

Ran into the same issue... you need to encode to unicode and then convert to hex. The strange thing is that you need to take the last value and append it to the front in order to get it to work. I found this out by comparing the results of my code against the output of their online tool.
private string ToUnicode(string val)
Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
byte[] utf8Bytes = utf8.GetBytes(val);
byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Convert(utf8, unicode, utf8Bytes);
var result = ByteArrayToString(unicodeBytes);
result = result.Substring(result.Length - 2, 2) + result.Substring(0, result.Length - 2);
return result;
public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
foreach (byte b in ba)
hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
return hex.ToString();

I used following logic for arabic .. IT needs more testing . Language is VB.Net
If txtArabic.Text.Trim.Length > 0 Then
Dim unicodeString As String = txtArabic.Text
Dim unicode As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode
' Convert the string into a byte array.
Dim unicodeBytes As Byte() = unicode.GetBytes(unicodeString)
Dim sb As String = ToUnicode(txtArabic.Text)
End If
Here is the conversion part
Private Function ToUnicode(ByVal strVal As String)
Dim unicode As Encoding = New UnicodeEncoding(True, False)
' Encoding.Unicode
Dim utf8 As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
Dim utf8Bytes() As Byte = unicode.GetBytes(strVal)
Dim unicodeBytes() As Byte = Encoding.Convert(utf8, unicode, utf8Bytes)
Dim result As String = ByteArrayToString(unicodeBytes)
Return result
End Function
Private Function ByteArrayToString(ByVal ba() As Byte)
Dim hex As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(ba.Length)
For i As Integer = 0 To ba.Length - 1
If (((i - 2) Mod 4.0) = 0) Then
hex.AppendFormat("{0:x00}", ba(i))
' hex.Append(ba(i))
End If
' hex.Append("-")
Return hex.ToString
End Function


How to Concatenate Unicode string into a character string to pass into mysql call

I am trying to concatenate an array of strings into a character array - but one of the strings is in a foreign language (why I need UTF8). I can see the UTF8 string in their appropriate language in the debugger (Visual Studio) after I read it from the database and put it into the wxString array, but when I try to concatenate the string to the array, t never gets put in there.
I have tried variable.mb_str()
variable.mb.str().data(). Neither seems to work in the strcat
for my Language data. The other data is concatenated fine. All of the data comes from a MariaDB database call.
int i, numRows;
wxString query;
wxString sortby;
wxString group_list;
wxString *stringGroups;
char holdString[400];
/* Try UTF Force */
query.Printf(_("set names 'utf8'"));
mysql_query(mDb, query.mb_str());
result = mysql_store_result(mDb);
query.Printf(_("select GROUP_NAME from USER_PERMS where USER_NAME =
ORDER BY GROUP_NAME "), riv_getuser().c_str() );
mysql_query(mDb, query.mb_str());
result = mysql_store_result(mDb);
numRows = mysql_num_rows(result);
stringGroups = new wxString[numRows + 1];
i = 0;
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
stringGroups[i] = wxString(row[0], wxConvUTF8);
i = 0;
strcpy (holdString,"IN (\'");
while (i < numRows)
if (i != 0) strcat(holdString, "\', \'");
strcat(holdString, (const char *)stringGroups[i].mb_str().data());
strcat (holdString," \')");
--ACTUAL stringGroup that fails -- Debugger Watch Output
stringGroups[2] {m_impl=L"文字化け"...
I expect to get:
IN ( 'test' , 'test' , '文字化け' )
what I get
IN ( 'test','test2','' )
Don't use strcpy() and strcat() with wxString, this is just needlessly error-prone. If you use wxString in the first place, build the entire string you need and then utf8_str() method to get the buffer containing UTF-8 string contents which you can then pass to whatever function you need.
Do keep in mind that this buffer is temporary, so you can't rely on it continuing to exist if you don't make a copy of it or at least extend its lifetime, i.e.
auto const& buf = some_wx_string.utf8_str();
... now you can use safely until the end of scope ...
To get UTF8 from wxString you need to call ToUTF8(). Similarly, for getting UTF8 into wxString there is FromUTF8(). Both are members of wxString and documented.
wxString::mb_str() converts to a multi-byte string in your current locale. Presumably the characters in your string aren't representable in your locale so the conversion fails and an empty string is returned.
You should pass wxConvUTF8 as a parameter or simply call utf8_str or ToUTF8 instead.

Replace non printable character with octal representation in C++/CLI

I need to replace any non printable character with its octal representation using C++/CLI. There are examples using C# which require lambda or linq.
// There may be a variety of non printable characters, not just the example ones.
String^ input = "\vThis has internal vertical quote and tab \t\v";
Regex.Replace(input, #"\p{Cc}", ??? );
// desired output string = "\013This has internal vertical quote and tab \010\013"
Is this possible in with C++/CLI?
Not sure if you can do it inline. I've used this type of logic.
// tested
String^ input = "\042This has \011 internal vertical quote and tab \042";
String^ pat = "\\p{C}";
String^ result = input;
array<Byte>^ bytes;
Regex^ search = gcnew Regex(pat);
for (Match^ match = search->Match(input); match->Success; match = match->NextMatch()) {
bytes = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(match->Value);
int x = bytes[0];
result = result->Replace(match->Value
, "\\" + Convert::ToString(x,8)->PadLeft(3, '0'));
Console::WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", input, result);

c++ to VB.Net IntPtr Strings

Alright so I have this code, and I pass it to an unmanaged dll, to which I only know the exports, and have some sample code. I'm getting back the correct string, but it's followed by garbage bytes.
I'm basically translating code verbatim from a c++ example program that doesn't have this issue. I'm assume there is something fundamental I am missing here, so if anyone could tell me what that is, I'd appreciate it.
Example C++ Code
void CDUKPT_TESTDlg::OnButton4()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
unsigned char dataout[1024],tmp[1024],ksn[20],keyval[20];
int nRet,len;
two_one((unsigned char *)m_strCURKSN.GetBuffer(m_strCURKSN.GetLength()),m_strCURKSN.GetLength(),ksn);
two_one((unsigned char *)m_strMACK.GetBuffer(m_strMACK.GetLength()),m_strMACK.GetLength(),keyval);
two_one((unsigned char *)m_EncryptDat.GetBuffer(m_EncryptDat.GetLength()),m_EncryptDat.GetLength(),dataout);
//extern int __stdcall ExtractDat(unsigned char *input,
//unsigned short len,unsigned char *output,unsigned char *key,
//unsigned char *ksn);
nRet=ExtractDat(dataout,len,tmp,keyval,ksn); //External Call
//Good string+bad trailing data comes back in tmp
This code spits out this ܉Òdÿo 
Here is my VB.Net Code
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal inp As String) As String
Dim tmpSB As New StringBuilder
Dim i As Integer
Dim tKsn As Char() = TwoOne(StrCurKsn)
For i = tKsn.Length To 19
tKsn = tKsn + Chr(0)
Dim tMack As Char() = TwoOne(StrMack)
For i = tMack.Length To 19
tMack = tMack + Chr(0)
Dim tEnc As Char() = TwoOne(inp)
For i = tEnc.Length To 1023
tEnc = tEnc + Chr(0)
Dim len As Integer = tEnc.Length / 2
Dim tmpStr(1023) As Char
Array.Clear(tmpStr, 0, 1024)
Dim tmpPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(tmpStr)
Dim nRet = ExtractDat(tEnc, len, tmpPtr, tMack, tKsn)
tmpStr = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(tmpPtr)
Dim tsl = tmpStr.Length
Encrypt = tmpStr
End Function
This code spits this out
܉Òdÿo ålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙ
So I get the right string, but it's followed by a repeating string of garbage characters.
I'm hoping I've done something blatantly wrong here, but I've tried pulling the data as bytes, and chars, and converting in many different methods, and I can't seem to get rid of those characters...Also, ExtractDat doesn't return the length of the string(not a problem, as it's not supposed to, which is really annoying).
Turns out the dll was bad, so after I got a fresh compile from the vendor it seemed to work.

convert c++ to

i have this cpp code that i need an equvalent in or at leat know what its doing so i can figure out a conversion myself
const char * CResult::strnchr(const char *str, int len, char c) const
if (!str)
return NULL;
const char *p = str;
while (len > 0)
if (!*p)
return NULL;
if (*p == c)
return p;
return NULL;
and this one
memcmp(prevprev, "ANY", 3)
thank you
strnchr -- Find a character in a length limited string
See this. You can do the same thing in using String.IndexOf, e.g.
Dim myString As String = "ABCDE"
Dim myInteger As Integer
myInteger = myString.IndexOf("D") ' myInteger = 3
Example copied from MSDN.
strnchr finds the location of the first occurrence of char c in string str. It returns a pointer to the character, which you cannot do in VB.Net, the closest you can do is get the offset of the character from the start of the string.
memcmp(prevprev, "ANY", 3) compares the three letters of "ANY" to the memory location at prevprev, effectively checking that prevprev contains a substring of ANY.
In VB.Net the first can be accomplished with the IndexOf member of the String type.
The second you need to use SubString (again a member on the String type) to create a sub string of the string and check is it equal to "ANY".
Dim myString As String = "Any Hello World"
Dim AnyAtStart As Boolean = myString.SubString(0, 3) = "ANY") ' Will be true '
Dim AnyAtSecond As Boolean = myString.SubString(1, 3) = "ANY") ' Will be false '
Finding VB.NET analogs or closely corresponding functions for many standard C functions is relatively simple using MSDN. Take memcmp() as example:
- MSDN source memcmp, wmemcmp - "Compare characters in two buffers."
- Find strings' comparison method in VB.NET - String.Compare Method (String, String)
But copying C source function by function into VB.NET can produce a strangely ineffective code for relatively small programs. And you will be puzzled every time looking for replacement of raw pointers used everywhere in C programs.
P.S. And what would you do if your ::strnchr will be called differently from standard C function strnchr() - "Find a character in a string."?

How to let jtidy not convert Chinese characters into html entities?

I have some html to convert by jtidy, which contains some Chinese characters:
But the result looks like:
How to configure jtidy and let it not convert Chinese characters into html entities?
Or what encoding your input and your output are.
see this
this is the function to convert chinese chars to unicode numbers
function convertToEntities() {
var tstr = document.form.unicode.value;
var bstr = '';
for(i=0; i<tstr.length; i++) {
if(tstr.charCodeAt(i)>127) {
bstr += '&#' + tstr.charCodeAt(i) + ';';
} else {
bstr += tstr.charAt(i);
document.form.entity.value = bstr;