How to install and use libtool shared library (.lo files)? - c++

So after I ran libtool and got out a libfoo.lo and foo.o file from my library source, how do I convert the libfoo.lo file into a normal Linux shared library, like so I can install and link to it on my target system?

From the outputs mentioned in the question, it looks like you ran libtool with --mode=compile mode. You will need to run libtool again with --mode=link to produce .a and .so libraries.
libtool is just a simple wrapper for gcc, ln ar and ranlib which is needed to produce libraries. All it does is run gcc adding the necessary options to ensure that your static and shared libraries are created correctly.
When compiling libtool inserts the -fPIC tag to ensure the necessary generation of position independent code needed for shared libraries. The .o files are normal object files that can be archived into a static .a file. The .lo files are object files with position independent code which can now be linked into a .so file.
When linking libtool will run ar to create a static library or ln to link the objects files into a .so shared library.
libtool also can install the library when desired using the --mode=install.
See for more info.
Please remember that when building an executable there are always two stages, compiling and linking.


g++ compiling: can I link to a directory with symlinked binaries?

The below compiles:
g++ -L../../lib -o my_prog my_prog.cpp -ltest1 -ltest2
where ../../lib contains symlinks to and
But I am getting an error when I run the program: "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" and am not sure if symlinking is the culprit.
Option -L is for linker ld to find .a and .so during linking.
Option -Wl,-rpath= is for the dynamic linker to find .so when the application is run. You need to use -Wl,-rpath= when a required shared library is not in (standard system) directories specified in /etc/
Use $ORIGIN dynamic linker variable to make rpath relative to the path of your executable:
g++ -L../../lib -Wl,-rpath='${ORIGIN}/../../lib' -o my_prog my_prog.cpp -ltest1 -ltest2
Be careful to make sure ${ORIGIN} is not expanded by the shell or your makefile (this is why it is in single quotes).
$ORIGIN and rpath understands the string $ORIGIN (or equivalently ${ORIGIN}) in an rpath specification (DT_RPATH or DT_RUNPATH) to mean the directory containing the application executable. Thus, an application located in somedir/app could be compiled with gcc -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../lib' so that it finds an associated shared library in somedir/lib no matter where somedir is located in the directory hierarchy. This facilitates the creation of "turn-key" applications that do not need to be installed into special directories, but can instead be unpacked into any directory and still find their own shared libraries.
What happens at runtime is related to the rpath.
You may want (not really recommended, see this) to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately before running your executable, or better yet you want to set the executable's rpath when linking it (e.g. by passing -Wl,--rpath $(realpath ../../lib/) to the g++ command doing the link.
Read Drepper's How to write shared libraries paper and the Program Library HowTo

Compiling a c++ code into a single package containing all dependencies

I have a cpp project that uses several libraries to which I have both *.so and *.a libraries. How should I compile my code to produce a self-containing library that doesn't require the user to install the dependencies ( and preferably hides dependencies from the user) ?
Let's assume code is c.cpp and libraries are and
Goal to have a (or libc.a) with and transparent to the user.
What you need is static linking. Since you mention that you have the archive version of the library, it should work. Try using the -static flag with gcc for this.

g++ trying (failing) to link statically to libstdc++ for shared object

I'm trying to create a shared object using a number of .O files created with the -fPIC command. When I run g++ with the -shared argument it appears to be trying to statically link to the libstdc++.a library, which of course fails. I'm trying to figure out why it's automatically trying to link statically when I'm not using the -static-stdc++ argument.
when I try creating the shared object I get the error ...libstdc++.a(ios) relocate R_x86_64_325 against 'vtable for std::ios_base': cannot be used when making a shared object
I ran G++ with the -V argument and received and can see LD receives the argument -lstdc++.
When linking together a single shared object, you need to do this from existing .o files. You can not do this from existing .so files; this would link those .so files to your .so file, but not into your .so file. So gcc seeks out and finds an archive of .o files (.a) and tries to link them. But since those are not compiled for relocation (no -fPIC), these can not be used to create .so files.
Your options are:
dynamically link your .so to the libstdc++ (and thus make it depending on the .so file that is installed in the system)
build .o files for libstdc++ and compile them with -fPIC then compile from those your .so file (here it does not matter if you use the .o files directly or an ar archive)
For the first (that I would recommend) option the following will suffice (it is from a makefile that I use for creating malloc/free intercepting .so files)
gcc -shared -lstdc++ -o yourfiles.o
I'll bet it's finding the static library first in its library search path, or ONLY finding the static library. Make sure that the appropriate version of the shared version is installed and can be found. You can probably truss your g++ run to hunt down the order in which it's opening libraries.

Making a shared library from existing object files

I have a project in my IDE. I need to make a shared library of it to use in extensions. I don't want to make a copy of this project with shared-library settings. Is there any way to build a shared library using the object files (.o) from my already existing project? As I understand, I can write a makefile for this.
I assume you're on some sort of Unix and are probably using the GNU toolchain. In that case, to create a proper shared library, you'd need to compile your code using the position-independent code flags (-fpic or -fPIC) before you can create a shared library. Unless your .o files are already compiled with those flags, chances are you won't end up with a working shared lib.
If they already are compiled for position independent code, the usual g++ -shared ... should do the trick.
g++ -shared -fPIC -o *.o

Creating dummy shared object (.so) to depend on other shared objects

I'm trying to create a shared object (.so) that will make it so, by including one shared object with -lboost, I implicitly include all the boost libraries. Here's what I tried:
BOOST_LIBS="-lboost_date_time-gcc43-mt -lboost_filesystem-gcc43-mt"
#truncated for brevity
g++ $BOOST_LIBS -shared -Wl,-soname, -o
ln -si
ln -si
After placing all 3 created files ( in the same directory as all the boost libraries, I tried compiling a test program with it (which depends on -lboost_date_time-gcc43-mt):
g++ -lboost test.cpp
Doing this, I got the same undefined reference message as not having -lboost. Having -lboost_date_time-gcc43-mt works, but that's too wordy :) How do I get -lboost to automatically bring in the other shared libraries?
You don't. Not really, anyway.
The linker is stripping out all of the symbol dependencies because the .so doesn't use them.
You can get around this, perhaps, by writing a linker script that declares all of the symbols you need as EXTERN() dependencies. But this implies that you'll need to list all of the mangled names for the symbols you need. Not at all worth the effort, IMO.
I don't have a solution for creating a dummy '.so', but I do have something that will simplify your life... I highly suggest that you try using cross-platform make (CMake). In CMake, linking against those libraries is easy:
FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.37 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem REQUIRED)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(myexecutable ${myexecutable_SRCS})
The commands above, if placed in a "CMakeLists.txt" file, is all you need to:
Verify that Boost 1.37 or later is installed, with the "date_time" and "filesystem" libraries installed.
Create an executable named "myexecutable" from the sources listed in the corresponding variable.
Link the executable "myexecutable" against the boost "date_time" and "filesystem" libraries.
See also: Why the KDE project switched to CMake.
Actually, making one .so depend on all boost .so files is quite possible (but might not actually help you). I've just tried this:
$ export BOOST_ROOT=/home/ghost/Work/Boost/boost-svn
$ g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $BOOST_ROOT/stage/lib/
$ g++ -L . -I $BOOST_ROOT first.cpp -lboost -Wl,-R$BOOST_ROOT/stage/lib
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$BOOST_ROOT/stage/lib ./a.out
And it did work. However, note that dancing with -R and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I don't know an way how you can include the path to Boost .so inside your so that they are used both for linking and actually running the application. I can include rpath inside just fine, but it's ignored when resolving symbols for the application.