Notification/messaging software for news/updates? - django

I think a package that would be quite useful is a centralised notification/news system.
This would run on a web server and client libraries could send messages to the server. Examples of messages might be:
Commits to version control.
Continuous build server failures (including logs).
News from project management.
Users could create accounts on the server and decide how they want to view the messages, e.g. email, RSS, etc. There could be filters based on channels, priorities, regexs, etc.
Does anyone know of any software package that provides these features (or could be extended to do so)? (Preferrably Windows based, but please cover other platforms)
If I can't find one I was thinking of writing one in Python using Django.

I found an XMPP protocol (xep-0060) from the pubsubhubbub link:
This specification defines an XMPP
protocol extension for generic
publish-subscribe functionality. The
protocol enables XMPP entities to
create nodes (topics) at a pubsub
service and publish information at
those nodes; an event notification
(with or without payload) is then
broadcasted to all entities that have
subscribed to the node. Pubsub
therefore adheres to the classic
Observer design pattern and can serve
as the foundation for a wide variety
of applications, including news feeds,
content syndication, rich presence,
geolocation, workflow systems, network
management systems, and any other
application that requires event

What you describe sounds like a normal feed aggregator service, but with real-time?
I recently saw a video of a Google tech talk where they announced a product that hooks over the existing RSS/Atom structure but provides real-time notification. Didn't bookmark it unfortunately (hopefully someone will comment with it?), but that sounds like the underlying technology for what you want.


When to use Firestore vs Pub/Sub

Can you elaborate on the differences between Pub/Sub and Firestore and provide some scenarios or use cases on which one to choose?
I'm not sure which one to use for building an app for a food delivery service that services real-time updates reflected as soon as they are added or changed to the database, ensuring that customers and drivers are aware of when food is ready for pickup and when food is in transit to their end destination such as UberEats.
The difference is quite simple:
Firestore (RealtimeDB) is for backend to frontend (customers/users) communication and realtime updates
Pubsub is a backend to backend message bus for async processing.
In your use case, you won't use PubSub to send notification to your users! Use realtimeDB to perform these updates.
Pub/Sub is like a notification system wherein you receive updates when something is added, changed or removed.
Firestore, on the other hand, is a NoSQL database for mobile (Android, iOS) and other web apps that can be directly access via native SDK. It can support many data types, from simple strings to complex objects. It also supports whatever data structure that works best for your app.
It is best to use Firestore for your app as it provides realtime updates.
You can check for the detailed documentation of Pub/Sub and Firestore.
For Firestore, you can either use either mobile/web client library or server client library.
Here's the link for Firestore, containing its benefits and key features.

Differences between using Lex and Alexa

I'm building an Alexa skill that will allow Alexa users to interact with a consumer facing e-commerce site. There is functionality to call a representative that already exists on the site. Now, I want to build out a voice app as a side project that extends that same option via a conversation. There will be a need for slots like location, category of call, etc. It's basically an Application/Transactional bot.
In the future, if this is successful, I'd like that same general app to be accessible on different IoT devices (like Google Home Assistant, etc.) Therefore, I'd like to abstract out the voice interactions and have the same (general) flow and API to interact with.
This leaves me doing some research on different technologies like,, Lex, etc.
But, since this is an app for Alexa and I already rely on AWS and Amazon in general, I think I'd prefer to use Lex or just write a native Alexa app for now.
I'm having a hard time understanding the differences between the two. I understand that Alexa was built using Lex and I see that they have similar concepts like intent, slots, etc.
But, I'm looking for any differences between the two services:
Would using Lex allow me to more easily integrate with other devices? Or is there any benefit?
Would using Lex allow me greater flexibility in designing/modifying the flow of a conversation? It seems like Lex is a little more complex and, therefore, might allow greater functionality.
Or is it just that Lex offers nearly the exact same functionality and is just meant for devices that aren't Alexa?
Does Lex offer any more analytics processing than Alexa? In Alexa I can only see intents/slots, but if I could see the actual text in Lex, that would be ideal.
Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) is used to build skills for use in the Alexa ecosystem and devices and lets developers take advantage of all Alexa capabilities such as the Smart Home and Flash Briefing API, streaming audio and rich GUI experiences. Amazon Lex bots support both voice and text and can be deployed across mobile and messaging platforms.
Lex Faqs
In my view (very limited Alexa dev experience) AWS Lex allows greater control over the bot dialog. It defines separate validation and fulfilment code hooks, enables specific prompts for slots on the UI, supports programmatic transitions between intents, gives proper versioning and alias handling, etc... so it seems it's more of an enterprise offering as opposed to "consumer-level" Alexa skills.
But surprisingly it lacks a few important features, e.g. it does not have a built in "boolean" slot type, so you have to code around yes/no questions. Or there are no Cloudwatch logs for lex at all. Also the (growing) list of integrations will make it more generic.
But despite being a huge AWS fan, I have to say that seems to be a reasonably more polished, feature rich proposition at least for now.
With regards to integrations with other devices, I do not think any of these platforms promise that. It seems that if you target Google home, than it's their platform, if you target Alexa, then hmm it's alexa or (not sure if Google will push this in the future). But if you plan to integrate with chat platforms, or directly into web applications, then I think all major platforms can give you that, or in the near future.
By the way, have you checked IBM Watson or Microsoft Bot framework (with LUIS)? They are also very capable, complete frameworks, too, don't discount them!
There is a risk using an external NLP service to process raw text delivered by Alexa over its native hobbled interaction model. Amazon may not certify your skill. This is unfortunate to hear, but their excuse is the threat of exposing private user data users may not realize they're sending. This is sickening because to do anything robust you must avoid Alexa's native NLP system. And I don't believe LEX is advanced much beyond it. You're caught in a bind. This is what will set Alexa back perhaps in the long run with respect to natural conversation. We've been preparing our skis in stealth mode, and an Amazon rep said our approach was a "hack" and may not get certification when published. I'm not yet sure what the answer is. Does this raw text issue exist with Google Home or other voice platforms? Beware.
"Alexa for Business is intended to enable organizations to take advantage of Amazon’s voice enabled assistant, Alexa. Alexa for Business provides Alexa capabilities that make workers more productive, while working alongside all of the other capabilities that Alexa has today like music, smart home controls, shopping, and thousands of third party skills.
Amazon Lex is intended to help build custom conversational interfaces and chat bots for use cases like call centers or application based bots. Bots built with Lex can be highly customized and exist separately from Alexa but they do not take advantage of Alexa’s built in capabilities or third party skills. Both Alexa for Business and Amazon Lex use Amazon’s deep learning capabilities that provide Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU)."

Logical Layer to connect multiple .Net Services

I am not sure if this is the appropriate place for this, but I have come up with a "conceptual" modular design architecture that separates the logic out into individual services to allow an almost plug and play type scenario whereby there are no dependencies between the services. Think a list of features and only enabling the ones that you want.
To facilitate this I realise that I will need some type of middleware that will connect these all together and control the flow of data. However I am not sure of the specifics around what would be appropriate to achieve this.
I plan on implementing the services using .NET soap based services, so is this a case of using something like Tibco?
Any suggestions around what would be most appropriate or even where to start looking would be great.
If the above description didn't make sense hopefully this image is a bit clearer in describing the relationship between the services.
Depending on your needs you could use NServiceBus ( NServiceBus is communication middle ware which can be used with different types of queuing systems like MSMQ, RabbitMQ and others. It is essentially a servicebus which is very developer friendly and focused. It does not only facilitate asynchronous message based distributed communication but also:
Publish / Subscribe that is transport agnostic using automatic registration
Transports: Can be used with MSMQ, RabbitMQ, Azure Storage Queues, etc.
Security: Supports encryption of messages
BLOB's: Has support for storing large message payloads transparently with the data bus to allow for communicatie message larger then the transport allows.
Scalability: Out and upscaling to increase throughput
Reliability: Deduplication, idempotent processing without having distributed transactions.
Orchestration: Sagas can help in controlling message flow and routing.
Exception handling: Exceptions get automatically retried in two different stages.
Monitoring: Tools like Service Pulse, Service Insight and Windows Performance monitors to monitor performance and errors. See what errors occurred and
Serialization: Can use different serializers that support formats like xml, json, binary
Open Source: All source code is available
Auditing: Can move all processed message to an audit queue for archiving or audit requirements
Community: Has a large community of developers that are active on the forums but also supply additional transports, serializers and other features.
I must mention that I work for Particular but also that there are other options to consider. NServiceBus does not use SOAP for message exchange but a lightweight message in a format of choice as mentioned as the serialization bullet. It can integrate with services that require SOAP. It has the ability to expose an service (endpoint) as a WCF service for easy integration and it can use SOAP from within code to call external SOAP services using the features that the .net framework and visual studio provide.
Good luck in choosing the right technology for your project.

Web services, architectural design advice for central logging

We have a certain number of SOAP and REST Web Services, which provide legal information for clients. Management demands to log all the information which is requested by this services. Using logs they want to collect statistics and bill clients.
My colleague offered to use central relational database for logging.
I don’t like this solution, because number of services are growing and I think such architecture will be bottleneck for productivity.
Can you advise me what architectural design will be good for such kind of task ?
When you say the central database will be a bottleneck, do you mean that it will be too slow to keep up with the logging requests? Or are you saying you are expecting database changes for each logging request type?
I would define a more generic payload for logging (figure out your minimum standardized fields), and then create a database for those logs.
<log><loglevel>INFO</loglevel><systemName>ClientValueActualizer</systemName><userIp></userIp><logpayload><![CDATA[useful payload for billing]]</logpayload></log>
If you are worried about capacity, you could throw a queue in front of it, which would have the advantage of not bogging down the client if the logs are busy.
You can decouple the consumption of these messages into separate systems. each of which can understand the various payloads. The risk here is if you want to add new attributes, it will be difficult to control what systems are sending what. But that's just a general issue with decoupled services.
you can consider Apache Kafka as distributed commit log. This be good for performance wise as it scales out horizontally and it can deliver messages only when client pulls those messages.

What are the pros and cons of developing a web app using Parse vs. AWS?

From what I know, Parse offers convenient communication stacks for various platforms such as iOS, so it is easy to build clients that use your web app.
But Parse also seems to be tightly integrated with Facebook. If you were to build a web app that does not need Facebook, but that may integrate with Facebook in the long term, is Parse the clear winner over deploying directly to AWS, or are there important disadvantages to consider?
As far as I understand their page Parse is a PaaS (platform as a service) provider like Heroku and others while AWS is a IaaS (infrastructure as a service) provider.
Pros for PaaS:
They care about the infrastructure
You build your app on an existing platform
For the start you don't need "ops-guys" as you don't do ops
You can take their knowledge and prebuilt tools for your advance
Pros for IaaS:
You have full control about the underlaying infrastructure
You can start with a greenfield and build what ever you want
You can use tools like Puppet / Chef / ... to control your servers
You don't have to pay for the additional stuff you get when using PaaS
(but have to pay your people for it)
So there is not a winner of this "battle" but you have to decide whether you want to use prebuilt tooling and give some independence for this or whether you want to have the absolute control over everything (nearly as you can't touch the hardware) and invest time and manpower into building your own tooling.
"Better, Faster, Cheaper.."
If you are pursuing mobile first strategy, Parse is a great tool for bootstrapping a mature, full web-presence from nothing more than an original beta app.
I dont have direct experience with AWS.
I have used Heroku/Parse integrating (very quickly) a stand alone mobile app with the back-end where the back end needs to cover following:
Workflow - async tasks
REST API interface HTTP
Once the mobile app existed with only stubbed local data , Parse allowed a single engineer to build out ALL infrastructure mentioned above very quickly, taking the app from single user to multi-user with full DB and workflow that backs client side events with considerable server-side and cloud side business logic and process. Scaling related startup stuff that used to take weeks took only days.
The compression (time&money) when scaling up an app stack is really something. The Parse API did almost everything that i needed with one small exception (remuxing UGC media).
Personally, i abandoned the parse/android SDK in favor of a more robust REST API (threading on client-side and heavy HTTP activity ).
Developers used to Curl/REST dev stacks will take to Parse.