C++ - calling methods from outside the class - c++

I have couple questions regarding some C++ rules.
Why am I able to call a function/method from outside the class in the namespace when I include the return type? (look at the namespace test2::testclass2 in the code below) i.e. this works:
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
whereas this doesn't: - (it doesn't even compile - compiler throws that this is function redeclaration)
C++ complains that it is a function redeclaration. Is that so?
This line:
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
gets called first before anything else. Is this because static methods get created always first before anything else in C++?
Where can I find those rules? I have a few C++ books at home, so if someone would be kind enough to either point out a book (and chapter or page) or direct me to a website I would greatly appreciate it.
Here below is the sample (partial) code that I tested at home with Visual Studio 2008:
class testclass1
template<class A> static bool foo(int i)
std::cout <<"in static foo";
return true;
namespace test2
class testclass2
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
A few people mentioned that I need to call this inside the function and this will work without any problem.
I understand that; the only reason I asked this question is because I saw this code somewhere (in someone's elses project) and was wondering how and why this works. Since I never really seen anyone doing it before.
Also, this is used (in multiple places) as a way to call and instantiate a large number of classes like this via those function calls (that are outside). They get called first before anything else is instantiated.

C++ is not Python. You write statements in functions and execution starts from the main method. The reason bool b = ... happens to work is that it's defining the global variable b and the function call is merely the initialization expression.
Definitions can exist outside functions while other statements can only exist inside a function body.

Why am I able to call a function/method from outside the class in the namespace when I include the return type? (look at the namespace test2::testclass2)
Your declaration of b is not inside a function, so you are declaring a global variable. If you were inside a function's scope, your second statement would work, but outside a function it makes no sense.
This also answers your second question.
Of course, you wouldn't be allowed to call it this way (i.e. not as a method of an object) if it weren't a static member function.

You can find the rules on e.g. Koenig lookup and template in the standard documentation -- good luck with navigating that! You're not mentioning which compiler you are testing, but I'm not entirely sure it's compliant!
As Mehrdad points out, you're declaring and initializing a global variable within the test2 namespace: this has nothing to do with static methods.

if you write this inside a function like below then it works without a problem. As mentioned above, you need to call these functions from within a function unless you are using the function to initialize a global variable ...
int main()
return 0;

1. First, a helpful correction: you said "...when I include the return type". I think you might be misunderstanding what the <int> part of testclass1::foo<int>(2) does. It doesn't (necessarily) specify the return type, it just provides a value for the template argument "A".
You could have chosen to use A as the return type, but you have the return type hard-coded to "bool".
Basically, for the function as you have written it you will always need to have the <> on it in order to call it. C++ does allow you to omit the <args> off the function when the type can be deduced from the function arguments; in order to get it to do that you have to use the type argument A in your function arguments. For instance if you declared the function this way instead then you could call it without the <>:
template<class A> static bool foo(A i);
In which case it you could call "foo(2)" and it would deduce A to be "int" from the number two.
On the other hand there isn't any way to make it deduce anything based on what you assign the function to. For template argument deduction it only looks at the arguments to the function, not what is done with the result of calling the function. So in:
bool b = testclass1::foo(2);
There is no way to get it to deduce "bool" from that, not even if you made A the return type.
So why doesn't the compiler just tell you "you needed to use <> on the function"? Even though you declared foo once as a template function, you could have also overloaded it with a non-template version too. So the compiler doesn't just automatically assume that you're trying to call a template function when you leave the <> off the call. Unfortunately having NOT assumed you were calling template-foo and not seeing any other declaration for foo, the compiler then falls back on an old C style rule where for a function that takes an int and returns an int, in a very old dialect of C you didn't need to declare that kind of before using it. So the compiler assumed THAT was what you wanted - but then it notices that template-foo and old-crufty-C-foo both take an int parameter, and realizes it wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them. So then it says you can't declare foo. This is why C++ compilers are notorious for giving bad error messages - by the time the error is reported the compiler may have gone completely off the rails and be talking about something that is three or four levels removed from your actual code!
2. Yes you're exactly right.
3. I find that the C++ references and whitepapers that IBM makes available online are the most informative. Here's a link to the section about templates: C++ Templates


calling a function inside header file [duplicate]

I have couple questions regarding some C++ rules.
Why am I able to call a function/method from outside the class in the namespace when I include the return type? (look at the namespace test2::testclass2 in the code below) i.e. this works:
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
whereas this doesn't: - (it doesn't even compile - compiler throws that this is function redeclaration)
C++ complains that it is a function redeclaration. Is that so?
This line:
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
gets called first before anything else. Is this because static methods get created always first before anything else in C++?
Where can I find those rules? I have a few C++ books at home, so if someone would be kind enough to either point out a book (and chapter or page) or direct me to a website I would greatly appreciate it.
Here below is the sample (partial) code that I tested at home with Visual Studio 2008:
class testclass1
template<class A> static bool foo(int i)
std::cout <<"in static foo";
return true;
namespace test2
class testclass2
bool b = testclass1::foo<int>(2);
A few people mentioned that I need to call this inside the function and this will work without any problem.
I understand that; the only reason I asked this question is because I saw this code somewhere (in someone's elses project) and was wondering how and why this works. Since I never really seen anyone doing it before.
Also, this is used (in multiple places) as a way to call and instantiate a large number of classes like this via those function calls (that are outside). They get called first before anything else is instantiated.
C++ is not Python. You write statements in functions and execution starts from the main method. The reason bool b = ... happens to work is that it's defining the global variable b and the function call is merely the initialization expression.
Definitions can exist outside functions while other statements can only exist inside a function body.
Why am I able to call a function/method from outside the class in the namespace when I include the return type? (look at the namespace test2::testclass2)
Your declaration of b is not inside a function, so you are declaring a global variable. If you were inside a function's scope, your second statement would work, but outside a function it makes no sense.
This also answers your second question.
Of course, you wouldn't be allowed to call it this way (i.e. not as a method of an object) if it weren't a static member function.
You can find the rules on e.g. Koenig lookup and template in the standard documentation -- good luck with navigating that! You're not mentioning which compiler you are testing, but I'm not entirely sure it's compliant!
As Mehrdad points out, you're declaring and initializing a global variable within the test2 namespace: this has nothing to do with static methods.
if you write this inside a function like below then it works without a problem. As mentioned above, you need to call these functions from within a function unless you are using the function to initialize a global variable ...
int main()
return 0;
1. First, a helpful correction: you said "...when I include the return type". I think you might be misunderstanding what the <int> part of testclass1::foo<int>(2) does. It doesn't (necessarily) specify the return type, it just provides a value for the template argument "A".
You could have chosen to use A as the return type, but you have the return type hard-coded to "bool".
Basically, for the function as you have written it you will always need to have the <> on it in order to call it. C++ does allow you to omit the <args> off the function when the type can be deduced from the function arguments; in order to get it to do that you have to use the type argument A in your function arguments. For instance if you declared the function this way instead then you could call it without the <>:
template<class A> static bool foo(A i);
In which case it you could call "foo(2)" and it would deduce A to be "int" from the number two.
On the other hand there isn't any way to make it deduce anything based on what you assign the function to. For template argument deduction it only looks at the arguments to the function, not what is done with the result of calling the function. So in:
bool b = testclass1::foo(2);
There is no way to get it to deduce "bool" from that, not even if you made A the return type.
So why doesn't the compiler just tell you "you needed to use <> on the function"? Even though you declared foo once as a template function, you could have also overloaded it with a non-template version too. So the compiler doesn't just automatically assume that you're trying to call a template function when you leave the <> off the call. Unfortunately having NOT assumed you were calling template-foo and not seeing any other declaration for foo, the compiler then falls back on an old C style rule where for a function that takes an int and returns an int, in a very old dialect of C you didn't need to declare that kind of before using it. So the compiler assumed THAT was what you wanted - but then it notices that template-foo and old-crufty-C-foo both take an int parameter, and realizes it wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them. So then it says you can't declare foo. This is why C++ compilers are notorious for giving bad error messages - by the time the error is reported the compiler may have gone completely off the rails and be talking about something that is three or four levels removed from your actual code!
2. Yes you're exactly right.
3. I find that the C++ references and whitepapers that IBM makes available online are the most informative. Here's a link to the section about templates: C++ Templates

Variable name same as function name giving compiler error... Why?

Ran into an interesting issue today and am trying to understand why.
Consider the following:
class Base
static void function1(){}
void function2()
int function1;
function1 = 0;
function1(); //<-compiler error
function1 = 1;
I am getting the following error:
expression preceding parentheses of apparent call must have (pointer-to-) function type
I think I understand why I am getting this error:
When function1 is called by itself outside of function2(), it is actually a function pointer to function1().
Inside the scope of function2, when int function1 is declared, 'function1 the variable' shadows 'function1 the function pointer'.
When function1() is called inside function2(), it is assuming function1 is the variable and is giving an error.
This is fixed by calling Base::function1(); inside function2().
My question is this: Why doesn't the compiler give an error when declaring int function1;? Shouldn't this not be allowed?
The local variable overwrites the designator for the method in the local block. Try this->function1() to call it nevertheless.
Or better yet, rename the one or the other to help people reading your code avoiding confusion (and this includes your future yourself).
To answer your question: "Should this be allowed":
In c++ you can have different entities with the same name if they exist in different scopes (like in your example). This is very useful feature in general, because it allows you to use whatever names you like for your entities assuming that you provide them in scope e.g. in namespace. Said that, compiler needs some algorithm to select entity when it sees name in code. In c++ standard process of matching name to declaration is called 'name lookup'. You can see description of this algorithm e.g. here cppreference or directly in standard draft.

How to understand _Function_class_(name) in C++

I am reading some VC++ code and see some usage of this function annotation _Function_class_(name).
According to MSDN:
The name parameter is an arbitrary string that is designated by the user. It exists in a namespace that is distinct from other namespaces. A function, function pointer, or—most usefully—a function pointer type may be designated as belonging to one or more function classes.
However, I still couldn't understand in what scenario this should be used, and what exactly it means to a function. Can someone please explain a bit more?
Thank you
This annotation allows you to restrict the set of functions that may be used in a given context. Generally, when using pointers to functions and references to functions, you can bind those pointers and references to refer to any function that has the correct type.
There may be cases where you want only a restricted set of functions of that type to be usable in a given context, or you may want to ensure that someone really, really means to use a particular function in that context. For example, if you take a pointer to a callback function, and there are restrictions on what may be done inside of that callback, you might use this attribute to help developers to think about those restrictions when passing new functions as callbacks.
Consider the following example: f is annotated as being of the special_fp_type class of functions. g is of the same type, so it is usable in the same contexts as f, but it is not annotated as being of the special_fp_type class of functions:
#include <sal.h>
typedef _Function_class_(special_fp_type) void (*special_fp_type)();
void _Function_class_(special_fp_type) f() { }
void g() { }
void call_special_function(special_fp_type) { }
int main()
If you compile this with /analyze, you'll get a helpful warning for the usage of g here, telling you that it was not part of the expected class of functions:
warning C28023: The function being assigned or passed should have a _Function_class_ annotation for at least one of the class(es) in: 'special_fp_type':
Frequently, when only one function class is in use, this is caused by not declaring a callback to be of the appropriate type.

Why can you put a function prototype inside a function?

Sometimes I write code like the following
struct Bob
Bob() {}
int main()
Bob b();
What I wanted to do is create an object b, using Bob's default constructor. To fix it, I have to remove the brackets after b. It turns out the compiler interprets the line as a function prototype otherwise!
Ok, I can understand that to follow the rule. But why can you put a function prototype inside a function anyway? What is the purpose?
Presumably because in C that syntax had no other possible meaning (no member functions or constructors) so they specified it to be a function declaration.
Then when C++ inherited the functionality from C they couldn't change the meaning of such a construct without risking the breakage of existing code.
If you're asking why they allow local function-declarations at all, that may be because they wanted to allow for functions to be scoped as closely to use as possible, or it may just be lost to time.

Is there any reason to use this->

I am programming in C++ for many years, still I have doubt about one thing. In many places in other people code I see something like:
void Classx::memberfunction()
If I need to import/use that code, I simply remove the this-> part, and I have never seen anything broken or having some side-effects.
void Classx::memberfunction()
So, do you know of any reason to use such construct?
EDIT: Please note that I'm talking about member functions here, not variables. I understand it can be used when you want to make a distinction between a member variable and function parameter.
EDIT: apparent duplicate:
Are there any reasons not to use "this" ("Self", "Me", ...)?
The only place where it really makes a difference is in templates in derived classes:
template<typename T>
class A {
T x;
template<typename T>
class B : A<T> {
T get() {
return this->x;
Due to details in the name lookup in C++ compilers, it has to be made explicitly clear that x is a (inherited) member of the class, most easily done with this->x. But this is a rather esoteric case, if you don't have templated class hierarchies you don't really need to explicitly use this to access members of a class.
If there is another variable in the same scope with the same name, the this-> will remove the ambiguity.
void Bar::setFoo(int foo)
this->foo = foo;
Also it makes it clear that you're refering to a member variable / function.
To guarantee you trigger compiler errors if there is a macro that might be defined with the same name as your member function and you're not certain if it has been reliably undefined.
No kidding, I'm pretty sure I've had to do exactly this for that reason!
As "code reason", to distinguish a local parameter or value (that takes precedence) from a member:
class Foo
int member;
void SetMember(int member)
this->member = member;
However, that's bad practive to begin with, and usually can be solved locally.
The second reason is more "environment": it sometimes helps Intellisense to filter what I am really looking for. However, I also thing when I use this to find the member I am looking for I should also remove this.
So yes, there are good reasons, but they are all temporary (and bad on the long run).
I can think of readability like when you use additional parenthesis to make things clear.
I think it is mainly as an aid to the reader. It makes it explicit that what is being called is a method on the object, and not an ordinary function. When reading code, it can be helpful to know that the called function can change fields in the current object, for instance.
It's your own choice. I find it more clear when you use this. But if you don't like it, you can ommit it.
This is done to be explicit about the fact that the variable being used is a member variable as opposed to a local or global variable. It's not necessary in most cases, but being explicit about the scope could be helpful if you've trumped the variable with a declaration of the same name in a tighter scope.
At companies I've worked at, we just prepended "m_" to member variables. It can be helpful sometimes, and I much prefer it to using "this->".
Adding a link to the GCC docs, which explain a case where using this-> is necessary to get a non-dependent lookup to work correctly.
This is really a matter of style and applies to many other languages such as Java and C#. Some people prefer to see the explicit this (or self, or Me, or whatever) and others do not. Just go with whatever is in your style guidelines, and if it's your project, you get to decide the guidelines.
There are many good answers, but none of them mention that using this-> in source code makes it easier to read, especially when you are reading a code of some long function, but even a short function, imagine a code:
bool Class::Foo()
return SomeValue;
from looking on this code, you can't clearly know what SomeValue is. It could be even some #define, or static variable, but if you write
bool Class::Foo()
return this->SomeValue;
you clearly know that SomeValue is a non-static member variable of the same class.
So it doesn't just help you to ensure that name of your functions or variables wouldn't conflict with some other names, but it also makes it easier for others to read and understand the source code, writing a self documenting source code is sometimes very important as well.
Another case, that has arrived on the scenes after C++11 is in lambdas where this is captured.
You may have something like:
class Example
int x;
std::function<void()> getIncrementor()
return [this] () -> void
Although your lambda is generated within a class, it will only have access to local variables by capturing them (if your compiler does C++14) or capturing this. In the second case, inside the body of lambda, there simply is not x, but only this->x.
I don't think it makes a difference to the compiler, but I always write this-> because I believe it makes the code self-documenting.
Disambiguation: in case you have another similar naming function/variable in the same namespace? I've never seen usage for any other reason.
I prefer it without the explicit this pointer as well. For method calls it doesn't add a lot of value, but it helps distinguish local variables from member variables.
I can't quite remember the exact circumstances, but I've seen (very rare) instances where I had to write "this->membername" to successfully compile the code with GCC. All that I remember is that it was not in relation to ambiguity and therefore took me a while to figure out the solution. The same code compiled fine without using this-> in Visual Studio.
I will use it to call operators implicitly (the return and parameter types below are just dummies for making up the code).
struct F {
void operator[](int);
void operator()();
void f() {
void g() {
I do like the *this syntax more. It has a slightly different semantic, in that using *this will not hide non-member operator functions with the same name as a member, though.