Is there a C++ function to turn off the computer? - c++

Is there a C++ function to turn off the computer? And since I doubt there is one (in the standard library, at least), what's the windows function that I can call from C++?
Basically, what is the code to turn off a windows xp computer in c++?

On windows you can use the ExitWindows function described here:
and here's a link to example code that does this:

Use the following, assuming you have the privileges):
This will cause power off while giving applications a chance to shut down (if they take too long, they'll be terminated anyway).
It's part of the Win32 API rather than standard C++ but that's because C++ provides no way to do this directly.

You can shutdown by utilizing the system() function.
for Windows
system("shutdown -s");
for Linux
system("init 0");

You can do this in Windows, by calling the ExitWindowsEx function.

for Windows XP:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char ch;
printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now (y/n)\n");
scanf("%c", &ch);
if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown -s");
return 0;
For Windows 7
system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown /s");
For Linux
system("shutdown -P now");

None of other solutions worked for me, I wanted to shutdown my customized windows and without explorer this codes simply don't work.
The important note is timeout time, so here's the real solution for windows :
GenericFunction(void, Shutdown)()
WinExec("shutdown -s -t 0", SW_HIDE);
Sleep(500); // Works without this but it's safer to use sleep
KillProcessTree("winlogon"); // Internal process killer you can use pskill64
// WinExec("pskill64 winlogon -t -nobanner /accepteula", SW_HIDE);
exit(-10); // Planned Shutdown Code


How to force user logoff on Ubuntu using C++?

Is there any way to force user log out using C++ in Ubuntu (16.04 or 18.04)? Like if condition is met, I want the program to log out the current user.
In windows 10 we can probably use ExitWindows like this
Is it possible in Ubuntu? I couldn't find a good example how to do it.
This is window-manager specific, so it's probably easiest to use an exec function to do it. Ubuntu 18.04 by default uses Gnome, so in Gnome you would do the following:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
if (execl("/usr/bin/gnome-session-quit", "/usr/bin/gnome-session-quit",
"--no-prompt", (char*) NULL) < 0)
printf("Failed to logout\n");
I'm not exactly sure where the loginctl program is located for KDE, so I'll assume it's in the same location, so for KDE you would:
#include <stdlib.h>
char *user=getenv("USER");
if (execl("/usr/bin/loginctl", "/usr/bin/loginctl",
user, (char*) NULL) < 0)
printf("Failed to logout\n");
You can invoke any operating system command using c++ system() from stdlib.h.
int main(){
system("gnome-session-quit"); //logs out.
To my knowledge after the above code is executed in ubuntu, it logs out automatically after 60 seconds if there is any unsaved work.

Sleep() function windows 8 c++

I'm attempting to get the Sleep() function working on a Windows 8 operating system, with c++. So far I haven't found any examples specific to this.
Following from i've included the header <Synchapi.h>, though i get "Identifier "Sleep" is undefined". I am able to find the functions SleepConditionVariableCS() and SleepConditionVariableSRW() from Synchapi.h, but not Sleep().
Has anyone managed to use Sleep() on a Windows 8 operating system or know why I am unable to find the function?
You shouldn't be including Synchapi.h directly. Include Windows.h instead.
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
return 0;
Are you using C++11? If you are you can use:
#include <thread>
template< class Rep, class Period >
void sleep_for( const std::chrono::duration<Rep,Period>& sleep_duration );
The Sleep() function is only available for Desktop Apps. Are you building a formerly known as Metro app? Or an App Store app?
See this article for some work arounds:

QProcess Multiplatform command

I need to launch some script using QProcess.
For this, under windows, I use QProcess::execute("cmd [...]");.
However, this won't work if I go under some other OS such as Linux.
So, I was wondering if the best solution to make that code portable, would be to interfere with a mutliplatform scripting solution, such as TCL for exemple.
So I use : QProcess:execute("tclsh text.tcl"); and it works.
But, I got three questions concerning that problem. Because I'm not sure of what I've done.
Will execute() execute tclsh with the file test.tcl both under Windows and Linux wherever I execute it ? It seems to do so, but I want to be sure ! Is there any bad scenario that can happen ?
Is this a good solution ? I know lots of people have way more experience than I do, and I'd be grateful for anything I could learn !
Why not using std::system() ? Is it less portable ?
While this isn't a total answer, I can point out a few things.
In particular, tclsh is quite happy under Windows; it's a major supported platform. The main problem that could happen in practice is if you pass a filename with a space in it (this is distinctly more likely under Windows than on a Unix due to differences in community practice). However, the execute() as you have written it has no problems. Well, as long as tclsh is located on the PATH.
The other main option for integrating Tcl script execution with Qt is to link your program against the Tcl binary library and use that. Tcl's API is aimed at C, so it should be pretty simple to use from C++ (if a little clunky from a C++ perspective):
// This holds the description of the API
#include "tcl.h"
// Initialize the Tcl library; *call only once*
// Make an evaluation context
Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
// Execute a script loaded from a file (or whatever)
int resultCode = Tcl_Eval(interp, "source test.tcl");
// Check if an error happened and print the error if it did
if (resultCode == TCL_ERROR) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp)) << std::endl;
// Squelch the evaluation context
I'm not a particularly great C++ coder, but this should give the idea. I have no idea about QProcess::execute() vs std::system().
A weak point of your solution is that on windows you'll have to install tclsh. There is no tclsh on Solaris either. May be somewhere else.
Compared to std::system(), QProcess gives you more control and information about the process of executing your command. If all you need is just to execute script (without receiving the output, for example) - std::system() is a good choice.
What I've used in a similar situation:
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
mCommand = QString("cmd /C %1 %2").arg(command).arg(args);
mCommand = QString("bash %1 %2").arg(command).arg(args);

Problems with system() calls in Linux

I'm working on a init for an initramfs in C++ for Linux. This script is used to unlock the DM-Crypt w/ LUKS encrypted drive, and set the LVM drives to be available.
Since I don't want to have to reimplement the functionality of cryptsetup and gpg I am using system calls to call the executables. Using a system call to call gpg works fine if I have the system fully brought up already (I already have a bash script based initramfs that works fine in bringing it up, and I use grub to edit the command line to bring it up using the old initramfs). However, in the initramfs it never even acts like it gets called. Even commands like system("echo BLAH"); fail.
So, does anyone have any input?
Edit: So I figured out what was causing my errors. I have no clue as to why it would cause errors, but I found it.
In order to allow hotplugging, I needed to write /sbin/mdev to /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug...however I ended up switching around the parameters (on a function I wrote myself no less) so I was writing /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug to /sbin/mdev.
I have no clue as to why that would cause the problem, however it did.
Amardeep is right, system() on POSIX type systems runs the command through /bin/sh.
I doubt you actually have a legitimate need to invoke these programs you speak of through a Bourne shell. A good reason would be if you needed them to have the default set of environment variables, but since /etc/profile is probably also unavailable so early in the boot process, I don't see how that can be the case here.
Instead, use the standard fork()/exec() pattern:
int system_alternative(const char* pgm, char *const argv[])
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0) {
// We're the parent, so wait for child to finish
int status;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
return status;
else if (pid == 0) {
// We're the child, so run the specified program. Our exit status will
// be that of the child program unless the execv() syscall fails.
return execv(pgm, argv);
else {
// Something horrible happened, like system out of memory
return -1;
If you need to read stdout from the called process or send data to its stdin, you'll need to do some standard handle redirection via pipe() or dup2() in there.
You can learn all about this sort of thing in any good Unix programming book. I recommend Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by W. Richard Stevens. The second edition coauthored by Rago adds material to cover platforms that appeared since Stevens wrote the first edition, like Linux and OS X, but basics like this haven't changed since the original edition.
I believe the system() function executes your command in a shell. Is the shell executable mounted and available that early in your startup process? You might want to look into using fork() and execve().
EDIT: Be sure your cryptography tools are also on a mounted volume.
what do you have in initramfs ? You could do the following :
int main() {
return system("echo hello world");
And then strace it in an initscript like this :
strace -o myprog.log myprog
Look at the log once your system is booted

How to output to the console in C++/Windows

When using iostream in C++ on Linux, it displays the program output in the terminal, but in Windows, it just saves the output to a stdout.txt file. How can I, in Windows, make the output appear in the console?
Since you mentioned stdout.txt I google'd it to see what exactly would create a stdout.txt; normally, even with a Windows app, console output goes to the allocated console, or nowhere if one is not allocated.
So, assuming you are using SDL (which is the only thing that brought up stdout.txt), you should follow the advice here. Either freopen stdout and stderr with "CON", or do the other linker/compile workarounds there.
In case the link gets broken again, here is exactly what was referenced from libSDL:
How do I avoid creating stdout.txt and stderr.txt?
"I believe inside the Visual C++ project that comes with SDL there is a SDL_nostdio target > you can build which does what you want(TM)."
"If you define "NO_STDIO_REDIRECT" and recompile SDL, I think it will fix the problem." > > (Answer courtesy of Bill Kendrick)
For debugging in Visual Studio you can print to the debug console:
OutputDebugStringW(L"My output string.");
If you have a none-console Windows application, you can create a console with the AllocConsole function. Once created, you can write to it using the normal std::cout methods.
If you're using Visual Studio you need to modify the project property:
Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System -> SubSystem.
This should be set to: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
Also you should change your WinMain to be this signature:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
The AllocConsole Windows API function will create a console window for your application.
If you're using Visual Studio, it should work just fine!
Here's a code example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (int) {
cout << "This will print to the console!" << endl;
Make sure you chose a Win32 console application when creating a new project. Still you can redirect the output of your project to a file by using the console switch (>>). This will actually redirect the console pipe away from the stdout to your file. (for example, myprog.exe >> myfile.txt).
I wish I'm not mistaken!
Whether to use subsystem:console or subsystem:windows kind of depends on whether how you want to start your application:
If you use subsystem:console, then you get all of the stdout written to the terminal. The trouble is that if you start the application from the Start Menu/Desktop, you (by default) get a console appearing as well as the application window (which can look pretty ugly).
If you use subsystem:windows, you won't get stdout/stderr even if you run the application from a DOS window, Cygwin, or other terminal.
If you want the middle way which is to output to the terminal IF the application was started in a terminal, then follow the link that Luke provided in his solution (
For reference, I ran into this problem with an application that I want to run in either normal Windows mode or batch mode (that is, as part of a script) depending on command-line switches. The whole differentiation between console and Windows applications is a bit bizarre to Unix folks!
First off, what compiler or dev environment are you using? If Visual Studio, you need to make a console application project to get console output.
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
should work in any C++ console application.
Your application must be compiled as a Windows console application.
There is a good solution
if (AllocConsole() == 0)
// Handle error here. Use ::GetLastError() to get the error.
// Redirect CRT standard input, output and error handles to the console window.
FILE * pNewStdout = nullptr;
FILE * pNewStderr = nullptr;
FILE * pNewStdin = nullptr;
::freopen_s(&pNewStdout, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
::freopen_s(&pNewStderr, "CONOUT$", "w", stderr);
::freopen_s(&pNewStdin, "CONIN$", "r", stdin);
// Clear the error state for all of the C++ standard streams. Attempting to accessing the streams before they refer
// to a valid target causes the stream to enter an error state. Clearing the error state will fix this problem,
// which seems to occur in newer version of Visual Studio even when the console has not been read from or written
// to yet.
I assume you're using some version of Visual Studio? In windows, std::cout << "something"; should write something to a console window IF your program is setup in the project settings as a console program.
If using MinGW, add an option, -Wl,subsystem,console or -mconsole.
You don't necessarily need to make any changes to your code (nor to change the SUBSYSTEM type). If you wish, you also could simply pipe stdout and stderr to a console application (a Windows version of cat works well).