Using Boost on ubuntu - c++

I've heard a lot of good comments about Boost in the past and thought I would give it a try. So I downloaded all the required packages from the package manager in Ubuntu 9.04. Now I'm having trouble finding out how to actually use the darn libraries.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial on Boost that goes all the way from Hello World to Advanced Topics, and also covers how to compile programs using g++ on ubuntu?

Agreed; the boost website has good tutorials for the most part, broken down by sub-library.
As for compiling, a good 80% of the library implementation is defined in the header files, making compiling trivial. for example, if you wanted to use shared_ptr's, you'd just add
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
and compile as you normally would. No need to add library paths to your g++ command, or specify -llibboost. As long as the boost directory is in your include path, you're all set.
From the boost documentation:
The only libraries that need to be compiled and linked are the following:The only Boost libraries that must be built separately are:
Boost.Python (see the Boost.Python build documentation before building and installing it)
A few libraries have optional separately-compiled binaries:
Boost.DateTime has a binary component that is only needed if you're using its to_string/from_string or serialization features, or if you're targeting Visual C++ 6.x or Borland.
Boost.Graph also has a binary component that is only needed if you intend to parse GraphViz files.
Boost.Test can be used in “header-only” or “separately compiled” mode, although separate compilation is recommended for serious use.
So, if you're using one of the listed libraries, use the Getting Started guide to, well, get you started on compiling and linking to Boost.

The Boost website has some good tutorials, they are just kind of hidden.

The library documentation is a mixed bag. Some is good, but some is more of a reference than a guide. The best guide to (some of) the Boost libraries is the book Beyond the C++ Standard Library. At the very least, the introduction gives one paragraph descriptions of many of the libraries. From there, you can decide which library is most important for your current needs, and, if it's in the book, read the chapter on it, or read the documentation on the website.
If you read German, there's a good online guide. Google translate does a good enough job that a non-speaker like me can understand it.
Also, unless you have lots of experience with C++, I'd start with the simpler libraries (e.g. smart_ptr, tuple, conversion, tokenizer, regex, date_time, test), before trying the more complicated ones (bind, variant, any), or the really advanced ones (concepts, MPL, Fusion).

Using Easypeasy 1.1 (for netbooks) which is based upon Ubuntu I was able to use Synaptic Package Manager to install, I believe, libboost-dev. Then simply by adding:
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
I was able to replace the existing lines in an existing application (which has an Ask class which has nothing to do with boost):
for (std::vector<Ask*>::iterator ii=ui.begin(); ii!=ui.end(); ++ii)
std::cout << (*ii)->prompt() << (*ii)->answer() << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH (Ask* ii, ui)
std::cout << ii->prompt() << ii->answer() << std::endl;
As I understand it this is a header only feature. I have not used anything requiring link time changes yet.

I was just looking at that german boost guide, and found there was an english one as well (same book). It looks pretty good, have just read the introductory pages which are quite useful

The best tutorial I've read so far are those two books:
Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume I - Foundations
Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume II - Advanced Libraries

The libraries come with documentation and many of them have tutorials as part of the documentation. Just start reading.

Boost is not a programming language nor an application framework - because it's just a collection of libraries, there is no such thing as a Boost 'Hello World' program. Most libraries in Boost can be used more or less independently, and they vary in size from one function to massive libraries that could stand alone.
The best way to get to know Boost is simply to try and work it in as you write new code. Use smart_ptr whenever you can; use the MPL next time you want to do compile-time work. There's a lot of variety in Boost, but you should probably start looking at the Utility section; those are the lightest-weight and most commonly-used libraries.


Boost requirements in terms of C++ language version and Standard Library dependencies

After much research and digging into the Boost libraries documentation, I cannot find answers or high-level advice on the following questions:
Which are the requirements of Boost regarding the C++ language version? C++03? C++11? How can I now which version of Boost requires which version of the C++ language?
Does it depends on the specific library (most of the times, the .hpp file included).
Do I have to check manually (as a last resort) with all the libraries I may need and all the versions of Boost, from the latest and then moving backwards in case I need a less strict dependency?
Which are the dependencies with the C++ Standard Library?
I am evaluating the use of Boost on an embedded platform (MCU with limited and no virtual memory, no underlying OS).
I have GCC 4.8.1 with C++11 support.
We do not have a complete C++ Standard Library for this platform.
I was hoping to use Boost as a complement and substitute of the C++ Standard Library, hence my research on the topics asked above.
I appreciate the high quality of the Boost project documentation, however, I could not find any reference to the above topics in the official documentation. Maybe I have missed something.
P.S.: A gente introduction to the historically complex topic of C++ language versions, Standard Library and Boost libraries,
This lists some of the platforms boost is tested against.
Every release, boost mentions which platforms it has been tested against.
It is expected to work on more platforms than those listed, but there are no guarantees.
The support and evolution of a boost library in terms of supporting new c++ features is not tightly related to the other libraries. Since boost has been living mainly in a mono standard world (c++03), it was implied that it works in c++03. But as boost people tend to do stuff in a smart way, for the libraries who now support c++11 features, they either use some feature emulation system to keep it working on c++03 or they test for your configuration and if you can't use some advanced stuff then they just disable it.
So basically there is no language standard requirements, it works on all c++03/C++11/C++14 with different features sets.
For other requirements (namely parts of the STL) it directly depends on the libraries you want. The best way is to test. You might find a way to launch their unit test on your plateforme to see how much is working.
You might also want to check Boost Config which is the library that all others use to check for features.

Scanning files in C++ using its own standard libraries

I want to know, or get a clue how to search through a directory in C++ with its own standard libraries or to see if it is possible at all.
Currently I have found several solution to searching directory, but they all use some external libraries such as this SO question:
recursive folder scanning in c++
How should we approach this?
There is no filesystem facilities in the C++ standard. There is a technical specification for it which may be included in a future version of C++.
Until then, you will have to use platform specific functions or a library that wraps them. Apparently the new proposal is almost the same as boost's API, so I recommend using boost even if it's ubiquitousness wasn't good enough reason already.

C++ Crossplatform lightweight file, threading and processing library

I'm writing for sometime an wrapper library for my own programming language in C++.
Some of the most important intensions of my library is that it must be fast, easy, portable and lightweighted.
Currently it's depending on the Boost libraries. The problem with the boost libraries is that it's relatively large (file sizes). Also, it's depending on static libraries you have to build yourself. Compared to the prebuilt libraries coming with any native compiler (std), it's lacking on 2 out of the 4 intensions:
Easy - Users need to build boost itself
Lightweighted - Boost itself is about 100 MB
I was hoping for some advice, since currently I´m only using boost for purposes std doesn´t provide like threading, file searching and process creation (using unaccepted Boost.Process).
What is the best go for me, stay with boost, writing the libraries myself or maybe you guys know any other good librarie(s) which settle my needs?
Edit: This project is being developed with MinGW on Windows, for portability with other platforms (GCC).
Since the C++11 standard, C++ have threading built into the standard library.

Boost dependency for a C++ open source project?

Boost is meant to be the standard non-standard C++ library that every C++ user can use. Is it reasonable to assume it's available for an open source C++ project, or is it a large dependency too far?
Basically your question boils down to “is it reasonable to have [free library xyz] as a dependency for a C++ open source project.”
Now consider the following quote from Stroustrup and the answer is really a no-brainer:
Without a good library, most interesting tasks are hard to do in
C++; but given a good library, almost any task can be made easy
Assuming that this is correct (and in my experience, it is) then writing a reasonably-sized C++ project without dependencies is downright unreasonable.
Developing this argument further, the one C++ dependency (apart from system libraries) that can reasonably be expected on a (developer's) client system is the Boost libraries.
I know that they aren't but it's not an unreasonable presumption for a software to make.
If a software can't even rely on Boost, it can't rely on any library.
Take a look at Specifically the bcp utility would come in handy if you would like to embed your boost-dependencies into your project. An excerpt from the web site:
"The bcp utility is a tool for extracting subsets of Boost, it's useful for Boost authors who want to distribute their library separately from Boost, and for Boost users who want to distribute a subset of Boost with their application.bcp can also report on which parts of Boost your code is dependent on, and what licences are used by those dependencies."
Of course this could have some drawbacks - but at least you should be aware of the possibility to do so.
I used to be extremely wary of introducing dependencies to systems, but now I find that dependencies are not a big deal. Modern operating systems come with package managers that can often automatically resolve dependencies or, at least,make it very easy for administrators to install what is needed. For instance, Boost is available under Gentoo-Postage as dev-libs/boost and under FreeBSD ports as devel/boost.
Modern open source software builds a lot on other systems. In a recent study, by tracking the dependencies of the FreeBSD packages, we established that the 12,357 ports packages in our FreeBSD 4.11 system, had in total 21,135 library dependencies; i.e., they required a library, other than the 52 libraries that are part of the base system, in order to compile. The library dependencies comprised 688 different libraries, while the number of different external libraries used by a single project varied between 1 and 38, with a mode value of 2. Furthermore, 5,117 projects used at least one external library and 405 projects used 10 or more.
In the end the answer to your question will come from a cost versus benefit analysis. Is the benefit of re-using a mature, widely used, reviewed, and tested library like Boost and larger than the low and falling cost of a dependency? For any non-trivial use of Boost's facilities the answer is that you should go ahead and use Boost.
It depends. If you're using a header file only defined class template in Boost - then yes go ahead and use it because it doesn't suck in any Boost shared library, as all the code is generated at compile time with no external dependencies. Versioning problems are a pain for any shared c++ library, and Boost is not immune from this, so if you can avoid the problem altogether it's a good thing.
The benefits of using boost when writing C++ code that they significantly outweigh the extra complexity of distributing the open source code.
I work on Programmer's Notepad and the code takes a dependency on boost for test, smart pointers, and python integration. There have been a couple of complaints due to the requirement, but most will just get on with it if they want to work on the code. Taking the boost dependency was a decision I have never regretted.
To make the complexity slightly less for others, I include versioned pre-built libraries for boost python so that all they need to do is provide boost in their include directories.
KDE also depends on Boost.
However it mostly depends on your goals, and even more so on your target audience, rather than the scope of your project. for example TinyJSON (very small project), is almost 100% Boost, but thats fine because the API it provides is Boost-like and targeted at Boost programmers that need JSON bindings. However many other JSON libraries don't use Boost because they target other audiences.
On the other hand I can't use Boost at work, and I know lots of other developers (in their day jobs) are in the same boat. So I guess you could say if your Target is OpenSource, and a group that uses Boost, go ahead. If you target enterprise you might want to think it over and copy-paste just the necessary parts from Boost(and commit to their support) for your project to work.
Edit: The reason we can't use it at work is because our software has
to be portable to about 7 different
platforms and across 4 compilers. So
we can't use boost because it hasn't
been proven to be compatible with
all our targets, so the reason is a
technical one. (We're fine with the
OpenSource and Boost License part,
as we use Boost for other things at
I would say yes. Both Mandriva (Red Hat based) and Ubuntu (Debian based) have packages for the Boost libriaries.
I think the extensive functionality that Boost provides and, as you say, it is the standard non-standard C++ library justifies it as a dependency.
Unfortunately yes, for ubuntu they're readily available but for RHEL 4&5 I've almost always ended up making them from tarballs. They're great libraries, just really big... like using a rail spike when sometimes all you really need is a thumbtack.
It all depends on the way you're going to use Boost. As Diomidis said, if you're going to use some non-trivial facilities from Boost, just go ahead. Using libraries is not a crime.
Of course, there are many people who prefer not to use Boost, because introducing new dependencies has always some cons and extra worries, but in an open source project... in my opinion it's even alright to use them if you just want to learn them or improve your skills on them.

C++ std::tr2 for VS2005

Is Boost the only way for VS2005 users experience TR2? Also is there a idiot proof way of downloading only the TR2 related packages?
I was looking at the boost installer provided by BoostPro Consulting. If I select the options for all the threading options with all the packages for MSVC8 it requires 1.1GB. While I am not short of space, it seems ridiculous that a library needs over a gigabyte of space and it takes BPC a long time to catch up with the current release.
What packages do I need? I'm really only interested in those that comprise std::tr2 and can find that out by comparing those on offer to those in from the TR2 report and selecting those from the list but even then it isn't clear what is needed and the fact that it is a version behind annoys me.
I know from previous encounters with Boost (1.33.1) that self compiling is a miserable experience: A lot of time wasted to get it started and then a hoard of errors passes across your screen faster than you can read, so what you are left with is an uneasy feeling that something is broken but you don't quite know what.
I've never had these problems with any Apache library but that is another rant...
I believe you're actually referring to TR1, rather than TR2. The call for proposals for TR2 is open, but don't expect to see much movement until the new C++ standard is out. Also, although boost is a provider of an implementation of TR1, dinkumware and the GNU FSF are other providers - on VC2005 boost is probably the easiest way to access this functionality.
The libraries from boost which are likely to be of most importance are
smart pointer
type traits
regular expressions
The documentation for building boost has been gradually improving for the last few releases, the current getting started guide is quite detailed. smart pointer and bind, should work from header files, and IMO, these are the most useful elements of TR1.
Part of the beauty of Boost is that all code is in header files. They have to for template reasons. So probably downloading the code and including it in your project will work. There are some libraries in Boost that do need compiling, but as long as you don't need those...
The libraries I am most interested in from TR1/TR2 are threads and the related atomics.
Compiling the boost libraries for yourself is actually quite simple, if not that well documented. The documentation is in the jamroot file. Run bjam --help in the boost root directory for a detailed list of options. As an example I used the following command line to build my current set up with boost 1.36.0:
bjam --build-type=complete --toolset=msvc --build-dir=c:\boost\build install
It ran for about a half hour on my machine and put the resulting files into c:\boost